Cute Niall imagines

By horan_hannah

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Sweet Niall imagines :) More

Hey guys :(
Prank gone wrong
He's really sleepy
You prank him
He's shorter than you
Ice bucket challenge
Nightmares and Sickness
He's asleep when you come home
1K reads!
You both get mobbed
We love you liam!!
He does something good
Imagine for Peanut!
Disaster at home
Boat trip disaster
He's drunk
Its his birthday
Back from tour
Car Crash
Car Crash (Part two)
Car Crash (part 3)
NO WAY!!!!
Two sick babies
Silent treatment
He sleepwalks
Best night of my life
Scary movies
You're The One (royal series)
He's heartbroken
You're sick
Car Crash (part 4)
Sick peanut
Baking together
Birthday Disaster
Your Kid Gets Lost
Rescue Dog
Werewolves=Scared Narry
He finds you sleepwalking
Your son gets kidnapped
No pets allowed
How you first met
Strength powered by Love
Drunken Encounters
Meetiversary Present
Don't bully Niall
Some games aren't fun
Its the Niall Tour
Niam Horayne
Stuck in a Coma (part one)
Through the Dark (part 1)
When I'm not with you, I'm weaker (part one)
First Day Of Christmas
Second Day Of Christmas


285 14 8
By horan_hannah

I threw one of Niall's shirts into the laundry basket full of clean clothes before picking it up and making my way upstairs with the heavy load. I had no clue where Niall was but I knew he was in the house. I imagined he was probably wrapping some last few presents since it was nearly Christmas. Honestly he was like a kid with sugar rush he was that excited.
Taking the clothes out of the basket, I neatly folded them and placed them into their correct drawers. It took ten minutes but at least it was done.
I placed the empty basket in the bathroom before turning to walk out of the room. As I did, something dangling from the brown doorframe caught my eye.
I blinked. It definitely hadn't been there before, I was certain of it. I walked forward and hesitantly reached up, the tip of my finger lightly brushing the green leaves.
Footsteps padded across the landing towards the room. My arm dropped to the side again.
"Hey babe. Whatcha doing?" Niall asked, bouncing lightly on his feet, a happy, cute smile on his face.
"Oh,uh I was just putting some laundry away." My gazed flickered up to the mistletoe again.
Niall's head titled back as he too stared at the tiny plant. A smile formed on his pink lips.
"Mistletoe." He acknowledged, looking at my face again.
"Yeah." I answered, finally looking back at my boyfriend. A sparkle lit up his baby blue eyes which got a smile out of me.
"Did you put it there?" I asked.
"Me? No. Course not." Niall said.
"Well it wasn't there ten minutes ago." I frowned.
Niall shrugged casually. "Well rules are rules."
He took a quick step towards me, wrapped his arms around my back and kissed me softly. I closed my eyes, placed my hands on his shoulders and kissed him back. His lips were soft and tasted of chocolate. I smiled a little before pulling away.
Niall grinned at me and did a little salute before walking back downstairs, whistling to himself.
Strange boy.
"Princess! Are we putting up the tree now?" Niall called.
"Be right there love!" I called.
"Yeah, well, you need to hurry up because I'm stuck."
I rolled my eyes. "I'm coming."
I exited the kitchen where I had been stacking some dishes and entered the living room. There, was my idiotic lover lying on the floor completely tangled in Christmas lights.
"I'm literally done." I groaned at him.
Niall craned his head round. "Babyyyyy it hurts!"
"So does my brain! Ugh, stay still then." I sighed and knelt next to him.
It took a while but once he was finally free his arms tangled themselves around my neck and he hugged me, laughing heartily. I couldn't help but laugh back.
"You're too cute. Annoying yes but cute."
"So you love me?" Niall asked.
"Occasionally." I giggled.
"Christmas is an occasion so you love me now!" Niall cheered.
I rolled my eyes. "Don't push your luck."
We set about decorating the tree. Niall was smiling the entire time and I couldn't resist kissing his cheek every now and then.
"Told you that you love me." Niall sang.
"Oh hush or you won't be getting anymore."
"We'll see about that." Niall muttered, threading another bauble onto the half decorated tree.
I continued wrapping tinsel around the tree when Niall spoke up again five minutes later.
"Hey babe, there's no star." He frowned.
"What? But it was in the box, I'm sure of it!" I exclaimed, peering into the box. It was empty.
"Uhh, I think I left it upstairs or something. Will you get it babe?" Niall asked sweetly.
"Why can't you get it?" I complained.
"Because my knee is acting up again." Niall started pouting and shuffled over to me from where he was sitting on the floor. He hugged my legs tightly. "Pleaseeeee baby it hurts. I don't want to climb the stairs. I love you. I'll make you breakfast in the morning. I love you princess. Pleaseeeeee." Niall whined.
"Oh fine!" I snapped, annoyed at how adorable he looked. Niall smiled and kissed my cheek.
"Thanks princess. Love you princess." He grinned.
"Yeah yeah, whatever." I sighed, flouncing out of the room.
When I returned with the silver sparkling star, Niall was still on the floor humming quietly to himself. He smiled up at me when I entered.
"Thank you babe." He whispered.
I rolled my eyes. "The things I do for--what the heck is that?"
Dangling from one of the Christmas decorations near the top of the tree was another mistletoe plant. Niall turned his head to look.
"Mistletoe?" He guessed.
"No, duh. Was it in the box?"
"No! It's a plant isn't it? Look, it's not fake."
"But that doesn't make sense! Did you put it there?" I asked.
"Y/n I can't stand up remember? My knee hurts." Niall told me.
My eyes narrowed. "Something strange is going on."
Niall shrugged. "Help me stand up?"
I wrapped my arms around him and heaved him up. He staggered a little and leaned against me before limping towards the mistletoe.
"Cmon love, my lips are over here." Niall said.
"You're unbelievable. We've already kissed under the mistletoe." I said exasperated.
"Princess it doesn't matter. I hate breaking rules. It's just not right to ignore the mistletoe. I mean, come on!"
"Oh alright then." I planted my lips on Niall's and kissed him sweetly. Niall hummed and stroked my hair. He pulled away.
"I love you Y/n!" He giggled before skipping out of the room.
I smiled fondly at him. Honestly that boy was just too....
I thought he'd hurt his knee?
Throughout the rest of the day, I would strangely find more mistletoe and Niall would always show up thirty seconds after I found it. Then he'd insisted on "not breaking tradition" as he called it.
The kisses were sweet as per usual but I couldn't fathom why there was random mistletoe all over the place.
It was evening now and we'd just finished eating dinner. Niall had insisted on buying an Advent Calendar so while he was currently trying to open door number one, I started to clear the table.
"No! Don't touch them! I'm doing it." Niall spun round and took the dishes out of my arms.
"Baby it's fine--"
"Is it shit! You've done loads of hard work today. Here." Niall handed me the piece of chocolate from his calendar with a smile.
"Ni, I can't take your chocolate."
Niall dismissed me with a wave of his hand. "I have twenty four more and plus I love you and you need a treat so I'm going to make you tea and then do the dishwasher."
My heart fluttered. "Baby you're the sweetest. I love you so much." I kissed his cheek and ambled into the living room.
Niall brought me in a mug of tea a few minutes later. I smiled, grateful because I was freezing. It was snowing heavily outside and although it looked beautiful it was a nightmare in temperature.
"Cold love?" Niall's soft voice asked.
"Just a little. This tea will warm me up." I said.
Niall dragged the large, blue blanket that covered the back of our sofa towards me and covered my body with it. He tucked it around me making sure every inch of my body was covered by its softness.
"I love you." I murmured.
"I treasure you." Niall whispered.
"Stop that sentimental nonsense or I'll kick your ass if I start crying." I huffed.
Niall simply smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead before returning to the kitchen.
After drinking the warm sweet tea, I set my cup down on the floor, curled up in a warm sleepy ball under the blanket and fell asleep, grateful for my loveable boyfriend.
Half an hour later I woke up feeling cold wind battling to get at me through the blanket. I shivered, hugging the sheet closer to me, covering my face with it. But it was just too cold. I heard a dog barking in the distance and children shouting. Was the front door open?
Sitting up, I pushed my hair out of the way and kicked off the blanket. I stuffed my cold feet into my slippers and shuffled out of the room, wrapping the blanket around my shoulders to keep me warm.
The front door was open. Niall was there fixing something to the small shelter above the doorstep. I crept closer, my gaze directed upwards.
I swallowed a laugh and stood at the doorframe. Niall was on his tiptoes, fumbling with the stem of the mistletoe to attach it to something. He grumbled crossly as he struggled but soon managed to keep it there.
"Hiya babe." I smiled.
Niall jumped out of his skin and his shocked eyes fell upon me. His mouth was open. He looked terribly flustered.
"How long have you been standing there?" Niall asked nervously.
"Long enough to know it was you messing with the mistletoe all along. I knew it! You didn't really hurt your knee earlier did you? You just wanted me out of the room!"
Niall nodded sheepishly, the tip of his shoe drawing patterns in the snow. "Sorry."
"And a while ago, you didn't want me to do the dishwasher because you wanted to prepare the mistletoe. You didn't think I was overworked." I said triumphantly.
Niall's head immediately snapped up at that. "No Princess that part was true. You did do a lot of stuff today and I felt bad. I didn't do anything the whole day. I'm sorry babe."
I laughed, warmed by his words. "You're going to freeze out there."
Niall shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm done now anyway." He started to step indoors.
I placed my hand on his chest, stepping outside into the snow. Snowflakes gently cascaded down from the sky, landing on my hair and clothes. One landed on Niall's nose and I giggled before brushing it away.
"Like you said, rules are rules."
This time, I kissed him without warning. Niall was ecstatic and kissed me back humming softly. It lasted a little longer than previous kisses.
I pulled away. Niall's blue eyes were shining in the porch light.
"I thought surprise mistletoe was a fun idea. The look on your face when you saw it was beautiful and I wanted to kiss you even more. I want to kiss you all the time. I love you." Niall told me quietly.
"Maybe I should walk around with mistletoe stuck to my head." I laughed.
Niall lit up like Christmas lights. "Hey, that's a great idea! Maybe I'll do it next Christmas so you CAN kiss me like....every second of the day! Wow that would be amazing! Kisses from you every second! Maybe I could start now and--"
I cut him off with another kiss. "Babe what about eating?"
"Oh. Yeah I forgot about food. Oh well. Maybe not every second. Maybe I can pretend to kiss you. Like....maybe blow some kisses!"
"You're rambling babe." I laughed.
Niall smiled. "Sorry. Cmon let's go inside and watch movies and cuddle. I'm up for a cuddle. My lips are tired from kissing. I love you."
"You're literally saying I love you every time you finish a random sentence." I giggled.
"Well I do love you. More than the world." Niall cooed.
"I love you more Niall." I sighed softly, leaning against him.
"Awww my princess is tired! Cmon sweetheart." Niall led me back indoors.
Sitting on the sofa with mugs of hot chocolate twenty minutes later, I rested my head on Niall's shoulder and closed my eyes. It was then I felt something smooth and small brushing my cheek.
My eyes flew open and was met by....yep you guessed it. Mistletoe.
"One more darling? To seal the day yes?" Niall grinned, dangling it in my face.
I groaned. "Niall I will fall asleep kissing you."
"That's okay princess. I love you." Niall kissed me.
I closed my eyes and clumsily kissed him back. Niall was laughing at me but I just kept kissing him tiredly.
"Okay love you can stop. Night babe. I love you." Niall whispered, before I fell asleep in his arms.

It's late I'm so sorry! I fell asleep typing last night (I really did) but here it is and the next one will hopefully be up later today! Hannah xx

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