Magic Revealed

By KindredCoffee

590K 21.8K 9K

Starting at the beginning of Season 4, Lancelot and Merlin manage to close the rift without a sacrifice. With... More

Under Your Nose
At Your Mercy
Merlin's Tale
The Prince and The Warlock
Give Me Back My Wallet
The Future of Albion
Long Live The King
Magic Is Not Evil
Merlin You Idiot
My King
Returning Home
Shut Up Gwaine
Thank You For Everything
Creating and Maintaining
King of Legend
Something Like That
A Bit Drunk
Author Message (Not a chapter)
Isn't That The Truth
Goodnight My Lord
King's Orders
Merlin Himself
Short and Sweet
Quite Alright
Gold Eyes
Authors Note (Not A Chapter)
Starting Out
No Answer
A Bit Quiet
For The Love of Camelot
Lyra Heldin
I Got Tagged
Returning To Camelot
Nor Would I

Stuff To Do

15.8K 589 211
By KindredCoffee

Arthur woke up first that morning. They had moved around again during the knights so instead of being on top of the warlock he found himself chest to back with his friend, one arm slung over Merlin waist.

Arthur mentally groaned. He knew he'd been asking for trouble when he told Merlin they could share the bed but he'd decided that it would be fine. Besides, ever since he'd seen those scars he hadn't let Merlin out of his sight and had been wary of his friend going more than a few feet from him.

Damn his possessive impulses.

He didn't move. He just couldn't bring himself to and also knew that Merlin was a light sleeper, if he did move he was sure to wake up the warlock. His nose was tucked into the fringe of Merlin's hair and he was surprisingly comfortable. Maybe he could just pretend like he was asleep. After all Merlin knew he was a heavy sleeper and would probably just push him off.

So he relaxed in the warm comfortable bed. It had been cold last night, a sign that winter was almost here. Back home in Camelot he'd have to have Merlin put blankets over the windows to keep the heat in. Or maybe he could use magic. Who knew? Merlin was constantly coming up with new tricks to surprise him and Arthur had realized that he could probably go with Merlin alone to a neighboring kingdom and be just as safe as if he'd brought all his knights.

The warlock had been very happy when Arthur repealed the ban on magic a few days before, though he'd disappeared of to who knows where. Possibly to talk with the dragon, who Arthur had yet to meet.

Despite this he still did not tell anyone of his magic. When the knights asked him why not he told them that he had no need to. It wasn't that he was hiding it but that he just had no reason to out it on display. He had told Gwen though. Merlin and Lancelot had gotten an earful as the small woman complained that they should have told her.

Arthur smiled as he thought of how Merlin had put his magic books in Arthur's room even though they weren't illegal. The response when he had asked why was, "Well I spend most of my time in here don't I? Honestly the only time I use my chambers if to sleep or look at these and that is usually after I get someone else to take one of my chores so I can study. If they're in here and I'm not busy at least I can study!"

He honestly didn't want to give Merlin so much work though he'd noticed that recently the man had been getting done with his chores much faster. Probably using magic to multitask.

He felt Merlin shift slightly and closed his eyes, waiting to see if the warlock was awake. Through the thin shirt that Merlin was wearing Arthur could feel many of the scars that he'd seen the day before. Honestly, if he hadn't known Merlin would stop him he'd hunt down every single person who'd hurt him and make them pay.

He felt Merlin shift again before settling against Arthur and breathing out a puff of air, still asleep. Arthur smiled, and tangled his fingers in Merlin's shirt. Everything was warm and felt good. He was going to be sad when Merlin did wake up.


Arthur didn't respond as he realized that had woken up. He just stayed relaxed and held Merlin, determined not to let the warlock know he was awake. Merlin's face tilted slightly so he could see Arthur out of the corner of his eyes and took in his closed eyes and relaxed face. "Possessive Prat" he muttered and gently lifted Arthur's arm off of his waist. "I swear. Probably only let me sleep in the bed cause he was still worked up about the scars."

Damn did he know him well. But he had wanted Merlin to be comfortable, he wasn't a total jerk. He heard Merlin got to a different part of the room and heard the rustling of cloths. After a few minutes he heard Merlin's voice. "Arthur. Arthur wake up!"

Arthur groaned and rolled over, stuffing his face in the pillow. He felt Merlin come up next to him, sit down on the bed and shake him. "Arthur! Come on, we've got stuff to do."

Arthur grumbled but sat up. And looked at Merlin, who was sitting by his bed. He'd changed into his normal cloths and looked well rested for once. Normally he looked tired. "Sleep well?" He asked the servant.

Merlin nodded and smiled slightly, "Very. Thanks. You?"

"As well as ever." The prince said before looking at what Merlin was holding in his hands, his clothes for the day. The warlock held them up, "Come on. Get dressed. I'm sure a servant will be coming by soon to tell us about breakfast."

Arthur groaned and rolled his eyes, "fine."

Merlin helped him get dressed and then went to the window and looked outside. "It's getting colder."

Arthur nodded, "I noticed. Did you rekindle the fire last night. There's no way it would have lasted that long with what was in it last night."

Merlin nodded slowly, "I woke up in the middle of the nights but couldn't bother myself to get up so I just put some wood in the fire place to keep it going."

"So you didn't even need to get out of bed."

Merlin snorted and muttered something. Arthur frowned, "What'd you say?"

"Nothing sire."

"You're doing it again Merlin."

Merlin gave an exasperated sigh, "It's nothing."

"No, no. Let's hear it." Arthur prodded, expecting a joke how he'd never need to stoke  the fire himself in his life.

Merlin looked to the ceiling, "I only said that I couldn't get up." He grumbled.

Arthur frowned, "Why not?"

"Because, you prat, you rolled over on me in your sleep which was why I woke up in the first place." Merlin said.

Arthur frowned, "Really? Sorry."

Merlin rolled his eyes, "Whatever. It's your bed." Just then a knock came at the door and Merlin went to answer it, "Lady Morgana asks that I guide you to breakfast." The young woman said respectfully to Merlin and it took Arthur a second the remember why.

Here, Merlin was Emrys. The most powerful magician alive. Not his manservant, but someone the probably respected here more than himself. It was scary.

Merlin thanked the woman and told her that they'd make it down on their own. Before turning to Arthur, "You're hair is atrocious Arthur."

He stepped forward and combed his fingers through the blond hair, unmatting it from his head. "There, that's better."

Arthur rolled his eyes, "I believe we have breakfast to attend to and then a conversation on how Morgana's followers will intergrate into Camelot."

Merlin opened the door and gestured for Arthur to exit. "Then let's go."

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