Their Secret (Under Construct...

By libbyxquinn

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Kara has spent most of her life in an orphanage. She doesn't really know her family's past; she doesn't know... More

I'm Officially Back!!!
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

530 15 14
By libbyxquinn

Note: It has been far too long since I've been back on this account. I finally found the courage and motivation to finish this book so here I am. I really hope this chapter doesn't suck. If you have any pointers or advice don't be afraid to leave them in the comments section. I can use all the help I can get to make this book more enjoyable. If there is something you want to see happen in this book PLEASE don't be afraid to leave your suggestions in the comments. If you like this book feel free to Vote and Comment on what you liked about. I would deeply appreciate it. 😊

The Danvers Family and Kara are sitting in the living room. Alex is starting to get irritated due to the quietness, so she decides to speak first.

"So, Kara, from what I heard you're into writing?"

Kara nods, " Yeah, I have a passion for journalism." Kara smiles

"That's awesome. Who's your favorite writer?" Alex ask

" Cat Grant, hands down."

"Didn't she just open her multi-billion dollar company?" Jeremiah asks

Kara's eyes light up as she moves to sit on the edge of her chair, " CatCo Worldwide Media. I've seen pictures online and it looks amazing. I've made it my dream to become a reporter for CatCo one day.

"I hope you will one day, Kara. I have a feeling that you'll become a kickass writer." Alex holds up her hand to give Kara a high five. Their hands connect with a small smack.

"Woo," Kara says

Eliza turns to Alex, "Alexandra, watch your mouth."

Alex turns to look at her," Sorry, but am I wrong for encouraging her?"

Eliza gives her a stern look.

"Okay, the word 'ass' won't come out of my mouth again," Alex smirks

Jeremiah snaps his head towards Alex," Cut it out, Alex!" Alex raised her hands in surrender. Kara laughs.

"Now that we got the awkwardness out of the way, thanks to yours truly," Alex points to herself," We can get to know more about Kara, and Kara can get to know more about us," Alex says

Eliza clears her throat," I'll go. What is the best way to start your morning, Kara?"

"Mom, what kind of lame question is that?" Alex chuckles

"A good one."

"Umm, I guess brushing my teeth. I'm pretty sure we all know how bad morning breath can be." Kara answers 

Alex claps her hands together and points to Kara," I agree one hundred percent. I'm not talking to anyone until my breath is smelling fresh." The others laugh. Jeremiah sits up and rubs his hands on his pants.

"Okay, Kara what's your favorite book series?" He asks

"The Harry Potter books. I would go to the library and check them out all the time." Kara says with enthusiasm

Alex squeal, " I'm obsessed with Harry Potter. I have all the books and movies in my room."

"Ahh, you do!?" Alex nods," What house are you in? I'm a Gryffindor." Alex squeals again," So am I! It's like we were meant to meet each other."

Kara smiles at that statement," This is great, I finally have someone to talk to about this stuff. No one in this place understands. Ugh," Kara throws her head back.

"They're missing out," Alex shakes her head. They all laugh; they continue asking questions, getting to know each other more for another hour.

Jeremiah speaks up," Kara we loved the time we had to get to know you."

"It was great meeting you guys too. I had a great time." Kara smiles

"Kara, I just wanted you to know that if we do decide to adopt you, Jeremiah and I will do everything in our power to be there for you. Help you become more comfortable in the new environment. Alex will be there to help you as well. We just want to ensure that you're okay with everything." Eliza explains

Alex turns to look out the window she's sitting next to and shakes her head. Kara is looking at Eliza and Eliza can see her eyes becoming glossy.

"That's kind of you, Eliza, but you have to make all of those promises to me."

"How can you even promise things like that when you can't even do those things for the daughter you have now?" Alex says turning back to the conversation.

"Alex, don't start, now isn't the time." Jeremiah mumbles 

Alex sits back and crosses her arms," I'm sorry, I was asking a simple question, but you're right, now isn't the time to tell Kara that my parents are full of shit. Kara will soon find out for herself.

Kara frown," I'm confused."

"It's nothing, honey. Alexandra let me talk to you for a few minutes." Eliza gets up and walks out of the room. Alex sighs and follows her mother.

"What the hell, Alexandra." Eliza scowls

Alex rolls her eyes," What are you talking about?"

"That little outburst you had. What the hell were you thinking? And then on top of that, you say your parents are 'full of shit'." We think that Kara might be the missing piece in this family. So can you please try not to jeopardize this?"

"I couldn't just sit there and let you lie to her face!" Alex yells

"One, don't yell at me, and two, why do you think we were lying?"

Alex stares at her mother then turns to walk away," Sure mom." Eliza follows

"Jeremiah, let's go find Linda. Alex stays here with Kara; you guys can chat some more before we leave." With that, both parents walk out of the room.

Kara pushes her glasses up," So what was that about?"


Eliza and Jeremiah walked out of the room and headed for Linda's office. "What were you and Alex talking about?" Jeremiah asks

Eliza shakes her head," It was nothing. We came to an understanding."

"She looked really upset, and I know you two don't have the best relationship right now. It's hard to believe she let it go just like that. That doesn't sound like our daughter." Jeremiah says

"Well, she was okay with it this time, dear." Eliza walks ahead of Jeremiah

Okay," Jeremiah sighs

The couple walks together silently. Once they finally reached Linda's office, Jeremiah knocks and a faint "come in" can be heard behind the closed door. Jeremiah opens it.

"Hey, how did it go?" Linda asked looking away from her computer.

"It went amazing." Eliza and Jeremiah say in unison 

Eliza smiles and puts her hand over her heart," I'm already falling in love with her."

"I second that," Jeremiah raises his hand

Linda claps her hands together." Well have a seat and let's cut straight to the chase." Jeremiah pulls out Eliza's chair and she takes a seat and Jeremiah does the same. " Do you think that Kara is the missing piece in your lives? Are you willing to adopt Kara?" Linda asks

The couple looks at one another, clearly having a non-verbal communication. After a few seconds passed and the raise of Jeremiah's eyebrows, the couple turned their attention back to Linda.

Jeremiah speaks first," Yes, we want her. We have a really good feeling about Kara, Linda."

"The way she speaks about the things she shows interest in, and her sense of humor and how she's awkward but not too awkward. Her bubbly personality just everything about her is perfect. I want to have the right to call her my daughter." Eliza explains

"That's amazing! She's going to be so happy when she finds out" Linda says

"Alex has been waiting to meet Kara since the day we told her about her," Jeremiah nods his head," The way we saw Alex and Kara bounding today, we know that Alex would love to have as her sister," Eliza explains

"Well, that's fantastic," Linda smiles. "How about we call it a day, eh? Take some time to get things together, and then finalize everything." Linda suggests

Jeremiah nods his head," I think that's a good idea."

"How about we hold off on telling Kara that we want to adopt her two days before we come to get her," Eliza explains 

Linda squeals," That's a great idea!"


"What was that about?" 

Alex turns her head towards Kara," What do you mean?"

"Between you and your mom. You seemed upset."

"That was nothing. Don't worry about it, Kara. It was stupid of me to open my mouth and blow up like that."

"It wasn't stupid, Alex I saw that hurt expression on your face. Whatever made you say what you said had to come from what Eliza was telling me and it had to come from what your heart is feeling towards your family. I don't know what's going on with you and your mom, but I don't want to be the reason why things get worse." Kara looks down at her hands

Alex quickly grabs Kara's hands, "No, God no Kara I wasn't talking about you being the problem. It's my parents that's the problem."

"Why? If you don't mind me asking."

"It doesn't matter, it's not what's important." Alex shakes her head


"Can we just drop this and talk about something else, please?" Alex asks with a sad expression

"Yeah, of course. Harry Potter?" Kara turns to face Alex

"Harry fucking Potter." They both laugh


The three adults walk into the room where Kara and Alex are in.

"Come on Alex it's time to go. Say goodbye to Kara." Jeremiah says

"Aww already? It feels like we just got here." Alex whines

"Alexandra get up its time to go," Eliza says

"Ugh, you're no fun." Alex gets up off with Kara. Before Alex decided on how to say 'bye' Kara bring her into a tight hug. Alex was surprised but hugged her back. " I'll see you when I see you, Kara."

"I'll see you when I see you, Alex," Kara says with a small smile

Eliza clears her throat," It was nice meeting you Kara."

"It was nice meeting you and Jeremiah." Jeremiah steps up, " We'll hopefully see you soon." Kara gives him a smile

"I'll walk you guys out," Linda says

Once Linda no longer sees the Danvers Car, she walks back inside the building. She heads for the living room expecting to see Kara, but she wasn't there. So she heads for Kara's bedroom. Linda reaches the door before she can knock she hears soft cries coming from the room. She knocks on the door, and for a minute it was quiet then the door opens. "Kara, honey why are you crying?" She walks further into the room and when she turns to Kara she can see the tears stains on her checks. "What's wrong, sweetheart? You can talk to me."

"Do you think they liked me?" Kara asks

"Of course I do. Why would you ask me that?"

"It's stupid and I know it's not a big thing to worry about, but it made me feel some type of way. It's what Jeremiah had said to me before they left."

"What did Jeremiah say that has you so upset?" Linda wipes away Kara's tears

"He said, "We'll hopefully see you soon," Why would he say it like that?"

"I don't think it's a big deal, Kara. He was just saying 'see you later'."

"Okay if he was saying that, why didn't he just say it like that? He made it seem like he wasn't sure about adopting me. They said they had a good time getting to know me. They said they had a good time getting to know me. I got along with Alex. What if they end up being like all the other families that have been through here? I-"

"Kara, honey, I think you're just overthinking things. I can't tell you what Mr. and Mrs. Danvers said specifically, but they like you, Kara. You have nothing to worry about."

"Really?" Kara says as she wipes her tears

"Absolutely," Linda wraps her arm around Kara and pulls her into her side. "I have a good feeling about this family." Linda whispers

"How can you be so sure? Maybe they're like all the others."

"This family is different. I know it."


"Enough with this sadness, how about we go gather everyone and go out for some ice cream?" Linda suggests

"Now that's a good way to get my mind off of things," Kara says quickly cheering up

"The ways to make Kara feel better, food." They both laugh

"You are correct," Kara adds

"Come on, lets go kiddo." Linda gets up and Kara follows. "Let me change my shirt and I'll be down there," Kara says

"Okay take your time, but not to much time." She chuckles 

"I won't be long I promise." Linda nods her head and heads for the door. Kara walks to her closet door and opens it at the same time as her bedroom door closed. "If I ever get adopted one day, I'm going to miss Linda so much," Kara whispers to herself.

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