Love at First Insult

By AyeCaptain

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Daniel, a hardcore playboy is forced to go to a summer space camp by his estranged mother. He expected it t... More

Love at First Insult
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

156 3 1
By AyeCaptain

Chapter 7

[  Allison’s POV ]

11:30 pm.

Way pass our curfew time.

Spring was already asleep so I didn’t have any trouble making up excuses as to why I was sneaking out.

I’m now on top of a small hill. I was hidden by thick trees so no patrolling staff could catch me. For now.

My equipment was already set up when I heard something. My heart started to beat like crazy. Cold sweat started to form on my forehead. I shook my head and ignored the sound but then the leaves started to rustle and I heard a twig snap. My head darted on its initial direction but saw nothing.

Ok calm down Allie. They haven’t caught you yet. They don’t know this place. But what if it isn’t the patrols? What if it’s a wild animal? Sh*t Allie! Stop thinking like that!

Then I could feel the wind pick up. My heart jumped out of my throat when I saw a shadow move from the woods.

Finally finding my voice, I said with all the strength I could muster, “W-who’s there?”


I nervously looked around and backed away a bit. I reluctantly turned around when a hand covered my mouth. I struggled out of the captor’s grip. I kicked and punched and when I felt my fist connecting to its face and my captor immediately released me.

I spun around and was about to scream when I saw his face. Daniel. I scowled.

“What are you doing here?!” I whisper yelled.

“Thanks for your concern.” He scowled, cupping his injured cheek.

I felt my face burn.

“Well it’s your fault for sneaking at me like that!”

“Thought it would be hilarious.” He grinned. “And I was right. Your face was absolutely priceless.”

My cheeks grew redder and I was thankful that it was dark or he would’ve seen my face.

“If I knew it was you then I would’ve punched you harder.” I glared at him.

“Ouch.” He put his hands above his heart.

I rolled my eyes though I doubt he saw that and turned around. I walked toward my telescope and positioned it.

“Whoa. You bought this up here all by yourself??”

From the corner of my eye I could see him eyeing my equipment.

“No. I built a catapult which is specially designed for my equipment so that I could launch my things here.”  I smiled at him sweetly.

He frowned. “I could deal without the sarcasm.”

I rolled my eyes for the nth time as I finished positioning my telescope.

“How do you use that thing?” he looked at it curiously.

“Only an idiot would ask that question.” I looked inside and spotted my favourite constellation. I smiled.

“So I’m an idiot?” he muttered.

“Apparently.” I looked up at him and he narrowed his eyes at me.

“Well because everyone in this camp knows how to use this.”

He snorted. “Nerds.”

I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. “What are you doing here? Clearly it’s not because you enjoy the view, or hook-up cause’ this isn’t exactly a camp that’s filled with crazed hormonal chicks who’re willing to open their legs to anyone.” Well except for Amanda. But I didn’t voice that one out

“Can’t a guy with my looks go to this kind of camp?” he grinned.

“Wow. You’re such a charmer” I replied with fake enthusiasm.

He scowled at me but I just ignored him. Instead, I went back to gaze at my favourite constellations through my telescope. After twenty minutes of undisturbed silence, he cleared his throat and spoke up, “My mom sent me here cause’ I did something that she wasn’t pleased with.”

“And that is?” I said without looking at him.

“Got caught having sex.”

I looked at him and he smiled sheepishly.

“Idiot.” I muttered and went back looking at the stars.

“I heard that.” He mumbled

“You were supposed to.” I retorted followed by another 10 minutes of awkward silence.

I sighed. “Come here.”

He looked at me and raised a brow.

“You’re not going to punch me again, are you?”

“Ha-ha. Funny. Now come here before I change my mind.” I crossed my arms and tapped my foot impatiently.

He reluctantly came closer and I stepped away from my telescope.

“Umm..” he frowned.

“Look inside before I shove your head in there.” I narrowed my eyes. Whoa, I’m becoming more violent that I thought. Spring must be rubbing on me.

He flinched and muttered something under his breath which I didn’t quite catch. He lowered his head and carefully placed his eye on the telescope. He remained in the same position for quite some time before straightening up.

“Wow.” He breathed.

I grinned at him.

“That was.. amazing.” He slowly smiled.

“Now you know why ‘nerds’ like me come to this camp.”

He chuckled softly and my calm heart started to hammer loudly in my chest. The mere sound of his laughter made me feel weird.

“So Allie.” He said casually while sitting down. He was staring at the vast space up in the dark glittered sky.

Afraid that my voice would betray me, I just looked at him and raised a brow. I saw him glance at the corner of his eyes so he continued,

“What brings you to this camp?”

I frowned. “Uh, isn’t it obvious? To stargaze?”

He smirked and shook his head. “The real reason?”

I narrowed my eyes into slits. Now I was getting annoyed. “What do you mean the real reason?”

He sighed. “Well.” Finally looking at me, “I feel like there’s more to you than you’re letting on.” He shrugged.

I was taken aback by his answer. I opened my mouth but closed it again. What the hell? How did he.. Was he stalking me?! But that’s impossible. He’s new here. And I haven’t seen him anywhere before. I frowned.

Am I that obvious?

I shook my head.

 I was having a war inside my head. Should I tell him? But why? He’s an annoying idiotic stranger. And why should I even answer him? I could just ignore him the whole night. But something’s telling me that he’s a stubborn b*tch and be willing to wait for the answer even if it took him the whole night. Or I could lie to him. Then turn around, run away and never look back. But he’d find me the next day and I didn’t want to leave my equipment here.  Ugh! Why did I even feel obliged to answer him?? Sigh. This man is definitely confusing me.

Instead, I just sat beside him, gazing at the shining dots in the heavens. With my final resolve, I said softly

“I wanted to feel free.”

I saw him nod and he just sat there quietly, never forcing me to elaborate and I was thankful for that. And for the rest of the night, we just sat there, enjoying the silence and the beauty of the stars.


Hey Hey. Jen here~

Hope you like this chapter

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