The New Girl

De Kathy202

476K 11.8K 4.8K

Allie is the popular girl who says and gets what she wants with the snap of her finger. She's the most beauti... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
10 years later

Chapter 18

15K 373 163
De Kathy202

(Spencer's POV)

I got home and quickly went up to my room ignoring my parents and laid my beat red face down on my pillow and screamed, a happy scream, something I don't normally do.

I can't believe what just happened......! Allie kissed me... SHE KISSED ME and I kissed back.... Me and her kissing and meaning it without being drunk, who would've guessed it would happen! To top it off, she pretty much admitted to liking me, i think, and I said I liked her and now... We're going out! Today was just.... Amazing and unreal. I still can't believe what happened, but I'm glad it did, because if it wasn't for the party and her passing out, who knows how we could've ended up.

I never would've thought I would like someone, because I had no interest in anyone, but ever since I moved here and met Allie, she's all I can ever think about and it made me confused since every time when she's around I get nervous and my face heats up. I still don't know why I like her so much but I do and I'm glad I do.

"What are you thinking so hard about hun?"

I lifted my head up and turned around and saw my mom sitting on my bed. When did she get here? " hey mom I didn't even here you come in."

She looked at me with a confused look, "Really I've been knocking on your door for a while and when I didn't hear you answer, I got worried and came in and saw you laying down on your bed. Are you ok?"

I started blushing and looked away," Yeah, I'm fine."

My mom raised an eyebrow and said," Are you sure, you know you can tell me or your dad anything?"

I looked at her knowing it would be the right time to tell her how I like Allie, who's a girl, but decided not to. "I know and like I said I'm fine I'm just tired, I think I'm gonna go to bed."

She checked the time and furrowed her eyebrows, "It's only 10 p.m., are you sure you're ok ?"

Sighing, "Yes mom I am."

"Ok, well I guess I'll let you sleep... Good night."


After she closed the door I laid back on my bed and started thinking again. I might've just missed my chance on telling my mom about everything, but that's fine there'll be more chances... Hopefully.

Getting tired of thinking I grabbed a book called Shelter, one of my favorites, and started reading. While I was reading, I felt like I was forgetting something. I ignored the thought knowing it would come to me sooner or later and kept reading and in a flash the thought quickly came to me.

Crap I forgot about Stormy and Blaire and how worried they might be since I stayed with Allie last night and practically all of today and not once did I get a hold of them to tell them I was ok.

Speaking of Blaire I hope she's still ok, since I rejected her last night. I just don't want our friendship to end because of it.

Since I wasn't paying attention to my reading, I gave up and decided to go to sleep.


I woke up early, grabbed my things and headed to school. Once there it felt like I forgot something else, but couldn't remember. Oh well.

I decided to sit in the library instead of outside, since it was nearly winter and getting cold out, until the first bell rang for first period. moments later guess who came running in here screaming my name.. Yup non other than Stormy and Blaire, well pretty much Stormy Blaire was just following quietly not saying anything.

"Tell us everything!" Stormy said sitting by me.

"Sssshhhh, no yelling in the library." The librarian said to Stormy, but she ignored her and kept walking toward me.

I looked up rolled my eyes and sighed," me and Allie kissed, admitted to liking eachother, spent all day yesterday together and now we're going out." I said getting straight to the point then continued reading.

I looked back at them and Stormy looked at me with wide eyes and Blaire just rolled them then laid back on the couch.

"What? You and Allie together, there's no way." Ouch that hurt.

I shook my head yes in response.

"I still don't know if I can trust her, I mean I bet she hasn't even broken up with her boyfriend or if she is even going too and I doubt she would tell everyone at school about her liking a girl."

I put down my book and looked at Stormy and started thinking about what she just said. What if she's right and Allies just messing with me, I mean she is the queen bee at our school, why would she date someone like me?

"Hey, stop bombarding her with all these questions, if they like each other then I'm sure Allie will do something to make their relationship work. I mean they just admitted their feelings to each other, it'll just take time."

I looked up and saw Blaire talking and I smiled at her and mouthed a thank you.

Blaire smiled back then winked. I guess we're still ok then.

"Ok, whatever you say. I just don't want her to hurt you."

The bell rang meaning class was starting.

"I trust her." After saying that we grabbed our things and went to our classes.

Once there I took my seat, while sitting there I looked to my left and noticed Allie wasn't there. I wonder where she's at? Then it hit me, I forgot to pick up Allie! I can't believe I forgot!

I was fixing to get up to get her when I saw her walking into class and sat down not saying a word.

I sat there glancing at her worried that she was mad at me.

Finally getting the courage I said,"Sorry." But she just sat there resting her chin in her hand and staring out the window.

I decided to try again," Sorry."

Still nothing happened and she just sat there. Every now and then she would look at her phone then type something then look away.

She was like that up until the bell rang for lunch.

I sighed and grabbed my things and headed to the cafeteria, not getting anything to eat and sat down at a table and waited on Stormy and Blaire.

Once they got there I told them how she's been ignoring me and that she could be mad at me for forgetting to pick her up for school.

" that could be it just give her time to cool off." Blaire said.

"Man already having trouble in paradise and you haven't even gone out for a day." Stormy said while doing Student Council working and eating.

I glared at Stormy,but she just smirked and went back to doing her work.

"I bet everything's fine, don't worry about anything." Blaire said sighing.

"I hope so." I said while laying my head down on the table. Why do I care about Allie and us working out so much, I don't know, but I don't care.

After lunch I went back to class then during my free hour I went to watch Stormy practice and to my surprise the cheerleaders were having practice in there again.

I looked over and saw Allie stretch and then saw that she was staring at me too. She smirked then winked at me and in response I awkwardly waved at her.

When she was stretching, she was pretty much doing the same thing and stretched in seductive ways and this time, I moved to a different spot so nothing would hit me in the face. I watched her practice all hour until the bell rang. Well I guess she's not mad at me for forgetting her. I wonder what was on her mind?

So after school I decided to wait and talk to her. After a while she came out then stood on the side walk. It looks like she's waiting on someone too.

I stood in my spot for a second, then headed her way, but I stopped, turned around and ran to my car after seeing something that hurt me.

I sat in my car and kept replaying the scene I saw in my head. I was walking toward Allie, then all of a sudden her boyfriend jogs toward her then gives her a kiss and she didn't do anything to stop it. I guess Stormy was right, she doesn't really like me, she's just messing with me.

I sat in my car for a bit crying, then started it and headed home. I tried calling Stormy and Blaire, but neither one of them picked up. "Great when I need someone to talk to no one answers. What's up with that?


(Blaire's POV)

Why did I decide to move here... Oh yeah, because of Spencer. When I found out where she lived I begged my parents for weeks to convince them to move, so I could finally admit my feelings to the girl I love, but it was too late.

Now she likes this girl named, Allie, who I know will hurt her and all thats been coming out of Spencer's mouth is Allie this and Allie that, it hurts me. I don't think she knows how bad it hurts everytime she talks about her, but thats fine because I don't want her to worry, I just want her to be happy..... even if it's not with me.

I felt a tapping on my shoulder, "class is over, it's lunch time."

I grabbed my things and walked toward the cafeteria, where I saw Stormy and Spencer sitting at a table talking. I grabbed a tray of food and went and sat by them.

They were talking about someone, which I quickly realized they were talking about Allie. Of course.

It seems that Allie's probably mad at Spenc for not picking her up and she's worried.

I decided to say a few nice things, then just continued eating until the bell rang.

When it did, instead of going straight to class I went outside to smoke a joint. Damn its freezing out here. Once I was done I quickly put it out and took my time walking to my next class, Chemistry.

I walked in and to no surprise the teacher was yelling at me for being late, which made me angry.

"Who cares if I'm late to your fucking class and why does anyone care about learning any of this shit, its just a waste of time, my time."

His face was red in anger, "If you have so much time to waste why don't you waste it in detention after school."

I rolled my eyes and plopped down in my seat," whatever baldy."

He glared at me, then turned around and started teaching his class again.

Once school was out I sent a quick text to Stormy asking if she could wait on me until I got out of detention.

She replied back,"sure I don't have anything else better to do."

Instead of being bored in detention, I slept until it was over. When it was I grabbed my things and jogged outside where I met up with Stormy.

"Hey thanks for waiting on me." I said.

"No problem, but since I did wait on you, you know owe me a ride home."

I rolled my eyes smiling," Fine, but can we talk?"

She looked at me and saw the sadness in my eyes,"yeah."

When we got in the car and started the drive to her house, she asked,"so what did you want to talk about?"

Not wanting to waist time I got to the point, "I love Spencer, but she doesn't or probably will ever love me back and it hurts me so much seeing her fawn over someone else." I glanced at Stormy and she looked at me, mouth open not knowing what to say.

"Yeah, I love her and someday I probably will stop loving her, but that will be awhile. It just hurts when I here her talk about Allie so much, wishing it was me, and I'm happy she found someone that can make her happy. I'm just sad that it wasn't me."

We got to Stormy's house, and when I stopped the car, I felt tears running down my face and Stormy saw.

She unbuckled her seat belt and scooted toward me and signaled for me to lay my head on her shoulder, which I did.

"It's going to be ok Blaire, I know it hurts, but it will be ok."

"I know it will be, but it hurts so bad."

"And it will for a while, so all you can do is try talking about and letting it all out."

I didn't say anything and continued sobbing lightly on her shoulder. She just sat there, saying it will be ok and kept rubbing my back.

It's so embarrassing to cry in front of someone, especially in front of a friend while crying on their shoulder. But it felt good at the same time, its like I needed to cry and let it all just come out. It was releiving.

After a while I stopped crying and lifted my head up off her shoulder.

"Thanks for letting me talk to you." I said looking at Stormy.

"No problem what are friend for.. And speaking of friends you need to wipe that mascara off your face. You look like a train wreck." She said smiling.

I looked at myself in the rearview mirror and tried wiping the makeup off but only managed to smear it so I just left it.

I looked back at her,"I'm just gonna leave it."

She smiled then looked at me," before I go I just want you to know that if you ever need to talk I'll be right here."

I smiled too,"thanks and same goes for you, if you need someone to talk to I'll also be here."

We sat there smiling at each other, until I realized Stormy leaning toward me.

I started leaning toward her too assuming she was gonna kiss me, but I was wrong.

When I kissed her she pushed me away, and looked at me confused and I knew I fucked up.

"I'm so sorry, I just thought you were gonna kiss me so i kissed you and-

"No, no it's ok, I was just gonna give you a hug, but a kiss is fine." She said smiling awkwardly.

"I was just confused and just assumed you were, just don't get mad or anything, I'm really sorry."

She sighed then looked at me," Hey it's fine and I know you're sorry and hurting right now. I just want you to know that I'm not mad and nothing will change between us." She smiled.

I smiled back," ok I just didn't want our friendship to be over by something stupid."

"It wont, but I do have to go, I'll see you tomorrow, she started leaning toward me again and stopped and said, I'm giving you a hug don't kiss me."

I playfully punched her in the arm," shut up,"then gave her a hug.

Once she got out I started my truck and started home and when i looked back I saw a shadow and noticed the shadow was Stormy. It looked like she was heading back to the school. I was going to follow her, but decided not to and just head home. She'll be fine.


So im not sure if anyones liking my story so far, but I'm gonna keep writing. Also sorry for any mistakes.

-Peace out ✌

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