Handcuffed Boss

By MemoirsofaGeisha

31.8K 1.1K 194

Handcuffed series book 4. For Marc Paxton jr. the secrets of his past never leaves. He is reminded every day... More

1. MIA
2. Affected
3. Why?
4. That's Close Enough
5. Thou shall indulge
7. Whether you want to or not
8. It's been decided
9. Then a surprise comes
10. Sisterly Advice
11. What you're up against
12. Please
13. The Secret
14. So what now?
15. Things get complicated
16. Paxton
17. Should I stay or should I go
18. A bit of normalcy
19. A different kind of world
20. To Trust or Not To Trust

6. What have you done?

1.6K 61 13
By MemoirsofaGeisha

I came awake to lips pressed up against mine. I didn't make any sudden movements. It lasted for about ten seconds, which was quite long. When he pulled away I stared at him. This could go one of two ways. I could rebel, which would be the most obvious reaction, or I could accept that there might be something between us and act on it. Of course I chose the difficult path.

"Your lips were touching mine."

"They were. You're in my bed."

"I am."

For a long while neither of us said anything.

"He's gone."

Those two words were like an ice cold bucket of water being thrown on me. I sat up immediately.

"I need to go."

He grabbed my arm before I could take two complete steps.


"I can't stay here! I need to disappear."

"I am asking you to stay."

"Have you not heard a word I've been saying? I can't stay here. It's dangerous."

"Mia, I am asking you to stay. Not Marc Paxton, CEO, not Marc Paxton, father, not Marc Paxton, boss. Marc Paxton the man is asking you to stay."


What do I say to that?

He pulled me down to sit beside him.

"This might sound crazy but I think we might be good for each other."

"You're right. It does sound crazy."

"You bring order to my chaotic life."

"That's my job."

"It doesn't have to be."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I'd like to get the chance to know you."

I laughed.

"Have you been drinking?"

"No. I'm quite sober."

"You sound drunk."

"I assure you, I'm not."

He wasn't being unreasonable. It's not like he's asking me to marry him.

"Okay. A big part of knowing someone is sharing their secrets. I've asked you repeatedly about the circled date on your calendar. You get defensive or dismissive every time, just like you're doing right now."

"It's complicated."

"Make it simple."

"Will you tell me the truth about that guy?"

"What are you talking about."

"He said you were together."


"Were you in a relationship with him?"

"He's a stalker. That's all you need to know."

"I will take that as a yes then. Who ended it?"

For a long while I didn't say anything.

"Who ended it, Mia?"

"I did."


I was startled by his reaction. Maybe I shouldn't have told him.

"Okay, fine, you were in a relationship. When did the stalking start? Was it before or after the break up?"

"Does it matter?"

"It does to me. I need to know all the details before I even attempt to do anything about this."

What was he going in about? This was my problem. He couldn't possibly be thinking of interfering.

"I tried to break up with him three times. Each of those times were unsuccessful."

"What happened?"

"I was still working for him at the time so I would see him at work and we would go to business lunches together quite often."

He wanted to know everything, every little detail. I wasn't sure I wanted to tell him everything because then he'd probably look at me in a different light. I was the assistant who was too weak to stand up to her boss and took him back when he begged her to get back together. I was that assistant. So I did what anyone in my position would do. I left that part out.

"Is that the entire story?"


I didn't feel an ounce of remorse for lying to him. This wasn't his problem nor responsibility to fix. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Okay. I'll take care of it."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry about it. Stay here tonight. I know for a fact he's gone but if you don't feel comfortable sleeping in your own room you can sleep in mine. Once we get back to New York we'll see about you moving in with me."

Crazy rich person said what?

"I beg your pardon?"

"You don't think I'm going to leave you on your own with that stalker around do you? No. I am responsible for you."

"You are not responsible for me."

"You're my employee. That makes me responsible. You're moving in with me. That's not up for discussion, Mia."

I looked at him skeptically.

"There will be no funny business. It's for your protection."

"Do you always invite women to live with you for their protection? Is that what you do to get these women to fall at your feet?"

"I don't need to do anything. I'm rich. Women naturally fall at my feet."

"Well don't stop now, Mr. Modesty."

"It's true. That's the curse of being born Marc Paxton jr. I never know if women really like me for me or for my name and money. That's why I like you, Mia. You don't give a flying fuck who I am or what my name is. You tell me to go fuck off whenever you feel like it is deserved. I respect that quality in you."

Well damn...

Why did he have to go and say that?

"I don't know what to say to that."

He moved closer to me.

"Don't. I can't do this. We can't do this." Those blue eyes only stared intensely at me. "Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you want to - "

"FUck you? Put my head between your thighs and lick you from top to bottom? Take you from behind hard and fast?"

He went and said it. Moisture pooled between my legs.

"Kiss you until you run out of breath?"

I jumped to my feet. I was not going to get sucked in by another wealthy businessman that is my boss. I couldn't.

"You're disgusting. You are absolutely disgusting." And hot. He was fucking hot right now looking at me and talking like that. "You're a pig. I'm not doing this with you."

Despite jumping to my feet I didn't move. I wanted to. I really wanted to, but I just couldn't take even one step. No one had to know. He wouldn't tell anyone. I knew that much. Nothing had to change between us. I'd still treat him like the asshole he is and he'd still treat me like his less than relevant personal assistant. Stef was right. That b!tch was right when she said I wanted to drop my panties for him. That's the reason I've been so hard on him. The minute I walked into that office and saw him I knew I'd be in big trouble if I allowed myself to see him as anything other than a pig and treat him as such.

At the moment we are not in New York. We are not at work. We are not near anyone who know us or know about us. What we do here doesn't have to leave here.


I looked back at him.

"I shouldn't. We shouldn't."

He held his hand out to me. "Mia?"

"Don't. Don't do that."

"What do you want?"

"I," I looked down at his hand and grabbed it. "Just for tonight, just for tonight I want you. I want to know what it feels like to be with you."

And that's where it started...

A few days later...
"Mia!" I was on the phone with my twin sister Mona but had spaced out thinking about the bad decision I made a few days before.


"Are you even listening to me?"

"I have to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

"I slept with him."

Mona didn't say anything for about two minutes, until she did.

"Was it good?"

"Good isn't an adequate word to describe it. The things he did, the way he did them, I've never felt so satisfied in my life."

"I just have one question and one question only. Did he eat the booty?"

"I'm not answering that."

"That's a yes. I'm liking this guy more and more."

"He's my boss."

"So you keep saying, yet you slept with him. Get over it already. He's your boss. So what? It's not like he's going to fire you." I wouldn't put so much faith in him. I didn't say that to Mona though. "Iain was a mistake, Mia. He was a horrible mistake. That doesn't mean this one is. Besides, I kind of like this guy."

"You don't even know him."

"I know enough to know he's not like sleezy Iain. Anyway, I have to go. I want all the details of your sexcapade at a later date."

I rolled my eyes but let her go. Mona wasn't getting anything out of me. What transpired between Marc Paxton and I will stay between Marc Paxton and I.

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