By Almost_Lover27

5K 57 41


The Beginning
Surprise Surprise
Blind Dates
Party Hard or Go Home
Open Book
The Hearts Oblivion
Forgetting Is Not Easy
Foolish Forgiveness
Someone Is Expecting a Bit Too Much
Dim Shadows
Sins of Lust.
Unnerving Results
Racing For the Answers
The Devil In Disguise
Old Friends
For Anyone's Information
Another Day Another Question
Thrown Back


847 17 5
By Almost_Lover27

Summer officially came to an end when I had to wake myself up at 5:00am that Monday morning in August. My teeth gnarled at the soundless alarm. I get to go back to a place I just moved to a year ago and still don't fit in well.

I moved to a town in East Texas with acres of land filling the view points of everyone's eye. A town where Friday night football games were the most exciting times.

After an hour of my mind rambling on how nervous I was for my first day of Junior year, I glanced in the mirror. My aquatic eyes glistened reflectively with my light make up. My mother has always taught me to not go too overboard with beauty. I was pretty happy with my frame. I stood at a cute height of 5'3" and weighed 130 pounds. The boys in town appreciate my little hour glass figure I have going on, and even though I didn't have a big chest or behind, I still found guys who were caught looking with interest. My skinny jeans with a black sheer shirt seemed to be the perfect attire for the first day and topping it off with my year old converses that I can not get enough of seemed to do everything justice.

"School again, huh Renee?" my friend Brooke chuckled anxiously before she went back to reading her Wattpad app on the bus. I was excited about starting Tennis and Track this year. The thrill to feel the wind blowing through your hair is intoxicating as your legs pump to get to the next lap.

I have 1st period Tennis and 8th period Track, so if my body doesn't give out, this summers training must have done me some justice after all!

"Bailey! I didn't know you were taking tennis!" I exclaimed feeling pretty relieved to have a friend from last year in my class. I gave her a quick hug before I took in her look. She is a thin latino with medium length auburn hair. Bailey's eyes are always so big and bright, and she most definitely always has a smile. "It is so good to see you! How ha-"

"Alright, listen up ladies and gentlemen. Starting tomorrow you must be dressed and ready to hit to courts at 6:30." moans and groans escaped the gym with the twenty of us in there for Tennis. "I don't want to hear it." Coach Jones stated annoyed at our abrupt interruption of his mighty announcement. "If you don't like it, I'm telling you right now to get off the team and get into another class. Starting tomorrow we will be doing drills and getting you prepared for the season. We will be doing a lot of running as well. Be prepared." Our Coach left us to catch up with our friends for the rest of the class period.

Bailey apparently wasn't the good girl I always thought she was. Her trip to California had a lot of adventures with the opposite sex.

I was quite interested in the details, I myself wasn't exactly a good girl. I tended to fall for the wrong guys I guess we can say.

"Bailey, are you telling me that he touched you?" my new friend Chelsea questioned, feeling the heat of what Bailey must have felt this summer. A rush of fanted voices escaped her mouth.

"Oh it was great! I'm not going to lie, and I'm sorry if you guys think it's "bad", but I like the way it feels to be with a guy." She couldn't stop smiling as memories rushed through her head. I understand her though, and memories of my first taste of love came back, hot and steamy kisses. The pressure of his body against mine- Enough Renée. I thought as I tried to pay attention to what Bailey was saying.

"-his hands started going up my dress. Slowly, as if he were waiting for me to stop him. I was so we-"

"Ewe, come on! We don't wanna hear about your business down yonder." Brooke clasped her hands over her face, trying to hold in her laughter. Before we knew it, we were all dying of laughter as we got curious eyes from the guys.

During B lunch, I scurried through crowds of people searching for Brooke and Chelsea. We all agreed to meet at my locker so that we wont have to end up alone at lunch. Unfortunately, my first day at Rayvens High School, I spent my lunch in the bathroom talking to my mom on the phone. I do not want a repeat of that.

"There you are Brooke! Get out of here Justin." I scolded jokingly, trying to get my friend back so I can hear the juicy story she has been wanting to tell me about her 6 month boyfriend. They were obviously a cute couple. Her mocha skin and clear complexion gave her a lot of adavantage. Today, even on the first day of Junior year, she was wearing her favorite football hoodie and skinny jeans. Her black hair was cascaded into a simple pony tail. Standing at 5'8" left Justin a good 7 inches higher at 6'3". His muscular body was something to look at for sure. He put a lot of work into getting in Varsity Football every year. He is now a Senior and has been on the team since his Freshman year.

"Where's Chelsea?" Brooke questioned, holding on to her lover boy.

"She said she will save us a seat with Tony. We better hurry though in case someone takes our seat anyway."

Brooke rolled her brown eyes knowing that that was not going to happen any time soon. Chelsea can definitely hold her ground.

Lunch was crowded with confused Freshman. Especially since the new cafeteria was still under construction.

Guess our small town is getting too big for us.

Trying to find Chelsea and Tony in the blurry faces (I had left my glasses at home), I felt a pull on my arm. I guess Brooke found them. Thanks buddy.

We have this weird "tradition" where one person brings lunch for everyone during a week. The person changes every week. Luckily it was Chelsea's turn. She brought us all out favorite sandwiches with a big bag of Funyons to share.

"So, how come Renee looks like the single one out?" Chelsea said holding in a huge ball of laughter. Her greens eyes lit up as she spoke.

I didn't quite understand what she meant though, and I guess she noticed by my expression of, what the hell are you talking about?

"Well, I hate to say this, but you are fifth wheeling over there hun."

The boys, Tony and Justin, ewed and awed their agreements. I glared at them, but they didn't seem to notice.

"How about we not talk about my forever single-ness." I stated, really not wanting to get an awkward discussion started on how I deserve this and that, and who I would or wouldn't be cute with.

"Oh alright, but I heard Jake Richardson talking about you today in 3rd." Brooke said as she raised her eyebrows.

"Oh what-ever." I laughed as I stuffed my face with my turkey sandwhich.

"Okay, okay. Let's just change the subject shall we?" Justin said with too many hints of suspence in his voice that just made me know that he was seasoned with surprises. "What are you doing this weekend Renee?" he said with a crooked smile.

And here we go.

Thanks for checking out my first chapter. This story has heart wrenching experiences in it. Love. Lust. Desire. Betrayal. Friendship. You name it. Don't stop now, flip the page! Keep going (:

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