Wolf Children

By Zephiio

47 0 1

When Hana falls in love with a young interloper she encounters in her college class, the last thing she expec... More

Chapter 1 - Encounter

47 0 1
By Zephiio

"Hana! Morniiing!"

Hana saw behind her and smiled. "Morning, Micchan!" She said. "Hanaaa, did you do the assignment?" Micchan asked and sat down beside Hana.

"Yup," Hana said. "OH GOODY!" SORRY! LET ME COPY IT!" Micchan Said while holding her hands in front of her big smile.

"Come on! Again?" Hana said annoyed. "It's 'cos you're so reliable. You're a toootal lifesaver!" Micchan said. "Honestly! You need to do your own work sometimes..." Hana said and looked into Micchan's puppy-eyes.

Hana looked behind. A boy with black hair sat down behind her, and picked up a book from his backpack. Hana looked into his eyes. But as fast as he saw her, she turned around again.

"He was here last week too. I wonder wich year he's in?" Hana thought.

"All right then. Open your books to page 175!" Their teacher said while he walked into the room.

Hana looked at the strange boy again. "Looks like he doesn't have a textbook..." she thought. "Guess that's why he's si serious about taking notes." (What a hardworker)

"Hana, what's up?" Micchan whispered. "N-nothing!" Hana whispered. Micchan giggled.

"Okay, that's all for today," the teacher said and pulled his glasses in place. "Don't forget to turn in your attendance slips before you go!"

"Hanaaa!" Micchan yelled. "Where's our next class Again?"

"Oh, um..." Hana said slowly and scratched her head. She looked for the boy that sat behind her. He was walking trowards the exit. "AH!" Hana yelled. "Huh?" Micchan looked strange at Hana.

"Go on ahead of me!" Hana said and tab trowards the boy. "Hana, where are you goiiing?" Micchan asked.

"W-wait up!" Hana yelled after the boy. "Please wait a minute!"

The boy stopped up. He turned around, and looked into Hana's eyes. "U-um... here," Hana said and stretched a patch trowards him. "It's an attendance slip."

"If you don't fill it out and hand it in, you won't get credit for showing up," Hana said while just stansing there.

"I'm..." The boy said. "...Not a student here." "...Do I stick out?" The boy asked. "Then I won't come anymore." He turned around, and walked out.

Hana looked at him in the door opening.

A little kid ran into the boy and fell and started crying. He stopped up, and halp the kid up, and scratched his head. 'Pat, pat'.

Hana smiled, and walked trowards him. "Wait up, please!" She said. The boy turned around and looked at Hana again. "Was there anything Else?" He asked. He had such a warm and nice voice...

"Um! Uh... I don't know anything about you being a student or Not," Hana said. "But... That class... Is pretty hard if you don't have a textbook."

"So please share mine from now on!" Hana said and stretched a book trowards the boy. The boy smiled warmly to her.

( Later that day... )

"These will be ready for you on friday," an old lady said to Hana. "All right, thank you," Hana said smiling. "Welcome!" The old lady said. "You're always here so late. Must be hard."

"Not really," Hana said and smiled.

"I have to pay for school somehow..." She thought. She was thinking about the nice, black-haired boy she met at school earlier this day. "I wonder if he comes to class tomorrow too..."

"Is something wrong?" The old lady asked smiling. "Oh! No!" Hana said. "I'm sorry!"

( Later that evening... )

Hana went to the food store to buy some carrots and stuff for making supper. "I wonder if he's okay with carrots," she was thinking. "I'll just buy the loose ones..."

After buying some food, Hana went home to her tiny apartment. She found a casserole and started to boil some vegetables.

After Hana was done cooking, she sat down and started thinking about the boy again. "I wonder what his favorite food is."

"I wonder... if he likes reading too." Hana whispered for herself.

She tried on some clothes she got from her cousin some days ago. "Hrnnn," Hana muttered and looked at herself in the mirror. "I wonder what kind of clothes he likes on a girl..."

( Next morning... )

Hana waked up. She yawned, and looked at the watch hanging at the wall. "Oh, no! School starts in ten minutes!" Hana said stressed, and jumped out of bed. She hurried up getting ready, and went to school.

"He's not here yet.." Hana was thinking a little disappointed when she sat down in the class.

"Okay, let's begin," their teacher said and coughed. "The lecture's starting..." Hana was thinking. "And he's yet not here." She looked out the window and sighed.

After 10 minutes, he came running. He sat down beside Hana. "I'm running late," he whispered.

Hana smiled.

It rang out, and Hana and the boy went out togheter. They ate lunch togheter. They went to the library togheter. And after school, they went for a walk.

"What's your name?" Hana asked the boy. "Haku," The boy answered.

"What about yours?" Haku asked smiling. "Hana," Hana said. "Hana Meyers."

"Where did you get it from?" Haku asked. "You mean my name?" Hana said. "Yeah."

"When I was born, a cosmos flower were blooming in our garden," Hana said. "And when my dad saw it he said; even when things get tough he wanted her to smile, even if she had to force it. And if she did, she'd be able to get through just about anything..."

"So that's why at my father's funreal... I smiled the whole time," Hana said. "My relatives all thought I was being disrespectful. They got so mad at me... I guess it was kind of disrespectful, huh?"

"It wasn't disrespectful," Haku said. "Heh, heh, heh..." Hana laughed. "I'm glad.

"As a mover, I get to see all kind of people's houses," Haku said. "There really are lots of different ones. Houses with money, houses without. Houses with huge families, houses with one person. Houses with babies, houses with just old people."

"Must be nice to have a house," Haku said smiling. "To walk in and say, I'm home."

Haku looked at Hana. Hana looked at him. They smiled to eachother. "...Hana," Haku said. "Hm?"

''There's..." he said. "...Something I have to tell you. Close your eyes..."

Hana closed her eyes. "A little longer," Haku said.

Hana opened her eyes slowly. "..." Haku was turning into a wolf. A werewolf. Hana just stood there, completely shocked.

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