Surprisingly Pure

By bellamysblxke

137K 3.8K 291

Hermione Granger has been living a lie. In the summer before her final year at Hogwarts the truth comes out a... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 - Surprise Guests
Chapter 2 - A Makeover of Epic Proportions
Chapter 3 - Draco & Malfoy Manor
Chapter 4 - Shopping & A Fight
Chaper 5 - Conversations
Chapter 6 - Dinner & Poker Night
Chapter 7 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 8 - The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 9 - The First Day
Chapter 10 - A Friend & An Unfair Fight
Chapter 11 - Pranks & Problems
Chapter 12 - Birthday & Detention
Chapter 13 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 14 - NEWTs & Graduation
Chapter 15 - A Garden & Two Tempers
Chapter 16 - A Party & A Connection
Chapter 17 - The Order Meeting
Chapter 18 - Dinner & Change
Chapter 19 - Job Training
Chapter 20 - High Drama at Malfoy Manor
Chapter 21 - Time Passes
Chapter 22 - Christmas Time Again
Chapter 23 - The End of Christmas Vacation
Chapter 24 - Breaking All the Rules
Chapter 25 - Back to Grimmauld Place
Chapter 26 - A New Room & A Fight
Chapter 27 - Potions & Cookies
Chapter 28 - Romance
Chapter 29 - The War
Epilogue - Slices of Life
Hi Everyone!

Chapter 30 - The Wedding

3.7K 95 2
By bellamysblxke

Brenna spent the next six weeks working furiously on her wedding plans. She was going to have as simple a wedding as Mother would allow in the Great Hall. She decided on classic black and white for colors. Severus was pleased with this choice. He was very helpful when it cam to wedding planning except that he snuck off to Hogsmeade every couple of days and was gone for the entire day. When he came back, he would answer no questions about where he had been or what he had done all day. He was quite lucky that Brenna was secure enough that she didn't assume he was cheating on her.

Draco quit his job at the Ministry and was busy putting together a band with some musician friends. He was a little bitter when Brenna said she wouldn't hire his band for the reception, but Albus booked them for the Halloween dance. Severus asked Draco to be his best man at the wedding. Brenna asked Ginny Weasley. Soon after, Draco and Ginny began disappearing with Severus into Hogsmeade, and none of them would tell her what was going on.

When Severus, Draco, and Ginny were all missing for the entire day right before the wedding, Brenna was livid. No one but her was here to see to all the last minute details, the decorating, and welcoming some of the guests. Even Mother had disappeared by lunch. After dinner Brenna settled herself in the living room of the quarters she shared with Severus to await his return. She wouldn't be sleeping there that night to make sure that they didn't see each other before the wedding. She loved him, but she had some questions that needed to be answered before they got married. Severus walked into the room around eight o'clock that evening looking quite tired.

"Where have you been? Do you even realize all the preparations that were going on here today? I had to do everything alone!" she railed. She'd sat and held her temper long enough. Severus just smiled at her.

"I was finishing your wedding present. Draco, Ginny, and your mother were helping me because it had to be finished today."

"What could possibly be taking this long, Severus?" she asked, grateful that he wasn't doing anything obviously bad.

"I'd like to show you tonight, if you'll come with me. There's a carriage out at the front entrance for us." Severus said. Part of the reason they worked well was that her temper didn't really seem to faze him at all.

Before she knew it, Brenna was sitting in one of Hogwarts' thestral-drawn carriages trundling off toward Hogsmeade. They passed through the main gates and into town, passing the major landmarks of Brenna's childhood. They stopped in front of a new building. It was clear from the layout in front that it was some kind of store, but there was no sign.

"So what do you think?" Severus asked.

"What am I looking at?" Brenna asked.

"I took the dowry money and I bought this building. I reconverted it into an empty store. I thought you could start your own apothecary. It would give you an outlet for your gardening, give you something to do while I'm away at school, and keep you close enough to Hogwarts that I can see you regularly." Severus said.

"That's a fabulous idea! Thank you." she responded.

"There's more." Severus said, climbing from the carriage and helping her down as well. He led her through a gate beside the building. There were nearly two acres of earth behind the building. There were two greenhouses off to one side of the yard. The rest had been blocked off into beds of tilled ground with stone pathways in between. "It will be easier to run a business when you're growing the product in the backyard."

They walked through the empty ground for a few minutes as Brenna soaked in what she had been given.

"This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever given me, Severus. Thank you," she said, a tear leaking from the corner of her eye. Severus pulled her into a tight hug. "This must have taken you forever to do."

"It was three days of hard work for Draco, Ginny, and myself." he said, "I have more to show you, but I don't want to make you cry."

"I'll try not to, but this is just incredible." Brenna said, wiping her eyes. Severus led her back out to the street and turned her so that she was facing with her back to the store looking down the street. He drew her attention to a stone house that was just on the other side of the garden gate from the store.

"Welcome home." he said, leaning down to whisper it in her ear. Brenna raised both hands to her face and gasped. She had a business to develop, a fabulous garden, and a gray stone cottage. No wonder he'd been disappearing for so long.

The inside of the house was finished. It was the perfect blend of herself and Severus. It was clean and simple, yet warm and welcoming. It was also a bit bigger than it originally appeared. Downstairs were two living areas, though one was more like a library with all the books it contained. This room was also their office area. There was a kitchen, a small dining room, and a bathroom. Upstairs was their master suite with large closet and bathroom. There were also three other bedrooms and two additional bathrooms. Brenna couldn't help but smile at the thought of her and Severus' children asleep in those rooms someday. There was an underground tunnel that connected the house and the basement of the store, which Severus had set up as his summer lab space. That meant she could change buildings in the front, through the garden, or underground. The amount of work Severus and her loved ones had put in was just amazing.

"I feel like such a horrible person now for being angry with you, Draco, and Ginny while you were out here doing all of this." she said.

"Don't be angry. I was doing all this out of love, and they came to help out of love." Severus said, coming up behind her.

"I love you, Severus Snape." she said, kissing him.

"I love you, Brenna Malfoy." he replied.

They rode back to Hogwarts cozied up in the back of the carriage. Once inside the castle they had to head to their separate sleeping rooms. This would be the first night they'd spent apart since the battle. Severus returned to his chambers while Brenna headed to the Gryffindor Tower to stay with Ginny and the rest of the Weasley's.

Brenna walked up the stairs to the House where she lived for 6 years. It felt odd, like wearing someone else's shoes. The route was familiar, but she felt as though the year she spent as a Slytherin meant as much or more than her six years as the brains of the 'Golden Trio.' Still, she was thrilled with her life. She had a wonderful and supportive mother and brother, a hobby that would soon become her job, and tomorrow she'd be marrying the most wonderful wizard in all of Europe.

She entered the common room with these happy thoughts in her head. She walked straight up to Ginny in a room crowded with Weasley's and gave her a big hug.

"Thank you," she said simply. Ginny chuckled.

"I take it he showed you then?" she asked.

"Yes, and it's the most fabulous thing anyone has ever done for me. You helped him, so I thank you too." she said.

"What's going on girls?" Molly asked. She was seated in a chair surrounded by her knitting. It was then that Brenna looked around to find Harry and all the Weasley's staring at them. Harry & Ron had even interrupted a game of chess. Arthur was watching them over the top of his book. Fred & George were standing mischeviously to the side of the room. Percy had stopped mid-paper sorting, a stack still levitating.

"The professor just gave Brenna her wedding present. It's huge, and I helped him. She was just thanking me for helping him." Ginny said.

"Well, what was it, dear?" Molly asked.

"A life. He made me a life." Brenna said. She started crying again. Molly moved to hug her and looked at Ginny for answers.

"Well, there's a house in Hogsmeade. He bought it, and we've fixed it up and furnished it. Beside the house is a storefront where Brenna can sell the plants she grows in her garden, which is behind it all. He's been working on it for weeks, even with Draco and I helping. It's really quite impressive." Ginny explained.

"It's.... the most wonderful thing." Brenna said in Molly's shoulder.

"It is, dear, but you've got to stop crying. We don't want you all puffy for tomorrow, now. Why don't you wash your face and try to get some sleep. It's been a very busy day today, and you've got another busy day tomorrow. Ginny will go upstairs with you." Molly said. Dolce wound himself around her legs. Brenna nodded, scooped up her cat, and began to walk upstairs. She dropped Dolce off in her room before heading to the common bathroom to ready for bed.

Ginny was brushing her teeth when Brenna came in.

"Ginny, I know we decided to all take separate dorm rooms since we were able, but I really don't feel like being alone tonight. Would you stay with me?" she asked. It would be weird to sleep without someone next to her in bed, but she could at least have the sounds of someone else sleeping in the room.

"Sure, Brenna. I'll just gather my stuff and head to your room." Ginny said after she spat and rinsed. Brenna smiled and began her own nightly routine.

Brenna barely slept at all the night before her wedding, not that she really expected to. She was a bundle of nervous energy. It was quite good that she'd asked Ginny to stay with her. Knowing that she needed to stay quiet so that Ginny could sleep kept Brenna in bed and relaxed enough that she did nap a little. She would have been up and fretting all night rather than lying quietly in bed listening to Ginny breathing.

When she could see the sun peeking over the Forbidden Forest, Brenna consented defeat. There would be no more sleeping until she was a married woman. Brenna rose from her bed and quietly padded back to the bathroom.

A long, hot shower later and Brenna felt much more awake. She was getting married today! By dinner that night she'd be Mrs. Severus Snape. The thought was thrilling that they would finally be married after all this time. She climbed out of the shower and dressed in the clothes she had brought along- one of Severus' white button-up shirts and a pair of gym shorts. She couldn't wear anything that had to be pulled over her head to take it off, and wearing Severus' shirt made her feel closer to him. She knew he wouldn't mind, as he liked it when she would prance around his rooms on the occasional morning wearing nothing but the shirt he wore the day before.

She brushed her hair carefully and walked downstairs. Since she was confined to the tower until the wedding, the house elves had delivered a breakfast buffet to the common room. Molly, Arthur, and Percy Weasley were already awake and munching on various breakfast items. Brenna fixed herself a plate and sat down.

"Your special day has finally arrived. Are you excited?" Molly asked.

"Yes, it seems like Severus and I have been together for so long. It will be nice to be married after all this time." Brenna said.

"I suppose it is a bit unusual for couples to court for three years. Arthur and I courted for almost a year. I can't even imagine the agony you're going through not being married."

"I wouldn't exactly call it agony. Technically, Severus and I threw all of the original terms of the contract out the window, aside from waiting at least two years. We've had a lot of time to become very comfortable with each other. I don't think marriage will even be that much of an adjustment from how we've lived the past few months." Brenna said.

"It probably won't be, at least for the first few weeks. By then he'll be teaching again and you'll be hard at word establishing your gardens." Molly said.

"I don't figure I'll be able to do much for a few months in the gardens. I'll just try to get some things growing in the greenhouses. It will soon be far too cold for plants in the ground. Even the heartier plants that will grow in the winter won't survive without all summer to put down roots." Brenna said.

"What do you suppose you'll do then?" Molly asked.

"I figure I'll take a while to learn how to manage a house, and I've got to learn how to run a business. Maybe I'll take a class or something." Brenna replied. "By March it will be time to start planting bulbs and getting the ground ready for large scale planting in the early spring. Hopefully I could have an apothecary up and running successfully in a year."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, especially if you keep the things that Severus' students use in Potions kits in stock. It's about time Hogsmeade had an apothecary. The students shouldn't have to send off to London every time they need something." Molly said.

"Have you considered selling potions out of the store as well? A lot of people, despite schooling, are not able to competently brew basic potions on their own. There might be a good market for basic medicinal potions, cleaning potions, and the like. I haven't heard of any apothecaries doing that end of the business as well, so it might give you a leg up." Percy said.

"I think I'll leave potions brewing questions to the expert. I'm a competent brewer, but I don't know if I can manage a store, keep up with such a large garden and brew potions all at the same time." Brenna smiled.

"That might be wise." Arthur said.

"And have you thought about children? It would be difficult to even manage the garden and the store with little ones underfoot." Molly said.

"I know that if we have children at all it won't be for a few years yet. We're not ready for that. We don't even know for sure if we want to have children. I would feel badly for them with Severus away so much being here, and neither one of us is sure if we even want children." Brenna explained.

"There's my sister, the beautiful, blushing bride!" Draco called, climbing through the portrait hole.

"Hi Draco." she said in return greeting. They hugged each other tightly.

"I can't believe you're getting married today. You're going to make me a brother-in-law." he said. "Today is going to become that day that you badger Severus about because he doesn't remember the date."

"I'm sorry, have you met my fiancé? He doesn't forget anything, ever. Sometimes I wish he would just forget one little detail so I'd know he's human." Brenna laughed.

"Well perhaps you'll get your wish some day. Anyway, I just came to say hi and warn you that Mother is on her way. She's intent on helping you with every little thing. If you should need me, I'll be down in my future brother-in-law's quarters sipping brandy and making sure he doesn't pace a hole in the rug. You can have one of the Weasley's floo and I'll be right up." Draco said. He kissed the top of her head and scurried out.

Downstairs the men were gathering in Severus' quarters, relaxing before the wedding. Draco sat comfortably on one end of the couch, sipping on a scotch and water. Remus Lupin sat across the room with a cup of tea. Severus busied himself with small tasks around the room, unable to stay seated for more than a few minutes. Albus Dumbledore's sparkling blue eyes followed the wizard on his sixth trek across the room.

"Severus, you should sit. You're going to worry yourself to death." Albus said.

"Truly, Brenna is more calm than you are right now. Sit down." Draco smiled. A part of him was glad to see that Severus Snape was not so unflappable as he seemed.

"She's well this morning?" Severus asked.

"Yes, I don't think she got a lot of sleep last night, but she's happy, gorgeous, excited, and much less nervous looking than you." Draco explained.

"Honestly Severus, you're not getting married for another 5 hours. Calm down." Remus said. Since Lupin's return to Hogwarts as a professor, he and Severus had struck up an odd but friendly relationship.

The afternoon was spent with various members of the wedding party checking on all the details and reporting back to Brenna or Severus, who remained sequestered. A couple of hours before the wedding the women descended on Gryffindor Tower will dressing Brenna as their sole purpose. Narcissa Malfoy, Molly and Ginny Weasley were the driving forces. They fixed Brenna's hair into waves of tight spiral curls arranged artfully to hold her veil. They applied her makeup, though she didn't need to wear much. They helped her put on her dress, jewelry, and her shoes. Severus' wedding preparations were quite the opposite. He dismissed everyone from his quarters and dressed alone, reflecting in the silence.

Finally everyone took his or her place in the Great Hall for the ceremony.

Before long Hogwarts was the main event again, though at least this time there would be no deaths. It was three weeks before school was due to start again, and Professor Severus Snape was about to marry Brenna Malfoy.

The ceremony was brief and simple. Severus and Draco stood at the front of the room in black dress robes. Ginny wore a T-length black dress with white embellishments on the bottom 6 inches. Brenna looked stunning in her wedding gown. It was sleeveless and white with a black sash around her waist and black roses rising up from the hemline. . Brenna had seen other Wizarding weddings and wasn't impressed with the frivolous things brides tended to want in their wedding. Her wedding was taken from the same script they use for group weddings conducted at the Ministry and edited for just one couple. Severus rather liked the efficiency of it all. He didn't care for standing in front of the crowd, even if it was to pledge his love for Brenna. He would pledge his love to her every day that they were married, in ways no one else would notice.

There were about one hundred guests, Order members, teachers at Hogwarts, and friends. Most of the Malfoy family friends were in Azkaban, standing trial, or in hiding, and Severus didn't have any living family besides the other Hogswarts professors. Narcissa hadn't liked the small number at first, not until Brenna convinced her that having a smaller number of guests made the event more exclusive. Narcissa liked exclusivity.

He would pledge his love to her every day that they were married, in ways no one else would notice.

A few hours later Severus and Brenna were ready to sneak away from the reception in the room of requirement. They were nearly giddy with happiness, but they had both tired of being surrounded by people.

"We don't leave for our honeymoon until tomorrow, so where would you like to spend our first night as a married couple?" Severus asked her quietly.

"I'd like nothing more than to go to our new cottage and pretend we've been married for years already." Brenna replied, smiling at him.

"Then we shall be off." Severus said, leading her quietly from the room. They snuck to the front doors and walked off down the path to Hogsmeade. Brenna would reflect later that her first walk home as a married witch was one of her favorite moments early in her marriage. They held hands loosely as they strolled down the path, occasionally stopping to share a kiss. They were still wearing their wedding attire yet walking nonchalantly through a sleepy town. People were still about, but no one bothered the happy couple. They were oblivious to the sounds of the street anyway.

Finally they stood at the front gate of their cottage. Severus opened the gate and scooped his new bride into his arms before carrying her up the walk. Brenna giggled and curled into his body. She leaned out to open the front door of their home. Severus set her on her feet again just a little way inside the door.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Snape." he said, his face just inches from hers.

"Welcome home, Professor Snape." she replied before stretching upward to kiss him.

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