Snapped (Gabentine Fic)

By ShadyTrees98

15.9K 359 262

When Clem leaves Gabe behind in Richmond to go look for AJ, something happens to him. Something inside Gabe h... More

A Twig
Pinky Promise
Bad Men
Monster On A Mission
Animal In Me
Animal In Me Part 2
The Time Has Come
Nobody Fucks With My Family
Stone Cold
Girls Talk Boys
Ready For It
Catch Me If You Can
The End Of The Road

The Storm

713 17 13
By ShadyTrees98

Time has passed and the leaves are starting to turn colors and fall. Clementine and AJ are doing better with each day. Clementine has started to go on runs with Javi and Kate and returning to her stronger self. But, some nights are worse than others and whenever I hear her cry out, I jump out of bed and grab my bedding and run to her. I take her in my arms and rock her back to sleep before laying down in my pallet.

AJ has been wanting to go everywhere with me. Whether it be to a leader meeting or go chop wood in the forest. I don't have it in me to tell him no so, he comes along and watches me. Sometimes I do something dumb and hit my hand and curse out in Spanish. That got his curiosity and wants me to teach him some. So, lately we have little lessons while Clementine is on a run and he's been doing great. Right now, AJ can speak 4 words in Spanish. Beautiful, thank you, you're welcome, and mother. One night he surprised Clementine at dinner.

"AJ, can you pass me the salt?"

"Of course, hermosa madre."

Clementine looked surprised at his words and cocked her head at me.

"AJ heard me curse in Spanish and wanted me to teach him some. He said beautiful mother."

Clementine blushes and looks at AJ, who's smiling at her. She brings him into a hug and kisses his forehead.

Other than that, things have been calm. But, as the days pass by, time draws closer to a date that makes my heart twist.

Mariana's Birthday

She'd be 16 years old if she were still alive. Last year I drank so much that I passed out and slept through the day. This year I can't do that because I have Clementine and AJ living with me. Great. Before I know it, the day finally comes and I spend the entire day outside chopping wood and working out. I told AJ that he couldn't come today and he looked upset as I left him and Clem at the breakfast table. I skip lunch and dinner, beating away at my punching bag until my knuckles are raw and bloody. Thunder roars in the distance and rain starts pouring down. That doesn't stop me as I continue punching and don't here the footsteps behind me. My tears are mixing with the rain and a hand grabs my shoulder. I spin around with my fist back, ready to punch the person and stop. It's Clementine. She looks at my bloody hands and tears before pulling me into a hug. I break down and start sobbing into her neck and falling to my knees. Clem comes down too and pulls me in once more. I cling to her as I cry for Mariana.

"She wasn't supposed to die! It should've been me! Not her! She didn't deserve it! She left me and then you left me! I had no one! Javi and Kate didn't care and thought I was being a moody teenager. But, they didn't have the nightmares about Mariana! They didn't see you walk away! They didn't get their heartbroken repeatedly! And they didn't get fucked up from the pain I felt!"

Clementine is at a loss for words as she takes in mine and I rush to my feet before taking off into the woods.


I keep running for what seems like hours before collapsing to my knees. My lungs scream for oxygen as I take deep breaths. Rain continues to pour down onto me and lightning strikes nearby, causing the ground the shake. I look around and spot a shack in the distance. I stand on wobbly legs and jog to it, my legs give out as I go under it. I crawl to the side wall and watch the storm blow my worries away. It rages for an hour and doesn't show any signs of letting up when I hear something, something close.


Shit. Clementine

I climb to my feet and make my way towards her voice.



I spot her red jacket under a tree and run towards it before lightning strikes it. The tree shakes and the limbs crack, I make eye contact with Clem before yelling.


She stands frozen as the limb cracks and breaks. I sprint my hardest to her and place my body over hers, guarding it from any damage. The hardwood of the limbs beat down onto my back and scratches my back up. I feel blood coming from my back and head as I look down at Clementine. I push against the tree limbs and stand up with Clem. Her eyes are wide as she stares up at me and her mouth moves but, I don't hear anything come out. I shake my head to clear the fuzzy feeling and become light headed from it. Blackness starts to creep into my vision and I hear Clem's voice break through.

"Gabe, stay with me! Don't fall asleep! Stay with me."

I give her one last look and speak to her before collapsing with the rain pouring on my head.

"Gotta keep you safe, pinky promise."

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