I've Dreamed Of You, My Dear

By kjujeee

52.1K 1.3K 269

Allie James is a 23 year old girl who lives with her father and little brother Richie. Bizarre​ dreams have... More

*Store Shenanigans*
An Apology


2.3K 59 14
By kjujeee

I lose where Emeritus is when we reach the back of Spencer’s. I sigh then start walking towards the entrance/exit Only to be stopped by a hand on my shoulder.
“Where do you think you're going?” I recognise the voice to be Emeritus’ so I turn around to face him, “You haven't seen the show yet.”
He points to his crotch so I look and see that he has a dick cup being held there.
I instantly regret coming into this store.
Not even a second later E starts air thrusting.
“Oh my god!” I groan, “I'll meet you outside the store when you're done with ‘that'.”
“No, Allie! Don't go!” E tells after he puts the cup down and runs after me.
I laugh at his childishness and keep walking out of the store.
When he catches up to me his skinny but strong arms make their way around my waist.
“I told you not to leave.” Emeritus whines leaning down to rest his chin on my shoulder.
“I know.” I state matter-of-factly.
“Then why did you leave?” He asks taking the bags from by hands and walking next to me as we go to another store.
“Because you were being childish.”
“That's not a good reason.”
“Oh shush.” I say putting a finger to his lips.
Looking around at the other stores in the mall I spot a Build-A-Bear.
“Oooh! Can we go to Build-A-Bear? Because I have this idea.” I say sounding like a little kid.
“Now you're the one being childish, but sure.”  He says following me as I run up the steps of the mall to the store.
Emeritus holds my hand when he catches up to me.
Once we get into the store the only other people we see is a small family, a little girl, probably the age of three, and what looks to be both her parents.
“Awe, the little kid is so cute!” I whisper to E.
“I agree, maybe we could have mini versions of us running around in the future.” I almost choke at what he said.
“Um, no.” I pause for a second, then realize what I said was a bit harsh, so I clarify, “Well, not anytime soon. That's for sure. I'm not even your girlfriend yet anyway, so I don't think that you should be planning so far ahead. Might get your hoes crushed.”
He nods, “So you said earlier that you have an idea for here, what is it?” E asks looking at all the skins for the teddy bears.
“I was thinking that I could make a bear for you, and you make one for me so that way we will have something to remind us of the time we spent with each other. And also so if we get lonely, it'll make a good cuddle buddy.” I simply reply.
“It's a good idea. Just don't look when I make mine for you, and I won't look when you make the one for me.” Emeritus says.
We then go our separate ways in the store and begin creating our bears.
I choose a simple bear with no design, it's fur is white, but it's eyes are a deep crimson in color.
Going over to the stuffing station, I see E struggling with picking a type of bear to get me.
I laugh to myself and take the best back when the lady is done filling it.
I then look at the outfits to see if I can find something cool for it to wear. Ironically enough, I find a dress that is fairly similar to what I wore when E took me out to lunch.
Going to the cash register I see if E is still picking out the skin, which he isn't.
The cashier rings up what I bought, the total was only $37.50, it's really cheap, most of the time the bears are more expensive than that.
My curiosity gets the best of me so I ask why it was so cheap, they make a humming noise then answer, “I saw you two lovebirds walk in and it reminded me of when me and my husband were younger so I thought I'd be nice, give you guys a discount and also get into the holiday spirit of giving since it's December already.”
I smile, “Well, thank you very much.”
She gives a small you're welcome then starts ringing up E’s bear. He covers my eyes with one hand so i can't see what he got me as he checks out before it gets put into the box.
I wave goodbye to the nice chaser lady then follow Emeritus out the store.
Checking the time on his phone Emeritus goes bug eyed, “It's already 12:15am, would you like to go home since it's late?”
Dad normally doesn't like me home this late, so I gather my courage to tell E about it.
I turn shy, “Well, actually, my dad doesn't like me coming home this late and well…” I start to trail off turning a bit awkward.
“Do you wanna stay with me tonight? I promise I won't do anything “funny” and I'll take you home in the morning.” E says, honesty lacing his voice.
“Sure, I'll stay with you...but it's Monday, I have work in the morning.” I frown.
“Would you like it if I called into work for you do you don't have to go. I'm pretty sure they'll understand with the news you learned.”
I nod, and hold onto Emeritus’ hand as we exit the big doors to the mall and go back to his car.
I completely space out during the car ride to the hotel that Emeritus is staying at. Emeritus gently pokes my cheek to make me stop spacing making me jump a little.
I playfully slap his arm, “You scared me, you ass.”
“Just because I have one doesn't mean I am one.” E says in a sarcastic tone.
I just shake my head in response and follow him through the halls to his room. Once we go to the floor where he resided the hall was filled with the five ghouls.
“Isn't that the girl from the concert?” I hear one say.
“Maybe she's going to be getting his “special treatment” if you know what I mean.” Another says.
Emeritus must have heard this last one because the look on his face contorted to one that looked like anger.
“All of you, go back to your rooms. She's just a friend, so keep your assumptions to yourself.”
He protectively wraps his arm around me as we continue walking to the end of the hall to where his room is.
Walking into his hotel room my jaw drops, “Wow, this room is better than my entire house.”
“It is lovely isn't it?” Emeritus speaks taking off his suit jacket leaving him in his white button up. Which I must say fits him nicely.
He places his hand on the small of back and guides me to sit on the bed, then places his bear he got me next to mine.
“I'll be right back, I'm going to grab something for us to drink.” He says walking to the small kitchen the room had.
“Bring me something alcoholic please.” I call after him.
A few minutes later he comes back with a bottle of wine, and a puzzled look on his face.
“I thought you didn't really like to drink.” He says.
“I don't, but it's been a tough day...and I kinda want to talk about some personal things, if you don't mind, and I don't think my complete sober self will talk about those things.”
“Ah, I don't mind you talking to me about things, it'll help me get to know you better.” He says passing me the bottle.
I start drinking, and before I know it, Emeritus and I finished off the bottle, and I can tell I'm drunk.
“So dear, what was it that you wanted to tell me about?” E asks bringing up what I said earlier.
“Well,” I start, “and this is a long story so you've been warned. When I was little my mom left, then came back, and left again I don't know how many times and it really fucked with me. Because of all that I have abandonment issues. Sophia, my bff, the one who died, she helped me through all of that. Even though the time I was in my biological family’s home. My real dad was abusive, causing me to have anxiety whenever I'm around guys. You're the first guy I've actually felt safe around. But yeah, I live in a foster home, with my “dad”” I say with air quotes. “But since Sophia helped me through all of that shit, we have...well, had a strong bond. And since I have abandonment issues she promised to never leave, so hearing the news she died really hit hard.”
I fall back on the bed laying down from my sitting position and hold back tears.
“Is that all you wanted to say?” Emeritus asks, wiping away the years rolling down my cheek.
I nod, covering my face and crying.
E lays down next to me and cuddles me into his chest.
“I don't know what to say in response to that, but I feel like I know you a lot better. Thanks for telling me. With all that being said, I can promise I won't leave you, You're too good of a friend to lose.”
I sigh, “I've had too many people say that and then leave. You just have to prove you'll stay by actually doing so.”
I calm myself and remember our little adventure to Build-A-Bear, “So, can I see the teddy bear you got me? I wanna see it.”
Emeritus sits us both up and hands me the box with the bear He got me in it.
I open the box and see the skeleton printed fur and bright blue eyes of the bear. The majority of the fur is covered in a black and white suit. It resembles Papa Emeritus III immensely
I smile, “It looks so much like you. I love it, not as much as I love you but…”
“That was the point, I wanted to get something that looked like me so it would remind you of me.” He paused for a second, “Wait, you love me?”
I feel myself blushing like crazy, “Maybe.” I say dragging out the “e.”
“I'm not sure I believe that.” Emeritus says grabbing the box with the bear I made for him.
“Just open the damn box.” I snap.
“Well, someone's defensive.” He smirks my way then opens the box, a smile working it's way on his face when he sees it.
“It looks just like you from our first date. It's amazing. The eyes on it are beautiful, just not as beautiful as you because nothing could ever compare to you.”
I manage to blush even more than I was before which causes Emeritus to laugh.
“Someone seems a bit flustered.” He says caressing my cheek.
I pout, “It's only because of you that I am...or maybe it's because I'm drunk.” I laugh at the end of the sentence and fall back onto the bed pulling Emeritus down with me.
“You're way different than other girls, and somehow that makes me want to be in your life even more.” E says, his face moving closer to mine.
‘I said I never kiss first dates I never said that I don't kiss any other time.’ I think to myself, closing the space between us.
The kiss ended as quickly as it happened, but even though it was short I still felt sparks from it.
We pull away, and I'm still blushing immensely.
“You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that.” E says looking me in the eyes starting to lean in again.
I push him away a little, “No, no, no.” I say in a childish voice waving my finger in front of his face.
“Why can't I kiss you again?” He asks, with a pout of his face.
“Because I'm not your girlfriend.” I state in a smart ass tone.
“Will you be my girlfriend then?”
I place my finger on my chin pretending to think, “Nah, not just yet.”
“Fine.” He wines. “You know I'm going to ask you again eventually right?”
“I know, that's why I said ‘not yet’.” I say cuddling with Emeritus, while starting to fall asleep.
“Night night Emeritus.” I speak showing my childish tired side.
“Goodnight my love, sleep well.” He says as he plays with my hair after getting comfortable while cuddling with me.

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