Cold Soul (Captured)

By Keefilu

57 2 0

So just to help with a bit of context, this is my first Fic, so hopefully this will go well...? Haha Anyway j... More

Part 1: Breaking the Ice, Frozen Eyes

57 2 0
By Keefilu

I had to start it off with a pun I'm sorry.
But here we go.
(Also if you haven't already, I recommend you read the description just for some backstory)
Lance didn't want to see it, no, he didn't even want it to happen. Somethings should be left to the imagination.
Lance had always seen things in his dreams, and they had always just somehow happened a couple days later. That's normal. Right? Lance honestly didn't want to know, but after his latest dream, he didn't particularly want to find out.
The picture painted in blood that framed his mind like a storm, the image of being drained of nearly all life, half blind.
He didn't want to see it again. He awoke in a flurry of sweat and tears shaking out of his mind, "SHIT- what the hell was that?" Lance said while trying to sit up, but to no avail. "That was so vivid, the fuck?"
Lance almost jumped out of his skin when Allura's voice boomed over the speaker com,
"-Paladins, the blade have arrived so you all are required to meet at the control room prompt. Thank you~" The buzz of the coms turning off was enough to bring Lance back to the present, allowing him to find composure and manage to get up and ready.

Lance didn't realise how long he took to actually get up and ready after his nightmare of sorts, but when he eventually arrived at the control room it was apparent that everyone was getting a little bit tired of waiting.
"Took 'ya long enough to do your makeup today, 'aight Lance?" Pidge snickers in an annoyed yet playful tone while reading over something that was displayed on their screen.
"Yeah, sorry 'bout that-"
"It's fine Lance," Allura quickly states, with a impatient look on her face. "Glad that you could join us." She turns back around to stand at her console, pulling up a few screens with images of a large, interestingly snazzy looking type of Galran Battleship.
"What'd I miss? Anything important." Lance asks before making his way towards his chair, feeling a little bad for making his team wait for him.
"Oh nothing much." Shiro says while leaning over onto his own console, bringing up a small screen in front of him with what looks to be a paragraph of well written notes. "We were just discussing the details of our assault on Zarkons main cruiser, which we suspect he is currently traveling on."
"Hmm, what's the matter Lance? Is there a problem?"
"No. W- well," Lance stammers surprised at how now everyone in the room was now staring at him, and he suddenly realises how many people are actually in here.
"I- I just mean that, you are talking about that one battleship-"
"Cruiser" Allura corrects, in a sceptic tone.
"Yes, that one cruiser that we got the information about from Lotor?"
"Yes, and?"
"That same Lotor who doublecrossed us and left us to die in that battle against Haggar?"
"Lance, what are you getting at?" It was Shiro who spoke this time, standing up straight, folding his arms together against his chest.
"What I mean is..." Lance pauses for a second to take a deep breath, Damn what's wrong with me today, he thinks to himself before continuing, "What I mean is that he's lied to us before, what if this is the same, it could be a trap for all we know!"
"Lance," Allura starts, "I understand your concern, but's I don't think tha-"
"I'm gonna have to agree with Lance on this one..." Somehow Lance was either just too out of it to see before, or maybe he was just too distracted, but Keith was leaning on a console not to far away from Lance and.... wait? Did Keith, just agree with me? Damn I must be fucking dreaming because that never happens
Suddenly Lance and Keith were starring at each other for more than what Lance thought was comfortable, but before he could say anything Keith had hastily broken eye contact with him as if he was, embarrassed? Huh? Strange.
"Hunk? You've been awfully quiet on this one, what's your opinion." Keith inquires in a tone a little bit to anxiously for him.
"Huh? Me?! Oh well, I mean, Lance does have a point... but maybe if we ran some scans of the ship and its current route then maybe we can just double check if it is Zarkons ship?"
"But-" Lance tries to start.
"That's sounds fair, right Shiro?" Allura asks, "That will give us plenty of reassurance for our target." Allura then starts to pull up multiple screens on her console, almost as if she had already finished the conversation and was over it.
"Huh? Yeah Shiro, sorry, spaced out for a second."
"I was asking if you were happy with that?" Shiro asked in a polite but unsettlingly authoritative tone.
"Mmmm yeah, that's fine." Yeah, it's fine... not like anyone listens to me anyway, my opinion isn't as importantly theirs.

Throughout the rest of the briefing Lance had pretty much completely spaced out, still a little spooked over what had happened in his dream last night. But when he did listen or pay attention for a bit, he noticed that Keith was constantly glancing his way with a worried expression on his face, which made Lance not know what to think. But apart from Keith, Lance also noticed Kolivan looking his way a couple times, with a look of what appeared to be... sympathy? Huh.... is it just me or are the Galra better at knowing how a human is feeling than his friends? Cos' that's definitely what it feels like right now.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After the briefing it would at least take a few quintents to reach a breaching point for the Galra's travel route, so that gave Lance plea to of time to think and relax. So that's exactly what he did.
Lance didn't have many things to distract him from that harsh reality that he's literally millions upon millions of worlds away from home, he didn't have any way of knowing how his family were, or even for that fact how earth was. He could never shake the feeling that something bad had happened to them, and that was a scary thought for him, because while Lance was on earth he had always been commended for his brilliant intuition.
Often when Lance found himself in the deep pits of his own worry or stress, he just seemed to walk.
The castle was huge, so when Lance one day was walking his stress away, he stumbled across a small out cove with dimmed blue lights, and a window looking out at the galaxy. He soon found himself at that same spot every time he wasn't happy or things were just too much, in this place that seemingly no one knew about.
His own spot. Somewhere he can let all his worry just drift into oblivion.
Lance walked into the familiar blue hue of the out cove and sat down against one of the cold metallic walls. He pulled out of his pocket a pair of second hand worn out headphones he had gotten from Pidge not long after they all got in space, which if he wasn't careful with, could probably break any second now. His mp3, which had remarkably survived the ride into space, had a variety of music on it, like pop and jazz.
But at times like these Lance just preferred to listen to classical music, especially Chopin's Nocturnes, which were for Lance, a relaxing way to escape space for a bit. Lances eye lids softly fell, his breaths slowed and before long Lances mind caught up with his body and he drifted off to sleep, the peaceful lullaby of Chopin lulling him alway.
(If you want to listen to Chopin's 'Nocturnes, Op.9: No.1 in B-Flat Minor' while reading this next part you can for full immersion, cos that's what I listened too while writing it :D)


When Lance awoke from his sleep, he found himself in a strange place, unlike any he's ever been in before. There was no colour, no sound, only what appeared to be a shallow ocean that looked as if it'd swallowed the land, and the large full moon that shone over the ripples of the water. It seemed like it went on forever, just him, the moon, and the water.
"Eerie...." the words vibrates out of Lances throat and echoed out into the empty blackness that the moons light couldn't reach.
Lance didn't know where he was, or even how he got there. Lance suddenly felt a rush of fear run over himself like a wave in the ocean. What if I can't escape?! What if I'm stuck here?!? Wait... where even is here?
Lance turns to take a look around this place he's in, but nothing is there, just the darkness... and him. Lance doesn't know if not knowing what is out in that darkness is a good thing or not, but he hopes to god that nothing is waiting there, stalking him.
After Lance scans the area thoroughly from where he's standing in the water, he calms a bit, feeling a little less tense knowing that he's not in danger.
But that is proven to just be a false sense of security, Lance soon finds out.
Lance turns around to look behind him one last time to make sure nothing is there when he is frozen, the air is taken out of his lungs and he is... scared.
As soon as Lance turns around, what sounds like a loud chime of an old grandfather clock bursts into his ears, the once cool blue gaze of the moon is now a blood red and it cloaks the shallow water, if that's what he can even call it anymore.
Like an image captured in the wake of its creation, the world around Lance is frozen still. Lance is suddenly stuck with wave of virtigo, and his head is sent spinning. He comes to his own  mind after a few seconds, but Lance is freezes at what he sees in front of him.
In front of Lance he see's person, no, it's.... him.
He's hanging by two chains that look like they are infused with some kind of magic, purple.... this Lance's wrists were cut and bruised, and his body was covered in scratched and blood, his blood. He hung suspended above the water, spots of blood pooling underneath him.
Lance is stunned, petrified. It's him... it's me. Lance hung lifeless in front of himself, blooded and broken, but he couldn't move. Lance could only stand there and stare... and when Lance's eyes moved up to match the eyes of the body in front of him, he was met with a tired, cold eye gazing down at him. The part that broke Lance was the massive hole that sunk itself into the left side of his face, blood forming and streaming down the side, skin stained with red.
Lance was suddenly able to move again, when he tried to shake out of the boiling sickening feeling that was growing in his gut. In a flurry of panic Lance held himself and screamed for help. But when the sound appeared, it want coming from him, but from the mouth of the body hanging parallel from him.
Blood curdling screams came from the dry throat of the other Lance, and suddenly Lance saw white.
The screamed echoed through the stillness of the glaring brightness, and Lance fell to the ground, arms pressed up to his chest grasping for something, anything.
(No more blood :D )
His body was shivering and he was screaming, this time it was him. But in the distance, far away, Lance could hear something. A soft voice, lulling to him things like, 'it's safe' and 'I'm here'. And over time Lance calmed down, still shivering, but sane. It felt like a warm blanket had been wrapped around him, holding him in place, reassuring Lance he wasn't going anywhere. That he was safe.

Thank You so much for reading the first part of my fic!! I have been wanting to write this for ages so I'm so happy I'm starting~! If there are any errors or anything you've spotted in this please let me know.
Also if you want to find me on social media check out my instagram:
If you decide to draw anything about this fic I'd love to see it so don't be be shy~
Hopefully I'll be able to update this soon, but until then, cya~!

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