Because You're Mine

By itsshewhowrites

4.5K 494 495

Completed (11.12.17) --------------- It hurts, really, to not have a lasting happiness in your life. Somethi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Valentine's Day Special: Part 1)
Chapter 32 (Valentine's Day Special: part 2)
Chapter 33 (Valentine's Day Special: part 3)
Chapter 34 (Valentine's Day Special: part 4)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 50

41 5 0
By itsshewhowrites

"You have three seconds, Jake. Tell me before I put a bullet between your eyes." I scowl.

"Austin, you wouldn't be able to reach her," Jake exclaimed, wiping the blood from his mouth.

"One..." I say slowly. I could see the fear in Jake's eyes, but he doesn't tend to show it on his face. 

Jake gulps as he attempts to stand up slowly as Adam and Jay help him up and hold onto him. I motion Adam with my eyes to go handle Roger and Emily outside, and he obeys. Jay holds on Jake tightly enough, making sure he won't run away. 

If he does, I'll just shoot him.

"Austin, man, I-" 

"Two..." I impatiently say, my eyes forcing him to tell me. 

"Dude, come on. It-"

"Three," I state coldly as I pull out my gun and load it before pointing it at Jake's forehead. He gulps as sweat trails down his forehead. 

" Last chance, Wild. Tell me where my girl is otherwise I won't hesitate to blast your head. I'll find out even without your help." I say in bold, determined voice. I bet he could see the anger for him and the love for Jasmine in my eyes, because he sighs and holds up his hands, surrendering. 

I nod before slowly letting my gun down. He exhales deeply before saying, "She's in my uncle Luke's mansion in Madrid, Spain. It's far from civilization. Apparently, he has been planning this ever since the day Jasmine discovered the truth about Chris. He said he's not gonna give up on her anyhow and will take her away from you, for good this time. The last time I was in contact with him, he had said he has something huge planned for Jasmine, and it'll destroy you, thinking that you have no chance over Jasmine any longer, so you won't be able to make things right. He also said that he's controlling Jasmine and making her obey everything Chris tells her to do by threatening her to ruin her friends and family's life. Chris convinced her that you're dead, Austin." 

That bastard. 

What makes him think that he's strong enough to manipulate everything and everybody? Who does he think he is to forcing Jasmine to be faithful and obey every single word that comes from his shitty mouth?

What really got me taken aback is that he lied to her about me being dead. What really breaks me is that Jasmine believes it. I can't even imagine how devastated she was once she heard that horrible lie. She probably told herself that Chris is lying and trying to win her heart, but then realized that Chris is just too powerful, and to get what he wants, he'll go beyond limits. 

I wonder if she even ate or had some rest after hearing this? 

Who am I kidding? She avoids her appetite and rest when she's upset; more like torn in this situation. She'd torture herself by drowning herself in misery, not caring about her health and not even communicate with anybody. 

I know this because I almost lost her when she had gotten into an accident. I know how it feels like when you believe you lost someone that means the f***ing the world to you. The only person who illumined your entire world and took away the darkness and sorrow that you were surrounded by is now long gone, forever. 

My brain that night told me to get out of there and prepare her funeral, that she's dead and will no longer be in my arms again. But my heart told me that there's no room in giving up, that she's a fighter, and I'll see the most beautiful, my most favorite smile in the world once again. I believed my heart, and I got my girl back. 

Jasmine probably debated between believing her brain that was telling lies, or her heart that was crying out the truth, and Chris somehow convinced her to believe the lie- his lie. 

Anger flooded through my body as I clenched my fists together, my knuckles turning white. Even thinking of that asshole makes my blood boil. I try to remain calm, but an image of Jasmine hugging herself, crying her eyes out till no tears escape her hazel eyes lets my body take over.

I immediately turn around and made my way towards the door; as I was about to turn the doorknob, but something struck me like a wave. 

As far as I've known Jake, he isn't capable of doing something so sinister and helping his moronic brother to kidnap my girl. Heck, he wouldn't even hurt a fly without a good reason. Jake is hiding something else, that's for sure. 

He's being manipulated and threatened by somebody other than Chris. Somebody that wants to ruin my life by taking Jasmine away from me. 

I turn around to see Jake heading to the washroom to clean his face. I follow him in before he closes the door on me. He looks at me, confused. "What do you want now?" 

"Jake, I know you're hiding something else," I state calmly. 

He looks at me, eyes widening before he quickly masks it and looks away to turn the tap on. He splatters some water on his face as he scrubs off the excess blood. "I have no idea what you're talking about, man."

"Listen to me. You don't have to be afraid of whoever is controlling and threatening you to do this. I'll deal with them myself and make sure they regret being born." I exclaim. 

He dries his face with a plain towel before putting it away and turns to look at me, his eyes giving nothing away. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Even if you did, you wouldn't dare to lay a finger on her." 

Her? "What the hell do you mean?" I ask. He shakes his head as he walks past me and plops down on his bed. 

He buries his face in his hands, "I'm not the one who's betraying you or Jasmine. She is. She's been doing it all along. You can't stop her now, Austin. It's too f***ing late." 

I look at Jay and silently motion him to give us some privacy. He nods and walks out the room, shutting the door behind him. I sit down beside Jake and put my hand on his shoulder which calms his down a little. 

"All you have to do is give me her name," I say. He looks at me in the eyes, clearly visible for him that there is no room for arguing.  Jake sighs in defeat, running his hands through his dirty blonde hair. 

"Violet." Jake states. 



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