Bandfic (Southside High-schoo...

By highonnightmares

639 5 24

This is fanfic about a few ships in my band that me and a few people want to sail ๐Ÿ˜‰ I hope you enjoy this sm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

130 1 8
By highonnightmares

Noah's POV

This school is kinda bland and small compared to my old school but it doesn't seem that bad, and the band sounds better than ours did so I'm pretty excited. Mr. Rich, one of the main people over this schools is taking me class by class. We're about to go to the band room and honestly I'm flipping out. What if they look at me and just immediately don't like me, or what if they find out about my sexuality just by looking at me and not accept me...


We walk into the band room and all heads turn towards me. My heart starts pounding but I try to pull a poker face so everyone doesn't notice me about to have an anxiety attack. I'm not really good with crowds but I've learn to make myself look fearless so people won't think I'm venerable. I scan the group of people for people I could potentially become friends with. While I'm scanning the crowd, my eyes float to this tuba player. I don't want to look away from him his features just keep pulling me more and more into him, and his eyes, their beautiful. He mesmerizes me. His eyes meet mine and I nearly jump out of my skin. I feel my cheeks immediately heat up
and his turn rosy pink. God he's so freaking cute. I don't want to leave his presence. I want to be close to him, and I just want to know him. He's perfect. Mr. Rich introduces me without me even noticing then he taps my should,
"It's time to go meet the rest of your teachers, you'll be in here second period, and tomorrow your new band director should have you a French Horn ready by then."
He says,
"okay, thanks"
I reply kinda mono tone so I don't let any emotions slip through.


Finally He's done showing me to all my classes, I've had enough anxiety for today. My dads waiting in the office for me,
"How do you like your new school?"
He asks showing some sort of curiosity in his eyes.
"It's great, their band is astonishing. I can't wait to be apart of it."
More excitement slipping through my voice than I had wanted. The car ride home was silent. I didn't have my headphones so I couldn't put something in my head other than my thoughts. I let my mind drift because I have no other choice and all I can just think about is that fucking tuba player. He drives me crazy. I just want him to be mine and I don't even know him; is that bad? I wonder what his name is, what's he like, will he like me the way I like him? I want to be friends with him, maybe even a little more...

So chapter 2. My friend Gavin wants me finish chapter 3 by Monday, if I do I get cookies😂😂😂so whoop I'm trying to get to chapter 3. If someone from school reads this please don't tell Noah about this😂😂 enjoy :)

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