Complicated | Jasper Hale [OL...

By Rainbow-Candy

555K 16.7K 3.4K

Being rewritten as a new story under the same name "Would you look at that? There's something over there that... More

Important Update
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
A/N new book


16.2K 424 118
By Rainbow-Candy


I sat with Charlie as he cleaned his gun. Bella was getting him something. I typed on my phone, texting my old friend from Arizona. We planned to, hopefully, meet up at some point. She agreed to come here because she wanted to experience Forks in all its glory. Note that that was sarcastic. The best bit about Forks is I have an excuse to stay inside on my laptop all day, which is great. 

"Hey, Charlie?" I spoke. He hummed in response. "Remember what I said the other night at the diner?" He hummed again. "I lied. I'm kind of dating someone?" It came out as more of a question because, to be honest, we'd never spoken about it. I mean, I liked him, a lot. I just didn't know if he liked me as much as I liked him. That happened a lot to me. I became easily attached. I like to pretend I don't but who am I kidding? I'm human, which means I feel and one of my major downfalls is that I feel too much, to some kind of inhuman level. 


"Jasper Hale," I muttered.

"He seems like a nice boy and I trust you." He paused. "But if he hurts you I know how to hide a body." I only laughed.

"Hey, I got you another one." Bella placing a beer in front of Charlie as she spoke. 

"Thanks," he replied. 

"Should you really be drinking as you clean a gun?" I questioned, eyeing his second beer.

"It's called being American," Charlie joked, sending me a smile. I held my hands up in surrender.

"I have a date with Edward Cullen," Bella blurted after a slight pause.

"Both of you?" I nodded. "He's a little old for you, isn't he?"

"Okay so Sky gets an 'I trust you' but I get that?" Bella asked. 

"Don't change the subject, Isabella Marie Swan," I scolded, jokingly. 

"He's a junior, I'm a junior," Bella spoke again, ignoring me. "I thought you liked the Cullens."

"I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town," Charlie retorted. 

"Edward doesn't live in town, technically." She looked down, shifting uncomfortably on the spot. She'd never had to do this before. After yet another pause she spoke. "They're right outside."

"I'm sorry what?" I exclaimed at the same time Charlie asked,

"They are?"

"Yeah, they wanted to meet you, officially," she explained.

"Sneaky bastard," I muttered.

"Alright." He pulled his gun upwards, the two separate parts now one. I jumped slightly, as well as Bella. "Bring 'em in."

"Could you be nice?" Bella begged. "He is important." Charlie began circling the top of his head as if to tell us there was a halo there. I chuckled before Charlie then glanced at me.

"Oh hell no, I am not getting involved. Those two brought whatever is going to happen to themselves," I said, my hands held up once again. "Wanting to meet you officially," I muttered, scoffing quietly. Bella then left to let the two in. Charlie stood too, ready to greet them.

"Chief Swan, I want to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward Cullen," he introduced. The two shook hands.

"Hi, Edward," Charlie spoke, his face unchanging.

"And I'm Jasper Hale," Jasper greeted. I smiled softly at him. Then they shook hands, again Charlie's face stayed in the same neutral expression.


I rolled my eyes at the obvious hostility that Charlie felt. 

"They won't be out too late tonight. They're just gonna play baseball with our family," Edward informed, making me snort. I quickly coughed, attempting to cover it up, although both vampires definitely heard it.

"Baseball?" Charlie's asked, disbelievingly.

"Yes sir, that's the plan," Jasper confirmed, nodding slightly. 

"You guys could have warned me, I would have worn that cute baseball jersey thing I have," I complained, sending a small glare towards the two.

"Bella's gonna play baseball? No wait, Sky's going to play baseball? As in actually physically run? Unless something's chasing her she won't run and she will never run in the boots she's wearing, so good luck with that," Charlie told. 

"Hey, that was one time I ran because something was chasing me." I frowned. 

"It was a man in a costume. I have to say though, I have never seen someone run so fast in five-inch heels," Bella voiced. I glared at her as she decided to bring up one of my (very) embarrassing moments. 

"It's a skill that took years to master," I replied, smirking.

"Wait a minute what about the geese and the-" Charlie began.

"Drink your beer," I cut off, grabbing the can and shoving it in his face.

"Wait, who said that I shouldn't be-"

"Yeah, and then I realized you have a bigger mouth than a truthful drunk after too many shots of vodka," I retorted.

"We'll take good care of them, I promise," Edward spoke, breaking up our miniature argument. Both Edward and Jasper began to walk out after Bella stepped away from Charlie. However, both Bella and I ended up behind the boys. Charlie stopped us.

"Hey, you still got that pepper spray?" He asked.

"Yeah, dad," Bella breathed out, very embarrassed because she knew they both could hear everything we said. Charlie turned to me.

"Pepper spray and that cute little cat eye gouge thing that you bought me ages ago. Chill, we'll be fine," I reassured.


"Since when do vampires like baseball?" Bella questioned as Edward put a hat on her. Jasper had asked if I wanted to wear one but I declined. 

"Well, it's the American pastime, and there's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play. You'll see why" he explained. I stood by my door, waiting for the pair to get in so Jasper and I could as well. 

"I'm English, so football is more our thing, although, I do not enjoy sweaty men running around pretending like it's the end of the world because someone tapped them. I especially don't enjoy people in the stadium yelling profanities at the players as if they're going to drop dead if their team doesn't win. It's all a big mystery to me as to why people enjoy it." I shrugged. "Then again people might wonder why I like Stranger Things so who am I to judge?"


"I'm glad you're both here, we need an umpire," Esme greeted, grabbing onto our arms gently and leading us to the side of the field.

"She thinks we cheat," Emmett told.

"I know you cheat," Esme replied. 

"This is you that we're talking about, in all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised," I joked. I then turned to Esme. "I know about as much about baseball as I do about heart surgery, so nothing. I think I'll just watch," I spoke. She nodded as I stepped back slightly, ready to watch the game.

"Call them as you see them, Bella," Esme instructed. 


"It's time," Alice spoke as thunder clapped.

"Is it just me or does that remind you of Freddy in Five Nights at Freddy's when the golden Freddy is popping up onto the screen," I spoke up, glancing around. Jasper and Emmett both chuckled and I think I saw Rosalie smile slightly.

Soon enough they began to play and it was Rosalie up first to bat. I smiled brightly at her and she returned it with a smaller smile. It was a smile still. I don't think she hated me, and if she did hate me, she didn't hate me as much as she hated Bella. The ball went hurdling towards Rosalie and she hit it with so much force a loud bang rung out, like thunder.

"Holy shit, that was dope," I exclaimed as she began running. Edward soon ran after the ball. 

"Okay, now I see why you need the thunder," Bella said, her face showing her amazement. "That's gonna be a home run, right?" Bella looked at Esme.

"Edward's very fast," she informed and sure enough the ball went into Esme's hands before Rosalie got to the last base. She crouched down, getting Rosalie out just as she skidded to a stop.

"You're out," Bella told her, gesturing as she spoke. If looks could kill she would have been dead and then dead again, Rosalie was glaring so hard.

"Out! Whoo," Emmett exclaimed. "Babe, come on! It's just a game." That didn't stop her death stare as she stood up.

"Nice, kid," Carlisle complimented. 

It was his turn to bat. He hit the ball, just like Rosalie, except both Edward and Emmett went to catch it mid-air, crashing into each other and falling to the ground. I flinched. I never did like seeing things like that, even if they didn't get hurt, the sound made it seem like they did. Of course, they ended up laughing on the ground because something like that wasn't going to do anything to them.

Next up was Jasper and I watched carefully. He glanced back at me, sending me a small smile. I returned it. I mouthed a 'good luck' to which he sent another smile my way. Alice threw the ball and another large bang sounded (again like thunder). This time Emmett managed to climb a tree and catch it, effortlessly. 

"My monkey man," Rosalie spoke, making me almost cringe. I didn't mind cute nicknames in a relationship but that just seemed weird.

Again Rosalie went to bat except this time Alice froze. I watched her carefully and knew she was having a vision.

"Stop," she yelled. Everyone turned to face her. Soon enough they had joined Bella, Esme and I where we stood. "They were leaving, then they heard us," she informed. 

"Let's go," Edward spoke, grabbing Bella as Jasper grabbed my arm, ready to lead me away.

"It's too late," Carlisle told.

"Get your hair down," Edward ordered Bella. I frowned, confused but by the looks on everybody's faces, it was bad. I had a hunch it had something to do with the vampires that killed Waylon and had the whole town scared.

"Like that would help. I could smell her from across the field," Rosalie sneered. She walked away from Bella, stopping near me.

"I shouldn't have brought you here, I'm so sorry," Jasper whispered. I frowned at him, showing my confusion. "Just be quiet and stand behind me," he instructed me, pushing me behind him. I did as I was told, seeing the three vampires coming towards us. Their footsteps were light and quick, like a predator's but I guess that is what they are, vampires. They're predators. Upon reaching us the one at the front spoke. The three vampires were all different. One was a female with strawberry blonde hair, wearing a fur coat, the other a man, his hair was blonde and pulled back into a ponytail, the last, the man at the front, was an African American man with long dreadlocks and an orange jacket that served no purpose as he wasn't wearing a shirt. 

"I believe this belongs to you," the man at the front spoke, holding up the baseball. He threw it at Carlisle who caught it no problem. 

"Thank you," Carlisle replied.

"I'm Laurent," the man at the front introduced. "And this is Victoria," he paused as the strawberry blonde nodded at us. "And James." The blonde one tilted his head as a greeting, something that made me want to cringe. Ir was creepy, to say the least. His eyes flickered over to me, although I didn't react, instead, I just stood there, trying my best to not give myself away, or Bella for that matter.

"I'm Carlisle, this is my family," Carlisle greeted.

"Hello," Laurent spoke.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle informed. I watched as James began to have a stare down with Edward, perhaps sensing his hostility and worry. I didn't react.

"Our apologies, we didn't realize the territory had been claimed," Laurent told us. 

"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby," Carlisle replied. 

"Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through," Laurent reassured.

"The humans were tracking us but we lead them east. You should be safe," Victoria, the woman, explained. 

"Excellent." Carlisle kept his stern expression, waiting for them to leave. 

"So could you use three more players?" Laurent questioned. He was met with silence as everyone looked to Carlisle, waiting for his reply. "Oh, come on. Just one game."

"Sure, why not? A few of us were leaving you can take their place. We'll bat first." Carlisle threw the ball towards Laurent but Victoria caught it, smirking at us.

"I'm the one with the wicked curve-ball," she bragged, her smirk still there. She didn't actually seem that bad, neither did Laurent. It was just James as he continued to stare at my sister as if he knew, knew she was human,  knew she was vulnerable, just like me. 

"Well, I think we can handle that," Jasper spoke, slight amusement evident in his voice. 

"We shall see," I heard Victoria mutter under her breath. I watched James who stayed where he was, as the other two moved away. I stayed near her as Rosalie stood by me, not wanting to leave me, I guess. She was confusing. He began to turn away until the wind blew. He sniffed the air, smelling Bella and maybe me. Of course, this happens to us. I almost rolled my eyes at the thought, and I would have if it weren't for the fact we were in danger.

"You brought snacks," he spoke, moving towards us.

"You're human?" Laurent questioned, the shock obvious in his voice. Everyone had crouched in front of us, ready to attack if need be. 

"The girls are with us," Carlisle began. "I think it best if you leave," Carlisle advised. I stood beside Bella, who appeared a lot more panicked than me. Her eyes were darting between the trio in front of us as she breathed heavily and there was no doubt in my mind that her heart was racing because mine was too. 

"I can see the game is over," Laurent spoke, holding his hands out in front of him as he backed away. "We'll go now." He continued backing away, but he was the only one. "James." The blonde man stood upright, walking away but not taking his eyes off of us. Soon Victoria joined him and the three sped off. 

"Get Bella and Sky out of here," Carlisle instructed. "Go."

Jasper led me away while Edward led Bella. He shoved her into the car while Jasper and I climbed into the back. I did my seatbelt up while Edward tried to help Bella. 

"Okay, I've got it! I've got it! I'm alright," she yelled, shoving him away. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself, already assuming the worst. Then a wave of calm hit me. I turned to Jasper, who grasped my hand. 

"What? Now he's coming after us?" Bella questioned.

We sped away, Edward not answering the question until we were further away from the

"Listen to me, James is a tracker. The hunt is his obsession. I read his mind. Our reaction at the field set him off. We just made this his most exciting game ever. He's never gonna stop," Edward explained. 

"What should we do?" Bella asked as I grasped Jasper's hand tighter. He gave mine a gentle squeeze. 

"We have to kill him. Rip him apart and burn the pieces," Edward told. Brutal.

"Where are we going?" Bella pressed. 

"Away from Forks. We'll get a ferry to Vancouver." I frowned.

"I think the fuck not. We're going home and we're going to make sure Charlie is safe okay?" I ordered, leaning forward. Jasper gently pulled me backwards.

"We have to go home, now! You have to take us home," Bella yelled. 

"You can't go home. He's just gonna trace your scent there. It's the first place he's gonna look," Edward explained. 

"But our dad is there," Bella argued.  

"It doesn't matter," Edward shouted, his eyes never leaving the road. 

"Yes, it does! He could get killed because of us," Bella replied, her volume matching his. 

"Just let me get you out of here first, alright?" Edward insisted. 

"It's our dad. We have to go back," she told. "We'll figure how to lead the tracker away somehow. I don't know. But we have to do something," she exclaimed.

"I have an idea," I spoke, their eyes flickering over to me. "But I don't think you're going to like it."


Bella began reenacting our plan, storming into the house, Edward close behind. I sighed, ready to enter the house. 

"Edward, I said leave me alone," Bella yelled.

"Bella, don't do this, please," Edward pleaded. 

"It's over, get out," she spat. I had to say, for someone who couldn't lie for her life, she was doing pretty well. She slammed the door. I took another deep breath, entering after her. 

"Bella, what's going on?" I heard Charlie ask as he followed her up the stairs. I followed too, slipping into my room to pack a bag. Jasper appeared inside, helping me. 

"It's going to be fine, Sky," Jasper soothed.

"Stop messing with my emotions," I muttered, ignoring him.

"I'm barely doing anything to them, you're hard to help," he replied, shoving the clothing into my bag. I rolled my eyes. "I'll see you in a minute," he whispered, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I exited my room, to hear the rest of Charlie and Bella's conversation. 

"Your mom is not even in Phoenix," Charlie told her. 

"She'll come home. I'll call her from the road," Bella replied. 

"You don't have to drive home right now. You can sleep on it. If you still feel like going in the morning, I'll take you to the airport," he persisted, trying to get her to stay.

"No, I want to drive, it will give more time to think. I mean, if I get really tired, I'll pull into a motel. I promise," she reassured. I followed them down the stairs, my footsteps quiet. 

"Look, Bella, I know I'm not that much fun to be around but I can change that. We can do more stuff together," he suggested. The tone of his voice, the desperation, it made my heart clench and a lump form in my throat. He was doing his best. 

"Like what? Like, watch baseball on the flat-screen?" She asked, rhetorically. "Eat at the dinner every night? Steak and Cobbler?" She continued. "Dad, that's you that's not me." She moved so that she was facing away from him, her hand on the door handle. 

"Bella, come on. I just got you back."

"Yeah, you know if I don't get out now, I'm just gonna be just stuck here like mom," she spat, before leaving and slamming the door shut behind her. I moved forward, placing a hand on Charlie's shoulder. 

"She doesn't mean that. She's angry. We say stuff we don't mean when we're not thinking straight," I comforted, hugging him. "I'll go with her, make sure she's safe." He nodded. I went to leave. 

"Please come back Sky," he begged. I turned to him and nodded. I quickly followed after Bella, slipping into the truck. "That was really bitchy Bella. You can't just throw that in his face. You could have gone about that in a kinder way"

"You don't get it, Skylar. You barely know him," she snapped.

"Yet I still showed him more human decency than you just did," I retorted. Bella went to say something but was interrupted by Edward landing on the side of the truck.

"Your Father's going to forgive you," Edward reassured her as he hung onto the truck. "Why don't you let me drive?" He slid in, making her slide over towards me as he took the wheel. 

"He won't," she told him. "You should have seen his face. I told him the same thing that my mom told him when she was leaving him," she explained. 

"He will forgive you," I spoke. "You're his daughter, he can't stay mad at you, trust me, I know," I comforted, not looking over at her. 

"It was the only way he'd let you go," Edward consoled. "Just don't worry about him now. He's safe. The tracker's following us."

There was a bang from behind us as someone landed in the back of the truck. I jumped slightly, gasping, as did Bella. 

"It's just Emmett," Edward informed. "Alice is in the car behind us." I looked around, watching people on the streets. We reached a restaurant, Angela, Mike, Jessica, Tyler, and Eric walking out, laughing to themselves. I had turned down their invitation, wanting to relax. Plans change, especially when your (maybe) boyfriend drags you to watch his family play baseball. 

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