Undefined | Ken San Jose, Sea...

By alwaysalmay

3.5K 161 124

un•de•fined: not clear or defined "Everyone's life has a meaning," most people would say. However, under all... More

chpt. one
chpt. two
chpt. three
chpt. five
chpt. six
chpt. seven
chpt. eight

chpt. four

237 8 6
By alwaysalmay

Guys "Imperfect Pair" the sequel to "Perfect Pair" is out now! Go check it out!




When lunch was finally over, I sat up from my seat in the almost empty library and quietly left. I wish I could just stay in there, it was so quiet and peaceful. No one really ever went in there except some really introverted people like me.

Walking over to my locker to grab the things I needed, I feel someone staring at me. I wanted to see who it was but I didn't want to at the same time. Instead of looking back, I just walked faster until I finally reached my locker.


I slightly jump but soon realize whose voice it belonged to.

"Hey." I say before looking back at my locker and opening it.

"I didn't see you at lunch today." He says before leaning on the locker besides mine.

"I, uh, wasn't hungry." I lied.

I just didn't wanna be around people.

What's new?

"It's not good to starve yourself." Gabe says as I grab my stuff for my last class.

"I told you, I wasn't hungry." I lied again, but with a more stern voice now.

"This is the most I've heard you talk today." He chuckled.

I just shook my head lightly before shutting my locker and turning on my heel. He races next to me and I cautiously look up at him, he was staring in the distance. I started to question why he was following me so I stopped.

"Why are you following me?" I asked.

"Because I have no one else to walk with?" He chuckled again.

"Choose another person." I say before walking again.

"But what if I chose you?" He asks, running up to my side.

Something about what he said maybe me feel kind of flattered but also felt like he was messing with me so I didn't bother to give him a response.

"Why are you so quiet and stuff?" He asks as I approach my next class.

I just shrug my shoulders not wanting to give him my actual response. He sighs as he stuffs his hands in his pockets and leans by the door frame of my classroom door.

"Well, anyways. You riding bus later afterschool or walking home?" He asks.

I didn't know actually.

"I think I'm gonna walk." I wanted to be alone anyways.

"Okay. I'll walk with you!" He smiled.

No thanks.

"I-I'm fine." I shook my head lightly before walking into class.

I was suddenly stopped when I feel his hand gently grab my elbow and pulls me back out.

"C'mon, please?" He pouts like a child.

I wanted to roll my eyes because he kind of looked stupid.

"No." I shook his hand off. "You don't even know where I live."

"Yes I do." He smiled again. "You're my neighbor."

My jaw slightly drops as I repeat his words in my head.


"Yup! So see you afterschool!" He chants before happily skipping away.

"Oh no."


The class went by fast, which I will be forever grateful for. The class was excited to leave so it was faster for the classroom to empty and faster for me to leave in peace.

The halls were filled with chatter that I could barely even hear my own thoughts as I grabbed all my stuff from my locker. There were friends acting like they haven't seen eachother in years. Couples sucking their faces off and teachers practically ignoring them as they walk by.

This school was disgusting.

Quickly making my way out of school, I take in the breath of fresh air I so desperately needed. I could actually breathe pure air and not plastic waste that were the students and teachers of this school.

"Hey Ramsey!" I hear someone yell.

I look back to see Gabe racing over to me. I roll my eyes in irritation as I just continue walking forward.

"You're so mean." I could already see his pout without looking as he steps beside me.

"I wanted to walk alone." I mumbled, crossing my arms.

"Too bad." He teased as he pranced beside me.

A couple minutes go by and he still continued to try and have small talk with me. I ignore all his questions as I just kept walking and walking.

"You really need to learn how to open up." He says as he gently nudges my shoulder.

"No thanks." I muttered.

"And she speaks!" He teases while throwing his hands in the air for enthusiasm purposes.

I groan as I sped up trying to ditch him.

"Hey look who it is!" We hear a very familiar voice shout.

A car suddenly slows down beside us as it continues to follow us walk down the street. We look over to see Kenneth, with his window down, already staring at us. I groan loudly as I began to slightly stomp my foot in annoyance.

This day can't get any worse.

"Want a ride?" He winked which made me gag and Gabe holds back a laugh as he bumps his shoulder on mine.

"I'd rather die." I muttered, turning the corner to my street.

"You really need to learn how to talk louder." He says, still following us with his car.

And you really need to stop being a fucking creep.

"Just ignore him." Gabe says as we approach both our houses.

"Hey, atleast I know where you live now." I can already see the smirk on his face.

How fucking great.

"Dude, just leave her alone." Gabe now stopped in his tracks and for some reason.. I did too.

"And what if I don't?" Kenneth asks, now putting his car on park.

"What will you do?" He asks now stepping out of his car.

"I'm gonna report you for harassment." Gabe says.

"That's it?" Kenneth laughs, clearly unaffected.

"Oh, and I could bash your fucking face against a wall." Gabe now said which causes me to look up at him.

He was clenching his jaw and balling his fists in his pockets. All while giving Kenneth one of the scariest glares I've ever seen.

"Oh really?" Kenneth glares back before walking around his car to be face to face with Gabe.

He was doing the same postures as Gabe and honestly, I felt like puking. My anxiety was rising once again as I didn't want this to turn into a fight. Heck, I could barely even take up what was happening.

"Yes, really." Gabe steps forward to Kenneth and I feel my arm involuntarily go up.

I see Gabe look down at where my hand us, only to find it holding onto his forearm. I gulped, not knowing what came to me.

"I, uh, just please stop." I gulped again as I let go.

"You stutter a lot." Kenneth now turns to me.

I didn't even know what to say. I hated talking to him. I can't even stand breathing the same air as him.

"I'm gonna go.." I tell Gabe only to be stopped my Kenneth grabbing my arm.

"Dude I said stop!" I hear Gabe yell and before I know it, the grip was gone and hear a loud bang behind me.

I jump as I turn back to see Gabe holding Kenneth up against his car.

"Stop!" I yelled, shaking from fear.

Gabe looks back at me, not moving a muscle as Kenneth tries to get him off.

"Just stop." I breathed out to calm myself.

My nerves were going on a frenzy as I tried to calm myself. I'm not made for these situations. I can barely even handle my own battles.

"Sorry." Gabe says to me before letting Kenneth's shirt go.

"You better be." Kenneth spat as he pushed Gabe away from him.

"I didn't mean you!" He spat back and pushed him back.

My heart was racing as they approached eachother again.

"I can't do this." I say before running off and into my house.

"Hi ho-- Ramsey?!" My mom calls after me as I run past her.

I run to the downstairs restroom and release the contents I didn't know I had left.

"Oh my god, sweetie. Are you okay?" She asks while rubbing my back.

"No." I bite my lip to fight back tears.

"What happened?" She asked, but before I could answer the door bell rings.

"I'll be right back." She says as she leaves me to brush my teeth.

Grabbing onto the edges of my sink, I look up at the mirror infront of me and watch as my eyes start to glisten from the tears that wanted escape. I quickly turn on the faucet and clean up after myself and try to wash off the worries off my face.

"Ramsey?" My mom calls.

"Y-yeah?" I sniffled.

"Your friend is here." She says.


"Gabe." I groaned as I wiped my face and stepped out.

"He's not my friend." I tell her as I come face to face with them.

"He wanted to check up on you." She says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks." I muttered before taking a seat in the couch and turning on the TV.

"I'm gonna go get you some water while you guys talk." She smiles at both of us before leaving.

"I didn't tell her what happened." He says, taking a seat opposite of me.


"Are you okay?" He asks, staring directly at me.

I shake my head in response.

"I appreciate you for being honest. Most people would lie." He says which makes me look at him.

He smiles when my eyes meet his but I quickly turn back to the TV. I hear him sigh before getting up from his seat.

"I-i'm just gonna go so you can get some rest."

I nod my head again.

"You're leaving already?" I hear my mom say behind me. "Here you go, sweetie." She hands me a cup of water and I return her smile.

"Yeah, I got homework." He lied.

"Oh okay, hope to see you soon. Maybe our families can have dinner together one day." She suggests and I look up at her in annoyance.

She ignores my reaction and waits for Gabe's response.

"Sure, I'll tell my mom." He smiles. "Well I better get going." He says looking over at me.

"Okay, have a good rest of your day." My mom smiles and leads him out the door.

"Thank you." He nods politely and gives me one last glance before leaving.

My mom shuts the door behind him and looks over at me.

"So what happened?" She asks me as she walks on over to me.

"My stomach is just upset." I lied, taking a sip of the water.

"Alright." She sighed while brushing my hair back. "Get some rest, okay?"

"Okay, mom. I love you."

"I love you more." She smiles, leaving me a kiss on the cheek.


I need sleep.



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