Secret | EXO Chen

By DaydreamingVisions

548 45 241

When Aria was given the opportunity to work abroad for a company in South Korea, she couldn't resist. Finally... More

01 | What the f***
03 | Welcome to the House
04 | Q&A's
05 | Rules
06 | Popcorn and Horror
07 | Hot Chocolate

02 | EXO's maid?

80 9 47
By DaydreamingVisions

June 2016

"Holy shit, this is good.." I mumble to myself as I watch some random K-pop group's new music video on youtube. They're dancing away like they've never done anything else but dancing their whole lives. They're apparently something called EXO. I've heard about them a few times before on twitter and youtube, but I've never really looked into them or their music. Until today, because I was bored and wanted new music to listen to. And oh man, I'm hooked. They got me good. One video turned into another, and then another, and then another. Now it's four am, and I've watched all their music videos, live stage performances and even some funny moments and crack videos. Holy shit, they're hot. And their voices... Holy moly their voices. They're like angels sent from some music god. Blessing us. I knew from the moment I heard 'Monster', that this will be an obsession for a very, very long time. And I wasn't wrong.

Almost a year after, I still listened and loved them just as much as the first time - if not even more. I went all in for asian music, only listening to EXO, BigBang, BTS, Monsta x, Cross Gene -- the list goes on. If only I could see exo live, just once... But they never come to Europe. And traveling to South Korea is super expensive, plus the cost for the transport to the arena, the concert tickets. I can basically just kiss that dream goodbye. So I guess I just have to admire them through my computer screen...

I hear mumbling. Several voices talking to each other in a foreign language. At first I am confused to why there are people in my bedroom. But then I realize that I'm lying on something hard. Then that I was not really in my room. Nor was I in Sweden. Then I remember their faces, and that it was their actual faces. And I slowly open my eyes.

My vision is slightly blurry, so I blink a couple of times to readjust my eyes to the light. Then when my eyes regained focus, I saw nine faces looking down on me, all concerned and/or confused. And I recognize those faces, from all the concerts, interviews, posters, pictures... They're exo. Freaking exo.

"Are you alright?" Kyungsoo asks me as he offers his hand to help me up. I just stare at his eyes.

"Did I die?" I slur as I take his hand and let him help me up to a sitting position. They all started laughing. And I just looked at them all, confused and in awe. They are so handsome. And their laughs... I think I could've died happily right then and there.

"No, you just fainted for a second, we think." Chen chuckles. And I swear, my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't stop taking in every detail from his face. It's so... perfect. All I wanted to do, ever since I saw him perform on one of those videos, was to touch his jaw. And be friends with him. I don't know why he caught my eye, but he did. Not to mention his so extraordinary voice.

My daydreaming about Chen was cut off when a cough was heard.

"Let's get you up on the sofa." Kai said as he helped me stand up. I was fangirling so hard on the inside. Holy christ, freaking Kai is touching me.

"I'll get her some water." I hear Suho say, and then leave the room.

I just looked around me, confused and disgustingly happy. I don't think my brain has processed anything the last 24 hours. I was just going to work here in Korea, and apparently I'm going to live under the same roof as exo? What the actual fuck. This must be a dream. A beautiful, wonderful, amazing dream.

Nari puts her hand on my forehead and gives me a look of pity.

"You don't seem to be ill." she says, and studies my face for a while. "You didn't know it was them before you came here, did you?" she then asks. I bite my lower lip and slowly shake my head.

"No I had no idea... I should've asked before." I sigh. She gives me a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, you were just shocked. And probably exhausted."

"Shouldn't we let someone check her up, just in case? Maybe she hurt her head when she fell." Chanyeol suggested while looking at me, still concerned.

"I-I don't think that's necessary. My head doesn't hurt. I was just really shocked." I explain, trying to reassure everyone that I was feeling okay. But hell, I was more than okay. I am really surprised though over how calm I was. All I wanted to do was to scream, ask for pictures, hug them all and then run happily into the sunset. But I keep reminding myself; they are normal people. I am here for work. They are my clients. I must act professionally, with respect towards them.

Suho returns with a glass of cold water and hands it to me.

"Thank you so much." I beam at him while I take the glass and chug everything down at once. "That was refreshing." I sigh happily as I set down the glass on the table. They all stare at me like I just told them I was a murderer. And then I realized how horrible that must've looked.

"Oh shi-, I'm so sorry." I apologize putting my hands on my cheeks. And they are warm. Like super warm. Oh god no! No blushing now, please!

And they all laugh again at my stupidity.

"It's okay, you were just thirsty." Suho chuckles as takes the glass and return it to the kitchen. I shake my head.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so horrible..." I mumble, starting to feel the tears welling up my eyes. No for gods sake please don't start crying.

"No, don't be sad..." Lay says, rubbing my back.

Lay's rubbing my back... Holy cow. He's actually touching me. I never want to wash my hoodie again. (But I probably will)

I suddenly bolt straight up, walking around the sofa so that I am facing them all. They all look at me wide eyed.

"I realized I haven't introduced myself! I am Aria Fleming, it is my honor to meet you all." I say as I bow deeply to show them my respect. "I will be your new housekeeper if you won't fire me after what just happened." I finish quietly.

All the boys rise up from their seats and walk over to me. They all professionally shake my hand and bow to return my greet, and then introduce themselves as well. Even though it is not necessary, because I knew almost everything about them already. They all happily greeted me and said it was a pleasure to meet me.

"But I'm sorry, Aria. I think that after what just happened, we can't really trust you..." Baekhyun explains, with a look of pity. All the blood drains from my face.

"Wh-what? N-no I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.." I mumble, the tears threatening to burst out again. But then they all laugh again, and I'm again left clueless.

"Don't listen to him, he's just messing with you." Sehun smirks and smacks Baekhyun in the head. "Stop making her more emotionally shocked than she already is."

"I'm sooorry, I couldn't resist..." Baekhyun pouts. "Will you forgive me?"

I made it looked like I was thinking long and hard.

"Hmm... On one condition." I said challenging. He raised his eyebrows and looked at me, interested to what I had to say.


"Yeah. Touch Chanyeol's butt." I smirk. He, and the others too, looks at me with horrified expressions. Then I laugh and shake my head. "Noo, I'm just kidding! I forgive you." I say as I bow once again.

"I was gonna do it you know..." he mumbled to himself.

"Yeah, right." I say, not believing him.

"Oh yeah? Chanyeol, give me your ass." Baekhyun commands. Chanyeol just gives him a death glare.

"Oh don't you dare touching me." he threatens, looking like he could kick Baekhyun in the face. I burst out laughing.

They're genuinely funny, just like in all those interviews and in exo showtime. I feel all warm and excited inside. These upcoming months will, without a shadow of a doubt, be the best time of my life. Hopefully I won't screw anything up while I'm here. Oh god, I can't believe that I literally fainted in front of them all. I hope they don't think I'm a psycho-fan now.

"Okay, Aria, allow me to lead you to your room." Nari says, gesturing me to follow her. I quickly nod and follow her. We walk past the kitchen and just beside it is a little hallway with two doors, one to the left and one to the right.

"The door to the right is your own bathroom. And to the left is your room." she explains and open the door to the left for me, allowing me to step in. The room wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. It was just the right size. A wide bed with white bedspread was standing in the corner of the room, and a small side-table stands beside it. A desk is placed on the other corner of the room with a chair and a lamp. Beside the table there was a built-in closet into the wall with sliding doors.

"You can decorate the room how you want. The window can't be opened due to security reasons, however. I hope you won't mind." Nari tells me.

"I understand, I don't really mind." I reassure her with a smile. She nods to me and gestures me to follow her out of the room.

Then she just guides me throughout the building. Shows me every room, which of the rooms belongs to which boy, and the other four bathrooms. She guides me through the kitchen to show me all the utensils and cooking ware, and where I can find the cookbooks and recipes. The medicine was apparently also being stored in the kitchen, so she left a list of what every container was and when to use them. She later shows me where I can find the cleaning equipment, bedspreads, the list goes on. Lastly she showed me around the backyard and explained that once or twice every week, a gardener comes by and take care of all the outside space, so I didn't have to worry about that - except cleaning the windows. At last when the tour ended, she gave me a small notebook, where I could find all the important numbers to call if something happens, some addresses for grocery stores - because apparently I have to do the food shopping as well - and some numbers for take-out food. Lastly we were once again assembled in the living room after about forty minutes of touring and explaining. I think I've nodded over five hundred times, because my neck was aching.

"Of course, everything I just said is written in the papers. So I suggest you read them thoroughly, just in case." she says and smiles at me. I nod, ignoring the pain with a smile. "Well then, I think I must get going. You can get your bags and settle in your room. Then you all can have a calm evening, talking and getting to know each other. But they leave tomorrow at 6 am, so they have to be asleep before midnight. You can buy some groceries tomorrow afternoon, and make sure you follow the lists and recipes." she explains. And again, I nod several times.

"You can count on me!" I beam and bow. "I'll call or text you if I have any further questions."

"Oh, that reminds me!" she exclaims, searching in her purse for something. Then she picks out a phone with a note and hands it to me.

"This is your private phone which you will use to contact us and the boys. All the numbers are stored inside. Don't use it to anything else but contacting us. It is very important that you don't let anyone else get their hands on it." she says with a serious expression. I swallow and then nod.

"I will protect it with my life." I reassure her. She chuckles and open the front door.

"I trust that you are serious about this, that's why I won't report your little accident here. Take care and read the papers, and you'll be fine. Oh and also, enjoy your stay here." she beams at me and closes the door behind her.

"Okay, goodbye! Thank you!" I shout through the closed door.

Then I just stare at the door for a minute. Trying to think and process today's events. I took a deep breath, and put my forehead against the door.

"Holy shit..." I mumble quietly to myself.

I actually just met exo. I'm actually going to live with them for three months. I'm actually exo's private maid. How the hell did I deserve this?

♠ ♠ ♠

[18. November. 17]

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