Little Miss. Snape

By moonchild_crow

121K 3.3K 1.3K

Moving to a new country after finding out your parents aren't actually your parent, but your "Supposedly" cou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 44

1.5K 38 31
By moonchild_crow

As the end of the year snuck up, everyone focused on exams. There was still talk of Sirius, but it died down. Draco and I spent most of our time studing. We would read notes while we cooked or cleaned, then quizzed each other while we ate or when we were finished cleaning.

"I'm tired and my brain hurts," Draco moaned, one afternoon closing his book.Crabbe burst into the room.

"Malfoy! Malfoy! Its the day!" He exclaimed, running over to his blonde friend.

"What are you on-Its the day!" Draco shot up and pulled me off the bed.

"Draco! No, I need to study!"

He ignored me and kept pulling me out the door. I sighed and started walking willingly. We walked out of the castle and to the beginning of the stairs to Hagrid's. We passed a man sharpening a blade. Draco pulled me to his side closer when the man looked over at us. When we got to where we should be, there was another boy with binoculars.

"Hand them here."

The three boys peered around the side of a rune. I stared up and the sky while rocking on my heels.

"Malfoy look," Crabbe said.

"Come to watch the show?" I heard my boyfriend ask. I looked down to see the golden trio walking towards them.

"You lonesome evil cockroach," Hermione spat, pulling her wand out on Draco. I gasped as she backed him up against a rune with her wand against his throat.

"Hermione! Dont!" I cried, walking forward.

"You too Luna?" She said in disbelief.


"I thought you like Buckbeak?" Ron asked.

I nodded. "I do, but why-no. Draco, what did you do! What did Lucius do?"

"B-B-Buckbeak was put up for trial and my father spoke about my arm-"

"Of course he did. Really, Draco? You had to tell them. Did you ask for Buckbeak to put up for trial?"

Draco stared up at the sky with a scared look on his face.

"Hermione, he isn't worth it. Lower your wand, please," I whispered.

Hermione lowered her wand. She went to walk away but decided Draco needed to pay somehow. Granger whipped back around and punched him right in the nose. I gasped. Ron and Harry stepped back surprised. Draco groaned, holding his nose. He and his two goons ran off.

"Well done Mione." I clapped.

She looked over at me. "You're not mad I punched your boyfriend?"

I shrugged. "He deserved it."

The three laughed.

"We are heading to Hagrid's, care to join?" Harry asked.


The four of us started down towards Hagrid's. We knocked on his door. Hagrid opened the door and looked down at us shocked.

"What are you thr-four doing here?" He let us in.

"We came to support you. We want to be here when it happens," Harry spoke.

"You will do no such thing!" Hagrid boomed. "This isn't something you should see."

We tried to protest but he wasn't having it.

"Dumbledore is coming down to be with me. Great man he is. Oh, by the way, Ron look who I found." Hagrid turned around and grabbed something out of a container. Ron's rat.


The boy took the rat and held him close. There was another knock on the door. Hagrid ushered us out the back. We ran around and hid behind some pumpkins.

"We need to get out of here," Hermione said.

I pulled the three of them up and started running back to the castle. We turned around and peered down when we reached the top. We turned around to see Hagrid, Dumbledore, and the Minister go back inside. The man with the blade walked forward and let it drop. Crows flew away as the blade came down. I flinched, tears rushing to my eyes. Hermione turned and buried her head in Ron's neck. I rested my head on my brother's shoulder.

"Ouch! Scabbers. He bit me!" The ran started running. "Scabbers come back!" Ron ran after the animal.

"Ron!" Harry and Hermione exclaimed.

I sighed. "Idiot," I mumbled, as we ran after him. He jumped and grabbed the rat, falling to the ground. He turned around and gasped.

"H-H-harry! Careful! The grim!"

We whipped around. A black dog stood there. It growled before running at us. It dodged around me, missing my leg by an inch. It grabbed Ron's leg before dragging him back into a tree trunk. The two disappeared. Harry tried to save his friend but failed.

"H-Harry, you know what tree this is?" Hermione stuttered.

I looked up just as the branches started moving. A branch swooped down and hit me in the stomach. I flew back down the hole Ron was dragged into.

"Well, that is one way to get in here," I groaned.

I slowly rolled off of my back and stood up. Harry came sliding in with Hermione after him. The two landed a few feet from me. Hermione crashed on Harry.

"Sorry," She muttered.

I helped the two stand up. I looked around and spotted some stairs. Without warning or saying anything, I started walking towards them.

"Luna! What are you doing?" Harry whispered.

"Follow me." I pulled out my wand.

The two hesitantly followed me up the stairs.

"You guys don't think this is what I think it is?"

"A tree?" I sarcastically mumbled.

"The shrieking shack," Harry responded seriously.

"The what?"

The two didn't respond as we reached a door. I slowly walked in and saw Ron laying in the corner.

"It's him! He is an animagus. He is the dog!"

I looked at the blithering idiot confused before turning around. Harry and Hermione did also. Standing in front of us was Sirius Black. I pulled the two behind me.

"Stay back! I'm not afraid to attack!"

The man chuckled darkly before staring at me for a second.

"Well well, isn't it little Miss. Snape? How was it growing up with Snivelius? Hmm?" He boomed.

"H-h-how do you know who I am?"

"He was friends with them. With my father and our mother. He knows about everything I'm presuming," Harry whispered. Sirius started towards us.

"If you want to kill any of them, you will have to kill me!" I shouted.

"Only one will die tonight."

I stopped."Do you have to be so dramatic? And it's technically early evening." I sassed, sitting holding my wand up.

Everyone looked at me with a 'really' expression. Sirius's lips twitched like we was trying to hold back a smile. Harry pushed past me and attack Black. I watched with wide-eyes as the two wrestled. Sirius, being been in Azkaban for how ever many years, was weak. Harry knocked him to the ground with his hands around his neck.

"You gonna kill me, Harry?" Sirius laughed.

Someone ran into the room. Lupin. He pointed his wand at the two. The two looked up at him. Lupin nodded his head to the side, telling Harry to move. Was he really going to help us? Or was his loyalty to his friend going to shine through?

"Looks like the madness within finally came through?" Lupin walked closer to the escapee.

"You would know all about the madness within, Remus." The professor looked at the man with a blank face before smiling. He helped him up and the two hugged. Sirius mumbled something.

"Plot twist!" I yelled out. Everyone looked at me. "What? I'm trying to lighten the mood! I'm not good with these kinds of situations!"

"Let's do it! Let's kill him!" Sirius mumbled to Lupin.

"No! All of this time! I trusted you!" Hermione exclaimed. She walked forward before looking back at the three of us. "He's a werewolf! That's why he has been missing classes!"

"How long have you known?" Lupin asked, walking towards Hermione.

"Since Professor Snape assigned the essay."

"Well, you are the brightest witch of your age."

"Enough talk, Remus. Lets kill him!" Sirius spoke up

"Wait a minute, Sirius! Harry deserves to know the truth."


Drama queen much? He could give Draco a run for his money.

"Harry has the right to know why." Lupin handed his wand over to Sirius.

"I know why. He betrayed my parents. You're the reason they are dead."

Okay, what now? I looked at my brother in shock. When was this information uncovered and where was I? It would nice if someone could keep a bitch informed on family issues.

"No, that is not true. Someone did betray your parents, but it was someone who quite recently believed was dead."

"Who?" I asked.

"Peter Pettigrew! He is even in this room! Come out, come out Peter!" Sirius shouted about the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my father run up the stairs. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Expelliarmus." The wand flew out of Sirius' hand. "Vengeance is sweet. I hoped to be the one to catch you."

"Severus-" Lupin was cut off by my father pointing his wand at him.

"I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend sneak into the castle. Here is the proof!"

"Brilliant Snape. You always put your keen into penetrating mind to the task and as usual, comes to the wrong conclusion." Sirius walked forward. My father backed up and over towards me. "Now, If you'll excuse us. Remus and I have unfinished business to attend to." Snape jabbed his wand at Sirius' throat.

"Give me a reason," My father spat.

"Severus, don't be a fool," Lupin calmly stated.

"Yeah, why don't you go back and play with your chemistry set?" Sirius teased.

Harry grabbed my wand as the two bickered some more.

"After you," My father stepped to the side and motioned for us to leave.

Harry walked forward and pointed the wand. "Expelliarmus."

The spell backfired. It didn't just disarm my father. Nope, It knocked him back onto the bed. Not before he crashed through a pole holding up the canopy. It came crashing down.

"Harry, you just attacked a teacher!" Hermione exclaimed.

"More importantly! You attacked my father! With my wand!" I shouted, reaching out to take my wand from him. He dodged me, moving in closer to the teachers and Black.

"Tell me about Peter. I thought he was dead."

"I recently thought that too until you told me you saw him on the map."

"So, the map could've been wrong."

"The map is never wrong," Sirius impatiently proclaimed. "Pettigrew is alive and he is right there." The man pointed at Ron. I gasped.

"Me?" Ron pointing at himself.

"Not you! The rat."

I connected the dots. "Pettigrew was also an animagus. He turned into a rat. Ron, is there anything peculiar about him?" I thought out loud.

"He's missing a toe-"

"The only thing they could find of Peter was a finger," Harry whispered.

"And normal garden rats don't live as long as Scabber has!"

"You are smart, just like your mother," Sirius commented, looking at me.

"Well, I'm just stating facts." I shrugged.

"Prove it," Harry spoke firmly.

I walked up and grabbed the rat from Ron, pinching a nerve in his wrist so he would let go, handing Sirius the animal. Lupin handed him a wand and the two worked to turned the rat into a human. Of course, they had some trouble as Scabbers or who whoever that is, ran. They finally got him as he went through the wall. The rat turned into a man just when he ran through a hole. The two pulled him out into the room. I could see why his animagus was a rat. He sniffed like a rat before smiled. Some of his teeth were decayed. His fingernails discolored and long.

"Remus, Sirius. My old friends." He tried to distract them before running but they caught him. Peter looked around before spotting Harry.

"Harry, you look so much like your father. Like James." He walked forward. I pulled Harry behind me.

"And you, Luna. You look like you mother in so many ways and your father as well."

"Don't you dare speak to them about their parents." Sirius grabbed Pettigrew by the collar and threw him back. The small man ran around the piano that was located on the far side of the room.

"You gave Lily and James up to Voldemort," Remus exclaimed.

"I didn't mean too!" The man cried. "The dark lord. You have no idea what weapons he posses. He would have killed me-"

"That's low man. Thinking of yourself and not others?" I commented. The man looked at me before at Sirius.

"Sirius, what would you have done?"

"I would have died than betray my friends." The man ran underneath the table and towards the door. I jumped in front of him. He grabbed onto my shoulders and whispered in my ear.

"Think about your mother. Lily wouldn't have wanted me to be killed. She would show me mercy!"

I pushed him off of me. Lupin pulled him back.

"Don't you ever touch her or Harry!" Sirius proclaimed. Him and Lupin raised their wands. "If you weren't killed by Voldemort, you knew we would kill you. Together!"

"NO!" Harry shouted.

"Harry," Lupin sighed. "This man-"

"I know what he is. But we will take him to the castle." Harry started advancing.

"Bless you, boy. Bless you." Peter dropped to his knees. He reached for Harry but my brother stepped back.

"Get off! I said we would take him to the castle, but then the dementors can have him."

Sirius and Harry helped Ron up. I finally got my wand back from Harry, leading the way out, using my wand as a flashlight. I skipped as the three talked behind me.

"Sorry about your leg. I bet it twinges a bit."

"A bit! A bit! You almost tore my leg off."

I rolled my eyes. "You two and Draco are such drama queens," I called back.

"Please dont group me with Malfoy," Ron groaned.

"I was aiming for the rat. I usually have good control in dog form. A few times, James suggested I make the change permanent. I could live with the tail but the flees are terrible."

I climbed out of the tree and helped the three up before helping Hermione. They placed Ron down at the trunk. Sirius stumbled off as the three of us gathered around Ron.

"Harry, go on. We got Ron," Hermione whispered. Harry looked at us before walking over to Sirius.

"That's his godfather," Hermione informed me.

I looked at her. "What! When was all of this information revealed and why wasn't I informed?"

"When do we ever tell you anything?" Ron mumbled.

"Good point. But that's because it doesn't have to deal with me or my family. This does!"

"Doesn't matter now? You know!"

I glared at the Weasley.

"You know Ron, you will have to learn to get along with Luna and Draco. Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Professor Lupin said, emerging from the tree with Pettigrew. I whipped around to see my boyfriend running towards us.

"Luna!" He exclaimed.

Sirius and Harry turned around at the shout. I stood up.

"What are you doing here!"

He pulled me into a hug. "Im sorry! Im sorry! Im- Sirius Black?" Draco's eyes widened as he saw Sirius casually standing with Harry. The man simply waved. Draco waved back confused. He was holding me close, protectively.

"No, you are not Sirius Black, you are Draco Lucius Malfoy."

"What? Not the point, what is going on? Why is Potter standing normally next to Black?"

"Long story short," I pointed at Sirius, "Framed and innocent--" I turned to Peter. "Small man is guilty and was once Ron's pet rat. Oh and this tree leads to a room- FUCK, MY FATHER IS STILL IN THERE!" Draco didn't get to ask any more questions as Hermione pointed something out.

"Harry!" She pointed at the sky.

It was a full moon. I gulped and looked at Lupin, who slowly turned around. The moonlight shined down at the werewolf as his pupils widened, groaning.

"Remus, my old friend," Sirius ran to him, "Have you taken your potion yet tonight?"

The professor fell into his arms. Harry and Hermione pulled Ron to his feet as Sirius talked to Lupin. Remus dropped his wand and Peter picked it up.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted.

It was too late. Peter waved at us, smiling evilly as he turned back into a rat and ran. Draco held me as close as possible as we watched out professor turn into a werewolf. Once fully transformed, he threw Sirius aside.

"Wait, wait!" Hermione started approaching him.

"Granger, are you mad!" Draco whispered.

"Professor, Professor Lupin?"

The werewolf whined looking at her. He let out a howl as Hermione ran back to us. Ron pulled her to his side. We huddled close as the werewolf started towards us. My father appeared and grabbed Harry.

"There you are Potter!"

He didn't continue as he felt something behind him. When he turned around, his eyes widened. My father held his arms out protectively. Lupin raised his paw and swiped. We all fell to the ground. Scrambling back up, my father pulled us behind him. Before Lupin could do anything else, something jumped out and tackled him. Sirius. I hid my face in Draco's robe as the two fought. Sirius bit Lupin's arm before running off. Of course, the werewolf followed.

"Sirius!" Harry spoke, pushing past Snape and running after the two. I tried to run after him but my father stopped me. Hermione tried and Draco caught her arms.

"Let me go, Malfoy!"

"No! You can't run after them! Potter is being a complete idiot!"

I struggled against my father's grip. "Let me go after him! Please!" I whined, trying to run forward.

"Draco is right, Luna! You must stay here."

Everything turned into a blur after that. Ron took Hermione from Draco, so he could hold me. I cried into his neck, worried for my brother. My hearing blurred out as my anxiety took over my brain. Nothing was computing. Just worry and anxiousness. I had no recollection of being carried back to the castle.

"Hey, hey. Luna, Harry, and Sirius are both alright. We are going to the hospital wing right now." Draco whispered repeatedly into my ear until I made a signal I understood. I tightened my grip and wrapped my legs around Draco's waist. Once at the hospital wing, I was placed in a chair. Draco pulled away. I wiped my eyes. Harry was placed on the bed and Ron sat down on another bed across the way. Madame Pompfrey got to work. A few minutes later, Harry awoke.

"I saw her. I saw mum," He mumbled to me.

"What?" Dumbledore walked in.

"Nice to see you awake Harry." I tuned them out as thoughts raced through my head. He saw Lily, our mother? What? How?

"Hermione, you know what to do. Mr. Malfoy, may I speak to you out in the hall quickly?" Draco nodded and followed Dumbledore out.

"Luna, we have something to do. Come here." Hermione stood up and walked to the middle of the room. I followed confused. She put something around our necks. The room started spinning.


Once the room stopped spinning, I looked around.

"Where did-"

"No time! Where were you at 6:30?"

"Draco had just led me to watch-"

Hermione cut me off again by pulling me out of the room. We ran towards Hagrid's. We stopped just at the exit of the bridge. I looked out and saw Draco, Crabbe and the other boy. Then I looked more and saw me.

"What the fuck is going on!" I whispered.

Hermione quickly pulled me out a doorway so we were hidden as her and the other two approached.

"We went back in time. Dumbledore said we can save two innocent lives tonight. Sirius and who else?" She thought, as I watched the punching scene unfold.

"Damn, you got a good arm. Where did you learn to punch?" I asked.

"I watched you punch Pansy and Crabbe."

I looked at her, proudly. "I'm so proud." I wiped a fake tear.

Once the four of us walked down, we slowly followed. Hermione and I hid behind the pumpkins while our other selves went into the hut.

"Buckbeak! We can save Buckbeak!" I whispered.

Hermione smiled. "Perfect, but why aren't we leaving?" She looked down and saw a rock.

She threw it. It flew in the window and broke a vase. Hermione threw another and it hit Harry. That's when they noticed everyone walking down. As the four were ushered out, Hermione and I hid behind some trees. Once our past selves left, we slowly emerged. They already saw Buckbeak and knew that Hagrid didn't let him go, so we were safe to take him. I slowly started approaching the beast.

"Hey, remember me? Luna?" I unhooked the leash. "Come on buddy."

Buckbeak stood up. It was Hermione luring him with food for him to move. We got safe in the forest before everyone inside Hagrid's hut came out. The minister started freaking out. I stifled a laugh as we walked more into the forest.

"We should be inside the shrieking shack by now," Hermione said, as I set down Buckbeak's leash. I pet the beast as she thought.

"Now to save Sirius." Hermione grabbed my hand. We ran to the edge of the forest so we could see the tree.

"Look its Lupin!" She stated.

"Really? I thought it was Santa!"

"Now Snape's coming." She ignored me.

"Now we wait." I sat down, leaning against a tree. I watched Buckbeak try to catch birds as they flew past. I smiled, curling my feet in.

"What do you think Harry was talking about when he said he saw our mom?" I asked.

"Someone produced a patronus that saved him and Sirius from the dementors. Only a very powerful wizard could have produced it. He must have seen your mom when the dementors were attacking."

"Yeah, I don't think, I could handle her actually being here. Too much has happened tonight."

She smiled. "Your mom would have been so proud of you two. You don't let anyone get in your way of succeeding. Plus, you are very bright."

I smiled at her. "Thanks but I think you are smarter. For god sake, you are allowed to go back in time!"

Hermione looked over.

"Here we come."

We stood and watched the scene unfold.

"I wonder what Sirius is talking to Harry about," I pondered.

When Sirius led Lupin away, we started running. We got to a spot where we could see them. Harry appeared and threw a rock at the werewolf.

"bloody idiot!" I mumbled.


My head snapped towards the other girl. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Saving his butt! Aooo!"

"Hermione! It's going to come after us now-too late."

"I didn't think of that."

I grabbed her wrist as we started to run. Hermione pulled me behind a big tree. We stood flat against the rough bark, waiting for Lupin to leave. We rounded the tree, staying out of sight. But of course, we failed. We whipped around when Lupin growled. I pulled Hermione behind me. Lupin lunged at us but was stopped by Buckbeak. The beast scratched at him till he ran away.

"Poor Lupin. He isn't having the best of nights," I mumbled.

The wind started picking up and the temperature dropped. That could only mean on thing. Santa was coming...

Hermione and I looked up at the sky. Dementors were flying above.

"Sirius," I said, before pulling Hermione towards where they were flying. We stopped at an opening to see the dementors flying down and attacking Sirius and Harry. I closed my eyes tight, not wanting to watch.

"Come on, mom. If you really are here, please."


"She will come. Please, mom."

"No one is coming Luna. They're dying." I shook my head, opening my eyes. I ran forward. "Luna!"

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I shouted raising my wand.

A bright light burst from the end. I thought of Draco, my father, Harry, Devin and Lily, and all of my favorite moments. Happiness filled me to the brim as Hermione gasped. The dementors were blown away. I made eye contact with Harry just before he fainted. The light slowly returned to my wand as I lowered my arm. I ran back to Hermione. She stared at me in shock.

"Come on!"

We ran back to Buckbeak. I climbed on before helping her up. I sent Buckbeak into the air and directed him where to go.

"I get it now!" I shouted. "Harry didn't see mom. He saw me! I produced the patronus!" Hermione gripped tighter.

"That makes sense. I dont really like flying-AH!" She screamed as I sent Buckbeak down.

"Woohoo!" I screamed in delight. Complete opposites about flying, we are. I landed Buckbeak on the ledge outside of Sirius's cell. Hermione got off and blasted the gate open. Sirius ran out. I helped him climb on and then he helped Hermione.

"Go Buckbeak!" I shouted, sending the beast flying up. Sirius screamed happily, glad to be free. Hermione held tightly onto him while he just had his hands on my waist. I guided Buckbeak down towards the fountain and landed. We jumped off. Sirius led us around the corner.

"I will be forever grateful." Hermione and I smiled at him. "Is Harry alright?"

"Yes, he is fine. Just resting." Hermione answered. Sirius nodded and looked down at me.

"Hermione, do you mind giving Luna and I minute to talk?"

The girl nodded and walked back to the beast, waiting.

"I know I'm not your godfather or anything but I do hope we can see each other. To be honest, I was ecstatic when James told us Lily was pregnant, Snape's baby or not. I tried to convince him to think about letting him and Lily raise you but he wasn't having it. Now, I don't want you to hate him or anything. He was just hard headed and once he decided on something there was no changing his mind."

I smiled. "I hope we can see each other as well. You're cool. Maybe since you're Harry's godfather, you could be like my uncle or something?"

Sirius chuckled. "Sure. Uncle Sirius. May I say, you look like your mother. I know everyone says that to kids but you look so much like her. You have your fathers eyes though."

"Can I hug you?" I whispered. Sirius smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"I should be getting going," He said, after a few moments. I pulled away and nodded. We ran back over to Buckbeak. He climbed on and Hermione handed him the reins.

"You really are the brightest witch of your age." Hermione smiled and stepped back. "Also Luna, If that boyfriend of yours, Draco Malfoy, ever causes you trouble, just owl me and Ill take care of him."

I giggled. "Will do."

Sirius smiled at us one last time before flying off. We watched till he was a speck on the moon before running back to the hospital wing. Dumbledore was just closing the doors.

"He's safe. We did it."

"Did what?" He questioned. "Good night." I shook my head.

"I'm going back to my room. Tonight has been crazy." I waved goodbye before heading to my room. Draco was sitting worriedly on the couch. I walked in, rubbing my eyes. He shot up and ran over.

"What happened? Whats going on?" He fired questions out.

"Draco, Draco! Babe!"

He quieted down. "I'll tell you after I shower. I feel so dirty, I need to wash up then I'll tell you what happened tonight."

He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Take all of the time you need."

I smiled. I walked over and grabbed one of his shirts, shorts and a pair of underwear before shuffling over to the bathroom. I turned on the water and stripped. I felt so disgusting from running through the woods and the sweat. Mostly from when Pettigrew grabbed me. He betrayed my mother and got her killed. Then proceeded to run like a coward. I threw my dirty clothes into the hamper before climbing into the shower. The hot water soothed my muscles and washed the sweat off. I let the water run over my head for a few before washing up. I scrubbed where Pettigrew grabbed me till the skin was red. I got out and dried off, put on my underwear before slipping on Draco's shirt and shorts. I put my wet hair up into a bun, walking out. Draco was laying on the bed in sweats. I crawled up, laying on top of him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

"It feels good to lay down," I murmured.

He kissed my head. "Get some sleep, you can tell me what happened in the morning."


"Luna, sleep." He demanded.

I looked up at him. "What did I do to deserve you?" I reached up and kissed him. I brushed hair away from his face. "You are the best, Draco."

I placed one more feathery kiss on his lips before laying back down. I fell asleep to him stroking my hair, holding onto me tightly.

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