The Sadistic Pair (Karma x Re...

By TheMonsterofReading

131K 2.6K 4.2K

in the class you were put in after the discovery of you having the same powers of class E's sensei (not tenta... More

Just a quick warning
New book 💀 | my hero academia
Prologue pt.1
The SLIGHTLY more detailed description
Prologue pt. 2
Chapter 1 - "the observations"
Chapter 2 - "the first slice"
Chapter 3 - "part of the class"
chapter. 4 - "Fight"
Chapter.5 - Not really a B**ch. pt 1
Not really a b***h pt.2
Chapter 6 - "Parents evening! - almost revealed"
chapter 7 - "Don't Drink That Poison!" pt1
"don't drink that poison!" pt.2 - the grandmaster
The assembly
Mid-term intruder
A/N bonus chapters
bonus chapter - DRUNK LOVE!
Ok - i'm not discontinuing, buuuut........
just updating you all
You when...
If my story had an ending

Bonus chapters - "Messing with Phobias"

2.6K 67 289
By TheMonsterofReading

(BTW the prank fest started 1 hour after the school ended and ends at the exact same time one hour after school. you guys are inside the classroom and you're sitting on your seat which is next to karma's)

(y/n):  101

Karma: 100

"ha...*yawn*...looks like I'm winning our 24 hour prank fest. with only 10 minutes left. staying up was total- *yawn* -ly worth it"

"what the hell are you talking about. this is either a draw or a win. you'd be insane if you'd think it was over now. let me remind you. I have one more trick up my sleeve." and with that he ran into the forest of the hill.

we had all the pranks

small - 1

medium - 4

big - 10

touchy touchy-   ( ok ok....I know what your thinking.....*sigh* might as well make it what it is)

sexual - 20   (YOU HAPPY NOW?!)

Scares - 30

and had hours to perfect them because both of us weren't easy to get. we had all those and had to add the points. scares had the most because we weren't easy to scare.

but what'd you expect? a master sexy sadist and a smoking hot, cute, flawless, gorgeous, beautif-  ok ok. i'll stop. let's try this again

a sexy sadist and a smoking hot insane girl getting scared most of the time? nope. even a little jump gave us the points we were looking for and we were definitely looking for them

as for the second largest amount of points given by the sexual technique...well

let's say Karma kinda backed me into a timed trap and kept distracting me with his hot breath in my ear whilst whispering stuff that challenged me but also at the same time complimented me. His hands would always be wrapt around me his chest against mine and as soon as it was time to go he'd kiss my nose and then walk off letting the trap activate and do what it needed to do. damn him and his hotness....

5 mins left and he comes back with a disappointed face. as a smirk crawled up my face whilst my eyes went from entirely open to half open, he said the two words that I'd never forget "you win..."

4 minutes left

"well well well. with 4 minutes to spare too? Karma. it was a pleasure playing this game with you."

"yes and I got a gift whilst I went out. I couldn't find a prank quick enough so I found a gift instead. close you eyes."

I have no idea what I was thinking doing that. maybe it was just the fact I stayed up for 24 hours. I don't know....but what I did know that, that was the biggest mistake of my life...

Karma' Pov flashback

if I'm going to win this, I'm going to need that prank that will completely end this competition. I need someone who knows her. maybe Nagisa? she's been giving an awful lot of goofy smiles to Nagisa. if she likes him then maybe I'll have him reject her. wait no. she'll hate me. having her near me and being able to touch  (insert lenny face here with all Karma's sexiness) her is great. I don't want to ruin the friendship I already have....




so there I went to (y/n)'s house because Aron was almost there all the time.

*ding dong*

"Karma? hmmm...."  






"OI JACKA- *inhale* I mean. come on man. why'd you close the door on me. I just wanted to know about (y/n)"

he opened the door slowly with suspicion and let me in. I don't have time to waste and even if this is suspicious I want to get straight to the point and know what scares her.

"what is (y/n) scared of?"

"wow...straight to the point"

"I just need to know so that I could help her in some situations"

"or so you could scare her....I know you two are having a prank fest so i'm just gonna help you."

"well well well" a devious smirk grew on my face, but then one appeared on his too

"well here are some things

-in a dark room with the feeling of danger

-standing on high places that aren't secure

-food that smells like poison (especially with pizza. not being able to eat that cheesy goodness is a nightmare)

-cranberry flavoured things"

"cranberry flavoured things? what the heck?" that was weird, but  despite my question he just continued the sentence

"and grape fruit flavoured things. the one that looks like an orange. and trust me. the taste of them to her scares her so much. it sends her packing to the toilet...I can't blame her though. they really do taste disgusting"

I had a pen and was writing all these things down

"umm...what else? hmmm. oh yea!


those creep her out. and she also has a phobia linking to bugs

arachnophobia....but don't use that against her" he said warning me

"why?" that sounded promising

"scaring her an all is a good and fun thing, but using that phobia against her honestly traumatises her to much. she starts freezing and cries when a spider of any size comes in close contact. I mean. yea the small spiders she can flick away with a pencil or something but she'll burn the pencil. she tends to vomit sometimes and she gets paranoid every time she gets itchy. she jumps around a lot and it really isn't nice seeing her break down like that"

"ok then. on a scale of 1 - 10 how bad?"

".......................I don't think out of 10 is enough... lets say infinity." he starts nodding his head in a thoughtful way acknowledging how bad the phobia is, "I just beg you not to do that. I don't need (y/n) coming back, running into her room and screaming. she will stay there for the rest of the day and not eat or anything. just screaming every 20 minutes or something"

hmm......I'm gonna ignore him and use that as my last resort

_____Karma's point of view__

(ok so you have now idea how much I suffered looking through images. getting a spider big enough. I almost vomited a couple of times cos it was right there. I literally have nightmares from time to time about them)

(holy mother of Irene! let me scroll down so that I don't have to see the monster!)

I found a jumping spider in the woods about the size of the palm of my hand reaching to where my fingers just begin and placed it on the table. I kissed on the cheek and told her to open her eyes.

all the blood drained from her face and her hair turned white. the position she was in was her face in her hands that were leaning on the table. so she was quite close to the spider. it looks like she's frozen just like Aron said, but it's not that bad is it?

__Your POV___




I Remember not breathing properly. then everything went fuzzy and then focused onto that little beast. then all of a sudden I shoved me and the chair backwards slamming into the wall and standing onto the chair in the process.

but oh. no....of course it wasn't just a normal spider.




___Karma's POV__

WOW. OK THEN. she just slammed herself into the wall. and is now hyperventilating as the spider jumped and started walking up her chair leg

"no...nononono... no. pl- *breaths* - ease leave me alone."

she was balancing on the actual back of the chair now while the spider was on the seat of it. tears formed as I could see her slightly gagging. wait. her legs are col-never mind. her legs regained strength

"(y/n)?" I called her name but she didn't here me

"(yyyyy/nnnn)?" I said more lengthy and loud. her watery eyes were stuck on the spider. "HELLO (Y/N) ARE YOU THERE? GET A GRIP!" I yelled but she was somewhere in space.

"someone kill me. or at least knock me out. I don't need this....." she started talk as if calling for a saviour. I don't think this competition is going to matter anymore by the end of this.

"Karma.....i'm beginning to hate you again..."


nope nope nope nope


the spider started crawling up the back of the chair slowly up to her feet "I hate spiders. someone save me.... please?"

she sounded like a little girl who had lost her mum in the shop. then the spider got within a 2 inch radius and she started screaming.

within that time I had slowly walked up to the spider trying not to scare it into jumping onto (y/n) and hit it. causing it to fly into  the class wall.

__Your pov__

my eyes followed the ghastly creature as I stumbled to the floor and sprinted home. what was left of the spider. I don't know. I just hope that it was sent to hell

and Karma....? well he was gonna get a whole load of bruises caused by me.


like Aron said. you started screaming crying. didn't get some sleep because you were paranoid and vomited a little. (so me except I don't scream I just hold my breath for a long time hoping I pass out, but don't pull through)

___time skip in school__

karma killed the spider...after he took it out of the classroom first, then he burnt the chair the spider climbed and got you a new one. then he washed his hands 10 times then added some anti-bacteria gel to his hand then washed it off ten put more on around 3 times. now certain that he'd be able to pass your non spider germ test. or whatever Aron called it.

you weren't in school that day

or the next

(and damn am I tired of this chapter)

it got to the point he visited you in your room. he barged in

and you. you got up and punched him

in the guts

three times

each harder than the last

and let me just say, you started pretty hard


(this is starting to turn into  bullet points.... forgive me. it's getting sloppy)

you went back and crawled to the corner of your bed, which was touching the wall. as you heard Karma tell Aron to leave, you took the blanket from your bed and wrapped yourself in it. From the corner of your eye you saw the devil walk up to you, but every time Karma got closer, you shuffled further, until you couldn't go anywhere else.

"h-hey" his hand went towards you but you hit it off afraid of the germs.

"did you wash your hands?"

"yes, 10 times and sanitised them 3 times" seeing the relief on your face his hand reached for you again and cupped your cheek. he got tired of bending over and decided to kneel down instead eyes leveled with yours.

"why'd you do that?" you said picturing the moment again, making yourself feel ill.

"I didn't think it was gonna be tha-" that stupid boy....

"YOU DON'T MESS WITH PEOPLE'S PHOBIAS!" your eyes teared up. you rarely cry, but this was an exception. he as shocked at your sudden out burst and just hugged you. his body consumed yours, which was crouched into a little ball, and warmed it up a lot more quickly than the blanket.

you were crying again angry at him, but happy because he came to apologise showing he cared. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for it to be that bad (y/n)" he unraveled the blanket, putting you on his lap he wrapped it up again making it consume you both. taking this as a moment he confessed.

he was really lucky to be with you, holding you, touching you, getting to see you everyday, being your friend, being able to make you laugh...basically he loved being able to have the whole package of you.

"(y/n)....I love you."

"what?"         (total SHoCker -_-)

"when I had first saw the starting stage of your fear I thought it was funny, but as it got worse I started to worry and get hurt at the fact I caused you pain. I made sure I burnt the previous chair and killed the spider outside and cleaned your desk."

"I still don't unde-"  (look gurl he said he loved you. there's nothing else to understand)

"When you said you were starting to hate me again,  I almost broke... my heart, well....I usually don't get into this stuff, but I knew it was breaking"

"hehehe" you giggled really softly as you leaned your back further into his embrace

"and I will do anything to fi-"

"shut up already....I l-lo-love you t-t-to-too....."

___Your pov__

'what the hell was that....I couldn't say love properly! argh! ULTIMATE TEASING WILL BE APPROACHING SOON!!!!'

__Karma's POV__

'she loves me.....?    wait....SHE LOVES ME! THAT MEANS........


she turned her beat red face round to see mine, aww. how adorable. she stuttered too.

"(y/n)...I'mGoingToKissYouNow" I obviously said that too quickly, but that was so she couldn't object in time

"wait what?!"


and there his lips went crashing onto yours. it was rough but soon began to soften.........he got his tongue into the kiss with ease. no fights from you today as you just let him control. (and you can imagine cos i wanna keep a clean record) it was getting late and you just let him sleep over.

___time skip__

tucked in bed you both lay facing each other eyes piercing into their rival and love.

"remember when I said you won?"


a wide smirk crept up his lips as he closed his eyes ready for sleep after his last words of....

"(y/n) - 101.....Karma - 130......I beat you"

(2112 word count)  - (Edited at 20th/11/2017 -5:05pm English time - word count now, including the A/N's is 2522)








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and remember to say

yes or no on the other chapter to whether the bonus chapters should be in this book, or in another book like 1 shots. or just a 'bonus chapter' book.

and remember to comment scenarios on that chapter too.

leave a vote, comment and follow. thx for reading......and yester night I actually had a nightmare bout the

ill edit this another time - (done that now)

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