No Ordinary Field Trip

By WinterWolf-99

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Danny is now the prince of the Ghost Zone, turn king when he is eighteen. White will be the next king of the... More

Chapter One: How Heroes Start The Day
Chapter 2: I Hate Field Trips
Chapter 3: The Team
Chapter 4: Welcome To The Ghost Zone
Chapter 6: Blood Blossom Barrage
Chapter 7: Frozen Friend
Chapter 8: Late
Chapter 9: At The Castle
Chapter 10: A Concert Like No Other Part 1
Chapter 11: A Concert Like No Other Part 2
Chapter 12: Confrontation
Chapter 13: Memories
Chapter 14: Wulf
Chapter 15: Phantom's Keep
Chapter 16: Party Like A Monster
Chapter 17: DADDY?
Chapter 18: Angry, Singing, Siren
Chapter 19: Shot By Cupid's Arrow
Chapter 20: The Incident
Chapter 21: A-List Issues
Chapter 22: The Bat Family Gets Bigger
Chapter 23: Bat Glares Are Inherited
Chapter 24: Another Verbal Beatdown
Chapter 25: Twins Of War
Chapter 26: Never Anger A Phantom
Chapter 27: Why Nightwing Is The Best At Hacking
Chapter 28: This Is Me

Chapter 5: That's Against The Rules

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By WinterWolf-99

        Danny was peacefully listening to his music. Next to him, White was writing in his journal. Valerie was one her phone, not caring because of how often the group had been to the Ghost Zone. Sam and Tucker were holding each others hands.

        The two had only been together since the end of freshman year, so it has been close to a year for them. They did spend a lot of time together while covering for Danny, White, and Valerie when they were fighting ghosts. You get to know people that way. You would never think they'd make a cute couple, but they made it work. But don't get me wrong, they still get into arguments about meat and vegetables. They wouldn't be Sam and Tucker if they didn't.

        The field trip had no trouble, so far. But like a good scoop of ice cream, their peace had to come to an end. 

         The class had been silent for a few minutes, taking in their new and strange surroundings. It can be quite gaughty for first timers. They stared at the green swirls in the black sky, the floating islands, and the purple doors. 

          Even as Team Phantom wasn't paying attention, they all still heard this.

         ''Mrs.Fenton, what are the floating doors for,'' they heard Star ask.

         ''Well, this is not going to end well,'' the five thought, simultaneously.

          They did their best to ignore them.

          ''We don't really know,'' Maddie admitted. ''This is actually our first time in the Ghost Zone.''

          Every member face-palmed. That was the absolute stupidest thing to ever say in a situation like this.

          ''WHAT,'' the class freaked.

            They all started to panic. Even Mr.Lancer was a little worried. Ghost ''experts'' that have never been to the home of all ghosts. How idiotic. As the class continued to freak, he stood up to get their attention.

          ''All of you, calm down,'' he ordered. ''We are completely safe in this vehicle.''

         The class then settled down, going back down into their seats. But then, Dash noticed the five in back had not even reacted to that news. In fact, they all looked quite bored. So he decided to annoy them. Gods do I hate bullies.

         ''Hey, Fenturd,'' Dash called in his jerk of a teen voice.

          Danny had hardly been paying attention, thank the gods for headphones. But he did hear Dash call him with one of his unoriginal and idiotic nicknames. He took off the headphones and looked at the jock.

         ''What is it now, Dash,'' Danny asked, annoyed.

         ''If you're so smart, what are the floating doors for,'' Dashed asked him.

          Danny knew what he was doing. If Danny said that he didn't know, then Dash would have successfully embarrassed him, again. So he decided to show him up.

         ''They lead to ghost lairs,'' he casually answered. ''Though some can open up in the deep recesses of space.''

          ''Then there are the ones that can lead to various points in time where some of the ghosts come from,'' White took over. ''Places like ancient Greece, 1600's Salem, even Atlantis before it sunk into the sea.''

         The class was left in shock. They never expected an answer out of one twin, let alone both of them.

           ''How could you possibly know that,'' Maddie asked, crossing her arms. ''You've never been here before.''

          ''That's where you're wrong,'' Danny smirked. ''But that's nothing new.''

      ''When Jack forgot your anniversary present at home, it accidentally fell into the Ghost Zone,'' White explained. ''So we went in and got it. From then on, we just kept coming back. No biggie.'' 

          Maddie and Jack were left speechless. They didn't even notice that White had said 'Jack' instead of 'dad.'

          ''Why would you purposely come here,'' Maddie shrieked. ''You could have gotten hurt because of one of those ectoplasmic monsters.''

          ''We were safe enough,'' Danny says. ''Not all ghosts are evil.''

         ''And the same goes for mystics,'' White added.

          ''That to,'' Danny agreed.

            ''Of course they're all evil,'' Jack said. ''They've done nothing but attack us.''

          ''Phantom doesn't attack anyone but the bad ghosts,'' Danny argued. ''And Gold Siren also works hard to defend us.''

         ''They're just biding time so they can destroy us after gaining our trust,'' Maddie glared at her 'sons'.

         ''Just because you believe that doesn't mean it's true,'' White growled.

          Just as things were about to escalate, aka Danny and White giving the Fentons a beat down, that's when things went way wrong. Danny saw a small blue mist escape his mouth, his ghost sense acting up. White felt the familiar shiver of his hidden wings, his siren sense. Both meant the same thing, that there was a ghost or mystic nearby.

          ''Bringing humans into the Ghost Zone,'' a deep voice said. ''That's against the rules.''

         ''Not again,'' Team Phantom complained, as a gas knocked them all out.

                                         *****Time Jump Brought To You By Clockwork*****

          "I blame you." Danny glared over to White. 

          He glared back "This is all your fault. But when Walker gets back, he better pray to the gods that I don't get out of this thing.''

         They had been fighting like this ever since they woke up. Danny was each strapped to a table that was standing up. White was sealed in a bubble of energy that stopped his powers. The class, including Mr. Lancer, Jack, and Maddie, were now only just starting to wake up in a cage on the other side of the prison hall.

         ''All of our weapons are gone,'' Maddie instantly noticed.

        ''Don't worry, Maddie,'' Jack comforted. ''We'll get them back from the ghost scum.''

         ''White and Danny aren't even the same cell as us and the first thing they notice is their weapons,'' Valerie quietly growled.

         ''Where the hell are we,'' Dash panicked.

          ''Walker's ghost prison,'' Sam told him, watching the brothers fight.

           "How is this my fault," Danny whined.

          "Because you just had to start that argument with the Fentons; if not, we'd already be at the Far Frozen by now," he yelled, finally waking everyone up fully. 

          Only neither of them had noticed.

          "That's not my fault! I didn't start the argument," Danny protested. ''And you had as much to do with that argument as I did.''

         ''Why do the losers have their own cell,'' Dash complained. ''It's not like Fentonia and Tone Deaf are threats. They're too weak.''

          ''Would you like to take my place,'' Danny offered. ''I'd be more than happy to.''

         Dash shut up, crossing his arms and grumbling.

         ''Thought so,'' White said.

          "Will you two shut up already," Walker growled, walking into the hall. ''You're giving me a headache.''

          The twins were on one side of the hall, in their own cell. The class and adults were on the opposite side.

          "Well if it aggravates you then I'm pretty sure that's just incentive for us to talk louder don't you think harmony head," Danny asked, cheekily.

         "Oh, I agree completely, electric face," White smirked. 

         Walker glared at them.

          "Just for that I'm adding an extra special punishment to your sentence boys," he glared.

         He walked over and inspected the humans in the cage. 

       "You know I have always wanted to see what the inside of a human looked like..." he mused. 

         Everyone in the cage slunk back in fear. Danny's heart stopped.

        "NO," everyone was shocked by his outburst. "Walker I'll make you a deal."

         The warden turned back to look at Danny.

         "And what do you possibly have to offer hat I could want,"he asked.

         Danny smirked. "Remember how you were really mad when I started that prison break?"

         Walker frowned. "Yes..." through gritted teeth.

        "Well how bout I don't start another one of those if you let my friends and brother go,'' Danny replied coolly. ''Then I promise I will do my five thousand years without anything so much as a complaint about the food." 

        "Danny, no," Sam, Tucker, and White all cried at once. 

        The rest of the people in the cage were still in so much shock to what he said that they didn't say anything. Walker thought about this. 

          "Hmm... that's a nice offer but I'm afraid I'll have to turn it down. You both are just so much fun to play with. And I'm sure that your friends would love to watch." 

          He walked over to White's bubble, making Danny want to break out to protect his brother. And since he was strapped down with anti-ghost cuffs, he couldn't change or reach for a Fenton phone to call the team. He smirked, seeing Danny's reaction.

         "Don't you just love it that once you learn how a ghost died you also learn their worst fear. Even though they can never relive it they still fear it,'' he taunted. ''Yours is the easiest. The need to protect others. Most of all, your precious twin. Do you know how many years you get to stay?"

          Danny then decided to use his most powerful weapon, his big mouth. He leaned against the metal table.

         "As a matter of fact, I don't. Why don't you tell me?", he asked. 

         "20 thousand years,'' Walker answered, and the class gasped. 

         ''Hm, I expected a little more than that," White thought, seeing what Danny was doing. 

         ''Hm, well. I'm pretty sure half of those years are for kicking your sorry behind,'' Danny taunted. ''The other half must be for my amazing personality. Isn't that right Walkie?" 

          He talks innocently as Walker growled. Almost there. 

         "So, are we just going to stand here, are you going to torture me, or...seriously, I'm bored. Do something,'' Danny deadpanned, and Walker hit the bars in frustration. 

         "You're so annoying," Walker exclaimed and Danny smirked. 

         "I know right," he said, smiling. 

         Walker actually turned red, that's a new record! 

         "ARRRRRGH," Walker growled and Danny and White laughed.

          "Oh wow! You're playing pirate! We should call Young Blood," Danny exclaimed, laughing. 

          "THAT'S IT! Another thousand years for being ANNOYING,'' Walker exclaimed, before storming out. 

         After he was gone I looked at the class, who are a mix of scared and angry. Dash was mostly angry. The rest of Team Phantom looked amused.

         ''Was that seriously your plan,'' Dash yelled. ''To annoy the ghost that has us locked up.''

          ''It got him to leave, didn't it,'' Danny smirked. ''More importantly, leave my brother alone.''

          ''You risked our lives for the life of a loser,'' Paulina screamed.

           ''Hey,'' White protested. ''I'm floating right here, ya know.''

          ''Speaking of that,'' Danny started,'' how you doing with our escape plan?''

          ''Working on it,'' White says. ''Hold your horses.''

          White pulled a small needle from his pocket, along with a silver chain like the one around his neck. He then un-clipped his necklace and separated the lyre pendent from the chain. He put the pendent back on with the chain from his pocket. Using the other chain, connecting it to the needle, he swiped it over the bubble. Seconds later, the bubble burst into energy shards.

         White's feet hit the ground and he went over to his brother. Danny then dropped from the table. A needle was in his fingers.

         ''It's a good thing Batman isn't here to see this,'' Danny says, rubbing his wrists. ''He'd have my head for taking so long.''

          ''If we don't get to Ember soon, she's gonna have our heads,'' White said, looking at his watch.

          Danny went over to the door and kicked it open. He then picked the lock to the other cell and opened it. The class filed out.

          ''How did you two do that,'' Mikey asked.

         White showed him the needle and chain.

          ''This chain and needle are both made with energy dampeners so that they can cut through any type of energy, mystical or scientific,'' he explained. ''Useless on their own, but work when put together.''

         ''And I kept a small needle between my fingers,'' Danny went next. ''So I used it to pick the locks on my cuffs when Walker wasn't paying attention. Rule number one of being kidnapped, put in prison, or held hostage. They never check the kids.''


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