Her Grace

By Huggy3516

6K 466 707

We find our characters in early 1500's England Chloe is the nineteen year old princess of England, sister of... More



137 12 23
By Huggy3516

Another morning in Portugal arrived and chloe stood at the window of her chambers watching as the English ship headed into port

Last night had been another night of absolute nightmares as he yet again proved she was his wife, this time more than once

She felt filthy after what had happened, she was bruised and battered from how aggressive he'd been just trying to make it happen for him, being an old man it was no simple task, no matter how beautiful she was or how willing she was for it to be over and done with by any means

She was now living in fear that before long her he'd get her pregnant and she'd be stuck there for the rest of her life, if they had a child, she'd have to be regent to the child until they were old enough to rule by themselves, a fate she did not ever want to have

She watched carefully as the ship slowly came closer and closer, knowing as soon as the ship was loaded and everyone was on board they would be setting sale back for England, leaving her there

And it wouldn't be long until this happened, the more and more she thought about it, the less she could stand the thought of being left here

She turned back to the bed where her husband was sprawled across it, snoring loudly, she felt nothing but hatred and disgust as she looked at him

And then she found herself slowly moving closer and closer to the bed, one step at a time, one foot in front of the other as her thoughts became more sinister

The longer she stared at him the less she could stand the sight of him, the more she thought about what Ryan had said

But that was the thing, if an old man suddenly died, it wouldn't seem that curious, especially not as old as her husband

She stopped just by the bed and stared at him, hate in her eyes and a desire to be free from all this latching onto her mind, her heart being ruled by something else entirely

She leant forward a little to peer out of the slightly open door and saw no one was outside, they were completely alone

No one would ever know if she did it

She once again stared back at her husband and thought of all the disgusting ways he'd looked at her, all the disgusting ways he'd touched her, all the disgusting things he'd done to her

And her mind was made up

This one simple and easy act and her pain would end, her suffering would be over...she could go home...she could go home with him, with Ryan

She reached across the king for the pillow on the other side of him

She almost jumped back up fright as her hair swiped across his face gently and he began to stir

He made some noises and moved around a little bit then settled down again and remained asleep, she internally sighed with relief, if she was caught she'd be arrested for treason and beheaded

But still nothing would stop her

She once again reached carefully for the pillow and this time managed to grab it

She brought it to her chest an then ever so carefully began to crawl onto the bed until she was at the perfect position to do it

As the bells from the city cathedral began to ring it was almost a sign, calling an end to the king's time in the mortal world

She didn't care if her soul was damned for this, she didn't care what happened, she wanted him dead

She glared at his face one final time and then she did it, she moved the pillow slowly down to his face and then when it was inches away forced it down upon his face

It was immediately clear he had been awoken by this and he began trying to struggle under it as she put all her weight into pinning him down and keeping this pillow firmly over his head so he couldn't breath

It was extraordinary how long hale managed to fight it, being such an old man, he last almost a full minute of struggling quite irately, she was definitely struggling to keep him pinned down but she held her nerve and she went through with it

And then the struggling began to lessen, and then he wasn't struggling at all, his body went limp and his life was gone

She moved the pillow away from his head and placed it back down beside him as she had found it and then prepared herself

The last thing she would have to do was pretend to be devastated as it was confirmed he was dead and that was it

She was going home


Double update, aren't you guys lucky? Yes you read that correctly, yes she just did that, she just killed her husband, do you think it will really be that easy? Do you think she's really going home now? Is it all really over? Will she get away with it? Or will she get caught? Pls make sure to vote and let me know what you think Xoxo

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