
By nicedood101

30.4K 685 82

Faith is done with men, for good, forever. Then her car breaks down and a series of some unexpectedly fortuna... More

Piece of Work
Friday Night Special
Coffee and Spiders
4 to 6
Worlds Best Diner
Holy Intervention
Football and Family
Cold Bleachers
4 Beers Later
Talk of the Town
Russel Loves Gossip
Never? Forever.
Caller ID
The Big Screen
Get a Room
Better Sandwiches
Faith or Football
No Regrets
Road Closed
Mi Casa, Su Casa
Lucky Charm
Little Black Dress
Home Sweet Home
Quarter Final
Timing is Everything
Blake? George.
Last Cigarette
Sound Effects
Every 30 Seconds
I Love to Bicker
Breath 1...2...3
Here We Go
Hell Of A Week
Good Luck
Groomsmen from Hell
Stealth Departure
Mr and Mrs McGraw
Thanks Tug
Rose and Ryan
The End
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I'm Competitive

674 13 0
By nicedood101

Friday Morning
We have our third game of the season at home against this week. It's not as big of a game as last week since we should beat this team. Which is good, no big screen or anything to worry about. I think Faith was even happier than me when she found out that we wouldn't have the screen. She's convinced that they were focusing on her the whole game. I'm at my desk organising principle stuff, it's getting near the end of October so we only have a few weeks left till thanksgiving break.
"Tim!" I hear the receptionist call. "There's a call for you on line one."
"Thank you!" I pick up the line. "Hello Tim speaking."
"Hey Tim, sorry to bother you at work, I just wanted to let you know that we won't be on site this weekend but we're going to be back Monday." It's Frank, my developer.
"Hey Frank, yeah that's fine. Y'all have been working out there for a few months now, it looked real good when I was out there the other day." I tell him.
"Yeah we should be on track to finish before the end of the first week of November. So you can have the family who bought the house in by thanksgiving." He says.
"Wow! That soon?" I ask surprised that it's going to be done so quickly. "But I'm actually going to be moving in there, me and my girlfriend." I say.
"Oh well we're going to have it ready for y'all ASAP. See you later Tim."
"Bye Frank, thanks." I am so excited. My dad gave me hush money so that I wouldn't go to the press. I wouldn't have gone anyway but he and his management wanted to make sure. With the money I thought I would make an investment and buy some property, develop it and then rent it out, but now with Faith I think we're going to move in and raise our family there. I smile just thinking about it. The house is on a huge piece of land with a pond, forests, horses, dirt road and the design of the house is kind of like a modern farm house chalet. I hope Faith is going to like it. The day just keeps ticking by slower and slower. I can hear kids come in to see Faith. That's probably the part of my job I like the least, I only get to see kids if they've been bad. Thank heavens lunch is in 20minutes. Then it's me a cup of coffee and a grilled cheese. I mean sure I can take my lunch whenever I want but I like taking it with everyone and hanging out the physical education guys. The mood in the staff room is always good on a Friday.
"Hey honey, do we have plans for after the game tonight?" Faith asks coming in. She sits in the edge of my desk and fiddles with my paperweight.
"Um, if we win we're probably going to have to go for drinks at the bar in town but if you don't want to then we go home." I tell her.
"No, I want to. I was just checking to see if I needed to go home and get clothes, but I'll be fine in my sweats and hoodie right?" She asks me.
"That's exactly what I'll be wearing." I say.
"Okay cool. I'm not expecting anymore kids for medicine. Want to go grill our cheeses together babe?"
"Yes please."
Faith and I walk into the staff room and were the only ones in here. I turn on the sandwich press and she boils the kettle.
"Goodness I am a lucky man." I say as she makes me a coffee.
"Yeah you are." I walk over and kiss her lightly. "Tim... We're in the staff room." She reminds me.
"That's why I'm keeping my tongue to myself." I laugh kissing her some more.
"Mmmmmmh." She says, I'm not sure what it means but I assume it means she likes it since she isn't pulling away from me. Suddenly the door swings open and before we can pull apart Tony and Davis walk in.
"Oh good god. Can't you to just not make out for a school day." Davis says.
"Y'all are worse than those kids in my sophomore PE class." Tony backs up. I can see Faith is mortified.
"Sorry boys, just can't keep my hands to myself." I say looking at Faith absolutely smitten.
"This has suddenly turned me off my food." Tony says looking at the two of us. Faith takes that as her chance to turn and look at our grilled cheeses. I walk over to her and whisper in her ear.
"Don't worry about them. They're kidding." I say and kiss her temple. We're standing at the counter with our stomachs against it and I've got my one arm around her clutching to the counter.
"Who are we playing tonight?" Faith asks.
"Charleston High. They're not very good, coach is an ass. Jameson Keaton. Knew him in college." I say to her.
"Mmmh you're sexy when you get competitive." She whispers very close to me. I am exceptionally turned on.
"Well I'm going to be very competitive tonight. I hate Jameson. He brings out the worst in me but luckily his team sucks so we should beat them." I tell her.
"Can't wait." She tells me, as we're making our grilled cheeses I can hear more teachers enter the staff room. I think Faith might be uncomfortable if everyone see's us this close so I pull away.
"Where are you going?" She asks looking at me with those puppy dog eyes.
"Oh sorry." I say and go stand back by her. It takes another two minutes and our sandwiches are done. I get out two plates and Faith slides them on. "You going to sit with the gang?" I ask her nodding towards Karla and Russel.
"Yeah, but I'll see you at 4 ready to wreck that Jameson guy." And she gives me a peck on the lips. I'm kind of shocked. I didn't think she was very into PDA but if she's ready then I couldn't be happier.

Faith POV
I take my grilled cheese and go sit with Karla and Russel.
"Oh decide to join us did you?" Russel says sipping his coffee.
"That was very cosy." Karla says obviously referencing Tim and I in the kitchen.
"Was it?" I ask. I don't really care but I'll entertain them.
"Hell yeah it was." Russel says. This man is forever surprising me and making me laugh. I feel like they know all about me but I don't know anything about them. I see they both have wedding rings.
"Russel, what's your wife like?" I ask him.
"The love if my life. She and I met at this very high school." He tells me. "Her name is Caroline. I think you might've met her at church. Se on the board with Betty." He says.
"And your husband?" I ask Karla.
"His names Frank, he's a property developer. Me actually developing Tim's land." She tells me. Ah yes that mysterious la he hasn't told me much about.
"Oh yeah?" I say hoping she can say more.
"Yeah we have 3 kids. Twin boys who are 9 and a girl who's 12." Not really what I was after but at least I know more about them now.
"That's so lovely." I say. We continue to eat out lunch and they just tell me more about them. It's really nice not to be the topic of conversation for a change.

At lunch the guys all gave me a hard time about Faith.
"I can't believe 'Mr I don't like PDA' was cuddling and kissing his girlfriend in the middle of the staff room." Mike says.
I just laugh at them. I mean it is kinda funny. "I guess everything changes when you meet the one." I say.
"Does this mean I'm going to be the last bachelor in the group?" Jason asks.
"No Jason, just the last one to emotionally graduate high school." Davis says to him.
After lunch I go back to my office and make sure all my affairs are in order for the weekend and then I decide to head to the school gym. By the time I've finished my workout it's 3:30. Schools over and the boys will be heading down to the field to start game prep. I see Faith on the bleachers she's on the phone. I walk towards her.
"Yeah Gaye, he makes me super happy." She says.
"No he's a great guy, nothing like Dan."
"Of course I would tell you if I needed you to come get me. But I'm happy. Really really happy." She says I can tell that she means it and I'm glad.
"Yeah maybe when my car is fixed I can come visit you."
Oh hearing half of a conversation makes things very difficult.
"I don't know if I'll bring Tim. He's a busy guy. I don't know if he would even like Nashville." She says. I would go anywhere with her. If she told me she wanted to move to China tomorrow I would.
"Okay. Talk then. Love you bye." She says hanging up the phone.
"Hey baby." I say as I approach closer. She gets off the bleacher and comes over to hug me tightly. She wraps her arms around my waist and looks up at me.
"How much of that did you hear?" She asks me.
"Just the part about how your really happy in Start and with me." I say jokingly.
"Oh yeah. Did you now?" She says giving me a kiss.
"Mmmh. And I was thinking maybe we could go to Nashville the weekend before thanksgiving?" I tell her because I want to go and meet her friends, see where she's from.
"We don't have to go if you don't want too."
"Faith, I do. I really really do. And besides, you'd live to see Gaye."
"Okay. Sounds good, I'll call Gaye tonight and ask if we can stay with her."
We're still standing on the field in each others arms. "Good. I love you."
"I love you too." She says giving me another kiss. As we kiss each other softly I hear whistling coming from the top of the field. I turn around to see none other than that dickhead Jameson Keaton looking down at us. "Well if it ain't Tiny Tim!" He yells down to me.
"Is that-" Faith asks.
"The dickhead himself."

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