I've Dreamed Of You, My Dear

By kjujeee

52.6K 1.3K 269

Allie James is a 23 year old girl who lives with her father and little brother Richie. Bizarre​ dreams have... More

*Store Shenanigans*
An Apology


2.5K 66 33
By kjujeee

When I arrive home and leave the car, my little brother comes running out of the house and hugs me.
“Hey little bro, how are you?” I say hugging him back.
“I missed you!” Richie practically yells.
“I’ve missed you too. Say, how about I play a game with you to make up for me being gone?”
Richie smiles and nods, running into the house to set up the game. Before I sell my soul to gaming with my brother I send Emeritus a text.
Allie: Just thought I would say I got home safely, and that I might not reply very quickly because I told my little brother I would play games with him.
Emeritus: Glad you got home without anything bad happening, and it's fine if you don't reply right away, I know how little siblings are. Have fun with your games.
I smile and slide my phone in my pocket, preparing myself for what is to come with playing games with Richie. Last time I played with him, a controller got thrown at my face. That was “fun.”
“So where were you today sissy?” Richie asks as soon as I enter the living room.
“I was hanging out with a friend.” I simply say.
“What type a friend? Was it a boyfriend?”
I was a bit taken back by the question, “N-no, just a regular friend.”
Richie then hands me a controller so we can starts playing the game. He chose Mario Kart 8.
We play games for hours until it's time for Richie to go to bed.
“Time for bedtime.” I say getting up to turn off the console.
Richie whines, “But I wanna keep playing!”
“Maybe another day kiddo.” I pat his head and start making him walk to his room.
“Get dressed and go to bed please?” I ask, “I'll also have Dad come in and check if you really are asleep or not.”
Richie pouts then enters his room to sleep.
I go back into the living room and tell Dad to check on Richie in a little bit. He agrees to doing so.
I then walk over to the movie shelf and pull out Friday The 13th to put into the DVD player. After starting the movie, I start texting Emeritus.
Allie: Hellooooo!
Emeritus: Well someone seems happy. Or hyper. One of the two. How did gaming with your brother go?
Allie: It was fun, no one got hurt which is a plus.
Emeritus: Haha, no one getting hurt is always a good thing.
Allie: Yep...I have a song stuck in my head and it's only like a tiny part of the song.
Emeritus: What song?
Allie: It's actually one of your songs, Mummy Dust and the chorus of it.
Emeritus: I mean I could show you some real “mummy dust” if you'd like.
I roll my eyes at the comment, and turn off the movie I was planning on watching earlier but that I'm now ignoring.
Allie: No thanks, I'm good.
Emeritus: You sure?
Allie: I'm more than sure.
I feel my eyelids getting heavy but I don't want to sleep yet so I force myself to stay awake longer.
Emeritus: It's so weird, I'm used to girls falling at my feet.
Allie: As I've said, I'm not like other girls.
Emeritus: I know, that just means I have to take my time with you...if you know what's mean.
Allie: I wish I could say I'm not amused, but damn. You sure may be inappropriate sometimes, but it makes me smile.
I feel even more tired than I was before so I sluggishly march my way to my bed and plop down not even bothering to get under the covers.
Emeritus: Glad I can-
And that's all I read before closing my eyes and allowing my sleep deprived body to let sleep take over me.
I awake to a soft tapping noise at my window. I sleepily look at the clock on my nightstand. “3:39am”
It’s too early for this. I get up and walk over to my window to see what's making the tapping noise.
It's only a tree branch.
I then return to my bed to sit on it then play a game on my phone and see if I get to a point where I feel like sleeping again. Sadly, I just keep playing my game because I can't sleep.
Hours feel like minutes, before I know it is morning and sunlight is squeezing it's way through the curtains.
I get off of my bed and walk over to the mirror, so see what toll not sleeping has done on me. I look like a ghoul. Maybe I should have gotten more sleep, oh well.
I take a second to listen and see if anyone else is awake. I'm the only one as of now. So I decide to be nice and make my dad, brother and I breakfast.
Walking down the hall I don't pay attention to where I'm going and run into the wall. I curse under my breath rubbing my head then continue my way to the kitchen.

*skipping till after Allie is done cooking*

I fill up the three plates for everyone including myself, then wake up Richie and Dad so they can have some food.
They both wake up and follow me to the kitchen and eat in a comfortable silence until my phone bings. I see it's from Emeritus and smile.
Dad pipes up, “Who is it that texted you, your boyfriend?”
I almost choke on my food, “No, Emeritus is not my boyfriend. We're just friends.”
“That's what they all say.” Dad teases as he puts his empty plate in the sink then ruffles my hair.
“But I'm being serious Dad!” I yell as he leaves the room.
I sigh and try making conversation with my brother, “Are you enjoying your food?”
He eagerly nods, “Yep, it's great!”
I smile, “Well, I'm glad you like it.”
Richie just smiles, then takes my empty plate along with his to the sink then runs out of the room for what I guess is to play games as he normally does on the weekends.
Now that I'm alone and away from people that could possibly tease me, I read the text Emeritus sent me.
Emeritus: Good morning lovely, how did you sleep?
Allie: Heh, I actually didn't get much sleep at all, but I slept ok I guess. Also, I'm sorry it took forever to reply I was having breakfast with family.
I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and brush my hair as I await a reply. After doing so, I head to the living room and sit on the arm of the couch. My phone then goes off again.
Emeritus: Its fine. You should have gotten more sleep.
Allie: Ugh, you sound like my dad.
Emeritus: Well I'm not your dad soooo
Allie: Smart ass
Emeritus: I know I'm one, but you love me anyways.
I blush.
Allie: ....I'm not going to admit to that.
Emeritus: Oh don't deny it. Allie, how would you feel about hanging out again today?
Allie: I would enjoy hanging out again, but I really don't feel like going anywhere.  
Emeritus: Who said we had to go anywhere? If you would like we could just hang at your house.
Allie: But I look like a mess.
Emeritus: I don't care. You might say that, but I'm pretty sure you look gorgeous.
Allie: But….
Emeritus: No buts
Allie: Fine

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