Black Sheep

By goldenscares666

436K 20.9K 10.6K

Y/N gets more than she bargained for when getting to know the mystery creature that's been living in her shop... More

Pins and Needles
Panic Attack
Prom Dresses
I Hate Bubblegum
Familiar Faces
Bad Dreams
Devilish Deal
Prom Night
Bed Rest
One Hell of a Castle
Stubborn Silence
The Worst Luck
Hellish Creature
Unfinished Business
Caring Companion
Silent Familiar
Power Restraints
The Fallen Angel
Dinner Plans
Marquas and Eric
Accidents Happen
Servant for a Day
Seduction of the Inferno
Sibling Rivalry
Lambs of the King
A Loving Demon
Underworld Beasts
Coffee Date
Common Misconception
Threads of the Heart
Wonderful Affection
The Fortune Teller
Medicine Man
The King's Quiet Tongue
Unexpected Visitor
Passer of Judgement
Mephistopheles II
Unstable Recovery
Attention, Attention
Painful Thoughts
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Apologetic Offerings
Bachelorette Party

New Beginnings

9.6K 435 368
By goldenscares666

•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:


The next few days passed by quicker than I would've liked. It was all a blur, really, and I was busier than I've ever been trying to get things in order. Mainly, I've gotten ahold of any friends I could reach to spend time with them a final time and have even attempted to find my mother for a little while to no avail. I wasn't expecting much from my search anyways. She hasn't been a part of my life for a long time, but I thought I'd at least try.

I also informed most of my regular customers of my move, and they all seemed sad about it. Seeing so many dejected faces has made me feel a bit regretful. As much as I know this move will be the best option, I can't help but be a little depressed about abandoning this life. Another thing that took up a lot of my time was showing Barbra how to run the shop, but I think she's got a handle on it now. She's been helping me work these past few days, and she's hardly left my side to spend every moment with me, which was very nice of her.

I know she'll probably be the most devastated when I go, but I'm also relieved that she's supportive of my decision. All that's left now is to pack up my things, then it'll be off to Hell with me. My pace was slow walking beside my demon companion, as I saw no reason to rush home. To be honest, I've been stalling. I'm not quite ready to leave yet, so I took my time admiring the little things about my soon-to-be-old life from the sun and stars to the small, family restaurant down the street from my apartment that sells the absolute best pies. I roll my shoulder, which holds the strap of my bag, and then my sore neck before letting out a soft sigh. I'm not carrying much— just my wallet, pills and some fabric. I left my phone at home on accident, though, it hadn't been the first time this week. I've been so busy that I hardly even thought about it.

"Do you smell that?" I mutter aloud, noticing an odd, smokey scent in the air. It was almost overbearing. I hear Mephistopheles sniffing as I sped up my pace, finding it odd that the smell was coming from father down the street ahead of us. My eyes widen when I realize it's coming from somewhere near the apartment. I gasp and break into a sprint only to skid to a stop when a crowd of people block my path. My hands fly over my mouth at the sight of the fire that consumed not only my building, but the others beside it. Firefighters ran frantically in and out of the buildings to pull out pets and people from the blaze while also trying to put it out with their hoses. I felt suffocated by the smoke and heat as my brow began to sweat. I couldn't believe my eyes.

'How could this have happened?' My heart pounds heavily in my chest as my teary eyes gaze up at my bedroom window, able to see a flickering flame inside before the glass is broken by the temperature.

'It's all gone. Everything's gone!' I subconsciously take a step back into a firm chest and jump as familiarly cold claws are set down on my shoulders. I did not look at him. I was too entranced by the fire consuming my home, but I did shift my gaze when flashing blue and red lights stole my attention. The police held a man in custody that I recognized him from the news. It's that arsonist that's been running around. Did he do this?

"No! No, please! You've got to believe me! It wasn't me! It wasn't me, I swear! It was that voice! That fucking voice made this happen! It made me do it!" Even as he was forced into the car, he continuously let out cries that he was innocent. Oddly enough, I believed him; well, maybe not fully. It just made me wonder: if demons are real, who's to say one wasn't putting things into his head?

'What am I supposed to do now?' I grip the strap of my bag tightly with trembling hands.

'All my stuff is gone. That means...' I gulp and hesitantly look up at Mephistopheles with worried eyes. I receive a soft look as he took his hand and brushed it against my cheek.

"It seems your time is up now, Y/N." His words sounded ominous, yet also kind. Still, I am afraid.

"B- But..." I shut my mouth, quickly cutting off my refute. I have no excuse. I take in a shaky breath and felt the need to cry.

'I'm not ready. I don't want to go— Not yet!' I sniffle and wipe my eyes, which feel dry from the fire's heat. A pair of arms come around my body and hold me steady as the demon's face nuzzles against the crook of my neck.

"You needn't be afraid, Y/N. I'll look after you like I've promised. It'll be all right. You've accepted the deal. I'm afraid there is no going back now. Will you trust me?" My breathing steadies as I rest my head against him and shut my eyes.

"I trust you. Let's go," I whisper to him before opening my eyes. The crackling of the flames dies to pure silence as shadows rose beneath our feet to consume our bodies until all that was left was darkness. I could not see him nor could I see myself, but he still held onto me. My own hands cling to his coat in reassurance. His arms provided a comfort that I can't quite explain. I was afraid that if I stepped out of them, I'd be lost to the abyss, so I kept him close. The weightlessness of my body disappeared within a matter of seconds, and my boots touched down on a stone path. His hold had lingered when he let go, but my hands remained on him as my stomach flipped in horror. My breath caught in my throat as my legs went numb at the sight of those massive gates leading to the castle of my nightmares.

"W- Wha..." My head whips to Mephistopheles as my hands retreat to my chest. Looking around, I found it exactly as it was during my dreams, but it couldn't be. "H... How could you bring me here?"

"Y/N, listen," he demands in a low voice whilst snatching my wrist and forcefully pulling me back towards him. I did not react kindly to this.

"No!" I try to pry myself out of his grip, and though, his hand didn't hurt, it was too strong to escape from. My breathing grew ragged as tears welled in my eyes. "Let me go!" My demands go ignored; instead he brings me back into a hug to still my struggling body. He shushes me and pets my hair, doing all he can to calm me down.

'This whole time... This is Hell? He should have told me! He should have warned me before I—' My thoughts silenced as he knelt before me and looked back and forth before meeting my crying eyes.

"Hush now. You mustn't cry out here. Keep your voice low." He spoke softly yet firmly, showing that this was serious. Though I still let out little sobs, I had managed to settle down a little bit, much to his relief. His icy palms touch my face as I try to calm my breathing, all four of his eyes looking apologetic. Gently his thumbs brush away the tears as he assures me, "I know this may seem scary to you, but I promise it is okay."

"Why? Why here?" I squeak out while tightly gripping his hands, but he didn't seem to mind the pressure. He sighs.

"I know you haven't had any good experiences here, but I can change that. You don't have to be afraid of this place. This is my home, so please, just give it a chance. I won't let anything happen to you." I sensed the sincerity in his words and chose to trust the man who has protected me for so long now.

Seeing that I have stopped fighting, he slowly released me and offers his hand with a smile on his lips. I breathe deep before lacing my fingers with his and nodding my head. While standing up, he kisses my cheek, then leads me to the gates. I jump when they open on their own, letting out an ear-piercing whine that made me wince. Getting reminded of my past nightmares, I'm sure to stand as close as I can to the demon as he takes me in.

Again, I leap out of my skin when the entrance shuts behind us, and I nearly screamed when a person suddenly jumped down in front of us. I had not noticed them perched on one of the tall statues displayed in the garden, so it came as a surprise. Their black eyes were a dead give away that they are a demon, which admittedly made me a little nervous. I had only ever met Mephistopheles, so I wasn't sure how different this man would be or if he's a friend or foe. Appearance-wise, they were a bit intimidating, though, not nearly as much as my companion.

Though he's taller than me, he's much smaller than Phil, and his body appears more human-like as well. He has brown hair swept to the side, covering a majority of his forehead, a round face with light grey skin decorated in many deep scars. A single fang sticks out over his bottom lip, while the expression on his face was unreadable. What really caught my eye was the dark armor worn on his body that went up his neck and over his torso, but his pants were simply black fabric, and his feet are bare. It was a weird ensemble for sure. The newcomer looks my way and grins to flash his mouth of sharp teeth before gazing up at Mephistopheles. I did not like that look, so I instinctively hid behind my escort. The king let out a fierce growl while baring his own fangs.

"You will be respectful to me and my sheep, Peter," he says in a menacing voice while shooting the smaller male a glare. This causes Peter to shrink back some and give a look of surprise before he bows deeply. I was left confused, however. Was he talking about the look he gave? It didn't seem that way, but no words had been exchanged.

Peter raised his head after a moment and looked at me, seeming confused as well, though, it was likely about something else. When he straightens his back, he gives Mephistopheles a quizzical look. This causes the king to huff. "Deathly serious. Don't let me catch you looking at her like that again. Now, if we're finished here," Phil seemed rather irritated by Peter, who nods calmly in response, before walking ahead of us.

I'm, then, tugged forward to follow him, so I obey, but remain close to his side for good measure. My muscles stay tense walking through the garden, my ears constantly picking up sounds from the bushes as though something is hiding within them. The sight of an animal's bones floating in a murky pond unsettled me deeply and caused me to squeeze his hand even tighter because it looks like they belonged to one of those wolf things that had chased me before. Upon reaching the castle, a pair of those canines stood guard at the top of the steps, like statues, with their chests puffed out. They bare their teeth and growl with their ears pinned back as we climb the stairs, but silence immediately when Peter gives them a look. They, then, lie down with their chins on the ground and eyes shut until we walk past them. They go back to their original position as the entrance is opened for us. We walk right past Peter to get inside, and as expected, every detail was the same from my nightmares. It was unsettling.

Enjoy your stay, sheep.

I froze and was filled with an odd sort of tingling sensation when a voice spoke inside my head, though, no lips moved. I whip my head around to our guide with widened eyes, and he simply smiles in amusement before sending me a wink. This infuriated Mephistopheles and caused him to pull me away quickly as the other man leaves.

"Filthy animal," he grumbles, which made me crack a smile. The grin seemed to please him, and I'm sure he appreciated it when I eased up on my grip. As we travel the halls, we pass a few more demons. All of them looked so different. Some are human-like, while others were less so, but overall, I could sense that every one of them were powerful in their own way. Still, they bowed their heads in respect to their leader before carrying on with their day, not even sparing me a glance. At some point, Mephistopheles began to notice my lingering stare.

"I will protect you always, Y/N, but you mustn't ever walk these halls without me, understand? You can easily get lost in here, and most demons are not going to be as respectful to you as I am. It doesn't matter if they are living or dead, humans are seen as lesser beings here. They aren't going to be very nice." I nod, understanding completely.

I wouldn't expect any demon to like humans in the first place; in fact I'm surprised he does. Well, he's fond of me at least, but it still astounds me. I take a moment to admire the place and note that the chandeliers have candles instead of electric lights. I imagine it's better suited for demon eyes, taking their wide pupils into consideration. I think they might even be able to see in complete darkness as well. Eventually, we come to a stop in front of a simple door, and I wondered what could be behind it.

"This room should be empty. You can live in here if it is. It has been a few years, though, so I should probably check first." Lightly, he knocks on the wood and is immediately shouted at by the person behind the door.

"What the fuck do you want?!" screamed a feminine voice filled to the brim with anger. The response surprised him, but he quickly apologized.

"Forgive me. I thought the room was empty."

"Well, it ain't, so fuck off!" Mephistopheles' eyebrow twitched as his eyes narrowed into a fierce glare that I'm sure even the person on the other side was aware of it. He huffs before removing his hand from mine to wrap his arm around my shoulders. I'm then lead away from the door, and we continue elsewhere before stopping at another room.

"Maybe it's better to keep you in my room for now. You don't mind, right?" I shake my head, having no problem living in the same room as him, especially since we have been sharing a bed for quite some time now. A key is taken out of his coat pocket before he opens the door and ushers me inside. The room was absolutely massive and looked more like a small apartment rather than just a bedroom, like I had imagined.

The walls are a deep emerald green color with a tall ceiling and chestnut brown, wood flooring. To the left, there is a platform holding an enormous, king-size bed with four posts that have black drapes with gold trim tied to them to reveal the black and grey bedding. To the sides of the bed are black nightstands with antique gold lamps positioned on each, while on the wall adjacent to the bed is a dresser and wardrobe that match the design of the nightstands right down to the golden handles. A large area rug the color of charcoal takes up the floor of the platform. Off the platform, in front of me, is a sitting room with a dark grey, nearly black, couch accompanied by two, black chairs that surround a small, round table, which sits in front of a white marble fireplace designed with beautiful carvings.

The mantle is filled with a couple black picture frames, silver candlesticks and white statuettes, while above it is a round mirror with a gold frame. Over the table is a lovely black and gold light fixture that turned on with the flick of a switch that Mephistopheles' hand flipped up the second we came into the room. There are many old-style paintings on the walls that are kept in golden frames, and in the back, there is a large bookcase full of many well-kept books. To the right is a door, but it's not open for me to see what's inside, but I believe it's a bathroom. All the curtains in the room are black with gold accents and are all kept shut. I set my bag down near the door and take a few steps in while admiring the room, but it was the pictures on the mantle that grabbed my attention first. Out of curiosity, I pick up the first one depicting two men: one with a lit cigarette in his mouth dressed sharply in a black suit and navy blue tie, while the other was dressed more casually. The second clung to first's back with a childish grin.

⇧ ⇧ ⇧
{This is just the position I imagine them in, but I think it's funny how similar they look to my characters.}

I sensed a figure standing behind me and look up at the small smile that was on the demon's face. "That's a picture of my brother and I," he claims, which took me by surprise. Looking back, I examine both their clean-shaven features closely and was able to recognize the one in the suit as him. It just didn't click at first.

"You're the one smoking, right?" I receive a light hum in response as two arms snake around my waist.

"Yes. I used to smoke a long time ago, but I got tired of the taste, so I quit."

"So, the other one's your brother, then. I didn't know you had one." I took in his features: black hair and brown eyes with beautifully pale skin and a handsome face. I was able to see a slight resemblance, though, not much.

"I do. It's just..." He trails off and gives a soft sigh before taking his hands off me. "He's something else. I really hope you don't get the chance to meet him." I watch him hang up his jacket on the coatrack beside the door, revealing the white button up he wore beneath it. I raise a brow at him as he folds the sleeves to his elbows, intrigued by his comment.

"Why? Is there something wrong with him?" I was a little nervous to ask, hoping that I wasn't prying into anything. His soft laughter puts me at ease.

"That's one way of putting it, I suppose. He's an incubus, a demon of lust. He'll fuck anything." He shakes his head, and I couldn't help but giggle at his last words, taking it as an exaggeration until he spoke again in a more serious tone. "I mean it, Y/N. He might do terrible things if he met you, and I don't want to risk that. It would be best to avoid him." I frown, now feeling slightly ashamed for laughing. He was just concerned, that's all. I put the photo back on the fireplace, my eyes lingering on the image for a bit longer.

"I get it. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen either." I choose to drop the subject entirely, regardless of my curiosity, and gaze over to the bed. I walk over and fall onto the plush mattress, immediately melting into the soft fabrics and memory foam. "I'm never leaving this bed," I mutter with a sigh of content as I burry my face in a pillow. I don't care how hot it is in here, this bed is too comfortable not to cuddle into the blankets. I hear him laughing at my childish behavior, followed by footsteps, and feel a hand push back my hair to reveal one of my eyes that peer up at him.

"You do that." I felt my heart swell from the look he gave me and smile before shutting my eyes. "I have to leave for a bit. Will you be all right here by yourself?" I hum a yes. "Remember, don't leave this room."

"I won't."

"And, take a bath. The smell of ash doesn't mix well with the scent of your soul." My eyes snap open and shoot a small glare at the smirking demon.

"Jee, thanks," I say sarcastically, earning a laugh out of him before he bends down to kiss my head. I hear him give a light sniff before he adds,

"Use something fruity." I roll my eyes as he steps away and walks towards the door. "I shouldn't be long. Make yourself at home." With that, he leaves, and I flip onto my back to look up at the dark canopy above me. This room is so different than my old one. It's so big and full of lots of expensive things. Everything's spotless and is perfectly organized. He probably thought my room looked shitty. I lie there for a while, letting the reality sink in, but I no longer felt so worried.

'Maybe this won't be so bad after all?' I reluctantly roll out of bed, ruining the neat bedding, before going to the bathroom door. My jaw dropped upon stepping inside and turning on the light. In comparison to the dark bedroom, the bathroom is light with a massive, round bathtub sitting beneath a window with golden drapes, a stand up shower and two long, sink counters that are across from each other with big mirrors. There are two cabinets standing tall on the sides of the tub, holding toiletries, soaps and colognes.

"Jesus Christ."

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