Magnus and Alec's Long Lost D...

By FandomWoman_626

62.1K 778 98

If you want to know what the story is about you have to read it! More

I: Three Months Later
II: Four Years Later
III:Alyssa's Birthday
IV: Training Starts Now
V: First Punch, First Bruise
VI: The Power of a Vision
VII: The Torment Makes The Ones Strong
VIII: Surprise Business Trip?
IX: The Lash of Magic
X: Rumors Arise
XI: Reputation over Friends
XII: Returning Problems
XIII: Finally Friends!
XIV: Going Into Hiding
XV: A Sacrifice Must Be Made
XVI: The Hardest Part Is Saying Goodbye
XVII: New Home, New Life
XVIII: Doing In The Impossible
XIX: Mixing Bloodlines
XX: Under Attack!
XXI: Figuring It Out
XXII: The Aftermath
XXIII: The Search Persists
XXIV: Moving Over Time
XXV: Welcome to the Paris Institute
XXVII: Going Out
It's only their clothes: Part One
It's only their clothes. Part Two
XXVIII: Clubbing at La Femme Silencieuse
XXIX: Parabati Forever
XXX: Answers
XXXI: Let The Past Unwind
XXXII: There Are No Saviors
XXXIII: There Are No Saviors (Part 2)
XXXIV: Recovery
XXXV: Welcome to the Shadow World
XXXVI: Going Again
XXXVII: Mother
XXXVIII: Believing
XXXVI: City of Bones
XXXVI: The Truth
XXXVII: Come With Us
XXXVIII: Surprises
XXXIX: Change of Plans
XL: Here They Come
XLI: Figuring Conclusions
XLII: Visiting the High Warlock of London (Part 1)
XLIII: Visiting the High Warlock of London (Part 2)
XLIV: Visiting the High Warlock of London (Part 3)
XLV: Christmas Eve
XLVI: Christmas
XLVII: Remembering That Night
XLVIII: Mission Impossible
XLIV: Iron Sister
XLV: Confronting
XLVI: Come Running Home To You
XLVII: It's Not Over Yet
XLVIII: We'll Meet Again
XLXIX: Visions of the Past
L: Back So Soon
LI: Your On
LII: Expergiscimini dicens: Cecidit, et in saecula saeculorum
LIII: Do or Die
LIV: Team Good
LV: What Comes Next?
LVI: Everyone Has A Choice
LVII: The Lost Can Be Found
LVIII: Lost Girls
LIX: One Choice Decides Your Fate
LX: We'll Stand By You
LXI: Four Years Later...
LXII: Rosemary's Birthday
LXIII: Dad,Daddy?
LXIV: Epilogue

XXXV: One Last Chance

509 8 1
By FandomWoman_626

Alyssa(Rosemary) had the rest of the day to say goodbye, pack everything, and say goodbye to the Paris Institute for good. There was just one problem that she had, was admitting her feelings for Dakota, but she didn't know how. She first turned to Izzy and Alec, they were in a married relationship so she thought that she could get some advice from them but that didn't exactly go so well according to the fire messages she was sent. Izzy said to start making moves on her, like hold hands, or try to kiss her. Hello, this girl is twelve years old she can't exactly have her first kiss yet! Then came from Alec, and all he said was to try to do something bold that proves that she would do anything for Dakota. That was the thing, Alyssa(Rosemary) was the awkward one and she can't exactly pull herself together to do something in the name of love. Boy, was she running out of time and all because she can't say the words 'I like you.' or 'When I saw you I started feeling a change in me that I never thought I would ever experience in my life.' She wasn't the only one, Dakota wanted to tell Alyssa(Rosemary) too but she couldn't. Dakota was in the training room, just practicing with Maria and even her own Parabati could tell that on the inside she was about to crack. 

Maria: You know, you gotta figure out how you are going to tell her. 

Dakota: Tell who? 

Maria: You know who. 

Dakota: I just don't know how. 

Dakota and Maria took a small, little break and decided to talk. 

Dakota: God, I want her so badly but I just don't know how to tell her...

Maria: You just got to summon all the courage you have, okay? 

Dakota: I guess...

Alyssa(Rosemary) was doing the same thing Dakota was doing, asking her best friend for advice. 

Alyssa: What should I do? 

Hector: Have you tried ever getting a moment with each other? 

Alyssa: No, the only moment we ever had was when the time we were both holding hands and almost kissing. 

Hector: Well, try to get one. 

Alyssa: And how do you think I'm going to do that? 

Hector: I don't know! 

Now Alyssa(Rosemary) was just getting annoyed by Hector of what he was trying to give off, much like what she got from her dad, but sadly she had to admit that Hector was right about one thing. She was never going to to get anything done, unless if Dakota and her were alone and nobody was going to be interrupting them. 

Hector: Look all I can say is, is that you're Alyssa you can do anything. 

Hector exited the room they were both in, leaving Alyssa(Rosemary) alone just contemplating on what to do. Meanwhile, Maria was looking for Hector for she was thinking of a way how they could get the two together. When she found him, she went up to him as quick as possible. 

Maria: Hector! 

Hector: Hey Maria, what is it? 

Maria: I need your help getting Dakota and Alyssa to admit they like each other. 

Hector: I guess I'm not the only one who wants this, I'm in, how are we going to do this? 

Maria: We need to get them into a situation where they are forced to admit they like each other. 

Hector: And how are we going to do that? When they can't even get their own feet to move around when they stare at each other. 

Maria: I have an idea, how about we lure them into a room, get them face to face, and lock them in until they finally admit they like each other. 

Hector: That would work, if both girls were completely clueless about what is going to happen to them. 

Maria: Um...

Hector: What about we go on a mission, and if one of them is in danger so they have to do something that could rescue while proving that they love each other. 

Maria: Um, I'm Dakota's Parabati and-

Hector: Yeah, I know, you are supposed to fight side by side no matter what. 

Maria: Yeah. 

Hector: Well, we're stumped! 

If you thought this whole entire life problem was going to be a hot mess when all of this is over, you certainly thought wrong. On the outside part of the Paris Institute, something dark was about to come in and let's just say that this was no Verpletted demon, it was something even more. About a second or two later, the windows had came crashing down letting a streak of black clouds come in and the alarms were ringing everywhere to give off that the Paris Institute was under attack. Everyone was rushing to possible points where they could grab a weapon, and waste no time to start attacking. Unfortunately, it wasn't that simple, the black had made a screeching that made everyone fall to their knees and couldn't stand of the horrible noise. Hector and Maria were trying to block of the noise with a soundless rune, but they couldn't reach their stele's. Then there was Dakota who was only hearing a faint scream, but it gave off a signal that Maria was in danger according to her Parabati rune. 

Dakota: Maria! 

Alyssa(Rosemary) was also hearing this too, and she had no time to waste to be ready for whatever was out there. When she came running out of her bedroom with a bow and arrow ready to go, she bumped into Dakota. 

Alyssa: Dakota! 

Dakota: Alyssa! 

The two girls hugged each other for reassurance that they were alright, and they pulled away. 

Alyssa: What is going on? 

Dakota: I don't know, but whatever it is Maria is in danger and I can feel it. 

Alyssa: Oh no...

Dakota: We have to go. 

Alyssa: Wait! 

Alyssa's(Rosemary) Warlock mark showed, and through the wall she saw what was going on. 

Dakota: What is it? 

Alyssa: It's my Warlock powers, through the wall I saw a demon and it had this really high pitched voice. 

Dakota: Maybe that's what's causing this commotion. 

Alyssa: We need to be prepared, face me. 

Dakota did what she was told, Alyssa(Rosemary) put her hands on Dakota's ears, and started saying a spell. 

Alyssa: Dengan mantra ini, marliah kita tidak mendengar kecuali Dakota den aku. ~With this spell, let us not hear sound except Dakota and I.~ 

The spell was placed, and both girls couldn't hear the screeching sounds of the demon or anything. 

Dakota: What just happened? 

Alyssa: Soundless spell, I know we could've just used the rune but I think this will be a lot more powerful than one. 

Dakota: Huh, cool. 

Alyssa: Take my hand. 

Dakota took it, and they both ran to save everyone from the demon hurting anyone. It might've been there last chance to have them together, but that doesn't matter right now they have people they need to save. 


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Disclaimer: I do not own Shadowhunters, its characters and plot. I only own Alyssa and her plot.