Loving the Enemy

By PeacefullyUnknown

77.9K 3K 622

Dear Olive, I hate you. I hate that you were born and that your human and have a face. I hate that you live... More

1- Kyle
5- Kyle
6- Olivia
9- Kyle
Kyle- 25
28- Kyle
the end- Kyle
Book 2?
Book 2 i s finally released !!!!
When will book 2 finish?

2- Olivia

3.6K 142 28
By PeacefullyUnknown

Dear someone,

I know a lot of things.
Like Geometry, Algebra, and Chemistry, I know all the things that teacher's cram in our mind at an early age of five or four, when they force you out the sanctuary of your own home and throw you out into the real world. But one thing I don't know is what to do when your best friend's twin brother absolutely, without a doubt, hates you. I guess they thought adding letters in math was more useful. Turns out it wasn't.

I honestly don't know what I ever did to make him hate me. I always try to go back to when I first met Kyle Everest. Back then I was too young to even grasp the true meaning of the word hate, but I knew the word, and I knew it was an ugly one that he always chose to direct at me.

I had just turned six that summer and was moving from the only place I had ever known as home, from Phoenix Arizona to Orlando Florida.

My mom was given the chance to have a huge raise in her salary if she moved states for her job, so the rest was naturally history.
It helped that my mom was born in Florida and my grandparents were already here so it all just made sense.
At the time.
At the time it all just made sense, but that was until we met the neighbors.

Introducing the Green family.
Meet Mr. Green: a 38-year-old man that has given us the stink eye since the moment we arrived, he has a slight over bulge on his stomach that has yet to leave, and his eyes are so dark you could almost see the years worth of secrets that swirl in them.
His first name Ben. How typical.

Meet Mrs. Green #2: I never got the pleasure of meeting number one seeing as how she took off way long after the twins were born, apparently she struggled with some kind of drug addiction problem. I never knew her first name. Anyways, Mrs. Green #2 is new to the picture barely marrying Mr. Green a couple years ago. Despite the fact she's on the young side being 24 she has this genuine glow about her that not even the twins can deny or hate. Her name is April.

Meet Madeline, the angel twin. She has been my best friend since the fifth grade, I didn't really know she existed till then due to the fact I was too distracted by her twin Kyle, and by distracted I mean torched in every given way possible. We started off as mutual acquaintances, but then his
disliking for me started out small like interrupting me whenever I would try to talk, to pulling my chair out from my desk when I went to sit down, and tying my separate pairs of shoe string's together so I would trip whenever I walked.

Then it slowly became personal. Like in the third grade when he told everyone I tried to kiss him, to stealing and reading my diary to the whole fourth-grade class. It continued out like that for years with small yet hurtful pranks just out of spite until freshman year, then pranks turned into genuine acts of hatred.

I'll never forget how he got one of his close friends to pretend to like me for months then asked me to homecoming to only leave me stranded miles away from my house while it was raining. His friend was a junior and I should have known better than to think he would be interested in an average-looking freshman like me, he went on and explained he only pretended to be interested in me for whatever I did to Kyle. The guy then proceeded to go to homecoming with another girl while I walked home in the pouring rain and was sick for weeks. I could go on and tell you about the time he fractured my arm with another "prank" or about when he chopped off my entire ponytail, but I'll rather save myself the play by play.

"Olivia, are you even listening to me?" I come back to reality to hear Madeline snapping her fingers in my face angrily. "Of course I was!" Not. Her eyes squint together as if she's trying to see something far away. "So you totally agree then?" She asks knowing darn well I have no idea what she's talking about, but I play along. "Yup, I one hundred percent agree," I say with fake enthusiastic and an obviously forced smile.

Madeline and our other two friends Katherine and Michelle all share a knowing look then squeal out loud in enjoyment causing a few bystanders to shoot us dirty looks as we sit in the school's cafeteria. I frown and scratch my head in confusion. "What just happened?" I ask finally realizing my mistake. Madeline grins devilishly, "You my antisocial friend have just agreed to go to the party of the year."

My mouth suddenly turns dry as I reflect on the predicament I just got myself into and mentally plan how to get out of it.
"Please tell me that party isn't hosted by Ryan," I say feeling physically nauseous. Ryan's one of Kyle's really good friends so I know if he's throwing the party Kyle will without a doubt be there. Madeline makes a sympathetic face and my heart skips a beat. "You already agreed and you can't just back out on me now. Come on Olivia, Kyle hasn't done anything to you in ages." Actually it's been precisely 1 month and 12 and a half days since Kyle's last attack but that's only because he's been so distracted by football's incoming season that tormenting me hasn't fit in his schedule, but I'm more than certain he'll find a way to make it happen especially since he's so-called "banished" me from ever attending any social event he's at since sophomore year.

I give Madeline a dry look, she better than anyone should know the depths her twin brother would go to put me through hell. She sighs exhaustedly knowing me too well and gives me a strange look, "You know Kyle wasn't always such a bully? You legit for some unknown reason just bring out the worst in him. He's literally a sweetheart to practically everyone but you. " I snort indifferently, she's saying this as if I don't already know.

So maybe there's been a few times I took Kyle's fruit snacks out his lunch box and replaced them with the carrot sticks my mom packed, or times I stared at him more than a normal person would at the beginning of first grade but we were playmates. Things just changed one day and I never knew why. I never asked him either.....omg. I never asked him why! Maybe it's that simple. Years of torture and being afraid to leave my own house. Going to this party could be a perfect opportunity to make amends with him and put our childish past behind us..
"You know what Maddie,your right. Kyle hasn't even looked at me once this month, I think going to this party is a perfect idea."

Little had I know, no one makes amends with the devel without someone combusting into flames, I just thought the burn marks he'd leave me would be worth it in the end, but I was never prepared to truthfully know why he hated me and he was never prepared to have to tell me.


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