Friendship Isn't Magic. . .In...

By ravencreek

19.9K 451 113

What happens when the Mane 6 suddenly end up in the future? 18 years into the future, to be precise. They fin... More

Chapter 2: The Surprise
Chapter 3: The Spying
Chapter 4: The Truth #1
Chapter 5: The Truth #2
Chapter 6: The Truth #3
Chapter 7: The Truth #4
Chapter 8: The Truth #5
Chapter 9: The Hybrid
Chapter 10: The Princess
Chapter 11: The Bonding
Chapter 12: The Problem
Chapter 13: The Future
Chapter 14: The Argument
Chapter 15: The Battle
Chapter 16: The Magic
Chapter 17: The Return
The Epilogue

Chapter 1: The Portal

1.9K 37 15
By ravencreek

"The TARDIS has gone out of control!" yelled Doctor Whooves. BANG! "Ow!" whined everypony onboard. "Well, at least you didn't faint this time. Quick, let's get these doors open," neighed Doctor Whooves.

But even the teamwork of all seven ponies, they weren't able to get the doors open.

Fluttershy, a pale yellow pegasus, darted underneath the control panel, hiding behind her long strands of pink hair. "Why did we even agree to come along anyway?" She whimpered, closing her beautiful turquoise eyes.

Nopony answered her, or even noticed her, because her voice was so quiet. This wasn't new to Fluttershy, who had always been shy. However, she was also very kind which was why she represented the Element of Kindness.

Doctor Whooves started muttering to himself. He had a lot in common with Twilight Sparkle: they were both highly intelligent, they both loved science and they both tended to pace around the room when they were deep in thought. While listening to him, the cyan pegasus with a multicoloured mane and tail rolled her magenta eyes. She still thought this 'doctor' guy was crazy. She, Rainbow Dash, was rather. . .Let's just say headstrong. But something about her was that she would never abandon her friends. Ever. That was why she represented the Element of Loyalty.

Rainbow and her friends had only known Doctor Whooves for a week, if not that, but Twilight had known him longer. Not much, mind you, but enough to know that he wasn't crazy. Just a little. . .Eccentric.

Yes, Doctor Whooves, (also simply known as the Doctor) was an eccentric yet compassionate extraterrestrial 'Time-Pony' from Planet Gallopifrey. Yup, he was an alien but looked totally equine. He zipped through time and space to solve problems and battle injustice across the universe. He travelled via the TARDIS (standing for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space), which was his old and occasionally unreliable spaceship that resembled a blue police telephone box. Being interdimensional, it was much larger inside than outside. He also owned other amazing out-of-this-world technology, such as his 'sonic screwdriver' which he often used to unlock doors.

"Time," the Doctor muttered, glancing at his golden watch, "we need more time."

It was generally uncommon for a Time-Pony to wear a watch, due to their uncanny ability to travel through it, but the Doctor was not one for traditions, and the watch actually helped to simulate his time-travel abilities. He finally looked up to see Fluttershy. "Watch out, Flutters, you'll bump your head!"

The TARDIS wasn't flying in a straight line because the cosmic combustion had gone kapoot. Everypony had to hold onto something quickly, otherwise they'd fall over. Sure enough, as the TARDIS jumped abruptly, Fluttershy's head hit the console. She almost burst into tears. Poor Fluttershy. She wasn't enjoying this 'adventure' very much.

Yet, the TARDIS being broken wasn't even the worse thing. Doctor Whooves was on the run from Daleks, hostile alien machine-organisms who liked to consistently say the word "exterminate". They were extremely dangerous creatures that felt no emotion whatsoever, except hatred and the need to kill. They were on a mission to rule the universe, and by that, I mean killing every other living species that wasn't their own.

Twilight's violet eyes lit up as she an idea popped into her genius mind. "I think that I know how to get the doors open, Doctor." The lavender mare had recently gained her title as Equestria's Princess of Friendship. She had a bluish-purple mane and tail with one indigo streak and and one magenta streak going through it. Her wings were a few inches longer than normal pegasus wings, since she was now an alicorn. Like most pony princesses, she was born a unicorn. After achieving royal status, she felt honoured to be part of something so rare and exclusive, but struggled with difficult princess duties.

A sparkling magenta aura surrounded Twilight's horn as she smiled. She possessed remarkable magical abilities, which made her the perfect representative of the Element of Magic. As she opened her wings, she lunged at the doors and they flew open. "Woah!" She whinnied, tumbling through the air. Then she was immediately swallowed by a huge portal outside.

"Hold on, Twi!" called out an orange earth-pony with blonde hair tied in a side ponytail. She was wearing a brown stetson (A.K.A a cowboy hat) and had eyes as green as emeralds. This pony was called Applejack, and she was the bearer of the Element of Honesty. Confidently, she flung her lasso into the portal. The noose caught onto Twilight's hind legs which had not yet disappeared. Applejack held on tightly to her end, but was inevitably pulled out of the TARDIS due to the portal's strength!

"Applejack!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. Without hesitation, her wings unfolded and she swooped out of the TARDIS, managing to grab onto Applejack's hoof with her own. She, too, was being sucked into the portal.

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity Belle gasped in horror. This snow-white unicorn had sapphire-blue eyes and a partly-curled indigo mane and tail. She was rather posh and took great pride in her appearance. The Element of Harmony that she represented was Generosity. She attempted to reach for Rainbow's striped tail without falling out of the TARDIS but did not succeed. She was the fourth pony to be sucked inside the hungry portal.

"Oh. . .Oh dear," Fluttershy whispered fearfully. She didn't want to go anywhere near the portal because she was so scared, but she loved her friends more. So, she bravely took hold of Rarity's hoof, causing her to also fall into the portal.

The portal had swallowed up all five ponies! Now there was no sign of any of them. Doctor Whooves was shocked. He'd never seen anything like this before. "How do we get them back now?!" He complained to Pinkie Pie, who was the only one left.

Pinkie Pie was a bubbly pink earth-pony who acted very random at times. She had crystal-blue eyes and a curly fuchsia mane and tail. There was no mistake here that she represented the Element of Laughter.

The portal was starting to fade away. . .but not before Pinkie Pie went into it! There was NO way she was getting left behind! Ignoring the Doctor, she cried, "HEY! WAIT FOR ME!" With that, she jumped in after her friends.


This is kinda shitty whoops


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