Street Fighter and Quiet (BWW...

By KittenWoman99

419K 17.1K 4.1K

"Why are you always hiding behind your hoodie?" He pulls my hood off and laugh, "Stop please. It has nothing... More

I'm Just Quiet.
Stay Away From Me.
Favorite Diner.
Quiet New Friend.
I Promise.
She's All Grown Up.
I Finally Smiled.
I Like The Blue Dress.
Why Do I Even Drink?
Who Isn't Hungry?
Don't Be Jealous.
Call Me When You're Crying.
That's All I Wanted.
Unknown Number.
I Want Your Body!
The Bigger Person.
Did You Do It?
You Just Called Me Cute.
Kiss Me?!
I'm An Ugly Crier.
I Learned A Submission Hold!
Fake Smiles.
You Wanna Come Or Stay?
Stop Being Uptight.
I feel Like A Third Wheel.
Is It Bad That I Love Your Eyes?
Make Sure I Hear You Cheer.
Our First Fight!
Challenge Accepted.
Timothy Cooper.
Nobody Can Replace You.
I'll Wait Patiently.
You Can't Live Without Me.
Let's Start Over.
Special Gloves.
I'm So Sorry, Hazel!

Hell Yeah!!

6.5K 326 97
By KittenWoman99

Hazel POV

We are all on the roof and all of a sudden my phone goes off. I look at my phone and see a text message.

We see the way you look at Ian. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get hurt.

I let out a shaky breath and shove my phone back in my pocket. I look at Ian and sigh in relief when I see Ian not looking at me. He would have thrown a fit if he had seen my reaction.

My phone goes off once again and I suck in a heavy breath.

Don't act like you don't see my messages.

Before I could put my phone away someone takes it out of my hand. "What?! Ian?! Give me my phone back!" He holds my phone up out of my reach, "No! Me and Quiet will be right back." He takes my hand and drags me into the stairwell.

I lean against the wall and cross my arms as he read the messages, "You have been getting more before these?! Why haven't you been telling me?!" I shrug my shoulders and look at the floor, "I didn't think it was a big deal. I mean nothing has happened to me or anything."

He looks at me with a disbelief look, "The day you skipped with Owen! Something happened to you, didn't it?" I look at him with shock fill eyes, "How did you know something happened?!"

He runs his fingers through his hair, "I didn't you just told me." I push myself off the wall, "Are you serious? That was a childish move."

He hands me back my phone and licks his lips, "Why do you keep it away from me? I told you I'm there for you." I look at him and see a little bit of hurt in his eyes, "I just don't want you to worry about me. Nothing has happened to me, so stop worrying."

He grabs my shoulders and pushes me against the wall, "That's not the point!! The point is that you're ignoring all of this like it's nothing!"

Why does he sound like he's about to cry? Why did he say all of that without looking at me?

I touch his hand and look up at him, "If something happens you will be the first to know." He backs away from me and rubs his face.

I start walking back upstairs, "You coming back?" Without looking at me he shakes his head no, "I don't feel so good. I'm going to the nurse." He starts walking down the stairs and I look at his back as he leaves.

I walk back upstairs and see Mason putting Shane in a headlock. "Why is Mason putting Shane in a headlock?" They all look at me, "Shane said he could get out of a headlock, so they're testing it out. Where's Ian?"

I look at Austin, "He wasn't feeling well so he went to see the nurse." Lily looks at me and smiles, "You ready for the game tonight?"

I clap my hands in excitement and squeal, "Yes I am! I can't wait and then Owen and Ian are fighting tomorrow night!" Austin comes to sit beside me, "I'm so ready to see both of them. I want to see how they are." I nod my head agreeing with him.

Skipping to the end of the day

I am walking down the hallway and all of a sudden I see Ian sitting on the stairs. "Ian? Why are you sitting down? We're all about to go out to eat before you're game." He looks up at me and then back at the floor.

I walk up to him and tap his head, "Are you feeling any better?" He stands up and gives me a small smile, "Yeah, I am. I'm sorry about earlier, I won't bother you anymore about it." I pluck his forehead and he lets out an inaudible sound.

"Why did you just pluck me?!" I turn around and start walking out of school. Without looking at him I answer his question, "Because you're worried about me and making yourself feel bad knowing you have a game tonight. Let's go eat."

I hear him let out a soft laugh and hear his footsteps get closer to me, "When are you going to give me my surprise?" He looks at me and rolls his blue eyes, "Later on tonight, now stop asking me."


We are in SubWay eating when all of a sudden Hannah walks in and sits beside me, "Why did you leave without me? I wanted to come along."

Lily groans and throws a chip at her, "You're here now so stop whining." Hannah throws it back and glare at her, "Is there room for one more?" We all look up and see Megan smiling down at us.

Hannah smiles back and nods her head, "Yeah just pull up a chair." Mason groans and crosses his arms, "Why out of all places that you are here?" Megan smiles at Mason and shrugs her shoulders, "Me and Hannah wanted some SubWay so we came to SubWay."

He lets out a heartless laugh, "As I recall you told us that you don't eat SubWay because they're nasty and dirty. That was when you and Ian were dating. What all of sudden changed your mind?" Megan smile drops and she glances at Quiet.

I look at Quiet and see her looking at Mason, "I just want to try something new." Lily scoffs and stands up, "Yeah that's a load of bullshit. Let's go, Hazel." They all stand up and Shane looks down at me.

"You staying?" I nod my head slowly as I look at Quiet leave the building. "I'll be there in time for the game." Shane looks at Megan and walks out.

As soon as everybody leaves the building I look at Hannah and glare at Megan. "Please tell me the point of you two coming here. Hannah you're understandable, you're my girlfriend, but Megan please tell me your reason and point."

Hannah lets out a long sigh, "Because she wanted to come." I roll my eyes and look at Megan, "If you're trying to mess with Quiet I swear I won't care what happens to you when Lily finds out. I'm tired of you starting up stuff with Lily, it's really getting old." I stand up and pull Hannah up by her arm.

"Drive back by yourself. Hannah, you're coming with me." I drag her to my car, "What is your problem?!" My eyes widen in disbelief, "My problem?! I don't have a problem, you do! Why do you keep bringing Megan around Quiet?!"

She gets in the car and slams the door, "Megan is my only friend here! I don't want to be with just your friends! They don't even like me! Megan's not even doing anything to her!" I pull out of the driveway and glance at her.

Megan really hasn't done anything to Quiet. If so Quiet would have been told me something like this. I let out a long sigh, "That is true. I just don't want her messing with Quiet."

She scoffs and crosses her arms, "Why do you worry so much about her? I'm you're girlfriend not her." I tighten my grip on my wheel, "I don't like people I know get bully. I don't like bullying period. I don't worry about you because no one messes with you. If someone were to mess with you, you would have told me if that was happening."

She opens and closes her mouth and then sits back in her seat with a heavy sigh, "I just don't like how close you are to her."

I don't even know why I'm close to her myself, "If it will make you feel better I will try to distance us from each other." She looks at me with wide eyes and a small smile, "Really?! You would really do that??"

I grab her hand and kiss it, "Of course, I want to be in a relationship with you and only you, no one else." She leans over and kisses me on my cheek. "I'll stop being so jealous over everything."

We pull up to the school and all of sudden we see someone speed through the parking lot and park right in my parking spot. Me and Hannah are both staring at the driver with wide eyes.

The person gets out and looks at me and smile, "What's up Ian?!" I glare at Owen as I park in a different parking spot.

Before I could say anything Quiet runs out and gives Owen a hug, "You said you were going to train today!" He hugs her back and laughs, "I lied, I'm not supposed to train a day before a fight. So I decided to come to watch the game."

Hannah walks around the car and puts her hand in my hand. Owen looks at me, "Are still playing tonight?" I nod my head, "Yeah, I just don't play as long and often."

He wraps his arms around Quiet shoulder, "Good luck tonight." We walk to the football field. I look down at Hannah and kiss her on the lips, "I'm going to the football locker room. Make sure I can hear you cheering for me."

She nods her head and smile, "Good luck Ian, I'll also cheer for you." I look at Quiet and smile, "If I make a touchdown I might come over with y'all and dance." Her and Owen start laughing.

I start walking to the locker room. Shane comes running out, "Why do you have a bandaid under your eye?" He shrugs his shoulders, "Lily gave it to me for good luck, although it would have been better if she had given me a kiss."

I shake my head with laughter, "Are you two dating?" He looks at me with wide eyes and shakes his head no quickly, "No! Why do you ask that?!" I hold my hands up in surrender, "Because y'all act like you're a couple, but I guess y'all are just close."

He puts his helmet on as we start walking to the field. "Yeah, we're just close." The announcer introduces us into the game and we run out to the field.

I look over at the cheerleaders and see Hannah, I wave at her and she waves back. I look at Lily and she gives me an air kiss and I give her one back. I look at Quiet and see that she is waving and yelling at Shane.

Shane starts jumping up and down, "Lily!! Cupcake!!" I roll my eyes and look back at Quiet. She looks at me and smiles and I pull up my helmet and smile back at her.

I run to the center of the field with the rest of my team. "Shane can you not get excited every time Lily and Quiet cheers for you?" He shakes his head no, "Nope, You should react like that."

I scoff and suck my teeth, "Hell no! But if we make a touchdown me and you are going to go dance with the cheerleaders."

He looks at me and shows me a big smile, "Hell Yeah!!"

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