Great Scott, Barry! (A Barry...

By darling_pet

7.1K 153 52

When you, the Reader, first met Barry Allen, you had no idea you'd both be whisked to the past and accidental... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

735 17 3
By darling_pet

Barry Allen may quite possibly be the best kisser on the face of the Earth.

After the dessert was eaten and when you two couldn't figure out what more to talk about, things took a turn. A heated turn. And Barry did this thing with his mouth where it felt like he was vibrating against yours! It was heaven.

But of course, as your luck would have it, things never stay this good for long. You hear someone talking out in the hallway, the voice getting closer as it approaches Barry's bedroom door. You hurl yourself off of Barry to a nonchalant standing pose (at least you hoped).

"-if The Flash was smart as he was fast, you'd think-" It's Iris. She looks like a deer caught in headlights, which is funny because then what must you look like? "(Y/N)! I didn't know you were here! I'm sorry, I'm totally interrupting something aren't I?"

"Not really," you say simultaneously over Barry's, "Kind of."

"It's okay," you tell him softly. "I should be heading home anyway."

"Can I walk you back?"

"Actually, Barry-" Iris tries.

"Oh, no it's fine," you say, picking up on Iris' tone. Could it be possible that Barry has been ditching you these past few times for Iris? "It's not that far from here. And this sounds important. I'll... see you around."

You leave the house with a funny feeling inside. Like, maybe there isn't enough room for you in Barry's life and maybe he doesn't even know it. Looking up, the sky is black, only the streetlights and the odd home of night-owls are illuminated.

Once passed the first couple blocks, you start to hear the sound of slow paced, clunky boots following you. You turn around to see whom it might be, but they cling to the shadows, unseen. You walk a little faster. Oh god, they're still following! Breaking out into a full on run, you think you can make it, you see your building from here. But then a tall, hard body steps out in front of your path, causing you to run right into them. An arm tightly grasps your middle and you feel the cold barrel of a gun before you hear it power up.



This is not how you expected your night to go.

From making out with Barry to getting shoved in a van with a bag over your head, and now being tied to a pole in some kind of warehouse. You feel like you're going to be sick. The man, who stopped you in the street, who feels relatively familiar, finishes tightly binding your wrists around the pole.

"There. Comfortable?" he asks.

"Not even close."


"What do you want with me anyway? I'm no one."

"Au contraire. You are someone. Someone who could cause a lot of pain to The Flash if something were to happen."

"The Flash?" Who is this guy and why does he think you know the masked hero of Central City? "I think you're mistaking me for someone else. I don't know him. I've never even met him. Really, I swear."

"Are you sure?" The man's tone is oddly playful.

"What's that supposed to mean?" A gust of wind blows in from out of nowhere it seems, making your hair fly all over the place.

"Let her go, Snart," calls out an altered-sounding voice. You follow the voice and see a man in a red suit and mask. A lightning emblem on his chest.

"Ahh, Flash. Just in time, as usual. See, I'm going to turn your little lady friend into a new ice sculpture. God knows this place could use a little decor."

"Flash!" you cry out, and rustle your wrists against your bindings. "Tell him you don't know me! He doesn't believe me!"

The Flash doesn't do this, however. Instead he carefully moves closer to you and your captor, this Snart.

"Back so soon?" Flash asks. "I took you down the other day. How did you break out so quickly?"

"Let's just say it pays to have a loyal partner willing to bust a brother out."

The Flash puts his hand to his ear. You assume he is communicating to someone on the other end. "Guys, what now?" He waits a beat. "But I've never run that fast before." His eyes behind his mask narrow, full of concentration and determination.

"Last chance, Snart," The Flash calls to his enemy. "Let her go."

"Not likely!" Snart fires up his cold gun, generating a glow and an extremely unnerving noise. He points it in your direction. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, preparing to become a tragically fancy ice sculpture.

But then the weirdest thing happens.

One second you're tied to this pole about to meet your frozen doom, and the next your wrists are free and you're being held in the arms of the red suited speedster, somehow still running. The sheer speed he runs at combined with the bright lights whizzing by you makes you somewhat nauseous.

The Flash comes to a staggered halt, and you both topple over in an alleyway into several bags of trash. How lovely. You bring yourself to your feet and dust off your clothes and only slightly wonder how it could be daytime already. How long were you in that warehouse? You must be really out of it.

"I don't know how to thank you, Flash. I thought I was a goner. You're my-" you stop. Are you seeing what you think you're seeing? The Flash's mask had been haphazardly pushed back from his head. "Barry?!"

He groans while throwing a bag of trash off his stomach. "Heeyyy (Y/N)."

"I- I- What? How?" Words are clearly not forming for you right now.

"It's a long story, but I can explain."

"You're The Flash?"

"Yeah." There's a pause between you both. Barry kind of looks like he's preparing to take an emotional hit.

"That's... awesome!" Now he's looking completely shocked at your enthusiasm. He's so cute when he's taken off guard.

"You mean you're not upset I didn't tell you?"

"Barry, that's like Superhero 101. You have to keep your identity secret from the people most important in your life or else the villains will find them and use them as your weakness. Well, I guess what happened with us there was an exception..."

"Wow, I can't believe you're so understanding about all this."

"I basically watch movies for a living. The odd superhero flick tends to cross my path," you joke.

"You're so amazing," Barry says, taking your hands and kissing them.

"You're one to talk! Quick, show off some of your skills!" Barry, ready to impress, jumps up and down and gets prepares to take off. When he does, it doesn't exactly take your breath away. It mostly looks like an average run...

"Ha ha! Nice joke!"

"It's no joke... My speed. It's gone!"

"What? How can that be?"

"I don't know!"

"Well we can't have you walking around looking like that while you're powerless. Stay here and don't be seen. I'll go find you something."

"Thank you. I guess you could say that you're my hero now." Barry laughs nervously.

"You better believe it." You point a finger at him. "And we are definitely talking more about all this when I get back."

You walk out onto the sidewalk to join the rest of the hurrying citizens heading to and fro. This street, you know it. There's that decent clothing store near Jitters that will do fine. Barry may be The Flash (you are still totally rattled), but damn if your power walk wasn't mighty fast too.

There wasn't much rhyme or reason to choosing the clothes, but they needed to be affordable and fit Barry. And thanks to your keen eye and the ability to pay from your phone, you were in and out of that shop faster than you've ever been on a shopping outing. When you head back toward the alley, you see Barry coming your way already dressed in regular clothes.

"What, did you mug an innocent bystander?"

Barry raises a questioning eyebrow. "I'm sorry?"

"Your clothes. I already got you some." You gesture to the shopping bag.

"I think you're mistaking me for someone else," he says. Is this a joke?

"Don't be sill-"

A woman's scream comes from behind you. That scream. It sounded like...

You turn around to see from whom it came from and the reveal causes you to drop the bag from your hands. A woman, whom had stepped out the doors of Jitters, had just fallen and her coffee spilled all down the front of her outfit. She berates the man whom had supposedly bumped into her.

It's me. Oh my god, that's me! What the hell?!

The man that bumped into other-you walks toward you. His parka. You remember it from that day now. You remember it from mere minutes ago in the warehouse. It was Snart who caused the accident that day!

"I can't show up like this! I'm going to be so late, gaaahh!" other-you cringes. Barry is suddenly nowhere in sight.

Barry. That wasn't your Barry you were talking to a second ago. That was the Barry that was supposed to catch other-you and save you from the horribly messy situation. Oh no. This is not good.

You book it back to the alley this time and chuck the bag of clothes at Barry.

"Whoa, hey."

"I think we're in big trouble, Bare."

"Why, what happened?"

"Well, um, I ran into you a couple minutes ago, except it wasn't you, and that distracted you from saving me from falling and getting coffee over myself," you ramble breathlessly.

"Wait a second," Barry says while picking up a discarded newspaper from the ground. His face drops. "Look." He points at the date. While the year and month are still the same, the day itself is not.

"This says Monday the fifth. It's not Monday the fifth!" your voice reaching a higher decibel.

"Last time I checked it was Friday the tenth."

"Great Scott, Barry!" your hands fly to your head. "We've gone back in time!"

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