You make me sick

By SilentBriar

1.6K 47 109

The last year of college. Squished into an uncomfortable dorm room is Marquis de Lafayette, Alexander Hamilto... More

Make (2)
Me (3)
Sick (4)
I (5)
Literally (6)
Can't (7)
Stand (8)
Your (9)
Voice (10)
That (11)
Hair (12)
Those (13)
Eyes (14)
Lips? (15)
Hands? (16)
You. (17)

You (1)

247 11 17
By SilentBriar

I lug the heavy suitcase upstairs, stopping for a moment to push my glasses up my face and reposition my coffee. Ugh.

"A- A little help?" I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, and sigh in relief when I see a puff of hair piled into a ponytail on top of Lafayette's head. He grins as well, barreling down the stairs and nearly knocking me over as he throws his arms around me.

"Hamilton! Je ne t'ai pas vu depuis si longtemps, petit bâtard!" He laughs, mussing my hair. 

"Eh bien, vous ne pouvez pas me blâmer, j'essayais d'échapper à des chiennes comme vous!" He grasps his chest, picking up my luggage and easily flying up the steps. He rolls his eyes as a shriek comes from down the hall, and I reach the top step just in time to see Eliza and Angelica barreling towards me, with Peggy trailing behind slowly.

"Shit." Lafayette laughs, dropping my suitcase and putting his hands in the air.

"You're on your own, mon ami." I widen my eyes as the two girls attack me, and I clutch the railing to keep from falling down the stairs for the second time today. 

"ALEXANDER!" Eliza laughs, burrowing into my chest as Angelica pushes her way towards me.

"Move it Eliza, I want some too!" She grabs my other arm, and giggles as I stumble back again.

"H- Hey Peggy!" I struggle to peek over the two girls attacking me, but I catch a glimpse of her sauntering up to us, and she pulls a watermelon lollipop out her mouth for a moment.

"Waddup." I laugh as she side glances me, then throws her arm around Lafayette. He laughs and swings her around, and she shrieks when John Laurens barrels into her, tackling her to the ground. 

Soon we all end up on the floor, a giant heap of giggling human sweat and heaving. I sigh, patting Eliza's head, as Hercules steps out of his room, throwing his arms open and grinning.

"EYYY!!!" We all laugh, pointing finger guns at him.



"I think your pants look hot, bro." He raises an eyebrow at Angelica, who giggles and pretends she didn't just shame him for the one thing he wishes he wasn't.

"Alright squad, bring it in." He falls on us, and we all shriek as he crushes Laurens' stomach. He chokes, laughing and throwing his head back.

"Dude!! How many-- How many fucking hamburgers have you had this summer?!" Hercules groans, rolling off of him, and onto a screaming Peggy.

"Way too many, dude." I laugh, and Aaron Burr sticks his head out of the dorm that Hercules came out of. I yell, waving him down.

"Aaron Burr, SIR!" He rolls his eyes, making his way over to the pile of snickering human beings.

"Alexander, it's the middle of the night." I groan, leaning back and closing my eyes.

"Burr, get a life!" He simply smirks, standing over us and raising an eyebrow. Lafayette narrows his eyes at him, and Peggy sticks out her tongue. Burr rolls his eyes, throwing his arms out from behind his back. 

"Oh, what the heck, I'm allowed to have fun at least once a year." We all laugh, sticking out our hands and pulling him down towards our pile. He and Eliza end up face to face, and she shrieks, slapping him and leaving a red mark. He grunts, rolling over to Angelica, who stopped paying attention a long time ago. 

"ALEXXXX!!!" I turn to see John grinning from underneath Lafayette, his nose poking out from underneath the french's stomach, sticking out his hand. I grin, taking his hand and waggling my tongue at him.

"JOHNNN!!!" Eliza giggles and places my coffee a stair below us, one leg wrapped around me and the other underneath someone, while Peggy gasps for air.

"Mulligan, get off me, you ass!" He shakes his head no, smiling contently as she proceeds to slap him repeatedly.

"God, Peggy, that feels good." She groans, putting her head back onto the wall and giving up her attempts to escape. Angelica laughs, throwing a clump of squished up bread towards him, hitting the dude right between the eyes. We all shriek in laughter as he gags, chucking the food back at her. 

We all remain in a pile of entangled bodies for about five minutes, until John groans.



"Lafayette ate too many baguettes." I laugh as Lafayette whips around to him, barking back at him in French. 

"COMMENT PENSEZ-VOUS QUE JE ME SENS, AVEC VOTRE PIED DANS MON VISAGE ET LE CUL BURR LITERALEMENT DANS MON VISAGE?!" Laurens rolls his eyes, shoving him off, and Angelica's head pops up from underneath Burr. 

"Yeah, I don't speak French, but it is getting pretty smelly." I sniff the air then pretend to gag, pushing Eliza away from me. 

"Alright, all you stinks go take a shower, I need to find my dorm room." Peggy groans in relief as Hercules gets off, sinking onto a very red faced Lafayette. Lafayette screams, pounding at his boyfriend.

We all laugh and somehow manage to get up, shaking off each other and smoothing out hair. Eliza presses her lips to my cheek and whispers,

"Happy to see you." Just before Angelica grins and does the same, only this time whispering,

"We only kiss cheeks to look classy." I laugh, and Peggy waves goodbye to me before pressing her lips to John's cheek, then sauntering down the hallway after her sisters. John blushes and makes his way over to me, looking after her for a moment. 

I grin as Lafayette picks up my luggage, and look over to John.

"Dude, I thought you were gay." He grins and bites his lip.

"Bro. I'm dating the Alexander himself, I can't back out of it." I laugh, slinging my arm around his shoulders and pecking his cheek.

"Well, no matter what you are, we'll all still support." He laughs, patting my back. 

"Good to know. By the way, you have a dorm with the baguette." He puts his fingers to his lips quickly. "Don't tell him I said that." I wink, making my way down the hall. 

"I won't."

"Night, Alex."

"Night, Jackie." A few moments later, I hear the door close behind me, leaving only Lafayette and I in the hallway. I tap his back, and he shoulders my luggage, turning back to me. 

"Laurens called you a baguette." He shakes his head, laughing.

"Mon ami, when will you imbeciles ever understand French culture." I shrug, stopping in front of the door that he does.

"Probably never." He laughs, pulling out a door key and quickly unlocking what I assume to be our room. I scan over the paper next to our door.

Alexander H.

Marie-Joseph P.

Thomas J.

I raise an eyebrow, following him inside to the already well furnished room.

"They used your full name?" He groans.

"Ne me le rappelle pas." I laugh, throwing my extra luggage onto the ground and flopping onto the couch, and opening a soda can from the counter.

"So, who's this Thomas dude?" He purses his lips, trying to hold back a grin. "Laf?" He bends over, clutching his stomach and looking away as he bites his fingernail, trying to avoid my eyes. "LAF?" He shakes his head, putting his hand to his mouth, when the dorm room opens. 

And can you guess who walks out, rubbing his eyes and scratching his puff ball head?

Thomas. Fucking. Jefferson. 

Lafayette must have seen my expression because he bursts into laughter, slapping his knee and bending over. 

"Vous deux avez l'air hilarant!" I shoot a glare at him as Jefferson's lip curls up in disdain. 

"Shut up, baguette." Lafayette immediately stops, standing up straight and plastering a straight line over his mouth. He grabs a beer bottle, and walks into his room, muttering underneath his breath.

"Ne m'appelle pas un morceau de pain, stupide." 

"N'essaye pas de m'appeler stupide."

"Good night, Monsieur de Hamilton."

"Monsieur de Lafayette." He shuts the door behind him quietly, and I avert my gaze over to Jefferson. He frowns, setting his jaw. 

"You." He snarls, his lip curling in that annoying way it does. I roll my eyes, turning towards my backpack and pulling out my MacBook air. 

I don't look over to see him, but I shoot back,

"You." He tenses behind me, a sharp intake of air when I address him that way. I hear him grab a soda can, making his way over to the other couch and flopping down into it, his annoying hair bouncing as he does so. 

He pops it open, avoiding eye contact as he leans back into the couch, taking a sip and popping open his computer. 

"So. We just gonna pretend that the other person doesn't exist, huh?" God, his voice is so annoying.


"Cool." For about an hour, we sit there clacking away on our computers. Eventually Jefferson snorts, pulling out his earbuds and looking up to the ceiling.

"Cat videos?"

"Yep." I nod knowingly, and he shuts his computer, standing up and making his way over to one of the two doors. "By the way," He says over his shoulder, "You're sleeping with me."

"What?!" I whip back to face him, confused. He shrugs.

"The baguette can be very persuasive." He then turns on his heel, muttering something underneath his breath. I groan, bursting into Lafayette's room and ignoring the fact that he's changing.

He shrieks and throws a pillow at me, which I dodge as he pulls on his pants. 

"Don't scare me while I'm changing, vous imbécile!" I roll my eyes, chucking the pillow back onto his bed. 

"Lafayette wh-"

"Don't ask me why I made you guys have the same room." I open my mouth to protest, but he cuts me off. "Ou bien je parle à John de la mort de la tortue innocente." I gasp.

"You wouldn't!" He nods his head knowingly.

"I would." I groan, busting out of the room and into mine, to see Jefferson flipping through his luggage. He groans, flopping back into his bed.

"I literally hate you." I sit down on mine, setting my jaw.

"Right back atcha." He throws a sock at me, rolling over onto the bed and facing away from me.

"Coke is better than Pepsi." I throw my hands into the air. The dude will fight about literally anything!

"They taste exactly the same, we've been over this MULTIPLE times!" He shakes his head, turning back to face me.

"If you had actual taste buds, maybe you would understand!" I snap back,

"I lost them all when you made that macaroni and cheese last year. It was from a BOX, Jefferson! A BOX!" He grunts, throwing his other sock at me.

"Well, at least I don't burn water!"

"That was only once!"

"And the macaroni was only once! Drop it, idiot." I mock him from behind, then flop onto bed, slipping my computer underneath the frame, and muttering underneath my breath,

"The common people are the idiots." He turns back to me, eyebrow raised.


"The common people are the idiots, not me!" He groans, throwing his hands into the air. 

"Hamilton, the common people can make good decisions, not everyone is as bad as Hillary or Trump!" I cross my arms.

"But at one point, they were the common people! They're not the only bad ones, you know! And with two wackos running for president, our entire government system will soon fall apart!" Jefferson's face goes blank, and he stares at me in disbelief.

"W- We actually agree on something?" I stare as well.

"Wow." But then he crosses his arms, looking away from me. 

"But you'll probably never agree with me that macaroni and cheese is the best, right?"

"It's not."

"Yes, it is! There's nothing more heavenly than melted cheese and pasta put together, all in one beautiful, steaming mess of FOOD! Name one thing wrong with it!"


"Every food has calories!"

"Water doesn't!"

"Water isn't food!"

"It goes down your throat, and into your stomach. It's food!"

"Hamilfuck, there's a huge difference between drinking and eating. Eating is solids. Drinking is liquids. Like. Water!" I groan, pressing my hands to my ears.

"Jeffershit, SHUT. UP!"

"Oh, like you've ever tried."

"I said shut up!" He sits up in bed, fuming, and opens his mouth to talk back, when Lafayette barges in, hair up and jaw set. 

"Both of you shut the hell up. I'm trying to sleep, tout cela n'arrive pas du jour au lendemain, vous savez." Jefferson and I both roll our eyes, and before I can say anything, Jefferson grins and says,

"Yeah, it doesn't happen overnight." Lafayette is confused, he raises an eyebrow. "It would probably take years to fix that mess." Laf gasps, picking up Jefferson's sock from the ground and flinging it at him. 

"You idiot, our faces our nearly the same!" His heavy French accent rings through the air as he shuts the door, muttering underneath his breath. We both listen to his footsteps cross the length of our living room, and just before his door slams, he yells, "If you make another peep, I'll fucking kill you both!" The door slams, and I sigh.


"Well." I slide my jeans off in the darkness and pull on pajama pants, leaving my shirt on and sinking underneath the covers of my bed.

"Night, Jeffershit."

"Night, Hamilfuck."


Alrighty people, let's set some things straight. I didn't put the French translations on purpose, I wanted it to be funny, so that only the most dedicated of readers could understand the full story. Anything in French isn't important to the actual story, so you needn't worry, my pets.

This book is Jamilton. I didn't mention it in the description or anything, but.. yeh. I support lams too, and I feel like I'm betraying it, so I had to make them dating, BUT! I also love Jasmine and Anthony dating irl, so imma add some subplot Peggy sass 😏 ifyouknowhatimean

Bye y'all. (Lol, I've always dreamed of saying that)


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