The Legend Family

By Hashtaglove_nine

1.5K 75 1

There are 10 family who live in one house....but they are so unique because they have some secret that no one... More

Intro 2
Intro 3
Intro 4
Intro 5
Intro 6
Intro 7
Intro 8
Intro 9
Intro 10
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 1

91 5 0
By Hashtaglove_nine

Author pov

What the ten girls are doing right now??

"mum!! Taehyung take my doll!!"Irene said while sobbing

"taehyung!! How many times mum have to tell u do not take ur big sister doll!!"taeyeon said with angry voice

"but mum,i want to play too..."taehyung said

"come on boy,do u want to play the girl doll?  Are u sure??! "taeyeon tease her son

"no!!! I mean want to play with her too, not play her doll"taehyung said

"okay...u can play with her but don't fight"taeyeon warning her son

"okay mum!!!"taehyung take her sister hand and pull her to a playing room

"girls,can u take care of my child. I want to rest, I am not feelling well today"taeyeon said

"okay!"girls sync

Taeyeon go to her room and lied down,in a minute she like want to throw up so she rush go to the toilet and throw up

"ugh...its so tiring...i think I wanna go to the hospital right now"taeyeon said

Taeyeon change her clothes to the comfortable dress and take her handbag. Taeyeon go to down stairs

"girls,i wanna go to the hospital. I am really tired"taeyeon said

"unnie,u have to take care of urself too."yoona said

"what make u not feeling well?"Jessica ask

"I always throw up,i never get rest..."taeyeon said

"I think u pregnant again taengoo"tiffany said

"are u sure??! "taeyeon said almost shout

"yah! Tae,dont make like u are first time. U know right the symptoms of the pregnant"sunny said

"yeah...i know....bye!!"taeyeon rush to her car

"noona! Where my mum going? "taehyung ask

"oh!  Ur mum going to hospital,i think u got a new sibling!!"sooyoung said

"yeayy!!! "taehyung cheer

In hospital~~

"hi can I want to meet with Dr.Lee?"taeyeon ask the nurse who take care of the counter

"do u make a appointment with he?"the nurse ask

"yes"taeyeon said

The nurse check the appointment of Dr. Lee

"oh! Ur Kim Taeyeon,right?"the nurse ask

"yes,i am"taeyeon said

"u can sit first,later I will call u"the nurse go to the Dr. Lee rooms

Taeyeon follow the nurse said, she sit on the chair. She waiting about 5 minute

5 minutes later,the nurse show up

"Kim Taeyeon"the nurse call her

"yes,i am"taeyeon answer the nurse polite

Taeyeon follow the nurse, they stop at Dr. Lee's room

The nurse knock the door and the nurse said" doctor,kim taeyeon is here"the doctor answer"come in"

Taeyeon go inside and greet with the Dr. Lee

"good afternoon doctor"greet taeyeon

"good afternoon taeyeon,please sit"greet Dr. Lee

Taeyeon sit and Dr Lee start to do his work

"taeyeon,what the problem now? "the Dr ask

"I got throw up anytime,and I am always carving some food"taeyeon said

"taeyeon-ah,why do u make u like a stupid person. U know right that symptoms"dr Lee said

"yes.. I know it"taeyeon said like a whisper

"taeyeon-ah that's mean u are pregnant!"Dr Lee said with a happy voice

"I know,i want to check how my baby right now. I am not stupid okay"taeyeon said holding her angry back

"ohh...sorry taeyeon-ah"dr Lee apologize to taeyeon

The doctor start to check up the baby in taeyeon tummy

"the baby it's fine,and now he is 3 weeks"dr Lee said

"tq,dr lee"taeyeon go outside and drive to her home

In house~~

"I am home!!"taeyeon greet

"oh!  How the baby? "Yuri ask

"it's fine and now the baby is 3 weeks right now"taeyeon said

"yeayy!!"yoona cheer like a kids

"what do u want to name the baby?"ask Krystal

"if the girl Kim Yewon if the boy Kim Tae Goo"taeyeon said

"wow! U such a good at name the people huh"hyoyeon said

"what a dinner today? "ask taeyeon

"what do u want,unnie?"yoona ask

"umm...i want some Korean food"taeyeon said

"okay, u can rest,i will cook today"yoona said

"gomawo,yoona-ah"taeyeon said while walk to up stairs

"ur welcome"yoona said

10 minutes later

"everyone!!! Dinner is done!! "yoona call everyone to eat the dinner

"wow! Noona, always best"hoseok said

"gomawo,hoseok-ah"yoona said

"unnie,can u working tomorrow? U know right our work is tough"seohyun said

"hmm...  I think-"taeyeon cut by Tiffany

"no!  U can't work,u have to rest. Tomorrow u absent"tiffany said like a bossy person

"ugh!  Fine"taeyeon said

They chit chat while eating and laughing also

And then they go to sleep

If u want to read it again,dont forget to vote and share

Thank you who read my book,i appreciate it so much


Sorry if it's boring to u, I try my best👍👍


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