Eddsworld Tord x reader - Str...

By LePineappleGirl

37.7K 654 897

So, this is my first fanfic...a Tord x reader! You will be a girl in this story, sorry. Cussing and such will... More

A Thing that's Important
Meeting the Main
The Red Charmer
Shopping for Attention PART 1/2
Shopping for Attention PART 2/2
A Mistake and a Doggo
Late Night Messaging
House Date?
A Mini Thing for You
A Wet Mistake PART 1/2
A Wet Mistake PART 2/2
Sweet Realization and a Side of Surprise
Sibling Reunion
Bittersweet Truths
His Side
Forgive and Forget
Not Alone
Welp, Surprise! Have some Feelings!
It's Finally Happening, Eh?
Quick First
New Jobs and Old Friends
Worth It
A/N : I'm So Sorry!
Lovely Morning
Nose Hell & Weird Dreams
First Day
A/N - Important
Red is a Festive Color
I Love My Life
Thoughts are Invading
New Years Eve!
A/N - Please Read!

New Day, New Decisions

749 18 12
By LePineappleGirl

It was the morning after yesterday, exactly 8:42 A.M. I sat up in my bed, confused as fuck as to why a light was shining in my face. Then, realizing that it was my window, I sat up and glared at it. I need to get curtains or something...I think I'll do that later.

I went over to my dresser, pulling out my clothes, throwing together a quick outfit carelessly and getting changed. I wound up wearing a F/C t-shirt, black-gray jean shorts, and then my F/C sneakers. After I got changed, I threw my dirty clothes into my dirty clothes pile, gave my F/A a quick hug, and then left the room.

I went downstairs, of course.  Tom was walking past me, headed towards the kitchen. He glanced at me for a moment, but didn't stop. "Mornin' Y/N." he greeted casually. I waved a little. "Morning." Then I looked around. "Are the others not up yet?" I asked him. He opened the fridge. "Nah." was all he responded with. I sat down, pulling out my phone, checking if I had any new messages. I had one. Opening the tab, I checked it, and half-smiled.

Heya, sis! Sorry I didn't message ya sooner, got busy. But I made it home safe, how are ya?

I chuckled as I thought of the fact that during the timeframe in between when he was here to now, I had gotten with my crush.

Things have gone pretty darn great, Aaron!

I waited for his answer.

Oh yea? Why?

I grinned as I typed.

Guess whos gotta boyfriend.

I giggled as I put my phone away, purposely leaving him hanging. I mainly did it because Tom just handed me a sandwich.

"Here." he said simply. "Since Edd ain't up, breakfast." I took it and smiled at him. "Thanks!" I cheered, then biting into it. He nodded and made himself one. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and smiled as I ate.

Later, after I had eaten and finally responded to Aaron, explaining to him what all had happened and getting his crazy brother self to calm down, Edd came down. Seeing him, I immediately perked up, wanting to tell him where I was going. "Yo, Edd!" I called. He looked at me. "Hey, Y/N! What's up?" he asked me, waving. I stood up. "I'm heading out to the store to get some curtains for my window, 'kay?" I informed him. He nodded. "Got it."

Then, he went to the stove, pulling stuff out of the cupboard. He was probably getting stuff for breakfast. I, meanwhile, went back upstairs to get my wallet.

I went up and got it, and without even bothering to check it or tell anyone I was leaving now, I ran back downstairs and out the door. "BYE BE BACK LATER!" I shouted, already outside.

I ran down the street, past a bunch of houses, through a park, and to a store. I don't freaking know why I ran, that was a serious waste of energy. I took a few minutes to catch my breath, leaning against the wall of the store.

After those few minutes, I gathered myself and walked in, looking around. I instantly went to try and find where curtains would be. This store was fairly large, but it was nothing I couldn't handle! I immediately went towards the back, because in stores, furniture will normally be all the way in the back, and near that will be house supplies.

When I got back there, guess who was right! I found the curtains near a bunch of couches. There were different colors of them all across one of the shorter aisles. I scanned them over, attempting to choose a color. Then, finally, I chose a slightly dark F/C colored curtain, and smiled. Yes. This is the one.

I went up to the cash register. I had to wait for a family to finish buying their stuff first, but after a few minutes, they finally finished, and I moved up, setting my curtain on the thing so that the cashier could ring it up.

"That'll be $17.40." the cashier said boredly. I pulled out my wallet and pulled out a twenty, handing it to him. As he put it into the cash register and figured out my change back, I looked in my wallet, concerned, as I realized something.

I was pretty much broke.

The cashier got my change back and receipt, handing it to me, and then gave me a bag with my curtain in it. "Have a nice day." he said monotonely. I nodded and turned to leave. "You too." I said, not paying attention, leaving the store.

As I walked home, I thought to myself. I should get a job...at least part-time. Deciding to look into that later today, I pushed the thought out of my mind and focused on walking. Because I didn't want to accidentally drop my bag and waste even more energy, I didn't run this time, only walked.

About ten minutes later, I finally walked up to the white wooden gate that leads to our house. Going through it and then up to the door, I entered.

As soon as I entered, I was wrapped into a hug. Slightly confused, I looked up, and then smiled. Tord. "Good morning, Milady." he greeted, then kissing me quickly. I chuckled and hugged back with my free arm. "Good morning." I responded. He let go of me, allowing me to walk again. I instantly walked up to my room to put up my curtains, him following me.

Putting up these curtains was quite the feat for me, but with a little help from Tord, I managed to do it. Backing away from the finished work, I smiled. "Yay, now the sun won't wake me up by blinding me!" I cheered, making him laugh. "Wonderful." he said. I hugged him quickly. "Thanks, Tord." I said quickly. He ruffled my hair. "Of course. Now, shall we head back down?" he asked me. I let go of him and nodded, leaving the room. "Yep!" He followed after shutting my door.

We headed down and sat down in the living room. Edd looked at me. "Ah, Y/N!" he greeted. I waved. "That's my name, don't wear it out." I said casually. He rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Didja get what ya needed?" he asked. I nodded. "Mmhm." Then I remembered my little money issue.

"I do have a small problem, though..." I said. Tord looked at me curiously. "What is it?" Edd asked. I chuckled, slightly embarrassed for some reason. "III sorta am almost broke...so I'm looking to get a part-time job now. No idea where though..." I finished. Edd thought for a moment, then snapped his finger. "I know where!" he exclaimed, jumpscaring me. "What?" I asked. He smiled slightly bigger. "Would you be okay with working at a café on Mondays and Wednesdays and from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.? It's $4 an hour!" he explained to me. This caught my interest. "What position?" I asked. "Waitress." he responded.

I had to admit, I liked this idea. $4 an hour for six hours on two days a week...that's $48 a week. For a part time job, that amazed me. "And they even pay you at the end of the day!" he cheered. That got me.

"Okay, I'm convinced." I said, smiling. "Can you take me to the place sometime?" I asked him then. He grinned. "We can go now!" he said, standing up. I walked over to him then. "Sounds good!" I said happily. He then grabbed my hand and we ran out. "See ya guys later!" Edd yelled as we ran, me trying to keep up. Welp, that was unexpected. But at least now I might have a good job and money!

Word Count: 1317 Words
Yay, another chapter! Sorry I didn't upload more yesterday, my phone glitched out halfway through the day and my cousin wouldn't leave me alone. But here's the new one! I'm already working on ideas for the next one. Until then, my shrubs!

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