secret prophecy

By nevertheless1316

1.6M 39K 4.3K

a beating that almost killed Harry fources him into a creature inheritance with an unexpected mate secrets wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter ​22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
your opinion
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47, plus apology
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Important note
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Another important note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Authors note
Chapter 65

Chapter 27

23.6K 531 62
By nevertheless1316

Everyone I got a request, can you please comment of course you don't have to, but the comments that I do get well I appreciate them. Thank you.

When Sirius woke up, once again he found that Harry was already awake.
"I thought you'd still be asleep." Sirius said tiredly.
"I know, I don't know what's wrong." Harry whispered looking into Sirius's eyes.
"There's nothing wrong with waking up earlier than you usually do pup..... it's just that you've been so tired lately that I thought you would sleep longer." Sirius said trying to reassure his godson.
"Alright." Harry whispered.
"How long do we get to sleep in? If I remember correctly you have a free period this morning." Sirius asked.
"We got about five hours before we have to head down to McGonagall's class." Harry replied.
"And how long have you been awake?" Sirius asked.
"An hour." Harry said.
"Why didn't you wake me up Harry?" Sirius asked.
"I thought you needed the sleep." Harry explained.
"No pup, you need the sleep.... I'm fine." Sirius said.
"I'm fine too." Harry argued.
"No pup, you're not." Sirius whispered placing his forehead against Harry's forehead.
"But I'll be fine." Harry whimpered.
"Harry don't push yourself past your limit..... you'll end up hurting yourself.... I can't lose you Harry." Sirius whispered before placing a kiss on Harry's forehead, Harry only whimpered again.
"Harry I got a surprise for you." Sirius said.
"What is it?" Harry asked.
"You'll have to wait, not to this weekend but the next before I show you the surprise." Sirius replied.
"Why not this weekend?" Harry whined.
"Because we got to show the others where Gryffindor's office is, get rid of the traps that is blocking the way to the office, among other things." Sirius explained.
"You promise it'll be the weekend after this one?" Harry asked, his cat ears flattening against his head.
"I promise." Sirius replied.
"Fine I'll wait." Harry mumbled. Sirius chuckled before kissing Harry.
"It's not funny." Harry pouted.
"Yes pup, it is." Sirius replied, getting on top of Harry.
"No it's not." Harry said before lightly punching Sirius's chest.
"Ouch, you can throw a good punch pup." Sirius said rubbing the place where Harry punched him.
"I barely touched you." Harry said.
"In that case I wouldn't want to be the victim of an actual punch from you." Sirius replied smiling, Harry chuckled at that.
"Find that funny don't you?" Sirius asked smirking, Harry nodded he was still chuckling.
"Well let's see if you find this funny." Sirius said before starting to tickle Harry.
"No....stop Sirius..... no.... more." Harry gasped out between laughs.
"I don't think so Harry." Sirius said laughing as well. The only reason Sirius stopped was because Harry placed a pillow between them, Sirius glanced at the pillow before looking back at Harry.
"I'm not above a pillow fight Harry." Sirius commented.
"No.... more." Harry said while trying to catch his breath.
"Alright, alright I'll stop." Sirius said before giving Harry a kiss. When Harry removed the pillow from between them, Sirius pulled Harry to his chest.
"Do you feel better?" Sirius whispered into Harry's ear, Harry just purred into the crook of Sirius's neck.
"I'll take that as a yes." Sirius whispered. When Harry yawned Sirius pushed him back a little so he could look at Harry.
"Tired?" Sirius asked, Harry only nodded.
"Go back to sleep pup." Sirius said laying Harry back down on the bed.
"Stay with me." Harry whispered.
"I'm not going anywhere." Sirius whispered back, Harry purred before falling asleep. Sirius smiled down at his sleeping mate before laying back down next to him and falling asleep as well.
When Sirius woke up, he saw that Harry was still asleep, when Sirius checked the time he saw that Harry about had about an hour left before he had to wake up. Sirius sighed before looking down at his godson.
"There is not enough time in the day..... I would just let him sleep for as long as he likes or can but he can't afford to miss classes." Sirius mumbled to himself.
"Sirius." Harry moaned. Sirius smiled at Harry.
"Who would have thought you to be a sleep talker....... and who would have thought that I would be the one that you would want to spend the rest of your life with." Sirius whispered to himself, while looking down at the courtship ring on Harry's finger then to his own courtship ring, then he went to look at Harry's face, when Harry moaned again Sirius chuckled.
"I'm going to have to ask you what exactly happens in those dreams." Sirius whispered, watching Harry grasp at the bed sheets, mewl and whimper before starting to purr loudly.
"Definitely got to ask what goes down in those dreams." Sirius chuckled, he continued to watch Harry before checking the time.
"Harry it's time to wake up." Sirius whispered, shaking Harry's shoulder gently.
"Don't wanna." Harry groaned.
"I know but you got to." Sirius said.
"Please let me sleep." Harry whimpered.
"Pup I would but I can't, which means you got to wake up." Sirius replied.
"Please Sirius." Harry whined tears in his eyes.
"Fuck, alright but just for today." Sirius said, Harry purred before falling back to sleep instantly.
"Remus is going to kill me." Sirius mumbled to himself, then he went back to watching Harry.
When lunch came around Sirius heard the door to the dormitory open.
"Harry are you alright?" Remus asked from on the other side of the curtains. Sirius sighed before taking down the wards and pushing aside the curtains.
"Sirius why wasn't he in class?" Remus whispered the question.
"Well what does it look like?" Sirius asked instead of answering Remus's question.
"It looks like you let him sleep in." Remus answered.
"Remus I tried to wake him up before class started... but he begged me to let him sleep." Sirius explained.
"Just because he's tired doesn't mean he can miss class." Remus said.
"I know that Remus.... you should have seen him he was close to crying, when I woke him up." Sirius said.
"What do you mean he was close to crying?" Remus asked.
"While he was begging, I saw that he was about to cry.... he was really tired Remus, once I told him he could go back to sleep.... he was asleep before I could blink, he also hasn't moved since then either." Sirius said.
"Alright I'll let this one slide..... but Harry had better be at breakfast tomorrow." Remus said.
"Got it." Sirius replied.
"Also I'm going to check up on him before dinner, if he hasn't woken up by then I'm getting Madam Pomfrey." Remus said.
"Alright see you later Remus." Sirius replied. Remus nodded his head before leaving the dormitory, Sirius then closed the curtains and placed the wards back on them. Sirius sighed before laying down next to Harry, Harry purred and Sirius watched Harry's tail wrap itself around one of Harry's wrist, Sirius chuckled and unwound Harry's tail, Harry mewled when Sirius let go of Harry's tail.
"Sorry pup, but I'm not going to do anything to you while you're asleep." Sirius whispered into Harry's ear, Harry mewled again sounding like he was almost disappointed, which made Sirius chuckle.
The next time Sirius heard the door to the dormitory open, it was around suppertime, so Sirius waited for Remus to start talking, since Remus said he was going to come back around suppertime.
"Harry you awake?" Remus whispered the question. Sirius sighed and got rid of the wards and parted the curtains.
"Sirius has he been asleep all day?" Remus asked once he saw that Harry was asleep.
"Yeah, he's barely moved." Sirius said.
"Have you tried to wake him up?" Remus asked.
"No I thought I'd let him wake up on his own." Sirius said.
"Try waking him up, if he doesn't I'm going to call Madame Pomfrey." Remus replied, Sirius nodded his head and looked back at Harry.
"Harry, wake up, you've slept all day." Sirius whispered into Harry's ear, while shaking him softly. The only response he got was a mewl from Harry.
"Try shaking him a little harder." Remus suggested. Sirius shook Harry again, but like the last time he only got a mewl.
"I think you should get Pomfrey." Sirius said.
"Alright." Remus said before leaving the dormitory, a few minutes later Remus came back.
"She'll be here in a few minutes." Remus said. When she did arrive Madame Pomfrey shooed Remus to the other side of Harry's bed.
"Did he get a new wand?" Madame Pomfrey asked after she checked Harry.
"Yes, why does that matter though?" Sirius asked.
"His magic is not used to the wand yet, he doesn't have full control over it yet." Madam Pomfrey said.
"But he hasn't caused any accidents." Sirius said.
"That's because he's holding back, which is causing a strain on his magic, his magic is making him sleep so the magic can move through his body without any restrictions, his creature inheritance isn't helping matters either." Madame Pomfrey explained.
"When will he wake up?" Remus asked.
"Some time later tonight." Madame Pomfrey said.
"What would have happened if he went to class today?" Sirius asked.
"Well instead of being in here, he would be in the infirmary." Madame Pomfrey replied.
"Will he be able to go to classes tomorrow?" Remus asked.
"Yes, he should be able to go to his classes, but tell him not to hold back his magic otherwise he could permanently hurt himself." Madame Pomfrey explained.
"Alright, I'll be sure to tell him that later." Sirius said.
"You better." Madame Pomfrey replied.
"You guys should go to the great hall before people start wondering where you are." Sirius said after a few minutes of silence.
"You sure?" Remus asked.
"Yeah we'll be ok." Sirius said.
"Alright, but be sure when Mr. Potter wakes up, he eats well as you, since I know you're not going to eat until he does." Madame Pomfrey said before leaving.
"Don't worry Remus, I'll let you know if something wrong happens." Sirius said once he realized Remus wasn't moving.
"I'll hold you to that." Remus replied, glancing down at Harry before leaving. Sirius sighed and closed as well as warded the curtains.
"What am I going to do with you pup?" Sirius asked his sleeping godson. Not what seemed a few minutes Sirius heard the door to the dormitory open.
"Snuffles, Neville, Dean." George.
"Seamus, Draco and Luna." Fred.
"And us truly was." George.
"Checking to see if Harry." Fred.
"Was alright, and don't." George.
"Worry there's no unwanted." Fred.
"Guest with us." George.
Sirius thought about it for a few minutes before taking down the wards and opening the curtains.
"Why is he asleep?" Dean asked.
"He strained his magic." Sirius said.
"Oh." Seamus replied.
"Will he be ok?" Neville asked.
"Don't worry Neville, Harry will be alright, he'll wake up later tonight." Luna said.
"How do you know that?" Draco asked.
"Yes how did you know that?" Sirius asked raising an eyebrow.
"I guessed, and I just happened to be right." Luna explained.
".....ok..... well Luna is correct Harry will be awake later on tonight..... but you better be asleep by the time he wakes up, he'll be going to classes tomorrow, so you can talk to him then." Sirius said looking mostly at Fred, George, Neville, Seamus and Dean.
"Aww." Fred and George said in disappointment.
"Anyway, how did you two get in here?" Sirius asked Draco and Luna.
"How do you think....they let us in." Draco replied nodding his head towards the five Gryffindors, Sirius looked at them questioningly.
"They left us no choice, Draco wasn't going to take no for an answer, and Luna was really worried that we couldn't say no to her." Seamus explained.
"Alright....has your brother, sister and Hermione done anything that I should worry about?" Sirius asked Fred and George.
"From what we." Fred.
"Can tell they're just." George.
"Grumbling about Harry." Fred.
"Not being in class." George.
"Well actually Weasely is trying to turn the school against Harry, but so far he's been unsuccessful." Draco added.
"How is he trying to turn the school against Harry?" Sirius asked.
"Rumors mostly, but nobody's listening to him..... some of the Slytherins think that if Harry can throw away four years of friendship, there's got to be something going on, and they're not liking it." Draco explained.
"Alright." Sirius said after a minute or two of thinking.
"You've found what you're looking for haven't you?" Luna asked.
"Well part of it but how did.... nevermind." Sirius said.
"Well then can you ask them if we could see them?" Luna asked.
".... I'll.....ask.... the next.... time I see them." Sirius said shocked.
"See who?" Dean asked.
"You'll see." Luna said.
"Wait shouldn't you all be in the great hall?" Sirius asked after he got over the shock, that one of Harry's friends seemed to know stuff she shouldn't know about.
"Well we all were to worried about Harry that we didn't even go to the great hall." Neville said.
"You should get down there before you miss dinner." Sirius replied.
"Too late." Seamus said.
"Wait we missed dinner." Draco replied.
"Yeah we did." Dean said.
"Then we better leave before the rest of the Gryffindors get here." Draco said looking at Luna.
"Oh yeah forgot." George.
"About that well." Fred.
"We'll show you." George.
"Two out." Fred.
"We'll come with you." Neville said. After that everyone except for Harry and Sirius left, Sirius sighed and closed the curtains and warded them hoping that it would be the last time he had to do that until Harry woke up.
"I'm glad you've got some true friends pup, you're going to need them." Sirius whispered in to Harry's ear, Harry purred. A few minutes later Sirius heard the door open, then he heard yelling.
"Harry, why weren't you at yesterday's afternoon classes and not at breakfast, lunch and dinner today!" Ron yelled.
"Be quiet Ron, Harry could be asleep." Neville said.
"Well he better wake up, I've got to talk to him." Ron replied.
"No you don't." Sirius whispered.
"What could you possibly need to talk to Harry about?" Seamus asked.
"None of your business." Ron said.
"You need to shut up." Sirius whispered, he was trying to calm down Harry, who had started to whimper and thrash around.
"Ron whatever it." Fred.
"Is you need to." George.
"Talk to Harry about." Fred.
"It can wait until." George.
"Tomorrow." Fred.
"Why are you two so worried, you've two were never that close to Harry?" Ron asked.
"Have you not seen them during the summer holidays, if it wasn't me or Remus, Harry was by your brothers side." Sirius whispered.
"Ron we've always been." George.
"Close to Harry, you just." Fred.
"Never saw that." George.
"How close?" Ron asked suspiciously.
"What?" Sirius whispered.
"It doesn't concern." George.
"You but to us." Fred.
"Harry's our brother." George.
"But your not even related." Ron said.
"Does it matter?" Sirius mumbled.
"We don't care." Fred and George replied.
"I'm telling mum about this." Ron said.
"Go ahead." Fred and George replied.
Hey what's going on?" Dean asked.
"Ron's trying to disturb Harry." Neville explained.
"Jeez Ron leave Harry alone, he's probably asleep." Seamus said.
"Fine." Ron said.
"Thank Merlin." Sirius whispered.
"Good, well." George.
"Goodnight everyone." Fred.
"Everyone except for Ron said goodnight to the twins before the two left. It took Sirius awhile but he finally managed to calm Harry down to where he wasn't whimpering anymore.
"I think everyone is asleep, I haven't heard anything from them for awhile." Sirius mumbled to himself.
"Sirius." Harry moaned.
"Harry, you awake?" Sirius asked, when he didn't get an answer Sirius chuckled and pulled Harry to him before laying down.
"What am I going to do with you pup?" Sirius whispered, while Harry mewled, moaned and pulled at Sirius's shirt. A few hours later Harry grumbled and yawned.
"You awake?" Sirius asked, Harry only grumbled some more.
"I'll wait." Sirius said, and after a few minutes Harry opened his eyes and yawned.
"When..... does...... class start?" Harry yawned out the question while rubbing his eyes.
"Well it's midnight now....... so in about seven hours of so." Sirius replied.
"What, the last time I was awake, it was only a couple of hours before class started." Harry said shocked and confused.
"It was, but when I woke you up to get ready, well you were so tired that you begged me to let you sleep..... so I let you back to sleep, and well you slept through the entire day pup." Sirius said.
"I couldn't have been that tired." Harry said.
"Maybe not, but your magic made you sleep so it could flow through your body undisturbed." Sirius replied.
  "What?" Harry asked, confused.
"Remus came by after your transfiguration class ended and asked why you weren't in class, I told him about what happened, he told me he would come back around dinnertime to check on you, but if you were still asleep by then he would get Pomfrey, which we ended up having to do..... well she said that other than your creature inheritance making you tired, it was your magic making you sleep...... Harry you strained your magic by putting restrictions on it, your not supposed to do that, yes your magic is going to act out until you have control over your new wand, but Harry the way you were trying to gain control could have permanently injure you, if I had let you go to classes you would have ended up in the infirmary." Sirius explained what happened. What he wasn't expecting was Harry to start crying.
"Harry what's wrong?" Sirius asked worriedly.
"I... I.... I'm...... sorry." Harry cried out.
"Why are you sorry?" Sirius asked confused.
" almost myself by...... magic..... I..... just need...... control over it." Harry said through tears.
"Pup, you'll gain back that control eventually, it doesn't have to be right now." Sirius replied rubbing Harry's back hoping it would calm down.
"But I.... I have to." Harry said sniffleing.
"Why do you have to gain control now?" Sirius asked though he already thought he had a good idea why Harry needed that control now.
"So I can protect you and everyone else.... I can't lose you guys." Harry whispered, Sirius sighed and placed a hand on one of Harry's cheeks.
"Harry, love, you don't have to put the weight of the world on your shoulders it's not good for you...... it's not good for anyone, I'm not saying you can't protect us, you can but don't hurt yourself trying, you got to remember we can fight for ourselves and we're also trying to protect you, even from yourself.... We'll be ok, so promise me that you will be ok too, I don't want to have you in the infirmary all the time." Sirius said softly. Harry whimpered but nodded his head.
"I promise I'll play hero later." Harry promised.
"And that you will let us help you." Sirius added.
"And that I'll let everyone else help." Harry chuckled.
"Good, now come on you need a shower and we both need to eat." Sirius said, when Sirius mentioned taking a shower Harry blushed before looking down.
"Oh I plan on asking you about what goes on in those dreams of yours, but first shower and food." Sirius said before getting rid of the wards, and putting a glamour charm on Harry, then turning into Snuffles. Harry got out of the bed and went to the showers, grabbing some clothes for him and Snuffles.
"Harry, you don't have to hide yourself." Sirius said while hot water ran down both Harry and him, Harry had his back turned towards  Sirius.
"I know." Harry replied.
"Then what's wrong? We've taken showers together before." Sirius asked confused.
"I know..... I don't know what's wrong." Harry said, glancing over his shoulder, Sirius smiled and walked over to Harry and pulled Harry to him to where Harry's back was pressed against Sirius's chest.
"I think you're feeling insecure about yourself again." Sirius whispered into Harry's ear.
"What.... how am I being insecure about myself?" Harry asked confused.
"You acted like this when I first saw you fully undressed, you were insecure then, and since you're acting the same way now, I'm guessing you feel insecure about yourself." Sirius explained his reasoning, Harry didn't say anything.
"Harry, I love you.....all of you." Sirius said before nipping one of Harry's cat ears, which caused Harry to purr.
"Will you turn around now?" Sirius asked while running his hands across Harry's hips, after a few minutes Harry turned around.
"I love you Harry." Sirius said.
"I love you too Sirius." Harry replied back.
"You're beautiful Harry." Sirius said while tracing out some of the scars that littered Harry's body, Harry blushed but he smiled at Sirius's words, Sirius smiled back and handed Harry a shampoo bottle.
"Come on let's get cleaned up....we still need to eat." Sirius said.
"You could have ate while I was sleeping you know." Harry said while cleaning his hair.
"I know, but I wanted to wait for you to wake up, that plus I wanted to make sure you were alright." Sirius replied.
"How much did everyone freaked out?" Harry asked letting Sirius clean himself, since he was done.
"The twins, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Luna and Draco didn't even go to the great hall for supper so they could check up on you." Sirius replied.
"That was nice of them..... wait how did Luna and Draco get in Gryffindor tower?" Harry asked.
"The five mentioned Gryffindors let them in." Sirius said.
"What about Ron, Hermione and Ginny?" Harry asked.
"I don't know about Hermione and Ginny but Ron has been trying to turn the school against you but it's not working, he also tried to disturb you earlier tonight, luckily though his brothers, Neville, Seamus and Dean stopped him before he could get anywhere near you." Sirius explained about what happened earlier.
"Remind me to thank them later." Harry said while the two of them walked out of the shower and got dressed.
"Will do." Sirius said before turning into Snuffles.
"Should we bring the cloak and map?" Harry asked looking down at Snuffles, Snuffles nodded his head.
"Alright." Harry said before going back into the fifth year boys dormitory and getting the cloak and map before leaving the tower all together, him and Snuffles under the cloak. Once they reached the kitchen Harry took off the cloak and Snuffles turned back into Sirius.
"Dobby?" Harry called out questioningly, whom appeared instantly.
"What can I do for Mr. Harry Potter?" Dobby asked excitedly.
"Can you make us some of whatever was for dinner.... well last night?" Harry asked the house elf.
"Of course, I'll be right back." Dobby said before disappearing.
"Here you go, is there anything else I can do for you?" Dobby asked.
"No thank you Dobby." Harry said smiling at the house elf.
"Alright, if you need me, just call me. " Dobby said before disappearing.
"He really likes you pup." Sirius commented while eating his food.
"I know." Harry replied before continue eating his food. When they finished Sirius turned to Harry.
"Do you want to walk around for a little while, or do you want to go back to the dormitory?" Sirius asked.
"Let's walk around a bit." Harry said. Sirius nodded his head and turned back into Snuffles. While the two walked around aimlessly, they tried to stay away from the places where the professors were walking around. What felt like hours of walking around the school the two headed back to Gryffindor tower. Once inside the fifth year boys dormitory, Harry put the cloak and map back into his chest before getting into bed with Snuffles, and closing the curtains.
"You tired Harry?" Sirius asked once he had warded the curtains, and both of them were laying under the blankets, Harry purred as an answer.
"I'll take that as a yes?" Sirius asked, Harry nodded his head.
"Ok I don't know how you're tired... but I'll let you sleep." Sirius said.
"Goodnight Padfoot." Harry whispered.
"Goodnight pup." Sirius whispered back.
  "I love you." Harry whispered after a few minutes of silence, Sirius pulled Harry to his chest.
"I love you too." Sirius whispered before kissing Harry, the two kissed for a few minutes before Harry broke it and nuzzled his head into the crook of Sirius's neck, purring and soon after falling asleep, Sirius chuckled and fell asleep with a smile.

I was going to put two days into this chapter but I thought it would be a good idea to have a fluffy chapter because I love both fluff and smut as well as romantic, so if this chapter seems more godfather/godson relationship it's because I made it that way, I'm not going to ignore that little fact just because I like them as a couple, it'll be the same for any future stories featuring  this couple. Hope you all liked the chapter and please comment, I like hearing about what you think of the story and any suggestions you have

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