The Star || NYSM || [1]

By HiddenEcho

7.7K 165 14

Five Magicians. Three Shows. One Goal. To Reach The Eye. The Eye. A secret organisation a secret origination... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.

Chapter Three.

753 16 6
By HiddenEcho

It had been a year since the five met in that old rundown apartment. It had been a year for the five to become closer; each of them building a connection with one another. Natalia and Henley had become as close as sisters, both of them sharing a love for fashion which had been a key into their friendship growing so fast. Merritt had become like a loving uncle to Natalia, always looking out for her and ensuring she was okay; while still making her laugh so hard a stitch formed in her side. Danny and Natalia had a strange relationship they were both close friends that was for definite but there was something else between the two that they were either not willing to accept or didn't see. Natalia and Jack though... they were a different story, both of them had become very close in the year that had passed; both of them labelling themselves as best friends even though everyone else could see that they both had feelings for one another, they were just too shy to admit it; even though the two would constantly flirt with one another, find each other's gazes across any room, hug one another for a second too long or even occasionally linger a kiss on the others' cheek.

A lot had changed in the year they had been together; both Danny and Natalia became the leaders of the group. Natalia more becoming so because they group felt that if Danny was just in charge then they would all be driven to insanity.

Though that aside the five had become close; close like family. The five had become The Five Horseman.


"Merritt McKinney, Daniel Atlas, Henley Reeves, Natalia Romav, Jack Wilder. Arthur Tressler and the MGM Grand proudly present... The Five Horseman."

Natalia smiled as she walked around the large stage; her eyes widening with joy at the amount of people clapping and cheering them on; people they were able to impress with their magic.

"Thank you" Merritt said as he addressed the crowd. "Tonight, we would like to try something that will, well, set us a bit apart"

"I think you mean it will really set us apart" Natalia cut in causing Merritt to chuckle.

"For our final trick we are going to do something never before seen on a Las Vegas stage" Henley explained to the crowed as she walked down from centre stage.

"Or any stage for that matter" Jack added as he sent a wink towards Natalia who blushed slightly as both her and Danny walked up the stairs to the middle of the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight..." Daniel started sending a small smile to the young magician next to him before the smiled widely to the rest of the crowd.

"We are going to rob a bank" The two said in unison causing the crowd to erupt in cheers. Natalia and the rest of Horseman chuckled at their response.

"That's a lot of excitement for a crime" Danny stated causing Natalia to laugh as she shuffled around in her heels while the other three horsemen walked around the circular stage all smiling at the audience.

"I'm getting excited. What about you people?" Henley asked the audience spurring on their cheers and applause.

"One, Two, Three" Jack and Merritt said in unison before running towards one another, jumping and high-fiving causing Natalia and Henley to chuckle at them and their idiocy.

"That was just cringy" Natalia observed causing the crowd to chuckle as the two male magicians playfully glared at the girl "What. I'm being honest" Natalia added causing Jack to throw a card towards the girl. She chuckled as she playfully batted it away before turning her attention back to Danny and the crowd.

"Okay, Okay. Now, please, please, settle down" Danny chuckled, settling down the audience ever so slightly.

"Now who here has a bank they would like us to rob?" Natalia asked with an award-winning smile on her face. At her question nearly, the entire audience threw their hands into their air causing Horsemen to smirk slightly; Jack quickly catching eyes with Natalia before looking back to the crowd.

"That's a lot of people with a vendetta" Danny chuckled as both he and Natalia sent each other a look; as they walked around the smaller circular platform they were on. "So, we'll choose one at random then" he added as Jack, Merritt and Henley grabbing hold of a glass container filled with ping pong balls, all with different numbers and letters. "My associates will make sure its random, right?"

"Elvis, help me out, bud" Jack said to one of the audience dressed in what could be interpreted as a Elvis inspired outfit. He held out the bowl towards him allowing him to pick a ping pong ball from the selection.

"In Jack's bowl are ping pong balls with a section number" Natalia told the crowd "Jack could you hand me a section number?" She asked causing him to smirk up at her

"Sure thing, darling" He replied with a wink as he threw the ball towards her, she allowed it bounce once before catching it in her hand and handing it to Danny.

"Thank you. We are looking at Section B. Where is Section B?" Danny asked as he and Natalia looked out to the crowd; their eyes quickly locking onto a section of the crowd who erupted in loud cheers.

"There they are. Okay it's going to be one of you guys so get ready" Natalia told the section in a sweet voice as Merritt held out his bowl towards someone in the crowd.

"I don't know why everybody's happy. Its only them" Danny joked to pass the time as Merritt chose someone to pick a ping pong ball.

"Merritt can we get a row please?" Natalia asked as Merritt held the 'chosen' ping pong ball.

"Of course, Pumpkin" Merritt stated as he threw the small ball towards her, she once again allowed it to bounce before handing it Danny.

"Thank you Merritt" Natalia said while Danny looked down at the ping pong ball number.

"Thank you, Natalia. we are looking at row number five. Where is that?" Danny asked as the row started to cheer causing Natalia to smile at them while Henley chose the seat number.

"And finally, Henley could we get a random seat number?" Natalia asked to which Henley nodded as she took the ball from the audience number and made a face as she throw it to Natalia who caught it in the air. Natalia chuckled at the red head as she lightly threw the ball to Danny who smiled at her before looking at the number on it.

"Oh. Lucky number 13. B-5-13. Where are you?" Danny asked as he pointed towards the row as a spotlight hit a man wearing a white suit. "Sir, please, stand up. There you are. Hi" Danny said as the man stood up from his seat and took the microphone that was handed to him. "Could you just confirm for me that this is, in fact, your seat? B-5-13." Danny added holding up the ping pong balls in a row in is hand.

The man quickly looked down at his seat before back at the stage "Yes" he replied causing Danny to throw the ping pong balls to the side of the stage, making them bounce their way towards the audience.

"Okay, Wonderful." Danny said as he looked towards Natalia who nodded and stepped forward.

"Hi. Now could you please tell us your name and the name of your bank?" Natalia asked in a sweet voice causing the audience to smile at the girl.

"Well, my name is Etienne Frocier. And my bank, it's Credit Republican de Paris" Etienne told the girl causing his to smile while Danny looked shocked.

"French. Oh okay. Uhh" Danny stutters while the three on the lower platform smirked at him "We were hoping for something a little more local, a kind of mom-and-pop credit union with no security." Danny added with a small smile causing Natalia to chuckle at him.

"But it's fine. A promise is a promise." Natalia smiled as she looked but up to Etienne "Monsieur Forcier c'est tellement agréable de te rencontrer." [Mr. Forcier it's so nice to meet you.]

"Et toi mademoiselle" Etienne replied with a smile. [And you, Miss.]

"Comment aimez-vous Las Vegas jusqu'à présent Etienne? Vous traite-t-il bien?" Natalia asked causing the Horsemen to look at her with shock. Though Henley smirked at the girl with pride and Jack stared at her with admiration. [How do you like Las Vegas so far Etienne? Is it treating you well?]

"Bien. C'est très différent de Paris mais le changement est bon de temps en temps. C'est sympa de venir voir un spectacle comme celui-ci. Tu es un très bon magicien pour ton âge. Je suis impressionné par vous tous." Etienne replied causing Natalia to smile up at him. The crowd all silenced by the conversation between the two very few knowing what they were saying but all impressed at the young magicians' level of French. [Good. It's very different from Paris but change is good from time to time. It's nice to come and see a show like this. You are a very good magician for your age. I am impressed by you all.]

"Aww. Merci Etienne, c'est gentil de dire ça. Nous sommes si heureux que vous puissiez le faire à notre spectacle." Natalia said ending the conversation; Merritt and Danny still holding a face of surprise which Henley continued to smirk at while Jack stared lovingly at the girl with a wide smile on his face. [Thank you, Etienne, it's nice of you to say that. We are so happy that you could make it to our show.]

"God, you're so beautiful" Jack blurted out causing the audience to collectively 'Awe' before cheering the young male magician as the girl chuckles looking down at the stage trying to hide her blush.

"You speak French. I never knew you spoke French. How come you speak French?" Danny questioned causing Natalia and the rest of the Horsemen to chuckle at the confused Magician.

"It's called taking consideration into other languages and cultures Danny" Natalia replied causing Danny to scoff while the audience to chuckle at the confrontation between the two.

"I do... I know Spanish." Danny argued causing Natalia to smile widely while Henley looked at the audience with a knowing look.

"Oh really. ¿Tienes alguna idea de lo que estoy diciendo ahora?" Natalia asked causing Danny to stare at her once again shocked which caused the audience to laugh along with the other Horsemen. [Do you have any idea what I am saying now?]

"Seriously. How are you so amazing?" Jack blurted out once again causing Natalia's blush to glow darker as the audience cheered; Henley and Merritt smiling at the two.

"Alright Jack I think me and you need to have a chat" Merritt said as he put his hand on Jacks shoulders causing the audience to laugh at the two.

Danny just shook his head before looking back up at Etienne and continuing on with the show "Etienne could you please come to the stage and we'll rob your bank." The audience erupted into cheers once again as the man nodded and was guided to the stage.

"And while he does that, there is someone here tonight that without whom we would just be five magicians working the circuit..." Natalia started to explain to the audience.

"Trying to get... well actually trying to get here. You probably know this man, if not from one of the many, many companies he puts his name on." Danny continued a smile on his face.

"He is our friend. He is our benefactor. Mr Arthur Tressler" Natalia finished as she and Danny walked down from the centre and stood beside both Henley and Merritt who were all looking up at Arthur Tressler.

"Please, stand up, Art. Please, stand up" Danny said as the man himself stood up from his seat sending a small wave to the audience.

"The only man with the Queen's cell phone number" Merritt joked causing Natalia, Henley and Danny to laugh while Jack had gone to meet Etienne at the bottom of the stage and bring him up onto the stage.

"Actually, please stay standing, Art" Danny said, as Merritt slowly walked over to Jack and Etienne while Henley and Natalia stood on either side of Danny "I just wanted to say when we came to Mr Tressler, we promised that, as a unit, we could become the biggest name in magic." Danny added as Natalia blew a kiss towards the man before both she and Danny moved back up to centre stage allowing Henley to talk to the man.

"So, we wanted to say thank you. And by the way, Art, you notice on that sigh out front, we make sure to put your name on top." Henley said sincerely causing Natalia and Danny to smile while Merritt shook Etienne's hand and quickly hypnotised the man.

"If you turn out to be as good as you think you are, dear girl, that won't be necessary much longer" Arthur replied causing Henley, Natalia and Danny to smile as Jack walked up to stand next to Natalia, sending a wink towards the girl who blushed slightly.

"We haven't done our closure yet. Why don't you watch it and then you can decide for yourself? Ladies and Gentleman, Arthur Tressler" Natalia replied causing the audience to clap before Danny looked out to the rest of the audience.

"Thank you. And, of course, once again, the Cardinal of Clairvoyance, Merritt McKinney." Danny introduced Merritt as Jack quickly ran off the stage once again and he and Natalia backed up from the centre slightly allowing Merritt to step forward with Etienne.

"Etienne, what Jack is bringing to the stage now," Merritt said directing the attention to Jack who was holding up the metallic head gear and he jogged up the stairs leading to the centre platform "is what we in the magic world call a teleportation helmet" Merritt continued as Jack held up the helmet to show the audience. "You will need to wear this, as It will allow you to literally fold through space and time, to your bank in the... 8th?" Merritt questioned causing Natalia to smirk at him.

"9th" Natalia corrected causing the audience to chuckle while Merritt jokingly glared at her.

"9th arrondissement" his concluded before quickly adding "Kids, am I right?" Which caused the audience to laugh while Natalia shook her head with a smile on her face. "Now, once you are there, we will be able to speak with you through this helmet" Merritt continued as Jack gently placed the helmet on Etienne's head, Natalia had to restrain herself from bursting out into laughter. "Oh, my God, that's beautiful" Merritt stated as Etienne shuffled it around on his head slightly before it was comfortable, "It has the added attraction of being very stylish. It's about time the French learned from America on that subject" Merritt joked causing the audience to laugh as Jack turned it on causing the blue LED's to light up as Merritt looked towards the audience and asked "Isn't that a beautiful piece of head gear?"

Etienne just smiled as the audience clapped "Thank you. Thank you very much"

"But before you go anywhere" Danny asked as he pulled out a deck of cards; Henley and Jack choosing to stand next to Natalia as they watched Danny, Merritt and Etienne "Could you please pick a card, any card." Danny asked holding the cards out to Etienne. As he went to reach for one Danny jokingly pulled the deck away from him and said "Oh, not that card" Though when Etienne looked at him confused Danny swallowed his pride and held them out again "No, that's just an old American joke. You can take that one." Danny explained as Etienne picked out a card from the deck, Danny nodded and folded the deck back together before making it disappear "Okay, show it to your friends in Section B. But not to us" Danny told Etienne as he turned from Etienne who held the hard out towards those in section be; the other Horsemen walking around the middle platform; though Natalia and Jacks eyes caught once another's once again, a smile making its way onto their faces and a blush onto Natalia's cheeks.

"Okay, great. Now if you could just sign your name there." Danny ordered as he handed Etienne a pen; pulling Natalia and Jack away from one another and towards what was happening in front of them "In English, if possible" Danny joked causing the audience to chuckle as Etienne signed the card. "Good that's good. Put it in your pocket" Danny stated causing Etienne to not as he put it into his front pocket.

"And now for one tiny detail. Natalia a little help" Henley said causing the younger magician to nod as the two stood on opposite ends of the stage, the two pulling never ending cloths from their sleeves and throwing them towards the middle of the stage. The cloths tangled around each other, spinning gracefully in the air before pulling away revealing a large machine in the middle of the stage. The audience and the three other Horsemen along with Etienne clapped for the two causing the two girls to smile as they looked towards the audience.

"Now, Etienne, lets step into the cockamamie contraption." Merritt said leading Etienne towards the machine and allowing him to step into the centre of it "And I'll step of it. Bonne chance" Merritt stepped of the machine as Jack and Danny stepped forward both pulling down a white cloth to conceal Etienne from sight.

"It's 11:50 here in Vegas. That's 8:50 in Paris" Natalia continued to explain to both the audience and Etienne "Your bank opens in less than 10 minutes" Natalia concluded as Jack went to stand next to her once again.

"One" Merrit started a count down.

"Two" Jack said with a smirk.

"Three" Henley finished, pressing the red button now in her hand causing the top of the machine and the bottom of the machine to collide together in the middle; making it seem as though Etienne had been crushed to his death.

The Five Horsemen all jumped back from the machine as though in shock; Jack pulled Natalia into his chest to conceal her to what everyone thinks has been a horrible accident.

"What the fuck?" both Jack and Natalia mutter while the rest of the Horsemen looked confused, shocked and worried; the audience starting to feel uneasy as to what had just happened. All of them gasping at the sudden noise.

"Etienne?" Danny called as he spun round to face the audience, while Jack slowly let go of Natalia, the took looking around confused.

"It wasn't supposed to happen like that, was it?" Merritt questions to the rest of the Horsemen.

"Etienne?" Henley and Natalia exclaim in unison as they both a had fearful look on their face.

"I liked that little French guy." Merritt commented trying to ease the tension that was forming in the arena. "Where did he go?" Merritt questions and the other four continue to look around.

"Wait, wait there he is." Natalia exclaimed as she pointed towards the static screen which slowly showed the face of the white suited Etienne. The audience clapped as though relieved while Danny walks forward.

"No, no, no, no, please, please, please. This is Daniel Atlas. Can you hear me?" Danny asked as the other four walked forward slightly looking up at the screen.

"Etienne? Are you okay?" Natalia questions as she walks to stand next to Daniel.

"Yes" Etienne replies causing Natalia and Henley to sigh with relief while Daniel, Merritt and Jack all smiled.

"Perfect. What do you see in there?" Danny asks as the screen shows Etienne walking towards the piles of money in front of him.

"Money" He replied causing Natalia to smirk while a light chuckle runs across the audience. "Is this real?" He questions as he reaches to take hold of a couple of notes.

"Yes. Looks like three million or so euros worth" Danny replied as Etienne chuckled in disbelief.

"I'm thinking 3.2 million to be exact" Natalia adds causing Danny to roll his eyes at her before looking back at the screen.

"Isn't my little mentalist just showing me up now" Merritt chuckles causing the rest of the audience to join in before they all look back up at the stage.

"Okay, now, here's what we're gonna need you to do. I want you to take the card that you signed out of your pocket. And I want you to take the ticket stub from tonight's show and I want you to put it right there in the middle of the money." Danny instructs Etienne; Etienne doing as he was told, reaching to place the two items into the middle of the money. "Now drop it." Etienne drops the items into the centre of the money.

"Etienne, its Natalia. Now, on the side of your helmet you should feel a button" Natalia explains as Etienne starts feeling the helmet "Don't press it just yet" She adds.

"That button activates an air duct that connects Paris to Las Vegas." Danny explains quickly causing Natalia to smirk slightly before Danny adds "Okay, good. Now you can press it."

"All right, now, Etienne, hold on tight. You might feel a bit of a vacuum" Jack jokes causing the rest of the Horsemen to chuckle, as the screen shows the money flying around the volt.

"Now, wait a second" Danny says, making the other Horsemen stop as they all listen closely; the audience all looking slightly confused as they look up only to see money start to rain down around them. They crowd all erupted in cheers and the Horsemen all smile at one another, chuckling as they watch the money fall onto the stage. Jack moves forward and wraps his arms around Natalia's waist causing her to squeal and laugh as he spins her around before placing her on her feet and pulling her into a hug; as they pulled away she places a soft kiss onto his cheek causing the audience to cheer louder.

"Thank you, Etienne. Thank you, everyone!" Danny yelled over the cheering people.

"We are the Five Horsemen" Jack, Natalia and Henley exclaimed as the five all walk to stand in a line. "And Goodnight" They yell in union.

"Good night!" Merritt repeats as the five grabbed hold of each other's hands; Merritt grabbing hold of Jacks, Jacks grabbing hold of Natalia's, Natalia grabbing hold of Danny's and Danny grabbing hold of Henley's.

Together they bowed, smiling at the cheering audience before walking from the stage, ending the show and walking towards the hand cuffs that would soon await them.

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