Not Used To It

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(AKA - Parent Project Book) Gather around all the 16-17 year old horn dogs. Charlotte and Henry get paired up... Daha Fazla

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Test 3 - Parent Type

"Hey, Jasper is bringing the kids over for a play date. Hopefully they tire out and sleep real good tonight." Henry says to me as he walks into our bedroom. I'm on the bed feeding Aaron and I look a hot mess.

"That's great. I should probably freshen up then. Would you mind burping him and watching him?" I ask and Henry shakes his head walking towards me. He picks up Aaron who just continues eating. I sigh out of relief and get out of bed.

"Mommy!!!" I hear a little voice call.

"She's not here!" I call back. I quickly pick some underwear out of my drawer and dash into the bathroom.

"Daddy, where's Mommy?" I hear Aiden ask Henry through the door.

"She's about to get in the shower. Hey look when I'm home you guys don't have to go to her for everything. Make full use of the time you have with me." I hear Henry reply.

"Okay Daddy. We just wanted to know if we can bake cookies now." Aiden says. I roll my eyes. These kids stay baking and eating sweets.

"Yeah sure, let me finish up with Aaron and the Hart boys will make some cookies. How about we make a special one for Mommy and all the work she does?" Henry says.

"Good idea! Maybe then she'll go back to giving us more kisses! You too Daddy!" Aiden says and then I hear his little footsteps as he possibly runs out the room. I didn't notice I hadn't been giving my kids affection. I've just been so tired trying to juggle between taking care of Aaron who is  teething, making sure the boys aren't dead or dumb and keeping the house clean. Henry's only been working for 2 weeks now and it's proven to be way harder with him not being around.

I strip and head towards the shower. I turn on the water and get out my shower cap. I cover my head and decide to do an extra brush of my teeth while the shower warms up. I finish brushing and get in the shower. Once I'm done scrubbing all the tiredness out of my body I rinse off once more this time with cooler temperatured water and turn the shower off. I apply Baby Oil to my skin and fully exit the shower. I grab my towel and dry myself off. I crack the window in the bathroom to let some steam out. I put on my underwear so I'm not completely naked. I wash my face, rub it with some witch hazel and let it air dry. I then apply my new face lotion and follow on with applying my body lotion on my body.

I slowly open the bathroom door, hoping Henry isn't in the room and once I'm sure he isn't I leave the bathroom. I come to find an empty room and my bedroom door is closed on top of that. I go back to the dresser and this time I pull out some leggings and fuzzy socks. Going towards Henry's side, I grab one of his smaller shirts and throw it on - also finally removing my shower cap, bonnet and silk scarf.

After I'm fully dressed I head downstairs to see just what the boys are all up to. Halfway down the steps I smell sugar cookies and I race into the kitchen.

"Mommy!" "Babe!" I hear my boys yell. Although I raise an eyebrow at Henry who smiles cheekily at me. He boldly get his tall behind up and walks over to me. He hugs me and kisses my forehead then walks over to the oven.

I stand there stunned. The kids race to my legs and wrap around them. I ruffle up all their heads.

"Hey boys, so did you guys mess up or burn anything ?" I ask and they all start talking loudly about how Henry read the wrong box but Aiden caught the mistake and they had to start all over.

"So Daddy's not good with directions huh?" I ask and Henry quickly turns to look at me with a smirk.

"No!" The boys scream and I laugh. 

"I knew that already." I whisper to them and they all break out in laughter.

"Hey, it's not nice to talk about me. Charlotte you have to sleep with me so I'd suggest you stop." Henry teases and I roll my eyes.

"Don't push your luck you twat." I say. He bites his lip and that's when I decide to notice my baby is missing.

"Where is Aaron?" I ask.

"He's on his play bed, sleeping." Aiden answers. He walks back to where he was sitting before and faces his father.

"Can we eat the cookies now ?" Aiden asks.

"Not yet, we have to wait for guests!" Ashton yells and Avan sighs loudly while Aiden groans.

"Grow up you babies!" Ashton says aggressively to them and Henry chuckles.

"Hey Ash buddy, it's okay. We did all that hard work, they can have one cookie." Henry reasons but Ashton shakes his head fervently.

"No, that's not nice. It is umpolite -"

"Impolite," Henry interjects Ashton.

"Yeah that's what I said." Ashton smiles sheepishly and this time I chuckle. Henry pats his head at the same time there is a knock on our door and a slight buzz sound is heard which can only be our doorbell.

"Guests!" Ashton yells.

"Cookies!" The other two yell.

"Sh! You'll wake up Aaron." I say and they cover their mouths. We all leave the kitchen as I check on Aaron, and the boys follow Henry to the front door. 

"Uncle Jasper!" The boys yell.

"Hey, I'm here too." Chloe scoffs and they all pour into the living room. Aaron looks up at me and he's quite angry. He can be a huge grump when he's woken up out of his naps. His little eyebrows are scrunched up and his lips are pursed. I smile and just pick him up.

"Come on bubs, we'll go sleep upstairs." I say and he just stays with that mad face. Henry closes the door.

"Aunty Charlotte!" I hear a little voice call and I smile.

"Aw, it's my favorite neice and nephew. Hi Emmy. Hey Jack." I say to the both of them. Emily giggles and waves to me which causes me to wave back at her. Chloe is holding her on her hip even though that girl there is more than capable of walking. Jackson runs to my legs and hugs them almost making me fall.

"Whoa there bud," I rub his back and pat his head, " I'm going to go put Aaron to sleep upstairs and then I'll be back down." I say to Jackson who just nods his head then lets go of my legs. He runs back over to my boys and they all start whispering and I roll my eyes. Keeping secrets already, sheesh.  I quickly make my way upstairs where it takes a while for Aaron to go back to sleep but eventually I'm putting him in his crib, turning on the baby monitor and leaving the room. I close my door and head back down to the party. I see the kids in the living room which must mean that the parents are in the kitchen.

"Jasp!" I say excitedly and Jasper jumps up to hug me. I hug him back and we pull away. Chloe doesn't hesitate to hug the life out of me once he's let go.

"Wow Chloe for a small girl you sure have a strong grip." I say and she laughs.

"It's cause I miss you. I'm either working or watching the kids which can get very boring since I have baby talk all the time." She groans and I laugh.

"Hey question, how did you guys get your kids to listen so well?" Jasper asks and Chloe nods her head in agreement.

"Our kids?" Henry asks and I scoff.

"Yeah right those suckers never listen." I say and this time it's Henry nodding in agreement with me.

"But they're so well-behaved and they do something as soon as you guys say it. Like Henry told Aiden to back away from the cookies and he did it immediately." Jasper points out.

"Yeah if that was Jackson, I'd have to physically pick him up to move him away from the cookies. He never listens and I don't want Emily to follow in his footsteps." Chloe says.

"I don't really know. Do you treat your kids like kids or do you treat them like little siblings?" I ask. Both Jasper and Chloe look confused.

"What's the difference?" Chloe asks slowly.

"It's literally called the Parent project not the Big Sister project." Henry says.

"Amen." I say and Henry smiles.

"You have to show that you are the parent, you're in control. They have to see that oh she means business." I explain. They're both still confused.

"It's about showcasing your authority. You have to be strong, firm and authoritative when you want something. But you also have to reason with them and explain why what they're doing is wrong and the importance of listening. You take corrective action." Henry explains more and it's still not clicking for them.

"Okay we'll show you, knowing our kids I guarantee you someone will be crying within the next I say 5 minutes." I say.

"I guarantee you Avan will also start yelling." Henry chips in.

"How do you know that?" Chloe challenges and just like there's a bang, crying and yelling.

"Called it." Henry and I say as the other couple looks stunned. We all scurry to the scene to find Emily is crying, Jackson and Ashton are fighting, Avan is yelling and Aiden is watching tv completely oblivious to the scene behind him.

"Hey hey, Jackson cut it out. Ashton get off him." Chloe says in a sweet voice trying to coax the two into not fighting.

"Emily honey, stop crying." Jasper says as he immediately picks her up and rubs her back trying to get her to settle. Chloe ends up going to break the two boys up and trying to get Avan to stop yelling while Jasper is trying his best to get Emily to stop crying.

"Jack, hey stop fighting me! Avan be quiet! Ouch Jackson, stop! Ashton you stop too!" Chloe yells.

"Emillyyy pleeaassse stopp." Jasper pleads with her.

"Should we intervene?" Henry asks me and I wait about 5 seconds before nodding my head.

"Jasper put Emily down and Chloe leave those boys alone." I say and both of them do as follows. They both walk over to where we were standing looking worn out.

"Go get some milk and cookies, we'll handle this." I say and they don't waste a second. I head straight for Emily and I bend down to her level.

"Hey Emmy, you have to stop crying. I can't help you if you're crying." I try a civil approach not wanting to scare her right away. She quiets down slowly but she picks back up once Avan yells. I just hug her and rub her back and she stands in my arms and finishes out her cries.

"Avan! You know better than to yell ! Do I have to remind you why you're wrong ?"  Henry says scarily serious. Avan shuts up so fast and he shakes his head no.

"Go sit your butt down by your brother." Henry commands and Avan goes to sit and watch tv with Aiden.

"Jackson and Ashton, stop fighting right now before both of you end up knowing what a real beating feels like." Henry reprimands and they immediately stop. Jackson seethes while Ashton just scurries off and goes to sit beside his brothers already knowing he's in trouble.

"Ugh! Hate you !" Jackson screams out and tries to stomp away but Henry immediately grabs Jackson by the back of his shirt and brings Jackson to his face.

"You may not be my child but I will sure beat your little ass in front of everyone here. You are going to sit down and calm the hell down before you end up hurt. Are we clear ?" Henry spits out menacingly and I've never seen a child so shook before in my life. He nods his head fervently and sits down with Henry still gripping his shirt.

"Yes Uncle Henry. Sorry." Jackson mumbles out. Henry carries Jack by his shirt to where our kids are sitting. With everyone else quiet I turn my attention to Emily who has been clutching onto me with her bottom lip quivering.

"Hey Em, what's wrong?" I ask her and she just pouts and touches her head.

"Wanna go to Mommy?" I ask and she nods.

"Okay, thank you for not crying anymore. Let's go to Mommy." I say and pick her up.

"Henry, find out what happened." I say and he nods. I hear the tv cut off and the kids groan as I walk out.

"Shut up! What happened to Emily ?" Henry demands, but I don't stick around to hear the response.

"Hey Chlo, Emmy wants you. I don't know what happened but Henry's finding out now." I say and Chloe takes Emily from my arms. She starts to rub her arms, kisses her head and cuddles her. Jasper moves to us with a glass of milk.

"You guys are so good with kids. I thought y'all were talking about being mean and smacking heads earlier." Jasper says.

"You don't smack heads, well we try not to but sometimes it happens. However giving a little whooping when it's needed and necessary has never hurt anyone. My kids know why they're in trouble, why what they did is wrong, how to do better and how easier things would be if they listened. It comes down to setting rules, sticking to them and helping them understand why the rules are set and why breaking them not only shows disrespect but causes more harm than anything and not just to themselves. Kids are smart, smarter than most people like to give them credit for." I say.

"Prreeeaaacch Char." Chloe says and I smile.

"I wish. I'm going to go find out what happened with the kids." I say and Jasper nods.

"Oo oo can I come?" Jasper asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"Sure why not? Hey when you guys get home you should have a talk with Jackson about rules and him learning that he won't get away with just having a fit. Reason with him and use a little fear tactic. If that doesn't work then bring in more gun power but should all else fail bring up Uncle Henry and he should stop. Henry put the fear in his heart todayyy." I sing out the last part but mainly try to offer my best advice.

"Thank you and will do." Chloe says. Jasper and I leave her to soothe her baby while we figure out this mess.

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