One Direction Preferences

By CoCo9922

1.6M 15.4K 1.1K

What's it called? That's what they are! I just really love 1D and writing about my bizarre life. YOU SHOUL... More

One Direction Preferences
Favorite Song(s) to Sing
You Wear His Clothes
The Show You Watch
Show You & Him Guest Stars On
Sport You Play Together.
Favorite Store
It's His Birthday!
He Hurts You By Accident
He Helps You Make Thanksgiving Dinner
You're his sister and you like one of the other boys
Where You Meet
You Babysit One Of The Other Boy's Kids
How You Sleep
Movie Marathon
He finds out you used to like another member
Your Name In Each Others Phones
Your Nickname For Him
He likes it when you...
An interviewer Makes A Rude Comment About You
He Tweets A Picture Of You
Trends On Your Anniversary
Harry Smut
Niall Smut
Liam Smut
Louis Smut
Pet He Buys You
Song that Was Playing When You Met
His Sibling Tweets About You
Your Celebrity Friend
He Thinks You're Pregnant But You're Not
He leaves before you tell him you're pregnant...
Labor & Delivery
First Born's Name Suggestions
Bringing Home Your Newborn...
The Boys See The Baby...
Favorite Thing To Do With The Baby
Favorite Show Involving Food
Scary Movies
Twitter Post About You
Vacation... 2/5
You Sleep With Someone Else
Couple Song Series #1
Couple Song Series #2
Couple Song Series #3
Couple Song Series #4
Hits You Mini Series #1
He Hits You #2
He Hits You #3
You Walk Into A Weird Moment
Punk- First Fight
Punk- You Say Yes
He Hates How...
He finds out...
You have children but...
You have children but... 2 (There's a 3 for Liam now)
You Need A Surgery
Dirty Games
You Have
The Gif Of You Two...
You're Drifting Apart
He's Your Doctor
Safe Word
His Reaction....
Favorite Book Series
Father Daughter Dance
Cinema (2014)
He Has Cancer
Food Poisoning
You die together
Holding Hands
Snow Day
Your kid fails a class
Your Son....
Fave Vacayy
What He Does...
Baby but he DOESNT want it
Youre Already Pregnant
School Days
Awkward Question
Show Me [Kid Ink]
You Trip
Young // Cancer
Broken Bone // Cares For You
Pickup Line
Birth//Not Hospital
Midnight Memories//Song
Perfect//5SOS Song
Cute Moment//Son
Fortune Cookies
Alternative Music
BFFS//Coming Out
Other Guy//Sick
Happy 4th of July!
Actions//Hitting On
Bee Sting
House Fire
BSM// Bones
More Exotic-ness
((READ A/N)) DDM//Really Bad
Cheating//Homosexuals 2
Slap//In Front
Football Game
Break Up//Mother
Mother//Break Up 2
Mile High Club
Bullying//Stand Up
School Nurse
His Kid//Mom
BSM//Run Away
Mad//You Did
Can't Leave
Acts//Hates 2
Shared Custody//ddm
End of an era
Second Book


6.5K 60 4
By CoCo9922

You Meet Him While You're In College~


"Last one" you smiled, plopping the last box of your stuff on the floor. You had just moved into your residence, and you couldn't be more nervous and excited to start college. The summer was dwindling to an end, and school was going to be starting soon. You started organzing your clothes in your closet when you heard a soft knock on your door. "Coming" you shouted, hanging up your last shirt and going to the door. You opened it and a boy was standing in the doorway with two huge boxes and a fish tank. "Hi, I'm Louis, I seemed to have bitten off more than I can chew and I can't unlock and open the door quick enough. Would you mind?" he asked, and you nodded. "The, uh, the key's in my pocket" he said, and you smiled. "Which one?" you asked, and he did a turn, indicating his back pocket. You couldn't believe the size of his bum as your hand inched towards his pocket. "There better be a key in here" you smirked, and Louis laughed lightly. You fished out the key card and waved it in his face. "You're lucky" you said, swiping the key card against the door and opening the door. You held it as he walked in and took the aquarium off the top of the pile so Louis could safely set the boxes down. "Where's the fish?" you asked, setting the tank on the floor. "Fish?" Louis said, and you glanced down at the aquarium. "Oh no, I keep rats in that" he said, and you jumped back. "Seriously?" you asked, and Louis started laughing. "Nemo, clown fish of course, is in the car. I should go grab him" Louis said, rushing out the door. You smiled and returned to your room, continuing to unpack. After about five minutes, you heard a knock on the door. You ran over and opened it, and Louis was there again. "Hi neighbor" you said, and Louis smiled. "I think you have my key card" he said, with Nemo swimming in a little Tupperware container. "Oh, right, sorry" you said, grabbing the key card out of your pocket. Louis took it out of your hand, and you swore you could feel electricity running between your hands when they touched. Louis obviously felt it too, because he stepped back slightly and his cheeks went red. "So, I don't know if you have plans for dinner, but I was going to order a pizza. I will be alone, if you wanted to come over?" he offered, not able to make eye contact. "Yeah, I'd like that. Just, uh, knock on my door. You know where I live" you smiled, and Louis laughed lightly looking up at you. "Well, I should probably put Nemo back" he said, looking at the Tupperware container. "Yeah I think his dad is looking for him" you said, putting your hand on the door to close it. Louis started laughing as you started to close the door. "Oh wait" he said, putting his foot between the door and the wall. You reopened the door and smiled. "I didn't get your name" Louis said, and you smirked. "Y/N" you said, and Louis nodded. "Y/N, well, nice to meet you Y/N" he said and you smirked. "See you soon" you said, closing the door. You heard his door open and shut as you slid down yours, giggling to yourself about how good of a year this was going to be.


"Alright, I'm coming!" you shouted to your friend. You were in the locker room. You tightened your ponytail and fixed the waist band of your yoga pants before jogging out to meet your friends. "Take it easy on me today, I'm not in the mood to be here at all" you said, and your friend frowned at you. "Jason is an idiot. You know that. He shouldn't have led you on like that, but the best way to get your frustration out is to work it out" your friend said. You rolled your eyes as she bounced through the turnstile. You waved your card and pushed your way through as she walked to the treadmill. "2 mile warm up jog?" she offered, and you shrugged and nodded. You started your treadmill and got on. As you started jogging, you glanced around the gym. A couple of buff guys were working out together on the weight machines on the left hand side, a girl's yoga class was happening in the private room. You looked over and there was a guy bench pressing. His blonde hair hung down, dripping with sweat. He was wearing a loose tank top that fell off him except the parts that stuck with sweat and shorts. It was almost like he felt your glance, because he glanced over at you before you could turn away. You kept on your jog, but kept stealing at the boy. You caught him looking a couple times, and clearly you weren't the only one to notice. "Um, how do you know Niall?" your friend asked, and you broke your trance to look at her. "Who?" you asked, and she flipped her head towards the boy. "Niall? Niall Horan? I took an elective with him one time. Class clown, really funny but he seemed really reserved. And smarter than I expected" she said, and you shrugged. "I don't know him, I just think he's cute" you laughed, and she smiled. "Go talk to him. Second best way to get over a guy is to get under another" she said, and your eyes went wide. "You were thinking it too. Go" she said, and you looked at Niall frantically. He was getting up, so you kept jogging watching to see where he would go. Surprisingly, he walked towards the treadmills. He got on the one beside you, and started it. "Hey, I'm Niall" he said, smiling. His perfect white teeth mesmerized you. "I'm Y/N" you replied and he smiled. "I haven't noticed you here before" he said, his treadmill moving at a walk pace. He seemed awkward on it, and you could tell he didn't use the treadmill often. "I don't usually come, I just have been feeling down lately so I wanted to come" you said, and Niall frowned. "Why?" he asked. "I uh, I was talking to this guy and he kind of led me on. He made it seem he wanted something serious and then left" you said, slightly embarrassed. "What an idiot. Why wouldn't he want something serious with you?" Niall said, and you laughed. "Well that's flattering... Niall?" you said, and he nodded. "Niall, like the river, not the Patrick-Harris" he said, and you laughed. "You're a funny guy" you said, slowing your treadmill down to a walk. "Y/N, I'm going to the elliptical" your friend said, and she hopped off and went to the other side of the gym. "You know Kat?" he asked, and you nodded. "We met at a party a few months ago" you said, and he nodded. "That's cool. We had a class together. She seems a little..." Niall started. "Spacey?" you asked, and Niall nodded slowly. "Yeah, spacey. She lives on planet Kat" Niall said, and you smirked. You and Niall kept chatting, about what you were studying, where you were living and what you did for fun. You found out Niall had his own place, he was studying sound engineering and he liked playing guitar. You waved to Kat as she left the gym and you and Niall kept walking on the treadmill. Eventually, one of the attendants came over and told you the gym was closing. "I burned 1200 calories just now" you smirked as you walked from the gym to the locker room with Niall. "Well, you would have calories to spare if you came with me to Nandos. What do you think?" he asked as you got to the girl's changeroom. "Mmm, I love Nandos" you said, and Niall's beautiful smile widened. "So I will meet you out here?" he asked, and you nodded. You couldn't wipe the smile off your face as you walked towards your locker, got changed, and went to meet Niall. Kat had been right, nothing got your mind off Jason faster than the gym.


You walked into the art room and looked around. You were the last person there and you didn't recognize anyone. "Great" you whispered, sitting down at an easel next to a boy with dark hair and a blonde girl who smelt like she bathed in fish. You sat down, and the boy smiled at you. "Alright, welcome to Painting 101 for Amateurs, my name is Gloria and I will be teaching this. I first want to applaud you all for enrolling in this extra class, art will always deepen your mind" she said, whisking around the classroom like she was floating. You smiled as approached you. "This young man is named Zayn. He's an arts major here, and he will be assisting me in this class. Zayn, stand, wave, mingle" she said, walking away, her skirt seeming to flow away from her as she walked. You leaned back on your chair and looked at all the paint. "You will learn to mix them into the most beautiful colours in the world" a raspy voice said, and you glanced over your shoulder. "Oh, yeah, I hope so. Maybe I can paint the next Mona Lisa?" you said, and Zayn smiled. "Why copy when you could be original?" he asked, and you smiled. "So, are you going to start the assignment?" Zayn asked, and you glanced up at the white board. You hadn't noticed rushing in, but in blue script Gloria had written 'Show me what you got - Paint your best picture'. "Wow, um, that's vague" you said, picking up a paint brush. When your mom had urged you to join a class, you had hoped this one would be easy. You liked painting, but you never followed any rules or anything. "If you think about it too much, it will be hard. Just paint" Zayn said, resting his hand on your back. Your back curved as if it was making room for his hand, and before you knew it, he was gone helping the fish girl. "Paint, paint, paint" you whispered, getting some of the paint on your easel. You started with painting green grass and a pale blue sky. Eventually your painting evolved into a meadow, with whispy trees in the back. Zayn had made the circle and was standing behind you. You finally noticed, and stopped, glancing over at him. "Sorry, it's really pretty" he said. "You make me nervous" you smiled and Zayn smiled. "Well I shouldn't, it looks great. But think about texture" he said, pulling a stool next to you. He straddled over it and sat, and you sighed at how beautiful his face was. You couldn't help but hope there was going to be a nude portrait featuring Zayn eventually. "When you feel wood" he said, rubbing his pinky nail in brown. He started etching dark lines in the wood of some of your trees. "It's never just flat, it has texture. You have to paint texture to make it look realistic" he said, pulling his finger back. It looked amazing, and you smiled. "Can you do the rest of them?" you asked, and Zayn laughed. "I am not the student here" he smirked, and you frowned. "Alright, two minutes until we see what you've done. Class is almost over" she said, and you quickly tried to mimic Zayn's technique on the trees. You added some darker green to your grass and trees and used your finger to blend in some light and dark blue to the sky. Gloria rang a bell and you looked up. "Showcase, turn your canvases" she said, and you turned your canvas. Zayn came to your painting first, and smiled. "It looks really good, I love the sky" he said, and you smiled and felt your cheeks go red. Gloria joined him. "Wow, this is beautiful...?" she said, asking for your name. "Y/N" you smiled, and Zayn gave you a half smile. "Y/N, really well done. I can tell it will be a pleasure to have you in this class" she smiled and walked away. After she took a look at everyone's art, the class was dismissed. You left and started down the hall way. "Y/N!" someone called, and you recognized the voice immediately. You felt your heart flutter and you smiled slightly. You turned and Zayn was jogging towards you, a bag slung over his shoulders. "Hi" he said when he caught you and you smiled. "Do you want to go to Espresso? They have a deal for students today and we could get a coffee?" he said, and you nodded. "Sounds good" you said, and you and Zayn started down the hall together. You had a sinking suspicion you wouldn't be missing any art classes this year.


"Loki, quiet" a boy said as you got down off the bus. You glanced over to see a boy walking his dog, who you assumed was Loki. Loki was barking at all the other students and the boy kept apologizing. You never understood why people would walk their dogs in the school park, it seemed like a lot of work and not worth the stress. As you pondered, you barely noticed the dog charging at you. "Loki!" the boy screamed as the dog jumped up on you. You were surprised, and the dog knocked you back slightly. "Oh god" the boy said, but you smiled. "Hi Loki. Hi sweetie" you said, petting the dog. He rolled on his back and you rubbed his belly. "Sorry, he's only a few months old. I just adopted him" the boy said, and you smiled. "He's adorable, but why would you adopt a dog while you were in school?" you asked, using both your hands to rub the dogs belly and setting your books down. "My sister went to the animal shelter to volunteer and I had to pick her up. When I went in, this little guy was just getting out of the bath and I fell in love with him. I spoke to my landlord and he said it was fine as long as I housetrained him and paid a little extra, so he came home with me" the boy said, and you smiled. "That's really sweet" you said, grabbing your books and standing up. "Thanks. I have to go walk Loki in the park, but I would love some company if you want to come" he said, and you glanced down at your books. "Oh, did you have class?" the boy said, his voice quivering. You could tell he was nervous, and much like him with Loki, you didn't have the heart to walk away. "Oh, no, not for two hours. I was going to work on an assignment, but my mom would probably more impressed if I got outside" you smiled, and the boy smiled back at you. "Okay, cool. Come on Loki, you little suck" he said, pulling Loki's leash slightly. The dog hopped up, and you adjusted your books. "Here, want to put your books in my bag?" he asked, and you smirked. "Thanks" you said, putting both the books in his backpack. "I'm Liam, by the way" he said as you walked back beside him. "Y/N, really nice to meet you" you said, and Liam's cheeks went red. In the bottom of your heart, it made you smile that this gorgeous guy was blushing over you. Loki started barking, and you smiled. "Loki, come here" you said, kneeling down. The dog raced over to you and you scooped him up. "Until we get to the park" you said, holding Loki against your chest as he kissed your face. "Thanks, probably a good idea. Loki really likes you. I had my friend Andy over a couple days ago and Loki peed on his leg" Liam said, and you laughed. "This dog better not pee on me" you said in a weird voice, directed more at Loki than Liam. "Well, if he does you can have the extra shirt in my bag. No guarantees" Liam smirked, and you smiled. "I might just take it anyways" you smiled, pressing your hip to his. Liam smiled. "So, do you live off campus?" he asked, and you nodded. "Yeah, with my best friend. We lived here before, but we figured it would make more sense to move out" you said, and Liam nodded. "You don't live with your boyfriend?" Liam asked, and you raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that your way of asking me if I have a boyfriend?" you smiled, and Liam blushed. "I don't. Do you have a girlfriend?" you asked, and Liam shook his head. "Well then" you smiled as your feet touched the grass. You set Loki down and he started running. You and Liam picked up your pace. You two chatted for the next twenty minutes while Loki tried to run ahead of you. "Well, I am going to take him home now. Would it be weird if I asked you for your number?" Liam asked, and you smirked. "It would be weird if you didn't. Could I have your phone?" you asked, and Liam smiled and handed you his phone. You put your number in as you got your books out of his bag. "Text me if you ever need another walking buddy. Or just want to hang out" you smiled, handing him his phone. You waved goodbye, and pet Loki before heading to the building. Your phone dinged and you fished it out. There was a picture of Loki and he kind of looked sad. 'Loki misses you already' Liam wrote, and you smiled. You took a picture of you frowning and texted it to Liam and wrote 'Y/N misses you guys, too'. You smiled to yourself as you walked into class, feeling like you were going to explode with happiness.


"I hate parties" you said, ruffling your polka dot skirt. "Maybe you'll meet your Mickey" your friend Kaitlyn smiled, and you smirked. "I can hardly take you seriously when you're dressed in a hamburger dress" you said, and she laughed. "Fastest way to a guys heart is threw his stomach" she said, and you sighed. "We're so single" you laughed as Kaitlyn pushed the door open. You looked around at all the people and smiled. "This is more people than I expected" you said, as you wiped your shoes on the mat. "Minnie!" someone shouted, and you turned. "Hey girl!" your friend Hillary said and you smiled. "Hey Sailor" you said, saluting her, and she smiled. "You look cute. Go get a drink!" she said, and you nodded and headed towards the back of the house where the kitchen was. As you passed through the door, a boy turned. It was like he was moving in slow motion, he loose curls turning after him. He and a friend were standing in front of the fridge, and you tried to signal needing to get into it by grabbing a cup. "Sorry love, move Jack" the boy said, shoving his friend. "Jack!" a girl dressed as a cat called. "Pussy's calling" Jack laughed, and you narrowed your eyes at the back of his head as he walked out. "Sorry about him, not much of a gentleman when he gets a drink in him" the curly haired boy smiled. You smirked, opening the fridge door and pouring the pink punch in your glass. "So what are you supposed to be?" you asked, and the boy smiled. "I'm supposed to be a Harry Styles" he said. "Is that some boy band member?" you smirked, and he laughed. "Wouldn't that be nice. No, I'm a doctor, I just left my coat at the door. I take it your Minnie Mouse?" he asked, and you looked down. "I didn't dress in costume you dick" you said, and Harry started fumbling his words. "I, uh, I was-" he said, but your smile stopped him. "Kidding" you said, taking a sip of your drink. "Wow" he smiled, and you laughed. "Hey Y/N, you alright?" Kaitlyn said, smiling at you. "Yeah I'm good. Kaitlyn, this is Harry" you said. She looked up and smiled. "Hi Harry, pleasure" she said, smiling a flirty smile. "You too" Harry said, and Kaitlyn, bewildered, grabbed herself a drink and left. "What is she?" Harry asked, and you smiled. "A hamburger! Didn't you see the dress?" you asked, and Harry shook his head. "She's a hamburger" you confirmed, taking another sip. "So, you go to school here?" he asked, and you nodded. "That's cool, what do you study?" he asked, and your night continued with him asking you questions, you asking him questions and very few drinks being drank. You enjoyed getting to know Harry, getting to know about him. He was so full of surprises and so funny. After what seemed like only a half hour, Kaitlyn came in the kitchen. "Y/N, baby girl, we need to go. I am way to drunk right now. Way to drunk. Someone puked in a vase" she said, and your eyes went wide as you looked at Harry. "Need a hand?" he asked, and you smiled. "I think we'll be okay, we're 24, two down" you said, and he smiled. "Alright, nice meeting you Y/N" he said. "Nice meeting you too, maybe I'll see you around" you said and he smiled as you helped Kaitlyn to your house. You two crashed in the living room and when you woke up, you went to go to the bathroom. As you passed the door, you noticed a card on the floor. As you sat on the toilet, you opened it. It was a thank you card from Harry. "Thanks for spending the night talking to me. Text me, we can go for breakfast" you read out loud. You looked lower on the card and his number was there, and you smiled. You went out to the living room where Kaitlyn was still sleeping and grabbed your phone, excited to see how things would turn out with Harry.



I hate you,

You hate me,

Let's get together and kill Barney.

With a baseball bat and a 3x4,

No more purple dinosaur.

^^been stuck in my head for a while. About to go to school, as of 5/13/14 7:12AM

Eat some tree bark,


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