Great Scott, Barry! (A Barry...

By darling_pet

7.1K 153 52

When you, the Reader, first met Barry Allen, you had no idea you'd both be whisked to the past and accidental... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

528 11 0
By darling_pet

"So, you come here often?"

"Not really, I'm- hey." Past Barry stops mid-sentence as he turns to see who's trying to hit on him. "I know you. From earlier today, right?"

"Oh right, hey!" You feign surprise at this 'chance' meeting. "Sorry about that, you just look exactly like someone I know."

"It's cool," he says. Past Barry takes this time to subtly check you out. "Uh... are you here alone?"

That's right, time to reel him in!

"I am," you confess. "I was supposed to meet my friend here, but something must've come up." It feels really weird to lie to poor Barry, so wrong. But for this plan to work, you need to deceive him.

"That's too bad," he sympathizes. "You can hang with me if you like. I'm not like, a creep or anything so don't worry." He cringes a little at the words that left his mouth. "Can I get you a drink?" You pull up a seat next to him on a bar stool.

"I would love a drink, thank you..."

"Barry," he offers along with a hand.

"(Y/N)" you reply and shake it. A sharp shock startled you at the contact. You gasp at the surprise. It must be something to do with his powers. But I'm not supposed to know anything about that.

"Oh! You shocked me! I guess that means there's a spark between us?" You laugh. Look at you, flirting! His eyes twinkle at you and his lips curl into a shy smile. Aw, Barry. Could he get any cuter? Cisco walks up to the bar with tipsy Caitlin.

"Who's your friend, Barry?" Cisco asks, playing the part well. Introductions are made and Caitlin takes a liking to you already.

"(Y/N), it's sooo nice to have another girl here," Caitlin places a hand on your shoulder. "I always feel like I'm stuck with men wherever I go!"

"Don't mind Caitlin," Cisco says. "She says all kinds of crazy things when she's drunk."

"I've only had two drinks."

"Here's a word for you: lightweight."

Just then, a song plays through the speakers. You know this song... It's Earth Angel by Marvin Berry & The Starlighters. Only it's different- someone has turned it into a tasteful remix. Cisco gives a conspiratorial wink when his friends aren't looking. Thanks, Cisco.

"I love this song!" you say. "Barry, may I have this dance?" It looks like he almost doesn't know what to do. Out of the corner of your eye, Cisco gestures for him to move his ass. Caitlin is less subtle.

"Go on, Barry! Dance with the pretty lady!" Past Barry smiles big and takes your hand.

"It would be my honour," he says suavely.


The next morning, on the walk to Jitters with your Barry, you can't get rid of the satisfied smile plastered across your face. Flashes of dancing with Past Barry last night resurface in your mind. It was just as fun and amazing as the very first time.

"You didn't come in til late," Barry mentions. He and you will be staying at Cisco's until things get sorted. You tried to sneak in without waking him, but apparently, you had failed in that. "And if that smile is any indication, I'd say you had a good time."

"More than good. It was great!" You link arms with him. "I think I really made an impression."

"I'm positive you did, too."

"So tell me about Past Me. Did you end up delivering that pizza?" Barry nods and chuckles a little. "What's so funny?"

"You... She wasn't how you normally act," he says.

"In what way?"

"When she answered the door, she said, 'Pizza. Youuuu saved my life.' Actually, she slurred her words. And stumbled a bit."

"I was drunk?"

"Very. I even made up some excuse about going around and handing out free pizzas to Central City Pizza's best customers. And do you know what she said?"

"'Get out of here, you creepy stalker?'" you joke.

"She said, 'You're so funny!' and laughed uncontrollably and tumbled into me."

"Oh God. I must have had a really horrible first day at work for me to do that." You reach Jitters just after the morning rush has passed. Barry offers to buy the drinks while you grab a table. You sit down at the one at the back of the room.

"Hey, it's you! The delivery guy?" you hear a familiar voice say. Keeping yourself out of view at your table, you manage to place the voice to the face. Your face.

"Oh- Oh! You're- Yeah, I mean, yeah it's me," Barry stumbles with his words pretending to recognize your past self.

"I had had a horrible first day at work and I don't normally drown my sorrows in alcohol, but..." you/she tries to explain. Her face is blushing pretty hard. That is so me, you think.

"No, it's fine."

"And actually, I was hoping I'd run into you," she says. "I wanted to apologize."

"It's not neccess-"

"And give you a tip."

"No, no, really, it's fine," he insists.

"I woke up on the couch with a blanket over me."

"I did do that," Barry admits. He didn't mention that he did that. You don't know whether to swoon or be jealous of yourself! "I couldn't leave you in the hallway, could I?"

"I guess I should order pizza more often." Past You gives him her number. "Call me sometime." She leaves Jitters with her coffee, walking extra slow and moving cautiously when opening the door. Barry sits down across from you.

"She seemed nice," you tease. "And cuuuuute."

"You have no idea," he says pretending he's lost in a daydream.

"I think she's into you."

"I hope so. You know, for the plan to work."

"Right, of course."

"And what about you and me?"

"What about you and me?"

"I mean, you and Past Barry. When are you going to see him again?"

"Oh, haha! Right, well, he and I have a date tomorrow night. Galaxy Plunders. He texted me a couple hours ago."

"Eager fella, isn't he? Wait a second." Barry pulls out his phone, his original phone, and scrolls through some new texts. "Ha! Check this out." He turns the screen for you to see Past Barry's thoughts about you.

Cisco. Man, I really like this girl.

That's awesome, man. You

should go for it.

I plan on it. I've never met someone

like her before.

"That is so cute," you blush. The two of you laugh about how completely bizarre this whole situation is. And if you're being honest with yourself, it's probably only going to get a whole lot more bizarre.

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