By gemlyn17

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By gemlyn17


What actually happens when I commit to following Jesus?

Let us quickly review what went into that critical decision.

You acknowledged your sin of living independently from God.

You repented, turning toward God and away from your former way of living.

You asked Jesus Christ into your life, to be your Savior and Lord.

Here is how the Bible describes this transformation: out of darkness, into light; out of bondage, into freedom; out of death, into life.

Wow! Once all this happens you would think cloudy skies would part, sunshine would flood in and all your troubles would evaporate. But this was not my experience. I didn’t feel a lot different on day one. Soon, however, I noticed changes. As I allowed Christ to guide my thoughts and decisions, I discovered a whole new peace and confidence. Transformation was working from the inside out.

Suppose you buy a new car but discover the battery missing. Well, you could stand there and admire it. You could sit in its comfortable seats and pretend to drive it. Yet without a battery your lovely car will simply stay put. Our lives without Christ are like that. But with Him as the “power source” we are able to be what He designed us to be.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate change. Be assured that Christ is in you and change will follow. You are a new person. You’ve begun a new journey.


                           II: BEGINNING THE JOURNEY

What can I expect on my journey?

“Daddy, are we there yet?” That’s the question our children would ask when they were small, just as we had set out on a long car trip. I had to remind them of the many hours ahead, but also to be patient and enjoy the journey.

Your journey of faith is more than a car ride. It’s a lifelong adventure. To help you along the way:

Be confident that, whatever you encounter, Christ is with you. He promised: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Look for small changes, not instant results. For example, meeting a new Christian friend; taking a step toward overcoming an annoying habit; discovering a verse of scripture that “comes alive” for you.

Embrace each moment, trusting God for the future.

Change is not easy. We need to be a little tough on ourselves, especially when we’re tempted to give up. But with each victory, even small ones, we are better able to meet the next challenge.

Many times I thought the Christian life was too difficult. Old habits and friends who were a poor influence would draw me like metal drawn to a magnet. Sometimes I gave in. You will have these challenges too. But thank God we are not on our own. We can trust our new friend Jesus, the One who lives in us and is totally committed to seeing us through to the end of life’s journey.


                           III-  GOD WORKS INSIDE OUT

What should I do first?

Early in our journey, we need to understand the difference between religion and relationship. Perhaps you have seen religion at work. It can be rules-based, harsh and demanding. In contrast, our relationship with Jesus should be much different—personal, open, warm and liberating.

Jesus wants us to come to Him the way a little child comes to a loving parent. For example, my wife, Wendy, and I were always delighted when one of our six children would run up to us, arms outstretched for a hug—and then nestle in with their entire little bodies, completely at rest and filled with trust.

Can I ask you to do something out the ordinary? Just become a “little child” for a minute. Come to Jesus as you would to a father or mother who deeply loves you. No requests. No expectations. You don’t have to brush your teeth or comb your hair. Simply come to Him and linger in His presence, experiencing His love for you. Why not take a moment to do this right now?

Let this childlike action become a lifelong habit. From this place of trust you will experience the transforming power of the new life. Don’t fall into the busyness trap of “doing things for God.” More than our help, He wants us to confidently rest in His care. This enables Him to work through us. His work is inside out, not outside in............


                               IV- THE BIBLE: A WORD FOR ALL AGES

What is the best foundation for my spiritual growth?

I didn’t always view the Bible as the kind of friend it has now become. Before I committed my life to Jesus, I found it confusing, even mysterious. Part of the problem was that I tried to read it like any other book, from page 1. Soon, I got bogged down and put it aside.

After I became a believer, the Bible began to come alive. My entry point was reading about the life of Jesus in the New Testament. I began to discover lessons that related to my life right then. In fact, often what I read each morning would, to my amazement, apply directly to events happening that very day. 

Learning from the Bible is the best way to build a “rock-solid” foundation in your spiritual life. In it you will learn who God is, how He wants you to live and how He will help you. Think of it as the foundation of a building. Though a foundation is hidden from view, it is an indispensable part of the building, and no place to cut corners. The soundness and stability of the entire structure depends on the foundation being set properly. Make the Bible the sure foundation of your spiritual life.


                        V- GOD IS LOVE.........................

How can I be sure of God’s love?

Billy Graham, the great evangelist, has said, “The more I read the Bible, the more I realize that love is God’s supreme attribute.” God is a god of love!

I’ve had times when I’ve felt far away from God’s love, and no doubt you have too. Perhaps you grew up in a broken home with little or no affection from your parents. You may have lost loved ones to illness, accident or war. You may have faced poverty and famine as daily realities. Where is God’s love in all this?

I believe God’s heart aches more than we can ever know at the suffering, injustice and difficulties His children encounter. Sin, when it entered the world, brought consequences that affect our lives every day.

But God’s love for each of us was supremely evident when He sent His son, Jesus, to buy us back, or “redeem” us from sin’s terrible impact. John’s gospel tells us: “God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

When you yielded your life to God and were born again, you came face to face with your heavenly Father’s love. Now, as you continue your journey, lean into and draw deeply from that love and care.


           VI- LOVING GOD

How do I respond to God?

Suppose you are walking in a dense forest, and you stray off the path and lose your way. Night falls and it becomes dark and cold. You’re without food or water. You frantically stumble ahead in the darkness, with no sense of direction. Fear gnaws at you: “I may never make it back to safety.”

Then your frantic eyes see a light in the distance. You realize, “Someone is searching for me!” The light is coming your way. You call out, “Here I am!” The reply comes back: “Keep calling!” Moments later your rescuer appears—a forest ranger who knows the deep woods and the way home. Steadily he leads you back. As the ranger delivers you to your doorstep, he says, “You’re safe now.” You study his kind and fatherly face. In sheer relief you respond in the only way you can—with profound gratitude. “How can I ever repay you?” you ask, knowing no payment could ever suffice.

In the same way, our heavenly Father has rescued us. Our condition was even more desperate than we imagined. We couldn’t make it on our own. Then He came and personally guided us home, redeeming us from deadly peril.

Our only reasonable response is to love Him in return—heart, soul, mind and strength. In fact, a central message of the Bible is that we were made for one great purpose: to receive and return God’s love. It’s a two-way street!.................


                             VII: THE MEANING OF LIFE

How do I find meaning in life?

People define the meaning of life in many ways. Wealth. Power. Status. Possessions. As alluring as these may be, people who achieve them are seldom satisfied. Often it’s not until our later years that the realization fully sinks in, that nothing exceeds the value of our relationships.

I am one of those people who has been able to achieve much in life. Most would view me as very “successful.” Yet my greatest treasures by far are my relationships—with my wonderful wife Wendy, our children, grandchildren and close friends—and with the Lord Jesus.

For a moment, let’s focus on that very special bond with the Lord. Even when we are denied the intimate relationships of marriage, family and friends, there is One who will always, without fail, be our friend.

By the time Billy Graham was in his 90s, he had lost his wife Ruth and many close acquaintances through death. But he always had a friend in Jesus, stating, “It is the greatest discovery you will ever make: You were created to know God and be His friend forever. This is a staggering truth. Think of it. The infinite, all-powerful holy God of the universe wants to be your friend. He wants you to know Him personally.”

Take a moment now to let this profound reality sink in, for in it, you touch the very meaning of life: you were created to be God’s friend.  


                            VIII: WHY 30 DAYS?

When will the good changes begin?

When we make any kind of significant change in our lives, the first 30 days are critical. Studies show it takes this long to shed an old habit, or establish a new one. So let the “habit” of studying God’s word, His character and His ways become well rooted. You’ve begun the adventure of a lifetime, but there are risks.

Here are two ways you can be pulled off course, and how to deal with each.

Family and friends who don’t understand. Regardless of how much or how little you’ve said to others, they will notice changes in your life. Some will be want to know more, but others may be antagonistic and mock you. The best course is not to be defensive, but to let Christ, who now lives in you, love them through you. Hopefully they will want to change too. But whatever you do, don’t let others pull you back into your old ways.

Bad habits which are not easily broken. Maybe you’re in an unhealthy relationship or weighed down by things you’ve struggled with for years. You may feel, “It’s too difficult. I can’t make it in this new life.” Don’t give in to these thoughts.  Based on my experience, it won’t be long before you see some real victories. Remember, Jesus took you to Himself just as you were.  He loves you just as you are and will help you every step of the way.


                                         VIII: THE HELPER

How am I supposed to live the Christian life?

Some have the false idea that from the moment we are born again, we can live life on our own. I’ve often fallen into that trap, reasoning: “I attended a fine college, have a good mind and many solid achievements. Do I really need help living day to day?” In spite of my strengths, I have found I consistently fail when I try to live life on my own.

The reason I fail is that I was designed to live in an intimate relationship with God Himself—not independently. Just as our physical bodies require oxygen to function properly, our spiritual lives are starved without God’s intimate presence. To enable us to live in a close, dependent relationship, God did something amazing. He sent us His own Spirit—called the Holy Spirit.

Jesus called the Holy Spirit the Helper. This term exactly describes how He functions—helping us know the truth, sense evil and do what is right.

Here is a quick assignment. Sometime before the end of the day, read these three scriptures on the Holy Spirit: John chapter 14, verses 16, 17 and 26. They tell of the remarkable nature of Holy Spirit.

Don’t expect the Holy Spirit to come with trumpets blowing or with brilliant flashes of lightning. He works quietly, never intruding. He always points to Jesus, never to Himself. When we are sensitive to His presence He whispers in our ear and tugs at our heart. He is a lifetime teacher and friend.


                     X-: THE RENEWED MIND

What does it mean to renew my mind?

If it hasn’t happened already, you will find yourself struggling with wrong thoughts and ideas. I know.  Though I have been walking with Christ for many years, there are still times when I am amazed, and sometimes ashamed, by thoughts that creep in.

How fortunate for us that Jesus Christ will help us change our thought life. That doesn’t mean it’s easy—but it is possible. The Apostle Paul describes the change process this way: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

The Lord doesn’t want you to set your mind aside when you come to Him.  Just the opposite.  He created your mind, and wants it fully productive, but in the right way. He wants our minds to be renewed. It is not to stop thinking, but to start thinking and viewing things from His perspective.

A great way to begin is to meditate on the Scriptures. Take the verses mentioned so far in these studies, reflect on them, even memorize them. Renewing the mind is a lifelong process, but there’s no better time to begin than now. The verse below is a wonderful, “mind-renewing” scripture:

                              IX-: LOVING OTHERS

Is it really possible to love others?

God’s second great commandment is to “love our neighbors as ourselves.” (The first commandment is to love God – heart, soul, mind and strength.)

Often, I find that loving others is a difficult assignment, especially when the “others” have treated me badly. For example, I think of those to whom I have loaned money who have neither repaid the loan, nor made any attempt to do so. You could be facing a far worse situation, such as an unfaithful marriage partner or an abusive parent. Loving such people can seem overwhelming.

There are two keys to loving others. Both are essential if we’re to have success.

The first is to realize that loving others is a requirement, not an option. We may not feel like loving someone who has deeply offended us.  But God requires us to decide to forgive and love that person in spite of the offense. In my experience, feelings will eventually follow.  But the starting point is always a decision—to forgive and to love.

Second, we are only truly able to love others based on God’s love toward us. Imagine His love toward us as an inexhaustible supply of water flowing into a reservoir. This water, His love stored up in us, is not intended to sit idly but to flow out. He gives us the capacity to love others.

 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” is a privilege and responsibility that comes directly from God’s heart.

                        IIX-: LOVING OURSELVES

Do I love myself?

Here is the “surprise” from yesterday’s lesson: the reference point for loving others is our love for ourselves. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39).

How should you love yourself? Some confuse loving ourselves with indulging our desires and appetites—things we do to feel good. As you have probably realized, rewards from self-indulgence are fleeting.

Others have difficulty loving themselves because of past experiences—serious mistakes they made, sins that have held them hostage. God has graciously given us a way to be released from the burden of past mistakes. It is to ask for and receive His forgiveness. Then this promise becomes reality for us: “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12).

There is really only one way to properly love yourself, and that is to see yourself as Jesus sees you. You are of infinite worth to Him, precious in His sight, filled with His Spirit, part of His body of believers, commissioned to fulfill His grand design for your life, the object of His great love and affection.

As one who is intensely loved by God—totally unshackled from the baggage of the past—you can love yourself and then “love your neighbor as yourself.” In effect, you become a conduit, transporting God’s love to others. It’s a great way to live!

                              IIIX: OVERCOMING THE OLD NATURE 

How do I handle tough times and temptations?

Does becoming a follower of Christ exempt you from difficulty? No.  We don’t somehow pop into a trouble-free glass bubble when we are born again. I find I still have to battle wrong thoughts and temptations every day.

Our ongoing battle is a nasty carryover from our former life called “the old nature.”  Though we received a new nature at conversion, that trouble-causing old nature hangs around, throwing up roadblocks to the Christ-centered life. It’s not easy to disconnect from thoughts and habits that defined us for so long.

But there’s good news!  Our old nature was taken to the grave by Jesus when he was crucified. The new nature we received in its place was a fantastic exchange! Our job now is to be aggressive in overcoming that old nature. The Apostle Paul says, “Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 6:11 NIV). In other words, walk out what was accomplished when Christ died for you.

Please read Galatians 5: 16, 17. It provides the key. In our new life we are to “walk in the Spirit.” That means you allow the Holy Spirit, now living in you, to shape your thoughts, guide your steps, govern your reactions and correct you when you stray. The old nature is real.  But God has made it possible for you to walk in victory.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

                              IVX: RESISTING THE DEVIL

How do I deal with the devil?

One day a heated argument broke out between two senior managers at our company. Normally these two got along well. What caused the outburst?  I didn’t have a clue!

Then I happened to read a book called Dealing with the Devil and realized we may have encountered Satan at work in our business—a new thought for me! The book went on to describe the authority we have in Christ with this analogy: Suppose a person, dressed normally, is standing in a busy traffic intersection— cars coming from all directions. He waves his arms wildly trying to stop traffic, but the cars keep whizzing by. Then he makes one change. He puts on a policeman’s uniform. The results are totally different.  Drivers immediately comply.

Here was the clue I was looking for. If I were “clothed with Christ” I would have authority to deal with spiritual opposition, just as the policeman does in traffic. So I “put on my uniform” and prayed in Jesus’ name, taking authority over the unseen forces stirring up trouble. To my amazement, the problem with the managers evaporated just as quickly as it had erupted.

The devil, or Satan, is a real adversary we must reckon with. Though once a high-ranking angel, he rebelled and was cast out of heaven. He has been in total opposition to God ever since. Jesus called him a thief who steals, kills and destroys. 

Satan was defeated when Jesus went to the Cross, yet he continues to exert influence on the earth. What are we to do? The Bible says: “Resist him and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). In other words, put on the policeman’s uniform!........

 Count your blessings.

Once you realize how valuable you are

and how much you have going for you,

the smiles will return, the sun will break out,

the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward

with the life that God intended for you

with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.

                                             TO GOD BE THE GLORY

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