Paying For Love [3]

By ravsisrekt

375K 18.9K 11K

illegal love - "Boys like you don't fall for girls like me." - 3/4 - "Hyung-line series." More

(1) sex, not love
(2) h-horny?
(3) don't hurt her
(4) no talking, just fucking
(5) no wonder you don't have a girlfriend
(7) new client
(8) hotel room
(9) decent human being
(10) Where is Yoongi?
(11) almost kiss
(12) date
(13) kiss her at the door pt; 1
(14) kiss her at the door pt; 2
(15) bathroom stall
(16) boner
(17) Jin is Shaken
(18) the evil maknae-line
(19) Surprise!
(20) boys like you
(21) the final night
(22) attacking Duke
(23) i know you love me
(24) one month later
(25) in his car
(my end) 💋

(6) text message

12.6K 680 416
By ravsisrekt

NOTE: There is a switch of perspectives from (Y/N) to Jin in this chapter. When that happens, I will let you know. No worries my lovelies.


Your Perspective

I want to focus on her words, but my mind races to her dirtied cheeks and red frizzy hair. Sarah is back, but she is changed. Sarah is in panic and I wish to ask but don't. I focus on her hands that cling onto a USB tight under her palms, and her muddy boots that work around the tables to sit at her chair.

"5000," her lips are chapped as she speaks, "Duke is foolin' himself if he actually thinks he'd be robbin' you of that. I apologize."

I look with blank eyes to see Jin's chest heave out a breath. He is smiling huge and his eyes glint. He is excited and thrilled. I want to match his great smile but fail to as I look forward and stare at the woman's red hair again. I keep wanting to look at the USB she locks into her desk.

"Are you letting me go?" Jin asks, smirking so large.

I look back to Jin. Sweet Jin, a sweetness I had chances with for two nights in a row. There is a part of me that doesn't wish to see his back leave in the distance, but I suffocate that voice in my heart. I can't be thinking such thoughts.

"He can get a little carried away," Sarah is laughing. She sounds nervous and I'm aware with curiosity.

"Where is he right now?"

Sarah pays attention to me for the first time since I've stepped foot in her room. She is smiling now, almost as if she's just seen me for the first time. For a second, she is back being the woman I know her to be. "Now that I'm here," her voice is laced with honour, "Gone. He's only here to cover for me since I'm the boss around here, aren't I?"

I nod.

"Now, this 5000..."

"I paid what I needed, I-" Jin is happier than ever.

"You paid for the first night but I heard there was a second night?...and I'm guessing a third now? That'll be 3000."

Jin's smile falls, and I watch the beautiful sight falter.

Sarah smiles, a glint in amusement bravely present in her eyes. "Duke seems to be okay with my compromise for such a discount, be thankful." She grins, winks, and Jin isn't flushing like he was with Cya when upstairs. Instead, he is hardened, and I see the way his jaws flex from his side-profile.

"You pay me that much," Sarah waves her hands, "But I'll give you a months time since I'm, I've got other work to worry about now than keeping track of you." I hear that and infer she is talking about the USB she just hid. I say nothing. Quieter than ever as the boss speaks.

"Am I at least freed from spending 2 weeks with her?" he asks, under anger of his situation.

I'm offended. The organ at my chest flutters to my gut and I blink away from his jaw I previously gawk at, glancing at Sarah who stares at her desk in boredom.

"Yes." Sarah speaks, twirling her fingers.

"Great." Jin is angry. His teeth are clanked together. "You'll have the money by the end of next month."


"Will Duke show again?" I finally speak.

It is as if the two finally notice me in the room. Jin softens a little beside me, but I don't look over at his kind eyes that were angry and hurting me unintentionally before. Sarah has a soft smile herself, acknowledging my question with a shake of her head. "No. I'm here...and if I leave without notice a second time, know that it would be involuntary."

My eyes narrow at that. "You in some sort of trouble?" The woman grins, her muddy boots resting onto the surface of her table. "Not yet," is all she says, and I take it. I let the mystery eat my insides.

"Point of my story is if I leave again, he will step in. But for what I'm aware of right now, he isn't here." She shrugs, my relief consumes me. "And even if he comes back he's got orders from me to go down to 3000 instead of 5000, no more visits from the idol that needs to be back to work. And well, you can get back to your other clients lined up. Idols that aren't such celebrities." Her lashes blink teasingly over at Jin who is solemn in his spot.

Jin's expression is still awkwardly trying to meet my eyes. I stare forward, not wanting to catch his gaze.

"Now shoo the both of you. I have mail to send."

"Mail?" I ask, confused.

Sarah licks over her lips. "Shoo." It's no longer nice.

I glance to my feet and walk around to turn. Jin's feet are faster than mine as he walks with stumbles to follow me out. The idol is truly awkward, and if I weren't so weirdly saddened, I would've smiled and giggled at him clumsy. But there is no laughter in my soul to be spoken.

I lead him to the door. His hands are misplaced, and I can tell he is trying to decide how to say his goodbye.

"I-I," he licks his lips and I stare at his lips. Then I stare to his eyes and see the softness for the last time. Jin laughs, "I don't exactly know how to do this but, I guess I," he licks his lips again, "It was nice knowing you for the little that I did."

His hand is struck out, he is finally brave enough to complete his goodbye with a handshake.

I stare at his hand. Then I stare at his face again. Lips to eyes lips to eyes. I stare at his hands again.

I turn and walk away, without a second glance, without a second word.

Jin's brows furrow lightly. He brings his empty hand down to his side with such weight.

"Bye...I guess." The idol murmurs under his breath, watching me walk away.

Jin's Perspective

"Hello...I guess." The idol murmurs under his breath, watching me walk near.

I look at Yoongi who holds a bowl of food close to his face. He seems irritated and weak as he nudges my shoulder and moves towards the ends of the hallway. I clear my throat, waving a 'hi' back before taking the hand and fixing my messy hair.

"Don't mind hyung," Taehyung speaks, popping out of thin air as he turns a corner and meets my flustered form in the kitchen. "He's been weird the past week, none of us can put a finger on what's bothering him."

I nod, clearing my throat again. I double glance at Taehyung when seeing how the boy walks with a taunting movement at his feet. He is side grinning as he stares at my body, thankfully fully clothed, then my eyes. "Similarily to how weird you've been acting. Can't place a finger on what's bothering you either."

My voice is high. "W-What?" I laugh. "What could possibly be bothering me? I'm-"

Taehyung chews his gum obnoxiously. He is grinning larger. "Where's your jacket?"

I walk backwards as the boy walks into me. I forget how to breathe for a second. "What jacket?"

"You left with a jacket last night."

I'm a cursing nightmare when I realize I've forgotten my jacket. Skipping over as naturally as I can, my legs work to maneuver over around the kitchen island. Slapping the countertop in a cute drum, I giggle innocent-like before casually spitting, "Oh, that jacket? Forgot it at my friends. Thought I'd give it for him to keep since he's barely ever here...a great way to remember me."


"What's up with the questioning?" I ask, defensive. I build a wall and want to shut down these feelings when trying to bring the boy back into his place. Teasing is one thing, wanting to ask is one thing, but acting as if there is leverage over information that I am unaware of is another.

"Just curious."

"Why are you smiling like that?" I bark. My insides are about to explode from blushing and growing hot too fast. I feel like he's on to me. Please, Taehyung, don't be on to me.

"I can't smile anymore?"

"N-No, I-"

"Is it illegal to smile these days?" His smile is growing more.

Now, now with that I am really shitting myself. His choice of words, his smile, and his eyes that are constantly looking at my wrinkled clothing makes me sweat. HE KNOWS!

"No. A lot is illegal these days but smiling isn't, sm-" I cough on my laugh.

Taehyung chuckles. "Would you calm down? I know you've been visiting strip joints with your friends. They told us all last night when we called them and asked for you."

My eyes widen. The last I remembered was lying to both, Bangtan and my friends. If Bangtan called my friends, that meant they now knew and covered for me. Ahh, I wish to shut my eyes and crawl into a hole. So, I do the first part of my wishes and shut my eyes in defeat. At least they covered for me in a right way...a less illegal way.

Taehyung laughs more at my reaction. He takes it as if I've been caught instead of in relief. "YOU REALLY DID? YOU DIRTY DOG!" He laughs loud, aiming to come and slap my arm. I let him, the burning sensation making me jump.

I rub my arm. "It was their idea." I lie, play into the cover-up.

Taehyung laughs, shaking his head. "Just be careful, you're an idol hyung. It's all of our lives on stake if caught out there."

Taehyung shifts away, following the steps of Yoongi who had left earlier. The hallway that was mildly lit invited us all.

He turns, grinning with a childish glint as he shakes his head. "Freshen up, the others are getting ready as well. We've got loads of practicing today..." his mischievous grin is back, "and phone up your friends again, thank them for taking care of you last night." Taehyung winks, laughing uncontrollably before leaving.

I laugh with him, smile and play while pointing with two guns I make with my fingers. As soon as he turns around to leave, my smile falls, and I whack my hands down to my jean pockets. I need my phone fast, I need to call my friends and explain myself.

My eyes are wide, my hands violent as I slap the pockets at my butt-cheeks and then my front. I check everywhere and then curse as I waddle towards the door and peek outside to see if I dropped it. "Noooooo," I whine, closing the door again and breathing in harsh breaths of anger.

I slap the surface with a pathetic hit, only to wince and cradle my fingers from the pain.

I whine again, pouting to myself. "I forgot my phone."

Your Perspective

I sit on my bed. My eyes are on his phone that blares with messages while my hands cup the fabric of his jacket in my hands. Jin's scent is alive and instead of feeling soothed and welcome, I feel numb while quietly reading one message over and over.

Friend: I've got you covered, didn't have to lie to me. 😂 Your group called to check up on you but couldn't reach your ass. 😂😂😂😂

Friend: YOO ANSWER ME. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Friend: oh wait... 😏 I know why you aren't answering.

I scroll to the end of his what his screen offers. I don't want to look through his phone so I spot the messages that are alive and on the front.

The last text messages causes my pupils to linger.

Friend: Milk all the time you have with the whore! Don't catch no diseases from the sluuuuuut!! 😂🤢

My thumb slides the tab of the message. I click type and hope to write back without fully opening Jin's phone.

I write,
Your words don't effect me.

But my eyes that water speak differently.

I erase it.

I write,
I didn't choose this. I didn't want this.

But I fear retort of, 'then why stay?'.

I erase it.

I write,

The text message sends fast, faster than my lips which quiver from shakes of breath.

NOTE: shit goes down next chapter. Light chapters coming soon! Get ready for the fluff and sweetness!

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