One Direction One Shots

By JessLoveStories01

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just random one shots about the boys from One Direction. You can send requests in the comments or with a dm... More

one direction one shots
importand stuff
2. Lilo (a little bit Narry)

3. cold (Louis and a tiny bit of Zouis)

32 2 0
By JessLoveStories01

It wasn't very smart Louis knew that but he still went outside. A little over an hour ago it had started to snow. First it were just tiny snowflakes that slowly became bigger and bigger until the whole world outside was white. It was like a very soft and white blanket had fallen on the world.

Louis wanted nothing more than to realx after two days of performing with the band, don't get him wrong he loves it but the quiet times where he was free were also very welcome. All the other boys were still asleep, after all it was just 8 o'clock in the morning and the came home late from a show.

Slowly Louis walked towards the backdoor, he slipped on the first pair of shoes he could find . They were a bit big and they were handpainted, that could only mean one thing: these are Zayns shoes. But Louis could not find it in him to care, the softly glinstening outside was calling for him. He grabbed a scarf but no jacket.

He stepped outside, the soft crunch of snow made him giggle. "Wow" Louis sighed when he touched the white blanket on de table outside, it felt cold but sorta soft at the same time.

"Yeah a snowman" Louis whisperd softly. He gatherd some snow together, it was freezing cold on his fingers but he still went on. After a little while there stood a snowman. Louis' fingers were freezing, he was shivering all over "I should have put on a jacket" Louis murmerd to himself.

Louis walked towards the backdoor and reached out to open the door. It was locked. Louis forgot that the door locked itself and he had no key.


The others were still asleep seeing as they went to bed at 4 a.m.

He wrapped the big scarf around his shoulders to keep a little warmer. It had started to snow again. Louis quickly walked to the chairs which were placed against the house, he cleared the snow from one and curled into a little ball in the chair to keep himself warm.

Yeah this had not been his brightest idea.

At 10 a.m. Zayn woke up to go to the bathroom. When he walked back he out of habit checked to see if the others were still asleep. Everyone was in their beds except for Louis. Which was strange seeing as he never woke up early. Zayn glanced outside and saw that is was snowing.

Something felt wrong. It was this pit in his stomach. Just to be safe Zayn walked towards Liams room.

"Li wake up" he softly shook the snoring guy. "Li come on" "huh wass wrong" Liam slurred, still half asleep. "I have a feeking something is wrong with Louis, he's not in his bed" Liam slowly sat up and grabbed some socks " alright I'll help you look but after that I'm going to sleep again" Zayn nodded and together they went downstairs.

Louis was nowhere to be seen. Hang on, Zayn counted only 4 pairs of shoes by the backdoor and when he looked outside he saw a snowman. That was definetly not there yesterday, "Liam" Zayn called and Liam also looked outside an swore very loudly.

Ther on one of the chairs was a big pile of snow which moved slightly. Liam threw the door open and started shaking the pile of snow and slowly Louis became visible again. Zayn cursed en held the door open while Liam carried Louis inside.

Zayn took Louis from Liam and walked upstairs. Together they stripped louis from his soaked and frozen clothes and put him in some warm clothes and under some warm blankets"shit Louis what were you thinking" Zayn mumbled. "Sorry" came from the shivering pile of blankets "are you still cold?" Liam asked softly an Louis nodded.

"But i am getting warmer" and he smiled a bit. Zayn shook his head and climbed in his bed which they had put Louis in since it was closer to the bathroom than Louis' own room. He hugged Louis close whom sighed and relaxed against Zayns chest. "You're an idiot" Zayn scolded while holding Louis tightly. Liam shook his head en left the room "I'm going to sleep call me if you need me" and he was gone.

''I'm sorry Zay" Louis mumbled against Zayns neck, "it's okay" Zayn sighed while running his fingers through Louis' hair " just dont you ever scare me like that, I can't lose you okay" he pressed a soft kiss in Louis' hair "I promise Zay". After that the both of them fell asleep, entertwined with eachother.

Louis ended up catching a very nasty cold, but lucky for him Zayn was there to care for him.

"It's your own fault for playing in te snow, so stop pouting"

"I know"

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