The New Girl

By Kathy202

476K 11.8K 4.8K

Allie is the popular girl who says and gets what she wants with the snap of her finger. She's the most beauti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
10 years later

Chapter 20

13.8K 341 75
By Kathy202

(Spencer's POV)

It's been two weeks since I've gone to school and one week since I've seen Allie. To keep from going to school, so I can avoid some people, I lied and told my parents that I wasn't feeling good and that I was sick and being their gullible selves they believed me.

I spent everyday laying in my bed either reading a book or watching tv and every now and then I,would get up to take showers and eat then go right back to bed. My friends would come by everyday to give me my homework and check on me. When they would try talking to me, I would ignore them until they gave up and left. I felt bad for doing that, but I wasn't in the mood to talk.

I wish Allie was here and I would feel much better. Wait what am I thinking? she's the reason I feel like crap. I know it may seem like I'm over exaggerating this, but ever since I met her she's turned my life upside down and made it confusing and exhausting. But you don't care cause you still like her. Shut up!

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock at the door and in came my parents, even though a part of me wished it were Allie, but I highly doubt she would show up.

"Hey princess, how are you feeling?"my dad asked.

Sitting up in my bed, "Fine I guess."

"Well since you haven't been feeling well these couple of weeks, you've ended up missing a lot of school days." My dad said rubbing his neck.

Fake coughing," I know and I will go back once I'm better."

My mom looked at me with a questioning look and raised eyebrow," You know it almost seems like your avoid school purposely?"

Looking away to avoid eye contact, "Why would I do that?"

My dad looked back and forth at me and mom, while she kept staring at me, searching for answers, "are you avoiding someone?" I froze, how'd she know.

"Uhh no." I said trying to not sound like I'm lying or suspicious, but my mom caught on and new I was hiding something.

"Is the reason you're supposedly sick, she said while making air quotes with her fingers, because you don't want to see a certain guy at your school."

My dads eyes got big, "If some boy hurt you then-"

"NO, no one hurt me and I'm not avoiding a boy."

"Then are you getting bullied?" My mom asked.

Getting frustrated,"No I'm not getting bullied, can we just drop the subject?"

"Not until we figure this out." My mom said crossing her arms and thinking and my dad did the same thing. At least they care what's wrong with me.

After a few seconds my moms eyes got big and a small smirk came to her face. "So if its not about a boy or being bullied..... Could it be about a girl at school?" Man she's good at guessing.

"Maybe." I said quietly looking down and playing with my hair.

"Is the reason you're avoiding her is because you like her." Ok is she reading my mind or something.

My eyes got big and so did my dads and I stopped what I was doing, I looked up trying not to look suspicious," eww no why would I like a girl?"

My mom took a small breath and walked over towards me and sat right by me," Honey, like I said before, we know when you're lying, so tell us the truth."

My dad walked over and sat by my mom, "Yeah you can tell us."

I took a deep breath and looked at my parents, well I guess it's now or never.
I took a few more breaths and finally said, "Mom you were right, I like girls especially this one."

They both sat there staring at me not saying anything.

I waved my hands in front of them, "mom dad are you ok?" Nothing.

Then out of nowhere my mom screams and smiles, while my dad was sitting there also smiling.

"So I'm guessing you're not upset i like a girl?"

They looked at each other then me, "no of course not."

"We think it's amazing you finally found someone you like whether its a boy or girl and besides, we love you no matter what." They both leaned over and gave me a hug and when they let go my moms smile turned into a questioned look. "If you like her, how come you're avoiding her?" The one question I was trying to avoid and they had to bring it up.

My dads face got a little angry "Did she hurt you?"

I paused for a second and responded, "no, not really."

They looked at me confused. "Ok, then whats wrong?"

Sighing and rubbing my eyes I told them what happened.

They sat there not really showing any emotion.

My dad spoke up," you like this girl, Allie, and she likes you,right? I looked at him confused and shook my head yes, and you said she skipped school to come here and check up on you to make sure you were ok and to apologize for what she did without causing a fight." I shook my head yes again still not knowing what he was getting at.

"What are getting at?" I asked.

"From everything you told me about her and how rude and minuplative she was back then and then changing all of a sudden ever since she met you must mean she must really care about you and likes you."

"What so are you saying I should give her another chance?"

My mom held my dads hand and smiled at him then looked at me,"No, what he's saying is nobody changes like that for just anyone, and giving her a second chance isn't up to us it's up to you if you want to or not."

I sat there a while thinking about what they said. Finally making up my mind I smiled and decided I would give Allie another chance. I looked up at my parents smiling and gave them a big hug," you're right, I'm gonna give her another chance."

They both smiled at me and gave me a hug, then got up from my bed.

"Thanks for the talk, I really needed it."

"Its our job to love and talk to you when you're in need of it."

Before they walked out the door, my mom stopped and looked at me," by the way, were gonna throw a little surprise for you for coming out." She walked out and shut the door.

I palmed my face and sighed. I then looked over and checked the time, it was 8:30 p.m. I decided to go to bed, knowing I was gonna have a long day tomorrow.


When I arrived at school the next morning, and started walking towards my locker, I heard someone yelling and then a big bang. It seems that everyone heard the same thing and started walking towards the ruckus and being my curious self I followed too. When I got there I noticed everyone in a circle cheering and yelling fight. I tried standing on my tip toes to see what was going on and who was fighting, but had no luck, so I squeezed my way passed everyone until I realized who was fighting.

I couldn't believe who it was. It was Allie and Ash.well they weren't fighting yet, but were about to. But still, why would people be cheering for them to fight and where are the teachers? I stood there watching them hoping they wouldn't fight.

They were talking to each other about something I couldn't hear because of all the yelling. Then Ash glanced my way, looked at me then smiled and turned towards Allie and smiled and said something. She looked my way and her eyes got big and looked back at Ash. He continued talking and I knew whatever he was saying was making Allie mad because once he was done and started smirking, she looked at me with a sorry expression then punched Ash in the face. It took him by surprised and he stumbled backwards, but the punch didn't seem to faze him, because he just smiled, wiped the blood of his lip and lunged towards Allie and swung at her. She quickly dodged it, then she punched him again, but this time in the stomach.

A part of me was glad she was winning, but I wished she didn't have to fight.

He bent over grabbing his stomach in pain and Allie took the chance and was fixing to land another hit, but Ash quickly stopped it by grabbing her fist. She was fixing to use her other fist but he grabbed it too. He then kicked her feet out from under her, making her fall on the ground, he then got on top of her and started punching her in the face over and over.

Everyone went quiet and I stood there covering my eyes. Allies friends were yelling and telling Ash to stop, but he ignored them. I looked up when I heard someone say enough and saw some guys step forward to break up the fight, but Allie held up her hand and told them no. Why wouldn't she want any help, she's getting pummeled.

Before Ash was fixing to land another hit Allie caught his fist, which took him by surprise, then with her other hand she wiggled free, she grabbed his area and started squeezing hard causing him to yell in pain and roll off, while holding himself. Allie then took the chance and got up and quickly jumped on top of him and started landing punches on him. She did that until a teacher stepped in and stopped them.

The teacher picked both them up and onto there feet and started yelling at them and then yelling and telling everyone else to get to class then drug them to the principles office.

I stood there still in shock about what just happened, but shook the thought out of my mind and headed to class.

I was still thinking about the look Allie gave me before punching Ash. I could tell in her eyes she didn't want to fight and that she was sorry, but Ash did something that pushed her over the top. I decided after first period I would check and see if she was in the nurses office, so I could talk to her even though she might not want to see me. But I'll take the chance.

Once the bell rang meaning first period was over I quickly grabbed my things and rushed down to the nurses, but was stopped by my friends Stormy and Blaire.

Blaire smiled at me,"Hey long time no see."

"Yeah it feels like forever since you've been at school." Stormy said.

I was feeling a little impatient, but kept my calm,"it has."

Blaire looked at me with concern ed eyes, "Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes I am." I said then started to walk away, but someone grabbed my shoulder and I turned around and saw it was Stormy who grabbed me looking down at the ground.

"Spenc, before you leave I just wanted to say that we're sorry about what happened, its just that we care about you and hate seeing you hurt. "

"Yeah I'm also sorry for causing a fight, even knowing that you were hurt." Blaire said rubbing her neck and looking at me with a sorry expression.

I sighed ," it's fine I forgive both of y'all."

Stormy looked at me,"Are you sure?"

I nodded my head yes.

They both smiled then gave me a hug.

"By the way, where are you going?" Blaire asked.

I looked down and messed with my
hair. "Oh we get it." They smiled then walked away.

I made my way to the nurses office and saw Allie on the bed, she didn't look that bad. There were a few cuts and bruises on her face but that was it.

I guess she noticed me standing there and looked at me. I opened my mouth fixing to say something, but nothing came out, so I quickly turned around and left. I did that everytime I went to see her and she found it amusing.

The last time I went to see her, I noticed she was gone. I stepped in the room and was quickly grabbed by someone. I noticed it was Allie, she shut the door and started slowly walking toward me. I slowly walked backwards until I hit a wall. I looked at her in the eyes and she looked back, man her eyes are so mesmerizing.

She then leaned towards me and whispered in my ears, "Now you can't leave."

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