Scoring A Morgan ( Mal Pugh x...

By JaureguiKelly

293K 7.1K 1.3K

Y/n Jauregui. 16 year old soccer player. Daughter of Kehlani and Lauren Jauregui. Or so she thought. Jumbled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
​ Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Thank You
New book: Last Chance
Christen and Mal
Opinions pt. 2
Vote kinda?? More of an Update.
Stories are coming back. Fr this time.
Break the Tie and I'll update!
Tie breaker 💀💀
New Story :)
New Stories :)

Chapter 59

2.2K 76 7
By JaureguiKelly

Time Skip 6 months

Y/n's POV

Hey guys. It's mid/near end of senior year and I've been having a lot of colleges sending me offers. I'm honestly stuck and don't know what I'm gonna do. Here's a recap.

So far, I've visited USC, Stanford, UNC, UCI, and plenty more. Jessie is still tying her hardest to get me at UCLA.

Yes, I'm still with Jessie. She's just 😍😍 oh god. I can truly say I'm in love with the girl. She's my baby Canada. She's super supportive and always there when I need her.

It's a plus that she isn't too far away from me either like Mal was. Except when she has to go back to Canada. I get sad. She always makes an effort to FaceTime me before I go to bed no matter how tired she is.

She calls or texts me before games and early in the morning to make sure I have a good day. I don't know what I'd do without Jessie. She really helps me ease the stress I have nowadays.

Alex, her and Kelley are still going strong as hell. Their so cute. She really wants me to go to college before going pro because she wants me to have an education and blah blah blah.

She thinks I should experience the college life. I somewhat feel like I have. All the parties I've been to with Jessie and all the college events. I felt like a college student.

Nicki signed with Stanford. It kinda made me want to sign with UCLA just to play against her. I'm proud of her.

She wanted to try college before considering going professional. Some of my other friends were questioning if they even wanted to continue soccer. But for sure, I knew I wanted to continue.

I will not go through life without playing soccer. Alex couldn't be around with me right now because she's so busy with her career and life. I haven't spent much time with her lately cause she really wants me focused on school.

She's becoming a little more protective over me when it comes to Jessie. She thinks we're gonna fuck now since we're almost a whole year into our relationship.

Jessie and I have gotten close to the point but I've stopped it before it's happened and so has she. She respects my body enough. We haven't talked much about the subject but, I feel it coming.

Graduation was getting closer and closer and I'm not prepared. When I was with Mal, I dreamed of her taking me to prom but looks like it'll be different now.

I've been dropping hints to Jessie that I want her to ask me to my prom. I'm pretty sure she picked up the hint and probably ignored it. It's totally fine if she doesn't go.

I'll just go with a nice looking dude so she doesn't worry about me cheating on her. I have no interest in dudes.

Prom and graduation are the last things I'm looking forward to for school. Our soccer team made it to nationals and of course, WE KICKED ASS! It feels so good to win nationals in senior year.

Jessie's POV

Y/n and I are still happily together and god, that girl brings me so much joy. She really makes me feel happy all the time.

Her prom is coming up and I know she wants me to take her. I mean, it makes sense for me to take her since I am her girlfriend. It's the logical thing to do.

I really don't want her going with anyone else. Friends, she can go with since I know them but, I'm pretty sure they'll have dates. Prom is a magical night for everyone.

I definitely don't trust her going with a girl because, one, she's gay, two, she's fucking hot and I'm pretty sure some hot girl will try and make moves, and three, because I'm her girlfriend and I'm the only person she needs.

I've been in contact with Alex, Lauren, Kehlani and a few of her friends on advice on how to ask out Y/n. To prom. She's already my girl.

My idea is to go surprise her at school when I come back from Canada. I told her I have a few weeks out of the country and I'll be all over Canada and elsewhere with our national team which is true.

She's gonna miss me a lot because I honestly have barely enough time to spend with her while I'm here. I've been traveling with UCLA all over the place.

FaceTime has been our best friend. She won't be expecting me to ask her because I shrug off the idea of prom whenever she brings it up and I know it's bothering her. I feel bad.

Just as I was thinking about her, she calls me. A smile spreads across my face immediately.

" Hello?"
" Hi baby Canada!"
" Hi my lovely American."
" Jess I miss you. I haven't seen you in like two weeks"
I can tell she's pouting. Ughhh.
" I know babe I've been super busy. But, I made time to come see you before I go to Canada."
" Is it gonna be a hi and bye situation. If so I rather not see you. I'll feel worst."
" No no, we'll be together until I have to go to the airport."
" Ok. I feel better now."
We continued talking on the phone when she brings up prom.
" Jessie, my proms coming up. Fast. I really want you to go."
" I know. The thing is, I won't be in California let alone, the US to go with you."
" Oh. Ok."
" Babe don't be sad please. You know I would love to take you I just can't. "
" It's fine. I have to go."
" Y/n/n I'm sorry I love you"
" I love you too. Goodnight Jessie."

She hangs up and I run a hand through my hair. I text into the group message with her moms and Nicki

To Babies moms + Nicki 💕🇺🇸:

The plans a go 💕

I was excited to do this surprise for her. It'll turn her day around or at least make her happy.

Y/n's POV

Alex was finally around for once. We were eating lunch together and I was happy to be with her.

" So have you thought about where you wanna go? Berkeley put out an offer for you I've heard." She smirks.

" Of course they did. I'm your daughter and you went there. I don't wanna go where you went. I wanna make a name for myself. " She smiles at my answer and nods her head.

" Wait so, you don't wanna go where I went but you'll go where your ex went?" She questions as I drink my water. " Hey, Jessie goes there and she's not my ex." I say offended.

" You know who I'm talking about. " I roll my eyes. " She barely went there. And no, I'm not even going. I've finally made up my mind. I know what I need to do."

She looks at me waiting for me to continue.

" I know you're not gonna agree but I think I'm gonna Skip college. I mean yeah I'll go back and get a degree and shit but, I think I need to just go straight to the pros. Teams are already calling, why make them wait?"

She didn't say anything. " Well if that's what you want, do it. I can't be upset or anything it's your life and your future. I'm proud that you're already making your own decisions. But question."

" Answer." " Did you tell Jessie? That you're not going to attend UCLA in the fall. I'm pretty sure she would've been happy to be teammates with her girlfriend and go to school with her girlfriend."

I sigh. " I thought about her. I would love to play at UCLA with her but I really feel like I'd make a mistake going to college. I think I just need to jump right into my career."

" Then you do that. I'm pretty sure Jessie will support you in anything you do. If she doesn't, let her know she won't be playing for Canada much longer since she won't be able to walk run or jump. " Alex says.

Shit. She even scared me. " You're not hurting my girlfriend mom." She shrugs her shoulders.

Mal's POV

Well, Y/n and I still aren't back together. I've been somewhat depressed. I expected us to be back together by now. It hurts because I miss her like hell.

She's my soulmate. It angers me that she's still with that stupid Canadian. No offense to Canadians ( I love you Syd).

I was currently with holly. I've been with her a lot lately. We're not anything because, I really don't want anything serious with anyone unless their name is Y/n Michelle Jauregui- Morgan.

Holly was watching a movie and I paused it making her look at me. I literally got horny out of nowhere. I leaned her back on the couch climbing on top of her. We started making out.

" Mal, Wait." Holly says in between breaths. I continued kissing on her neck. I began unbuttoning her shorts about to slide them off when she sits up.

" Mal, stop. I can't do this anymore." She says standing up fixing her shorts and shirt. " You keep doing this." She says running her hand through her hair.

" I keep doing what?" I ask clearly confused. She takes a deep breathe.

" You keep trying to have sex and leading me on thinking that you actually care about me and want something. It hurts so fucking much because I'm in love with you Mallory and you know that. I want something real with you but you're still hooked on Y/n. Don't try and deny it because I know. You say you aren't but you are. Every time she's on tv or you see pictures of her and Jessie, I see the anger in you and you get sad. Mal, if you really want her back go after her. Stop leading me on and breaking my heart because I actually want you and I actually love you. If you make up your mind and actually want something to do with me, call me. Bye Mallory. "

She walks out. I have to admit it. She's right. I do still love y/n. It hurts so fucking much seeing her with Jessie all smiley and shit. Why couldn't she be happy with me anymore?

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