Her Grace

By Huggy3516

6K 466 707

We find our characters in early 1500's England Chloe is the nineteen year old princess of England, sister of... More



142 11 8
By Huggy3516

The next day a celebration was being hosted in honour of the royal wedding, Chloe sat upon her throne beside her husband, a beautiful red a gold dress on, looking slightly more calm than she had the last time he'd seen her

Ryan stepped up in front of them and bowed to them, remembering his place very well, the solemn look that seemed to linger upon his face at the moment remained firmly in place

"With your majesty's permission, may I dance with your wife?" He asked but that was when Chloe noticed a bit of the Ryan she had seen that night returning as she could sense in his voice he would probably have taken her to dance either way but was doing the king the curtesy of asking his permission first

Chloe looked questioningly at him while the king just completely confused, speaking no English, he had no idea what had just been said and so turned to his translator for help

His translator whispered the translation to him and he immediately turned to his new bride and gestured for her to go with Ryan to dance

A slightly smirk came across Chloe's face as she handed her wine glass back to whoever was behind her, not even looking to see who as she had her eyes fixed on Ryan, and then got up and walked towards him

The king was smiling happily, rather content at getting to see his wife dance, obviously not able to dance with her, having no idea that she was dancing with a former lover, if he was even that

Ryan put his hand out to her and she placed hers on his as he escorted her onto the floor and they waited for the music to begin

She looked at him intently while he kept his eyes straight ahead

As the music began they joined the pairs already waiting and began the dance, his face still stern while hers a little less so

"When do you leave?" She asked as she stepped up beside him, both knowing exactly what they were doing, neither looking at the other

"Tomorrow" he told her as he forced himself to not look at her, she turned back to face him rather dramatically and he wasn't exactly sure if that was part of the dance or something else

He stepped forward to be in line with her once again as they continued to dance and quietly discuss

She kept her eyes on him and he tried to force his gaze to remain away from her but as he had to turn back towards her direction his eyes fell upon her, she looked beautiful, the crown of a queen suited her well, it only shamed him that he couldn't have been the one to give it to her

"You can't" she told him as he looked away again but her eyes remained locked on him and he knew it, she was almost glaring at him as he kept the same solemn look on his face, trying not give anything away to the people surrounding them, something she seemed to care very little about

But then he changed his own mind about all that

"Why can't I?" He began to mess with her as a small smirk appeared across his face "I've discharged my duty, why should I stay? You have a life to lead" he reminded her, toying with her really seemed to be something he enjoyed and it really got on her nerves

They began circling each other as the dance went on, Chloe may have lost the battle with her brother but she wasn't going to lose to him too

Out of the corner of his eye Ryan noticed the king shifting a little in his throne as he tried to watch what they were doing amongst the crowd

Ryan lead her to the front so they were right in front of the king as the king watched on, beginning to look slightly concerned about what was unfolding in front of him and then rather suddenly Ryan pulled her in close, taking her other hand in his and locking stares

Their faces were inches away and each was having to fight the edge to do something to the other, on his part it was kiss and on her half at with slap...and then kiss

It was all part of the dance but yet something about how he was doing it, she knew he was after something

"It's strange...some men who seem to be at the peak of health, who are still young and full of life, can suddenly collapse and die, and yet by that same counter, some old men, who's bodies look worn out, who's race seems run, they can go on for years" he really did like toying with her, smirking as he spoke, while the glaring look and the annoyed look across her face was the exact response he had sought "Don't you think it's strange?"

He twirled her around and then leaned in closer as they circled each other again, it wasn't much and all the men had done it, but something about how he was playing with her was really pissing her off

"Do you tease me because it amuses you?" She questioned, now playing her own little game in return, she had him, he just didn't know it yet, the annoyed look across her face had him completely fooled as his smirk only grew wider

"Why else?" He replied as he pushed her away and then pulled her back in, keeping in time with all the other pairs who were dancing along with them

This time they were facing each other as the circled around, inches between their faces at most

Then they moved further away, he put out his hand, she took it and let him lead her around him with his arm, spinning her around at the last second

Dead on she glares at him by she knew she had him and her next line sealed it, he spun her around one more time and then just as the music ended she stepped closer and whispered in his ear

"Because you love me" the seduction in her words left him reeling, was she right? Damnit of course she was right, he knew it and she knew it but neither wanted to admit it was true

He'd never truly loved someone before, he'd slept with many girls, he'd been betrothed to multiple girls, he was betrothed to one now but she'd stolen his heart and he didn't even want it back

A small smirk spread across her face for just a few moments as his eyes went wide in response to her words but then she moved away and the smirk faded so no one but Ryan would ever know it had happened

They were completely in sync as then rose up from bowing to each other, it was like everything was in slow motion, each having to try and keep straight aces, each struggling to do so

And then she walked away, back to her throne, back to her husband, he watched her go in shock, God she had him good

The king kept looking back and forth between them as Ryan's arched her and she met his state once she had turned and taken her seat

He had no idea what was happening between them and he never would


I love this scene oh my god, but just wait, thing s are gonna heat up VERY soon and you will not be prepared for what happens next I assure you, but is that always a bad thing? Xoxo

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