The White Paladin

By The_Author_Draws

344K 7.6K 7.3K

*Discontinued* A Voltron reader insert / KeithXReader Future edit: Why are you guys still reading this???? I... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty-One~
~Chapter Twenty-Two~
~Chapter Twenty-Three~
~Chapter Twenty-Four~
~Chapter Twenty-Five~
~Chapter Twenty-Six~
~Chapter Twenty-Seven~
~Chapter Twenty-Eight~
~Chapter Twenty-Nine~
~Chapter Thirty~
~Chapter Thirty-One~
~Chapter Thirty-Two~
~Chapter Thirty-Three~
~Chapter Thirty-Four~
~Chapter Thirty-Five~
~Chapter Thirty-Six~
~Chapter Thirty-Seven~
~Chapter Thirty-Eight~
~Chapter Thirty-Nine~
~Chapter Forty~
~Chapter Forty-One~
~Chapter Forty-Two~
~Chapter Forty-Three~
~Chapter Forty-Four~
I've...made a decision
Appreciation post
Continued Appreciation

~Chapter Fourteen~

8.5K 190 341
By The_Author_Draws

After the battle we returned back to the castle. When we got there, the prisoners from Zarkon's ship, we're ready to be launched back home. We send them off with high regards and good luck.

Everyone then seems to go off to relax and I try to hunt down Pidge and ask what had happened while I was off playing 'goddess'.

I search the entire ship, unable to find her. Then I head out into the bridge hearing people talk. I hide behind the corner and peek out finding Pidge and Shiro there.

He was explaining to her about his time on the Galra ship, and how he fought in the place of Pidge's brother. I release a sigh, unknowing that they could here me.

Pidge spins around quickly, scaring me off my feet, and I sit on my butt while staring over at them with an awkward laugh.

"I'm...i'm really sorry for spying." I say while bowing to them in apology.

I hear footsteps and I look up finding them both right in front of me. Pidge bends down giving me a hug as Shiro pats my head. I look between the two of them very confused and then smile.

We all return to the main room where Allura explains to us that we're going to throw a party and invite the Arusians, in celebration to our victory.

The castle starts to be overrun by the small aliens. And I'm stopped out front as a group of them act out our battle. I laugh awkwardly as they accidentally kill us and not the monster then redo it. At the end I clap and thank them then quickly run off towards the other Paladins.

I approach Lance, Keith, and Hunk with a sigh and they turn to me noticing my presence.

"Well hello my goddess." Lance says while wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"You know what, as a kid I thought it would be so cool to pretend to be a goddess or magic creature or whatever...but now that I'm living kinda sucks." I say with a sigh and Hunk pats my back.

I then turn as I hear the Arusians cheer, after Allura had given them some sort of device that allows them to call us if they need help.

"We should have something like that." Hunk says suddenly and I turn back towards him, as does the others.

"Like what?" Lance questions.

"You a cheer! A team cheer for Voltron." Hunk explains and Keith and I look to each other in confusion, while a huge grin appears on Lance's face.

"How about, I say Vol you say Tron. Vol?" I stare at him for a second, not computing what he had said.

"Um.....Voltron?" Keith responds back and I turn to him with a huge blush as to how cute and innocent he sounded.

No, no, no. The cheer includes the instructions. Here listen, I say Vol, you say Tron. Vol?" Lance repeats more slowly and Keith still stares at him, not understanding.

"V-Vol...Tron?" Keith says once again and my face flares as I hide behind Hunk out of embarrassment from how cute and confused Keith was.

"We'll have to work on that..." Lance says with a sigh as I cling onto Hunks back while he tries looking around himself to me wondering what I was doing.

Lance then picked up some sort of drink and took a huge sip out of it. He then froze, shooting his eyes open. He sat there looking like he was completely Petrified by the drink.

Keith, Hunk, and I all look to each other before circling the frozen Lance. We watch as he stands completely still. Keith and I look to each other then we both proceed to poke him. Lance starts to tip to his side until he snaps back to his senses and catches himself.

"Coran! What the heck is this drink?!" Lance yells out while wiping his tongue with his sleeve.

"Oh it's called a Nunvil. The nectar of the gods." Coran casually answers while walking past us with a tray filled with the strange liquid, offering it to some of the other aliens.

"It tasted like hotdog water and feet." Lance says while sticking his tongue out.

"Yes and it makes a wonderful hair tonic as well." Coran says while sticking his fingers into one of the cups and swiping it across his moustache, which seems to glisten at the liquids touch.

Lance seemed on the verge of barfing and I softly pat his back to soothe him. He looks up to me with a smile before dramatically fainting in my arms.

"The only way to cure the prince is with a kiss." He whispers then closes his mouth and puckers his lips.

I stare down at him with an expression that reads 'ok I'm done'. I lift my arms from under him, letting him fall, and quickly run off towards the entrance where Shiro was, before Lance could complain and whine.

"Hey Shiro. I don't blame you for not wanting to be in there, it's so party-ish." I say to him not knowing how to word it.

He releases a small laugh then his face turns back into a hardened glare as he watches around the castle entrance.

"What's wrong?" I ask while looking around as well, thinking something was wrong.

"I just don't like how we are just letting people walk in and out of the castle like this. It doesn't feel safe." He comments with his gaze still focused on the outside world around the castle.

I look up to him with sorrow as I place my hand, gently, onto his arm.

"I know how you feel Shiro, well sort of. It doesn't feel right to just throw this party when the enemy knows our location, but Allura says that we do also need to pay our respects to the Arusians and their planet for letting the castle stay here this long." I respond and he looks down at me with a softened expression.

"You're right by all means. And that also means that since they know our location, we could be attacked at any moment. I'm going to do a perimeter check...just to be safe. You go on and have fun, ok (Y/N)." Shiro says before ruffling my hair and heading down to walk the perimeter.

'He really cares for our safety.' I think to myself as a smile forms on my lips.

I head back into the party and watch as Lance quickly heads out of the room. I approach Hunk and Keith in confusion.

"Where's Lance going?" I ask and they both turn to me.

"He was getting all mushy and stuff after we started talking about how long it could take to defeat Zarkon and go back home. And then I started talking about finding a nacho planet and he started talking about pizza and beaches. Then he just left." Hunk answers and I look towards the direction he took off in.

"I'm going to go find him. I'll see you guys later!" I say while waving goodbye to them and jogging off in the direction Lance went.

As I was walking down the halls, what Hunk said flashed into my mind.

'How long is this going to take? To be honest I don't really care because I had nothing back on Earth except for Pidge and the garrison, but I do miss the views and food. Especially the food. But Lance is most definitely home sick. He might be a class clown, flirt, kinda guy, but he has his downs as well. Especially with a big family like his.' As I finish my thoughts I was already in front of the doors he had gone into.

I walk into the room finding him standing in the middle of the control room just staring at the huge crystal that was hanging from the ceiling.

"Hey...Lance?" I quietly announce my presence but he was still surprised and spun around to face me. He looks at me for a second then turns back to the crystal.

"Do you know how far apart the galaxies are from each other (Y/N)?" He asks as I slowly make my way to his side.

"Like let's say Earth. It's so far away that I can't even see it. The blue ocean, white clouds, green grass...I-I can't see any of it." He says and I grab onto his arm shocking him. I pull him close to me as I hug him, and he hugs me back.

"Lance you're just a little homesick. I miss Earth as well, but I know it's a lot tougher for you. You have a huge family that loves each other, but here, I promise to be your family. We all do." I say while looking up to him finding tears in his eyes.

"Defeating Zarkon and being the brave Paladins we're suppose to be is what we should do, but to be honest. I just want to go back home." He says with a sigh and I wipe a tear from his cheek.

"We'll do it. We'll defeat Zarkon and go back home. I promise Lance. And then we will all have each other back on Earth and be heroes!" I say trying to cheer him up and he let out a small laugh while rubbing his eyes.

He pulls me in for another hug and I let him. To see the usually outgoing, flirtatious, clown of the group, crying and being fragile, I can't not want to help him. I'll become his bandage to hold him together until we can be free.

We pull away from each other as a light tint covers our cheeks at our closeness. I spin around ready to head out the door, then Pidge's little robot, that she took from the Galran ship, flew in.

"Oh hi Rover!" I greet it as it just continues to fly past me towards the crystal in the middle of the room. I spin around at the sound of it ticking and see fear cover Lance's face.

"(Y/N)! GET DOWN!" I hear Lance yell and before I know what happened a loud explosion rang out.

I must have blacked out for a while. As I open my eyes and hear ringing in my ears. The feeling of someone on top of me, brought me back to reality. When the dust started to clear I found Lance strewn over my body, completely unconscious.

"What happened?!" I hear Shiro's voice through the dust and cough.

"Shiro come over here, quick!" I attempt to yell out as my throat feels dry.

The dust began to clear as the others ran towards Lance and I on the ground. Everyone froze when the noticed Lance on top of me, covered in wounds.

"Lance? Lance!" Shiro calls out to him while cradling his head, as Hunk and Pidge help me up. Tears start to fill my eyes as I look down at the blue paladin.

"He saved me. He used his own body to shield me. Why would he do that?" I say as tears freely fall from my eyes and I drop to the ground once again.

"(Y/N), please it's not your fault. We need to get him to the infirmary as well as (Y/N)." Pidge says as she kneels down to me and helps me up once again.

"We can't. The crystal has been broken. Without the crystal, there's no way to power the castle." Coran explains and dread overcomes me.

'That robot wasn't Rover. Wait...then who's robot was it?' I think to myself as my throat is too dry for me to talk anymore.

The little communicator that Allura had, began to light up and a small hologram of the elder of the Arusians appeared from it.

"Lion warriors! Our village is under attack! We need your help!" The chief pleaded.

"Let's get to our lions." Keith says and Allura stops him.

"You can't. They're sealed inside of the hangars. There's no way to get them out. We're defenseless." She says in a defeated tone.

"Will you not help us?" The chief asks in a panic.

Everyone looks towards Lance and I. I can't walk and he's completely unconscious. The others don't know how to respond to the chief.

"This is bad..." Hunk mumbles.

"We need to get a new crystal in order to operate the castle again, but we'll need a ship." Coran states in a worried tone.

"We can use the pod that I was getting ready. I left the door open." Pidge says and I turn to her in surprise.

"What?" I ask and she looks to me with complete fear.

"(Y/N)...I-" she stopped herself as she looked down feeling ashamed.

'She was going to leave? What about me?! We promised to do everything together...' I think to myself as I take myself off from her, almost falling, and Hunk catches me.

"Yes....I can use the scanner to see if a Balmera is nearby. Hunk I need you to come with me. I'll need someone big and strong to help me load the crystal." Coran states and I get closer into Hunks arms.

"A Balmera?" Hunk asks as he adjusts me in his arms.

"It's where the crystals come from. I'll explain on the way there." Coran explains while heading off towards the pods.

Hunk gently passes me into Shiro's arms. I wave goodbye to him and he gently pats my hair before running after Coran with Pidge following after them.

"I'll go check on the village." Keith says in a hurry.

"I'll come with you. I brought this upon those poor Arusian's." Allura says as she walks up to Keith.

"I'll stay here with (Y/N) and Lance to tend to their injuries and watch over the castle." Shiro says and Allura and Keith nod then run off to the village.

Shiro sets me down next to Lance, and I set his head in my lap. Tears begin to well up in my eyes, but I push them away.

"Shiro...he'll be ok...right?" I ask while moving some of his hair out of his face.

"Don't worry I promise that he'll get better, especially with you caring for him." Shiro says while soothingly petting my hair.

Shiro picks him up and slings him over his shoulder while he picks me up and I sit on his hip like a child as I wrap my hands around his neck and my face flares up in embarrassment. He notices this and looks down at me in worry.

"Oh no (Y/N), you don't have a fever do you?" He asks and I frantically shake my head no.

He shrugs then carries us off to another room where he could hopefully help us.

"I'm sorry for causing so much hassle...." I say quietly as he walks.

"Don't say that (Y/N). Just hang on you two, help is on the way." He says but then stops in his tracks.

I look ahead and my breath leaves me. A Galra soldier was standing right in the doorway staring at us with a smirk.

"Sendak..." Shiro says with venom in his voice.

He sets Lance and I down so Lance was resting on me. He steps forward but I quickly grab onto his pants to stop him.

"Please Shiro...don't do this. I can't help you. And no one else will be able to save you." I say and he gently removes my hand and smiles down at me.

"Don't worry (Y/N). I won't let anything happen to you two." Shiro says while turning back towards Sendak with a determined expression

Oh heck yeah cliff hangers my friends 😅 I had to kinda split this in two so sorry bout the cliff hanger but it's a chance I had to take- I mean...whaaaat? Anyways! Love you guys so much and thanks for reading my story!

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