Από honeeylovee

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"My heart is torn between two. I love them both. I have to let one go" . . Jazmin thought she found everyth... Περισσότερα

Chapter One Intro: Sunset Views (Diary)
Chapter Two: Jacksonville (Diary)
Chapter Three: First Night In Redwood-Ville
Chapter Four: The Next Door Neighbor
Chapter Five: Senior Year
Chapter Six: Bright Stars
Chapter Seven: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter Eight: Letting Demons Out
Chapter Nine: A New Vibe
Chapter Eleven: The Heartbreak
Chapter Twelve: Me Myself & I
Chapter Thirteen: School Project
Chapter Fourteen: War Declared
Chapter Fifteen: School Field Trip
Chapter Sixteen: The Healer
Chapter Seventeen: Take Me To Paradise
Chapter Eighteen: Facing Reality
Chapter Nineteen: Troubling Young Love
Chapter Twenty: Mending A Shattered Heart
Chapter Twenty-One: A Chance On Bad
Chapter Twenty-Two: Rumors
Chapter Twenty-Three: Rage
Chapter Twenty-Four: Burning Passion
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Dangerous Ex
Chapter Twenty-Six: Faded Memories
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Vivid Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Aching Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Singing The Blues
Chapter Thirty: Singing The Blues (pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-One: Letting Go
Chapter Thirty-Two: An Old Friend
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Ghost From The Past
Chapter Thirty-Four: Secrets (Pt.1)
Chapter Thirty-Five: Secrets (Pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Offer
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Open Wound
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Time Heals
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Night Of Romance
Chapter Forty: Unfortunate Event
Chapter Forty-One: A Lustful Kiss?
Chapter Forty-Two: Bad Lies
Chapter Forty-Three: The Call
Chapter Forty-Four: Deception
Chapter Forty-Five: The Proposal
Chapter Forty-Six: The Hide Out (Pt.1)
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Hide Out (Pt.2)
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Decision
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Capture
Chapter Fifty: A Dreadful Death
Chapter Fifty-One: Ticking Bomb
Chapter Fifty-Two: Life Goes On
Chapter Fifty-Three: Birth To A New Beginning
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Agreement
Chapter Fifty-Five: Back To A Loving Home
Chapter Fifty-Six: Birthday Surprise
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Confession
Chapter Fifty-Eight: A Passionate Night
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Halloween Party
Chapter Sixty: Calling It Quits?
Chapter Sixty-One: The Reason Comes Out
Chapter Sixty-Two: The Return
Chapter Sixty-Three: Out For Blood
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Choice
Chapter Sixty-Five: Closing Two Chapters
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Home
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Fateful Accident
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Farewell My Love
Chapter Sixty-Nine: A Life Changing Decision
Chapter Seventy: Sunset Views In Jacksonville

Chapter Ten: Mixed Emotions

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Από honeeylovee

The person I was trying so hard to avoid all day was now standing before me. There we were silently staring at each other. I wanted to force my body to walk away but it was as if my feet were glued onto the ground. He began to slowly walk towards me and just like that I managed to turn away but I didn't get far. "Wait hold up!" He said as he grabbed me by the waist. I turned back to face him and with a firm tone in my voice I said "LET GO OF ME".

James- I just want to talk...I don't want to argue..

Jazmin- I don't want to either!! So LET ME GO!

James- I don't think you understand..I'm not letting you go until we talk Jazmin.

Jazmin- Oh because I owe you that right?? Especially after the way you treated me in front of that hoe of yours!

James- *Chuckles....She's not my hoe.

Jazmin- (I can't believe the nerve his got!) Ooooh I'm sorry! Where are my manners?..I meant your lovely girlfriend!

James- Can you please just stop and hear me out??

Jazmin- Hear what?? More side comments you weren't done that night or what!?


By that time he was holding onto my wrist a bit tight while his stare was demanding and firm. I lost words to speak and instead got lost in his icy stare. It shocked me of how much affect my actions had on him. It was the second time he lost control because of me. I was afraid that the incident like the one that took place in my backyard would repeat again. I was too much of a coward to try and say something. I wasn't scared of him I was scared of what would happen once he calmed down again. He was like a match igniting my entire body into flames and for that reason alone I needed to stay away from him.

Jazmin- Don't you yell at me!!

James- You are yelling at me though! Just shut up and listen to what I have to say please...


Before I was able to finish my sentence he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He began to walk into the woods. I kept hitting his back hoping he'd let go of me. 'Where is he taking me?' I silently wondered as my long hair covered my face making it difficult for me to see my surroundings. I kept threatening him I'd yell and someone would eventually hear me but that only provoked him to grip onto my thighs tighter. Which I couldn't avoid liking.

Even though his tough grip and sweaty back was sending steamy chills all over my body. I wouldn't dare and confess my thoughts out-loud. Though my mind wondered where he was taking me. My lips craved the taste of his skin and the thirst of my tongue wanted to explore his body. While I was lost in thought he had finally come to a stop. I gasped for air and tied my hair up to avoid a messy look. I looked at him with anger as a sexy smirk formed in his face.

Jazmin- You are in big trouble you have no idea what you just got yourself into!!!

James- Will you just look up and be quite for a moment...

As annoyed as I was at him I took a quick glance towards the sky. My eyes widened in amazement as I noticed the sky was now full of glistening stars. Suddenly it hit me the place where I stood looked awfully familiar. 'Jake' I thought as I immediately remembered it was the same spot he had shown me. Where he had finally opened up to me. Flashbacks of that beautiful night appeared in my mind as a single tear ran down my face. What was I doing to Jake...worst of all what was I doing to myself. This wasn't me and I had to stop whatever this was before it went too far. I felt the guilt quickly eating me up.

Jazmin- This isn't right ....I have to go..

James- Look I'm not going to run after you nor am I going to stop you...If you want to leave....Then just leave..

I turned back to look at him and noticed he was facing the sky with a serious expression on his face. The tone each word he said carried made me feel that he was not referring to me as he said that.

Jazmin- Who is it?

James- Who's who?

Jazmin- Who walked away from your life?

James- You're smart...

Jazmin- I'm a real good observer lets just leave it at that...

James- ...It's my dad..He walked away..

Jazmin- I'm sorry..Do you miss him?

James- I won't lie to you...Yeah I'll miss him here and there...But then I remember what he has done and it all turns to hate and a reminder of why I'm alone..

Jazmin- James you aren't alone don't say that...You have a loving caring mother.. (He stares at me with confusion)

James- How do you know my mom?

Jazmin- Umm I'm just taking a wild guess....(Yeah like I had a nightmare you got shot and I ran to your house but no biggie)

James- Hmm why do I feel like you're lying to me?

Jazmin- Listen whatever your dad did to you I'm sure it wasn't your fault...Sometimes dads are assholes and there's nothing we can do about that.

James- You talk as if you'd know a thing or two?

Jazmin- I know a lot you'd be surprised..

James- Your dads a scum-bag also?

Jazmin- He was a wonderful father at some point...But over all GREAT AT DISAPPEARING.

James- I'm sorry Jaz...

Jazmin- Don't be...I'm okay...(Am I really?)

James- Yeah after all they're the ones missing out on great fantastic teens! *Smirks

Jazmin- Aaaaaaand you're back. I'm leaving..

James- Wait-wait (I grabbed her by the hand this time with a soft grip)

He pulled me to him firmly holding onto my waist. I quickly placed my hand on his chest to avoid him getting any closer to me. He was slightly taller than me. His eyes sweetly met mine and with a soft tone in his voice he said "I haven't seen such rare green eyes like yours..They're truly captivating". My body began to shake. I bit my bottom lip as he licked his. His stare quickly turned into craving hunger. With just his eyes I could tell what areas his mouth wanted to attack. With his touch I could feel how bad he wanted to invade my body.

I had voices inside my head screaming to stop this NOW! But my body was craving his touch just as much. I wanted him close enough to me that I'd be able to feel his heart beat against my breast. I could see how his piercing blue eyes undressed me while he bit his bottom lip. I felt my heart racing fast as he leaned towards me and in that moment I felt my legs trembling. It was shocking to know how much affect he had on me with just a short time of knowing each other. Before things got out of control I immediately pushed him away from me.

Jazmin- Don't ever try anything like that again you hear me!

James- Why?

Jazmin- Why? Really??.....Hmm let me see why don't we start with the fact you have a girlfriend oh and lets not forget I have a boyfriend also!

James- I'm not with Lina anymore...As a matter of fact I was never with her..It was always just hook ups its not my problem she took it serious..

Jazmin- Wow..You are such an asshole..

James- Hey you called her a hoe yourself now you're defending her?

Jazmin- It's the fact you are trying to do the same with me....THAT is irritating..You know I have a boyfriend and...

James- And what??

Jazmin- (It's now or never..) and......(Ugh why is this so hard)...

James- And what Jazmin??

Jazmin- (Just say it!)

James- WHAT!!

Jazmin- I'll never date a guy like you! There I said it!

As those last words escaped my mouth I looked down avoiding to see him in the eyes because I knew my eyes would be telling him otherwise. I couldn't let him know that though. He needed to buy the whole act. It was the only way I would be able to make him stay away from me. I suddenly felt his hands on my shoulders. As he got closer my body began to shake again.

James- Repeat what you just said again...Only this time do it while you look at me..

Jazmin- James...(I can't even face him)

James-..Tell me you will never date a guy like me...but look at me in the eyes when you say it.

Jazmin- (I....I couldn't do it.......)

James- Jazmin look at me..

He placed a hand on my chin and forced me to look into his piercing blue eyes that were now full of sadness and disappointment. I couldn't bare it any longer it hurt deep inside to see him in such a vulnerable state. I looked down again he then rested his forehead against mine. He whispered something but his voice broke making it difficult to understand him. As I looked at him I saw a tear run down his cheek.

Jazmin- (It was shocking to see him cry..I didn't like it)...James..

James- ....All my life I was told I'm no good..I don't want to hear it from you Jazmin......Not you.

Hearing him say those heartfelt words made me realize under all the tough bad-boy act. There was a vulnerable guy caring wounds that ran as deep as the ocean. I leaned towards him and without thinking it throughly..I kissed him. In that precise moment nothing nor anyone else mattered but just us two. His soft lips touched mine with so much crave and desire all at once. He held me tighter as the kiss grew intensely hot making it harder to stop myself. I knew it was wrong but how can something so wrong feel so right.

Jazmin- James...You gotta stay away from me...I'm with Jake..

James- You don't love him..

Jazmin- You don't know anything!

James- I know when I'm close to you like this..(I grabbed her by the waist as her breathing increased)...You shake...I can feel your heart beat rising...Your lips they can say whatever you want..but when my lips claim yours I know you want my kisses as much as I want yours....You want me as much as I want you Jazmin...

My heart felt like it was gonna jump off my chest from how fast it was beating. My entire body couldn't stop shaking. I hated how much control he had over me but I couldn't help to admit. James Dawson was growing on me in such a quick unexpected way. That I was afraid I was beginning to lose control of my senses.

Jazmin- James let go of me...

James- Say what you said earlier and I promise I will let you go.....For good....but Jazmin..Make sure you say it looking at my eyes...Otherwise I won't believe you.

Jazmin- (I looked at his piercing blue eyes that shined so bright under the moonlight)...James....

James- Say it...(I held onto her waist tightly hoping she wouldn't repeat what she said earlier)

Jazmin- I...I gotta go...(I took his arms off me and I ran away from him as fast as my feet could go)

James- JAZMIN!!!!!!!

I made it out of the woods with a scraped knee due to a fall I had on the way. My legs were weak and I felt my whole body ache. He made me feel things Jake didn't and when I was near James he made me weak and not able to think straight. I heard footsteps coming from behind me so I began to run again this time I hid inside a bathroom stall in the park. I peaked through the door and saw James looking for me with a worried expression. I quickly texted my mom to come get me luckily she was close by. Now all I had left to do was to avoid James. I heard him yelling my name and asking a group of guys and girls that were smoking a joint by the swings if they had seen me.

By then I had gotten a text from my mom saying she was across the play ground waiting for me. I turned over to a car across the park and saw her head lights blink signaling that she had arrived. I knew I had to run probably faster than before since I had to pass James. Last thing I needed was my mother suspecting that something was going on between us if she saw him run after me. I got out of the bathroom and rushed by the swings and slides running fast. I heard James call out to me "Jaz Stop!!" while he ran behind me. I turned back and screamed at him "Not now!". I quickly got inside my moms car and told her to step on it like if I had just robbed a bank and she was my get-away. She gave me a skeptical stare and began to drive. As I was trying to catch my breath I noticed she kept glancing at her rear view mirror. I turned back and saw a car that looked familiar following us...It was James.

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