Lost Voice

By wedielikewwx

6.5K 142 17

Maka was homeschooled by her mother when she travelled with her because her father and mother divorced. It's... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

1.4K 26 0
By wedielikewwx

The sun shined down on me as I made my way up the stair case. I was so excited to be back in Death City and to see Black Star again even if I saw him during the summer when I was in Japan. I spent five years in Japan then five years here in America then my parents divorced. My mom brought me to travel with her, we went back to Japan, then China, Hawaii, parts of Europe and even Canada, now that was fun. I'm sixteen now and a tenth grader at Shibusen Academy.

I looked up at the big school, my god are there a lot of stairs in there too? I hope not... how many floors does this school have anyway? I can't really tell. I sighed and looked around, Black Star said he will wait for me, I wonder where he is? Then in a matter of seconds I hear a big BOOM, my head snaps upward to see a boy with spiky blue hair and a girl around my age calling out for him to get down.

I walked up to the young girl, she had black hair that was tied up in a high pony tail that went all the way down her back. She wore a tan dress with tan boots; I can feel jealousy rising up in me seeing her body. Me, I'm just a B-cup but her I guess no. I tapped her on the shoulder and ask her what she was doing. She turned away from the idiot and looked at me with a surprised look.

"Are you Maka?" She asked, I smiled big.

"Yup, I can see you're trying to get Black Star down."

"Yeah, he says he doesn't want to come down until he sees you."

I looked up at Black Star, he must of not been up there when I was climbing the stairs.

"My name is Tsubaki by the way" Said the Japanese looking girl as she extended her hand to me. I gladly accepted it.

"My name is Maka Albarn." She gave me a soft smile which made me smile too.


Black star looked at me then back to the street then at me, with a shrug he jumped off one of the spikes that was connected to the building. My jaw dropped, is he asking to be killed! He landed on the ground so hard it echoed. Right when I was about to say if he was okay, I was tackled to the ground by Black Star.


I blinked twice, what just happen? I looked up from the unconscious Black Star to see a girl with long dirty blond hair that went to her waist. She gave me a smile and put down the object she uses to knock out Black Star.

"So, I'm guessing your Maka, am I right?" said the blond.

"Yeah, that's me." I said with a smile, Tsubaki smiled as she helped me up from the ground.

"HEHEHE LIZ, LOOK AT THE SLEEPING MONKEY, CAN WE KEEP HIM?" I sweat dropped, is she for real? I looked at the girl who looked a lot like Liz, which I believe is her name. I guess they're sisters. "Patty, why on earth would you want Black Star as a pet?" said Liz.

"Um" I started out. Liz looked at me.

"OH, I'm sorry my name is Liz and that's Patty."

Yeah I kind got that already but I smiled and nodded. Watching Liz looking me up and down was starting to make me feel insecure.

"Why on earth would you wear that?" asked Liz, pointing to my outfit with a face.

Excuse me? Is she really insulting my clothing? I look at my outfit. I wore a school uniform; plaid red skirt, white shirt, green tie with stripes also a sweater vest.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I said a little annoyed.

"EVERYTHING" said Liz.

I sighed, but before I knew what was happening, my tie came off with the sweater vest.

"There, that looks better!" Liz says.

"Thank you, I guess" I said with a face.

"Hey, what did I miss? Black Star said on the ground. "Nothing Black Star, can we go in now I really want to see the school."

"Maka is right if we don't hurry up we will all be late," said Tsubaki.

Liz sighed, "Really I just got here, I don't really want to go to school, lets skip and go shopping instead!"

WHAT DID SHE SAY? "HELL NO!" I shouted, startling me and the others, I coughed before I continued "I mean it's my first day and I haven't been to a real school since I was like ten so I want to go to school!"

Liz looked at me for a moment "You haven't been to school since you were like ten? How the hell are you in this grade?"

"My mom taught me as we traveled, so I was like being homeschooled I guess but I wanted to go to this school because my mom and dad went here."

"That's makes sense, I guess, but okay Maka, I'm going to show you how this school works." Liz said with creepy face. I can hear Patty laughing loudly in the background. Something tells me this is going to be one heck of a year.

Time skip to Homeroom~

I blinked,this room is so huge! I looked around seeing all six rows. My eyes landed on this one boy though. He had white hair, his eyes were closed so I couldn't see his eye color, but when he yawned, probably from boredom; I saw his spiky teeth. There was something about him that just made me want to walk up and say Hi.

I turned to Black Star and poked him on the shoulder. "Hey Star, who's that guy up there?" I said pointing to the direction of the white haired kid. Black Star followed where my finger was pointing, he then snorted "Oh him, that's Soul Eater."

Soul Eater...weird name.

"Why is he by himself? Does he have friends?"

Black Star sighed "Maka, stay away from him, OK? He gives you a look that makes you shiver and also I never heard him talk! He ignores everyone, he is in some of my classes but when we have to partner up he just sits there and sleeps or just does his own thing I don't even know how he's passing school!"

I stared at Soul, I bet he is lonely, something must of happened to him to make him act this way. Then it's settled I'm going to go talk to him! Right when I stood up the teacher came in, crap just my luck.

I sat back down and stared at her; she had brown hair that was up in a ponytail. Written on the board was the name Ms. Young. She looked very tired and had a face on her that just made me feel weird inside maybe I was scared. "Ok everyone you may talk as I do some paperwork." Said Ms. Young with a monotoned voice. She doesn't seem happy than why is she here?

"Hey Maka, I want you to meet Kid."

I turned around to see who Star was talking about. Kid had black hair with three white stripes on the left side, he also wore a black suit with white stripes on the side of the shoulders.

"It's nice to meet you Maka, I'm Death the Kid but you can call me Kid for short."

"So your Lord Death's son! My papa told me about you."

Kid looked shocked for a moment, "Then that means you're Spirit's daughter. He talks about you all the time."

I laughed "Yup, that's my papa."

I spent the rest of homeroom talking to all my new friends until the bell rung, telling us to get to first period.

I got up and said bye to everyone as I made my way to math class.

Three minutes went by and I still couldn't find the classroom! Room 103 where are you? Aha I found you, walking in I saw all the desks were almost filled. It looked like they had assigned seats. I went up to my math teacher, her name was Mrs. Davis, and asked where I could sit. She smiled and said I can sit next to Soul because it was the only seat available. Soul? YES HE IS IN MY MATH CLASS, IM SO GOING TO GET HIM TO TALK NOW!

I walked to my new seat, that was in the first row, and put my stuff on top of the desk. Soul looked at me with a raised eye brow. I saw that he had red eyes, I smiled at him which made him give a shocked look in return. As I sat down and took out a notebook for notes and a pencil, I placed my bag on the ground next me and began writing down what the board said.

Mrs. Davis came up to me, "Oh Maka, you don't have to take these notes, we are almost done this chapter and the kids are having a test next week, you can just review this stuff if you like."

I smiled at her and said thank you.

"Oh Mrs. Davis?"

"Yes Maka?"

"Um, I was wondering how far you are in this class?"

"Did you already learn this in your old school?" Asked Mrs. Davis.

"Um no, I was home schooled; my mom was a great teacher! She taught me a lot of stuff as we traveled."

"Wow that sounds fun I wish I could travel, but yeah we are starting a new chapter so if you know it, you know it." I smiled at her again and nodded my head, she walked away back to her desk grabbed some papers and said she will be right back, then I heard a cough.

I turned around and saw a boy with brown hair with blue eyes, he smiled at me then said, "So your name is Ma-ka HAHAHA what a weird name!" Laughing with his friend. God, rude much... what's wrong with my name, I happen to like it.

"Well my name is Japanese so I figured you won't understand," I said. The boy stopped laughing, "Are you making fun of me?"

"Nah" I said with a smirk.

"Yes you are! You're calling me stupid!"

Really? He is just asking for a fight, if its a fight he wants its a fight he will get!

"Sorry I didn't mean to offend you, but if you don't understand that my name is Japanese then you are stupid."

"Look little girl SHUT UP!" said the boy, now pissed.

"HA what's wrong? Can't take being called stupid, then what's your name?"

"My name is Steve." Steve? He doesn't even look like one, I started to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Hmm...how do I explain to a dumb ass like you......how about... your name just does not fit at all."


I stared to laugh even harder, I know it's not really funny but the faces he made were priceless. I saw the corner of my eye Soul smiling but it look like he was trying to hide it.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'M NOT SCARED TO HURT YOU!" said Steve angryly. I stopped laughing and raised a brow.

"I may be a girl, but I can probably beat you up."


"Steve no, don't hurt the girl," said Steve's friend.

Steve ignored him, jumped over his desk then headed straight for me.

I thought fast, i realized that if he hit the desk it will fall over. I pushed Soul a little to the right so he wouldn't get hit, then I grabbed his stuff and lifted it so it wont get destroyed, leaving mine but I didn't care. Steve crashed into Soul and I's desk. It fell over, my notebook and pencil flying in the air.

I gave Soul his stuff, he was staring at me with disbelief, I walked around Steve who was now on the ground and placed the desk back up. It was heavy at first until Soul helped me, I grabbed my stuff put it back on my desk and sat down.

"Now that was so stupid Steve." I said with a smirk, Soul smiled too.

Mrs. Davis looked mad and also shocked. She marched up to Steve, grabbed him, and started to drag him out the door. Once it was closed I heard a lot of yelling. I sat back and smiled big "Best first day ever!" Soul looked at me and gave a silent chuckle, then went back to his work.

The bell rang about twenty minutes later. Man that was fast! I got up to collect my stuff.

As Soul got up to leave, I watched something fall out of his backpack. I walked up to it and saw it was a pen. It was black with a gold rim around it, it also had a word on it looks like it says Evans. Man this got to be important, throwing my bag over my shoulder I chased after Soul.

I saw him turn down this one hall way, I quickly followed. "SOUL!" I shouted. He stopped, turned around, and looked at me. I panted when I reached him. "When you were leaving, you dropped this," I said holding out his pen.

His eyes widen, he slowly grabbed the pen from my hand. With a nod of his head, he turned away and began walking away. My mouth dropped, what?! No thank you? I wanted to hear his voice. How dare he just nod his head at me. I ran back to Soul and then shouted, "You can say thank you, you know!"

Soul turned and looked at me; the look in his eyes was something I never wanted to see again, he looked so sad at the moment. He went into his bag grabbed a piece of paper, slammed it on the locker, and began to write. He handed it to me, I grabbed it and began to read, it said..

I can't speak I lost my voice.

I stared at it in disbelief, I looked at Soul. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know , I should have not done that in the first place I just wanted to find a way for you to talk to me. Like here you say thank you." I blushed a little at the end, it felt like I was confessing or something..but I shrugged it off as embarrassment. Soul just smiled and wrote "its ok" on the paper. I sighed in relief. So Black Star was wrong about Soul, he just can't speak that's why he ignores everyone!

"Um, where are going next Soul?"

He blinked grabbed the paper again and wrote down with his cursive handwriting, science. I smiled big when I read it.

"Really? Me too, lets go together!"

I turned around and started to walk the other way. Soul grabbed my shoulder spun me around and pointed down the hall in the other direction. I blushed and smiled.

"Right, I should have done the tour thing, but I said no. I would have said yes if I knew this school was this big!"

Soul gave a silent laugh, grabbed my wrist, and began leading me to the science room.

"Is every room this big?" I turned to Soul who just shrugged at my answer. "Where do you sit?" Soul pointed to the back, I smiled. Well we just got to changed that, now don't we?

"Nope sorry Soul where sitting with my friends, they have class with us too."

Soul shook his head and began walking up to his seat and sitting down with a plump.


*sigh*, I watch as Black Star and the rest of the gang sit in the third and forth row. Black Star and Tsubaki sat in the third as Kid, Liz and Patty sat in the forth. I notice a pink haired girl or boy sitting next to Patty. I looked back at Soul, who had his head down. I just didn't want to leave him; I walked up to Black Star told him to move over two times. He stared at me but did what he was told. I smiled and made my way up to Soul, with a poke on the shoulder he looked up at me, "Come on Soul, lets sit down there."

Soul looked where my friends were, made a face, then grabbed the paper and began to write..

You can sit there, I'm fine where I am.

"But Soul! I want to sit next to you, if you don't get your butt down there I'm going to cry!" Soul's eyes widen and looked at me, I gave him the puppy dog eyes, that seemed to work on everyone even Black*Star. "Fine I will, just please stop with the eyes."

"YEAH!" I shouted, "Come on lets go."

As Soul and I made our way down the stairs, I tripped but Soul quickly caught me. My eyes widen so did the group's, "Thanks Soul," I said with blush on my cheeks. Soul smiled big at the sight which made me blush more.

"Wow, nice catch Soul," Black Star said with a big smirk on his face. "See I told you Maka that you would be a great catch someday HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get it CATCH because he caught you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Yeah I get it Black Star, fighting off the urge to Maka Chop him.


That's it I can't take it anymore! "MAKAAAA"

"Oh come on Maka I'm not scared of a book, I'm too great for tha-"


And he's unconscious, I win!

I placed my book back into my bag; Soul stared at me like I grew two heads. "What?" Soul blinked and shook his head before smiling, he sat down on the end and I joined him after I moved Black Star to the other side of Tsubaki.

This is going to be a fun science class, "Yo Maka have you met Chrona?"


Liz smiled, "Well his name is Chrona and he lives with Kid, Patty and I."


They all live together no way! But how?

Before I could ask Tsubaki came to my rescue. "Kid found Liz and Patty in New York, realizing that they are homeless he let them live with him then he found Chrona when they came back to Nevada after that those four are inseparable."

"AWWW you guys are one big happy family!"

"Well I believe it was worth it," Said Kid. I smiled at him he looked so happy when he smiled I then saw him look at Liz his smile changing. Oh I know that look, Kid likes Liz, nice. Then maybe Chrona likes Patty, telling by the way how close he is sitting next to her. I then looked at Tsubaki I could tell she likes Black Star. Man it makes me wonder what Valentines Day is going to look like.

I turned to Soul he was just playing with his pen with a bored look on his face. "Hey Soul?" He turned to me.

"Have you met everyone yet?" He stared at me then my friends, he shook his head no.

"Well, guy this is Soul I know you probably already know that. But he is not like the rumors, he's real nice also quite; and the big thing is, he can't talk."

Everyone's face went into shock; even Black Star woke up to join this shocking moment.

"Oh Soul I'm sorry to hear that please forgive us for thinking you were a mean person," Tsubaki said with a sweet voice. Soul just gave a little smile and shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah now we are all friends right?" I said throwing my arms around Soul making him jump.

"Yes Maka, we're all friends, the eight of us. Oh what a wonderful number, just for that how about we all go to the mall this weekend then have a sleepover at my house." Kid said proudly.

I looked at Soul, "Do you want to go to the mall then Kid's house with us Soul?"

Soul eyes were huge he shook his head no."But why? Please Soul, please, please pleaseeeeeee," I said making puppy dog eyes again. Soul looked at me, trying to fight the look he finally gave in with a big sigh he nodded his head. "YEAH!" I gave Soul a big hug, I could tell he was not use to it by how he patted my back. I giggled, "Sorry Soul I'm a hugger, being my friend you are going to get more of that."

"Yeah!" All the girls shouted, I laughed.

"All man Soul, you better run Maka is going to kill you with hugs just like her mother does." Black Star said loudly. My smile turned into a frowned of thinking of my mother then back to smiling, thinking no one notice but then Soul put his hand on my shoulder, I looked at him he gave me a concerned look.

"I'm ok Soul."

He just stared at me. I could tell he knew I was lying.

"So Maka what's your mom like?" asked Tsubaki.

"Oh, she is really great, nice, very smart being at the top of her class, and she's very pretty."

"HAHAHA I miss your mom tell her I said hi ok?" Black Star said with a smirk. "Oh of course Black Star, I will umm.. also tell her all about my new friends!"

Soul gave me a piece of paper, I took it and read it, it said..

I know your lying to me Maka but it's ok because we just really met, but I saw your frown and I heard that you were traveling with her so where is she now?

I gave Soul a sad smile, feeling happy that he cared I told him the truth.

"I don't know."

(3767 words)

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