Sofia the First: Sofia's end...

By asherWilde_22

32.3K 553 57

(Warning! There are a few bad words in this story but I will not put any kind of dirty scenes for this is a c... More

The last wave
The endless woods
Return of the lost princess
All about that past
The magical Amulet
Please read!
The truth comes out
Oh My God!
The "Talk"
The tale of the age-less princess
The kingdom of Avalor
The kiss. Will it save her?
questions and answers
Happy birthday Sofia! πŸŽπŸŽ‰
The plan/party plan πŸ˜‰
A few announcements. PLEASE READ πŸ˜…
On leave
Birthday surprise πŸŽ‰πŸ’
New book description
THE BIG DAY πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’
New book!!
Should i make another one?

Prolong to new story

765 3 0
By asherWilde_22


All hope is lost.

My family gone, my dreams turn to nightmares, my meals become crumbs.

That's how my life has been since I can remember. And that's not a lot considering that I was taken from my family at the age of 10 and I don't even know how long it's been since I've been held captive. Two years? Three maybe? I really don't care since I know I'm never gonna be free again. Even if I run and succeed in escaping, I'll just end up in a pack like this one; beat me, attempt rape, force me to cook and clean for them, and if I don't do what I'm suppose to or I break a rule, I get the beating of a life time.

These beatings are actually what made my memories disappear. The only memory from my past that I still have is the time I got kidnapped.

All I remember was paying hide and seek with I guess some pack pups when I heard a weird noise behind me. I was hiding in the bushes in my kitten form far from our house so I figured that maybe it was a rabbit so I ignored it and continued to hide.

Yea I'm not a werewolf. I'm what most people call a kitten shifter. Or I guess a shifter for short. I turn into a little kitten instead of a wolf. It was not normal to be a kitten shifter but I didn't care and from what I could tell my family didn't mind. Master said that they hated me because of it but I don't believe him on that. I think my family really does miss me but if they really missed me that much, they would have found me by now.

Maybe they missed me but not enough to come to my rescue. I guess that's why they never came. Because I am what I am. I wouldn't come for me either. I'm worthless.

After a few more minutes, I heard it again and my curiosity got the better of me and I went to see what the noise was. I went a little to far because my pack was right near the abandoned road so I thought that maybe it was a human passing through.

After walking a bit more out, I saw a truck with five men with nets in their hands, staring at me! I tried to run and call for help but they captured me and injected me with sincerity that forced my body to shut down.

That's all I remember about my childhood. I don't remember my pack, my family, my friends, or even when my birthday is. Not that it matters; my master said that only people who matter deserve birthdays. And food, a bed, a tolet, clothes that aren't rags, and even a name.

Yea that's right, I forgot my own name. Normally amnesia won't go as far as names forgetting but apparently karma agrees with Master, I do not deserve one so I was forced to forget mine.

So for as long as I can remember, I have been living in the Halo pack, the name says it all. It's like that fucking Halo 4 video game with all the killing and shit. And the only reason I know about that is I was forced to clean my blood up while some men played that game once.

Yup, they beat me hard enough that I bled. It's fine. I'm use to it. And it's not like it's gonna change anytime soon.

'Please don't think like that! We will get out one day and we will find our family.' my kitten Isis said.

'Haven't heard from you in a while. How you hanging?'

'Ok, I guess. I'm getting weaker and weaker by the day but I'm hanging in there.'

Isis had always been with me, but every week they give me this weird shot that makes it to where she can't communicate with me. Every time she talks to me, I am required to tell Master. Once I didn't and a week later he found out I was talking to my kitten and he beat me and let me starve for a week.

'I'm ok. I wish you didn't have to get that shot again. I don't like being caged.'

'I know but we must tell Master or he will hurt us again. At least you don't feel pain after he gives me the shot. Just emotional pain.'

'I promise, one day our family will find us and save us. Till then, I guess we'll be separated a little bit longer.'

I sighed. That's what you said last time... I made my way from my area in the corner in the cells to the guards that block me from leaving during the day without Masters permission.

"Sir's. I ask to speak with Master. My kitten came back."

They looked at each other, paused for a few seconds, then unlocked the cells. I walked next to them into a big room down the hall from my cell.
When they opened the door, I stepped in and say on the chair that was in the middle of the room. I already knew the drill. My wolf resurfaces, I tell Master or a guard, they bring me to this room, give me the shot, then I'm passed out for two hours. And when I awake, I get back to work. Honestly, those two hours every week is the best sleep if my life.

Just like I remembered from last week, Master comes in and walks over to me.

"You did a very good job telling us when your kitten came back. You will get a small reward for following the rules. I will send you dinner after you complete all your chores."

"Thank you Master! That is very kind of you! Will you please wake me up so I do not over sleep again?" I froze. Shit! I wasn't suppose to ask that question! Last time he cut me in my sleep and it hurt like fuck!

Master smiled his kind but also kinda scary smile. Why is he smiling? He's usually mad when I ask that. "Yes of course. I shall wake you in exactly two hours." Suddenly, I felt the needle going into my neck and felt the weird liquid flowing through my blood.


When I finally woke up, my face hurt very badly. I painfully sat up to see Master standing by the cell door.

"Did you really think that you weren't going to be punished for walking that question again? You just can't seem to get it through your fat ass brain that you don't ask for me to do things for you. I Tell YOU to do things for me. Be happy that your not 21 yet or else I would have claimed you all to myself by now so you will always be mine and be forced to never talk back to me or disobey me."

At the age of 21 is when wolves who haven't found their mate give up all hope of ever finding them. It's the exact same for my kind. I don't think I ever knew about mates but from what Master says, they are not worth looking for. They use you then they throw you away.

I already knew what was coming but the second his first came into contact with my face, I had to hold in my cries. It was always like this. It would never stop. I could never be safe.

As he continued to punch me, I could feel my blood coming from my mouth. Since I'm a kitten shifter, even if I lose almost all my blood, I can't die unless I am stabbed with silver in the heart. Other places I'll just be really hurt and in a lot of pain, but the heart it'll kill me in two minutes at least. For werewolves, if they get stabbed anywhere with silver, they die in less than 5 minutes.

The hitting and kicking came to a stop after ten minutes and I was left crying in the ground.

"Be upstairs in 2 minutes to do your chores or else I'll do it all over again." With that Master left, leaving me to pick my body of the ground and trail back upstairs for another day of hell, praying quietly to the Moongodess that someday someone will fine and come rescue me.

How is it so far? You like it, please read it 😋

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