Kazuma x Aqua: Saisei

By excial

36.7K 573 289

Alternate story to KonoSuba Aqua is about to give Kazuma a Goddess blessing in this wonderful world. Enjoy my... More



2.6K 47 31
By excial

MATURE CONTENT UP AHEAD: I will not prompt it because it breaks the momentum of the story, but the buildup should be obvious enough. I tried my best not to break character and aligned it respectfully with the story. So don't expect super bizarre stuff to happen.


An upbeat, jubilant and youthful woman with long, flowing cerulean hair, donning a white summer brimmed hat and a crayola blue summer dress seemingly not older than nineteen years of age, exclaimed in delight to the man in a white T-shirt and dark green board shorts. Snapping him out if his dream-like state, whom eventually responded to her with a tiny grin.

Despite the uneasy weight she carried on her belly. The fact that she was able to prance across the street like a ballerina was beyond Kazuma.


Aqua aside, their vacation had been treating them well. Every detail ranging from the scenery to the food, ambiance to service were all a far cry from that Cultist infested area Aqua almost called home.

Kazuma almost made Aqua admitted it herself.

Well almost...

For Kazuma, he was finally finding inner peace during these moments of respite.


Aqua's curiosity was deeply invoked by the statue's appearance. To be more precise, it was a large marble statue: An European colonial Naval officer clad in his uniform, holding his arm out as though about to set off a command to fire the cannon positioned beside him.

"Wow, even more historical European-inspired craftsmanship ... Perhaps the town planner was from the world I originated from."

"Probably, but it looks so cool!"

Kazuma smiled to himself as he watched Aqua intriguingly poked every nook and cranny of the statue. As she danced around, Kazuma could not noticed how much he himself had grown from the fateful day they met. Sure while she was still an unintelligent excuse of a goddess, her vanity and arrogance are still much left to be desired. Yet Kazuma was not as disgusted as he initially was, instead he had come to terms with her flaws, accepting them as part of who Aqua was.

And weird thing is, he found himself loving her even more because of those flaws.


An elderly, male voice disturbed Kazuma's train of thoughts.

"Hohoho... What a cute couple... Would you like a painting as part of your keepsake?"

Kazuma being skeptical of street vendors, was about to politely decline when Aqua barged rudely between the conversation, much to his displeasure.

Aqua was beaming with ecstasy. Tugging Kazuma's hand and pulling him towards the statue.

"Yes please! Come Kazuma stop standing around like a lost child!"

The old man laughed heartily as he returned to his booth, carefully priming his oil paints and brushes. Unwrapping the plastic sheet of a fresh canvas and loading onto the easel. Despite his frail age, his skill in painting was able to match the quality of some renown old masters. His movements were unnaturally fast and precise. Every detail from the amount of paint absorbed by the bristles to the pressure of each stroke was taken into deep consideration. Leading Kazuma to wonder if this was his actual or retirement job.


Nevertheless, all it took was fifteen minutes foe Kazuma and Aqua's jaw to hit the floor

The painting was astounding from all standpoints. The colors meshed well together with their respective shades, along with the varying hues added to bring out the contrast between them and the backdrop. Given more time, It could have been no different from a photograph. Satisfied from the finished product, Kazuma paid the Artist the full fee combined with a few tips to boot.


"I have painted over thousands of pictures and I'd say this woman over was the most beautiful I had ever drawn. Tell me, are you from around here?"

"Nope, I am Aqua , the goddess of water..."

An awkward silence soon followed before the old man broke into another one of his usual laughs.

"Alright then Ms Goddess ... all the best of luck with the both of you and your newborn as well. "

Aqua was dumbfounded at the old man, pouting her lips in irritation before dragging Kazuma away along with her. Fuming at the Old man's apparent ignorance.

"That Old geezer hasn't met a Goddess..."


"Well, you don't even represent a Goddess that well anyways."

Aqua sprung around visibly affected by his insensitive comment, grabbing Kazuma's collars and shook them violently.


Her little tantrum would have to wait, as it was cut short by a thunderous rumbling noise.

The thought of exploring the city rendered both Kazuma and Aqua teething with adrenaline. Having ventured out of their villa without having consumed any form of breakfast beforehand has finally came back to bite them. With only an hour of walking for the hunger to settle in, and for Aqua's stomach to kick up a short fused tantrum.

So that was why Aqua's mood turned foul so quickly.

Kazuma's stares turn sardonic , with his lips curled into an evil grin. Almost as though he was about to assert some sickening form of dominance over her.

"So...you are hungry my dear Goddess..."

Aqua lightly clutched her over-sized tummy, nodding her head and whimpering in pity.




Tucked within the rows of whitewashed houses was a homely diner devoid of any form of tourist activity. Having done research prior to his trips comes with many perks, after all they are able to indulge in Silasel's indigenous cuisines without having to worry about jacked up prices and rowdy, self-entitled crowds.

Its walls plastered with wallpaper fitting the theme of a beach side restaurant with straw chairs and generic carved wooden round-tables. The layout and design was basic, even wavering between borderline tacky. However, the appearance of the restaurant does little to exemplify the quality of the dishes served.

Which were nothing short of fantastic.

Aqua was indulging in her smoked Salmon with wholemeal bread and Caesar salad, while Kazuma dug into a piping warm seafood Gratin.

The ingredients were fresh: Seafood having caught straight off the harbors, vegetables from the inland farms, cheese that melts in your mouth with every bite that left a lingering warmth down your throat.

It was a tear jerking moment for the both of them, crying out words of praise in unison at the restaurant staff.

"Wow this is amazing!"


Kazuma loaded spoon after spoon of gratin into his mouth, refusing to slowdown. However, Aqua had other plans as she eyed at Kazuma's dish like a hawk, eager to make away with a bite.

"Heh let me try..."

Aqua's hands were nimble, spinning her spoon between her fingers and scooping out a chunk of Kazuma's dish and stuffing it into her lips. She let off an triumphant smirk, firing sadistic glares at Kazuma.

Kazuma was twitching in what looked like spite.

This little bitch.

Kazuma bit back, his fork skewering a piece of bright pink Salmon. Slurping it in and releasing a satisfied burp quicker than Aqua had any time to react.



She forked several peas into her tongue, rolling it up to form a gun barrel and firing one after another at Kazuma in rapid succession. They landed onto Kazuma's forehead, rewarding Aqua with a series of grumbles from Kazuma as he prepared a counter-offensive.

With that, the flames of war has been ignited. Both of them began childishly plunging their cutlery into each other's dishes. The battle was grim and merciless, no quarter was spared as they greedily partook of each other's sacred possession. Until one's plate is empty, only then shall the victor be crowned.

Meanwhile, the surrounding customers briefly glared at the two before returning to their meals, not wanting two idiots to spoil their brunch experience.


Another highlight of Port Silasel would be the beach.

Distinctly separated into two sections by a line of red buoys. One stretch of the beach had shallow waters and was mainly assigned to beach recreational activities. The other end had a much greater depth, allowing it to act as a harbor for a vast array of water vessels. Since it was midday, the sun was directly overhead but the breezes carried over by the roaring waves dispersed what was supposed to be searing heat.

In other words, was the perfect day to go to the beach.

Aqua stood at the edge of the beachfront, enjoying the tingling sensations left behind by the clear, brackish waters sweeping past her feet. While Kazuma stood beside her, staring out across the bay and into the open ocean.

Kazuma was entranced by the sight before him, filling him with a strange sense of calm and curiousity.

"Its beautiful..."


"Why of course! After all I am a goddess!"

Kazuma replied in a half-trance state, his eyelids remaining barely ajar and refusing to budge. 

"Not you... I was referring to the bay."

Aqua pouted her lips, turning her head away in disdain, with streaks of pink rising up onto her cheeks at Kazuma's earlier comment. That was when the harbor stretch caught her attention instantly intrigued by the multitude of boats seemingly on display.

"Hey lets go check that out!"
"Wait a while longer, please..."

Aqua being as impatient as ever encircled her fingers around Kazuma, whom jerk his head in surprise at Aqua's action. Tugging him affectionately, they gingerly made their way towards the harbors, against the gentle waves that lapped against their feet, kicking bits and pieces of wet sand as they walked.

"Hey Aqua."




"Lets go explore the open ocean, I think they have yachts we can rent."

Aqua's index finger lingered on a chin for a moment as she made her decision.

"Yachts? I don't trust a shut-in Otaku NEET to operate one of those things."


"Shut up you useless goddess, anyways I was thinking of hiring a private driver."


"Open ocean, its sounds scary."

Kazuma darkly grinned at her once more, craving vengeance for the stunts she pulled off at the diner earlier during brunchtime.

"Oh dear, my Goddess is such a self-entitled bitch, going around stealing food but refusing to compromise when her dear boyfriend asks for a simple boat ride. It was only expected of a Goddess of water to pussy out like a degenerate anyways. After all, what happened to all those endearing qualities you Goddesses were supposed to encompass anyways?"

Aqua was infuriated at his vulgar yet casual response.



"Geez, and you call yourself the goddess of water..."


An unusable gruff voice could be heard from behind them, followed up by a series of heavy, intimidating snickers that sent chills down Kazuma's spine.

"Hey pretty lady, is that man bothering you? You can join us instead for a yacht ride instead..."

Both of them turned around, coming face to face to three dark skinned, topless, burly men in oversized board shorts. In all honesty, they looked like generic, narcissistic street thugs looking for trouble.


"No, I am sorry, go away."

They were persistent, having grabbed Aqua's hand forcefully, subsequently made Kazuma blew his top. The expression on his face suddenly turning dark and grim, making Aqua gulped in fear.

Turning around to face the three aggressors. Kazuma's grin was beaming with malevolent confidence, cracking his knuckles as though about to start an all out brawl despite his smaller size.

"You want to fight the man capable of subjugating three demon king generals? Be my guest."

I am sorry, its not what it sounds like.

The leader stopped dead in his tracks, snapping his fingers at his two companions to follow suit.

"Wait... You C-c-c-can't be that Kazuma could you?"

Hai Kazuma des.

Those three men that were trying to hit on Aqua were now grief stricken, only worsened when Kazuma flashed his adventurer card at their pale white faces..

"Yeah I am... And this woman here is... THE GODDESS OF WATER HERSELF!"

I am sorry, she is not as great a goddess as you remotely hope she is.

" No it can't be the goddess of the Axis church..."

Aqua was about to blare out her narcissistic remarks, but Kazuma signalled at her to keep quiet. Instead, he just stood there and watched the three men quivering at their knees, unable to comprehend the sight before them. Arching their heads resulted in further escalation of events, allowing them to notice Aqua's baby belly. Instantly, forcing them to back away even further.

"My goodness, you manage to earn the rights to impregnate a goddess? You must have a certain power we mortals only long for... I AM SO SORRY!"

They darted off in what appeared to be a panicked frenzy.

I am sorry, this child was an accident.

Kazuma turned his back against them, purposely encircling his arm around Aqua's own, dragging her as far as she could from the group much to Aqua' surprise and pleasure.

Their hoarse, pitiful cries could be heard from a mile away.

I am sorrryyy...

"So I rescued you again... Do you mind following me for that oceanic ride now?"

Aqua crossed her arms, swerving her head away from Kazuma so as not to get caught in his smug gaze.


You little bitch.

Kazuma grabbed her wrist, dragging her along despite her violent protests.




Kazuma climbed into the Yacht first, holding out his hand. Supporting her movement onto the shaky, rocketing vessel. On the other hand, the Helmsman swerved his body to meet their gazes. He was surprisingly full of cheer, possibly even drunk as his breath held a strong tinge of rum.

"Just your luck! The seas are calm today, where are you headed?"

"Just take us around the parts where the view is good."

"Aye sir, hold on tight!

The helmsman  tipped his sailor hat in acknowledgement before turning his back on the both of them, revving up the engine, allowing the boat to pick up speed before turning the it out of the bay.


"FWAHHHH.... The breeze feels good!"

Aqua exclaimed in pleasure. Kazuma spontaneously pointing his finger accusingly at her.

"And I thought you didn't want to be here."

As Aqua was about to retort, the strong winds caused her dress to blossom, revealing her light blue underwear within Kazuma's full view. With his perverted nature slowly seeping in, he began staring intently at Aqua's new undies as she was trying desperately to pin in down.



The deafening sounds of the Yacht drowning out her voice, Kazuma only responded by heaving a sigh of satisfaction. Leaning his arms over the stern of the boat, lazily staring out across the open ocean.

The rich dark blue waters shimmering against the sunlight, seagulls hovering in circles while looking for prey, the vast array of dazzling cloud formations taking up a chunk of the clear blue sky and the countless visible waves that were frolicking on the water surface. From Kazuma's point of view, the undisturbed setting of the ocean itself was nothing short of surreal. In fact, the scenery possessed some form of restorative energy, allowing all the stress and tension from almost all the past events to dissipate completely.

"Hey boss, you ought to look after your Misses. She has fallen asleep, and if I go any faster than this. She might fall over the portside. HAHA"

Aqua body was leaning against her seat, her head drooping lifelessly. Perhaps the heat combined with the vibrations of the boat had gradually cradled her to sleep.

Thisw goddess.

Kazuma remarked as he positioned himself next to her, keeping an eye out just in case she falls over.




Cerulean eyes fluttered open to meet deep forest green ones merely inches away from her face.

"Rise and shine you sleepyhead."

Aqua tightened her fingers on the white bed sheet. Scanning around the master bedroom of their villa as she slowly regained her bearings.

"Baka, you were watching me while I slept?"

Kazuma's reply was flat out creepy as he gazed upon her with narrow eyelids.


Aqua murmured a quick thank you as she pulled herself up from the bed into a sitting position.

"I remembered that boat ride, the breeze and the glamorous view and I just feel asleep."

"Yea... I carried you back to the villa."

Aqua glanced at Kazuma with what seemed like amazement, but Kazuma's did not say anything. Instead, he scooted over the bed directly at where Aqua was, placing his face dangerously close to hers.


Aqua gulped at what could potentially be his next move as Kazuma's lips curled into a playful grin.

"The dress you wore was so thin, I manage to squeeze your butt a few times. I gotta say its the smoothest thing I had ever laid my hands on."

Aqua was caught off guard by Kazuma's brazen confession, immediately letting loose a goddess tempest.


"Hey come on, at the very least reward me for bringing you all the way back..."

"Well, for the umpteen time, I can't offer you sex yet..."


"There are always other things you could do."



Kazuma winked at Aqua, seemingly made up his mind much to Aqua's horror.


The night was pitch black apart from the glimmers of stars embedded within the cosmos. Having night dip in their private swimming pool to end off the day was such a brilliant decision.

How are Megumin and Darkness doing? Hope they are fine.

Kazuma lowered his head into the private pool till half his head was submerged in the water. Sitting onto the submerged ledges that ran around the perimeter of the body of water.

The sound of the glass door sliding open, prompted Kazuma to turn around.

If it weren't for Aqua's slightly out of place baby belly, Kazuma would have died of extreme bloodloss.

Aqua stood there against the sparkling starlight, shifting her gaze away from Kazuma in embarrassment. The crimson on her cheeks were prominent even in the darkness.

"Don't stare at me like that."

But how could Kazuma not be anything but entranced by the marvelous sight before him.

Aqua gingerly removed the bathrobe, peeling it off in such an offending way, eventually unveiling her striped, navy blue bikini she wore underneath it.

Kazuma could only stare at awe at her voluptuous body as she slowly lowered herself into the water. She approached rather cautiously, cheeks burning with crimson, parking her body directly next to his and bringing up her wet hands to cover his eyes.

"Dont look... You NEET..."

Aqua chastised Kazuma in a futile attempt to calm his raging hormones. However, Kazuma gently knocked Aqua's forehead with his fist, prompting her to release her hands from his eyes.

"If You think this is enough payment for that arduous piggy back ride back to the villa, you have got another thing coming."

Aqua was wincing, the guilt being too heavy for her to bear.

"What else do you want Kazuma! I am nearing my limit and I am pregnant mind you!"

Kazuma smiled nefariously, his eyes on Aqua like those of a veracious predator that had successfully cornered their prey.

"Let me remove it."






Aqua was so close to having a heart attack, but her guilt over Kazuma's initial suffering got the better of her. Eventually caving in to his demands, she rotated her body around until her back was facing Kazuma's gaze. Just this once she would let him do as he please, of course provided that he doesn't go too far.

"Do what ever you want but make it quick."

The anticipation was wringing the life out of her.

Kazuma shifted himself behind Aqua such that she was sitting on the portion of the ledge directly between Kazuma's legs. As he leaned in slowly from behind, Kazuma left a messy trail of butterfly kisses as he slowly unraveled the knot binding her Bikini top. His delicate presses and touches against Aqua's smooth cream colored skin moistened by the water resulted in highly electrical sensations, making Aqua to shudder in orgasmic pleasure.

With the bra top finally chucked away at the corner of the pool, Kazuma proceeded to move his hands onto Aqua's opulent breasts, massaging it against the water. Her breath was getting raspy, the foreign sensations on her sensitive chest forced her to arch her back, jerking her head backwards in ecstasy. Burying her hair into Kazuma's face and overwhelming his senses with her soft lavender scented hair. Kazuma responded in kind by pressing his head forward, brushing her soft, rosy cheek with his lips, moving down teasingly onto her neck, shoulders and arms. Taking in whatever pleasant fragrance that emanated from her skin.

If it wasn't for her pregnancy, Kazuma would lose every bit of self-control and rip apart Aqua's bikini bottom as well. Forcing her into intercourse within the confines of the swimming pool itself.

Unfortunately, that fetish would have to wait. Kazuma gradually released his clutches on Aqua, allowing her to fall backwards into Kazuma's arms. It had arrived to him that their heights complimented one another, allowing Aqua to fit snugly against him.

"Filthy Kazuma is filthy..."


"I know. But it does sucks that I have to wait that long to experience the real deal."


Aqua's hands delved into the water, fishing out Kazuma own and encircling her hands around them.

"Well, your fingers sure know how to please a Goddess."


"Seems like you are craving for more?"

Aqua didn't reply, shyly burying her head into the crook of Kazuma's wet neck, desperate to end the topic of discussion.


"Have you loved anyone before?"

Aqua's voiced her question softly in an almost dreamy-like state


"My mom, dad..."


"Not that, I mean like... girlfriend love..."


An ancient yet embarrassing memory was invoked into Kazuma's mind.

"I used to like this girl in Elementary school, who had promised to marry me as soon as we were old enough to do so. Unlucky for me, I met her with another guy and I must have been so consumed by jealousy, I eventually became a shut-in NEET and never spoke to her ever gain."


"Sksk... Then you must have been pretty lucky to run into such a beautiful Goddess like me."

Kazuma wanted to refute her, but could not find it in himself.

Truth to be told, she was beautiful all things considered


"I am also pretty lucky to have run into someone like you. After all, I have found a reason for myself to stay here on this plane of existence."

Aqua hand cupped Kazuma's cheek, bringing his head down for a deep refreshing kiss.


"Does that mean?"


"Can we stay like this forever? A strange feeling of happiness always wells up inside me whenever you are around. Throughout my time as a Goddess, I had never experienced feelings like this before, rather sending off NEETs from japan was just an amusing distraction for me. For the longest time, that was what I felt to be true happiness. Until you came along and redefined that standard for me. If killing that Devil King meant that I would have to lose all these precious things..."

"...I rather let that Devil King be."


"Wow that's a change..."

Kazuma was left beyond awestruck at her conversation, unable to find any words to continue his line.


Aqua partially separated from Kazuma, this time turning her entire body around such that her knees were on the ledge instead, her arms leaning Against Kazuma's shoulder. Her moistened skin casting a beautiful glow against the starlight as her upper body ascended from the water.

She then lowered her head to meet Kazuma's own, their foreheads touching against one another.

"I love you, my trashloliNEET."



Needless to say, it was the best holiday that Kazuma has ever had.


Share some love, leave a vote and a review. Keeps my spirits up when writing stories for you guys. Cheers!

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