豹 (leopard) [ON HOLD]

By Minashida

142 12 9

Khouta is a cute boy who is, around, 17 years old and is living with his friend and her mother for a short pe... More

Chapter 1. The boy nobody knows about
Chapter 3. Dejection
Chapter 4: To swallow a bird

Chapter 2. A pretty color

27 3 3
By Minashida

The man tried to stand up as Khouta walked towards him. He had almost got on his feet when the boy grabbed him and threw him to the other side of the class room.  The sensei started to quietly get the students out of the classroom, one by one. The man landed on his back; Khouta walked in his direction, but when he tried to sit up,Yan put his foot on his chest and pushed him back down. He added pressure every second. Two out of the three men that were holding Matsumoto let go of him and  attacked the boy. He dodged one of them easily and aimed a strong kick to his chin, the other guy attempted to punch the boy. Instead of coming into direct contact,  Yan diverted the attack; he grabbed the man's arm and lifted him up with an "ipon seyonage" in the direction of the man he had kicked before. When he realized the  guy he kicked hadn't moved he smiled showing his teeth.

- A~ alright! - He said as he lifted the man up - let's kill this mother fucker.... - the man was on up in the air- With another mother fucker! - he screamed and  

slammed the man on the guy on floor. 

- Ungh! - The other man screamed as his comrade landed on him.

When this happened Matsumoto stood up, still being held by the third man he faced the boy's back as he laughed at the men in pain.

- Khouta! -He yelled. And in that very second his laugh got cut off. As if "ha-ha-ha" had become "ha-h...."

The boy slowly turned his head towards the man. 

- My name....Is Yan. - Matsumoto didn't answer.

Yan made his way toward will who was standing supported by a desk.

- Stop! - Screamed Matsumoto- san as he watched the boy charging at Will.

Yan didn't hesitate for a moment and kicked Will in the stomach with full impulse throwing him once again. He grabbed Will's leg before he could land; he pulled him  back and slammed him on the floor with a strong hit to his face. Khouta stood with the man's head in between his feet. The class was almost empty and by that time  there were only 5 people left to which Maruko was one of them.

- Are you having fun? - Yan's voice was suddenly serious and angry. - are you? I am... but it would be more fun if you had the strength to fight back. This is too easy. 

- Why did you suddenly change? - Will asked but his effort to speak was apparent. 

- I don't know? Why did you choose this career? Why did god replace something as cool as dinosaurs with us, pathetic humans? Why can't penguins fly? Why doesn't the government allow stealing, if they do it all the time? How do blind people know when to stop whiping their asses? If dark colors absorb light why don't they  become shiny? If moon light is technically sunlight how come vampires don't die under the moon? Why doesn't my hair color match my eyebrows?- Yan put three fingers of his right on his forehead while closing his eyes- ... so many questions.... 

- Yan! Stop it! 

- What's that old man? You want me to just leave him? He was the one who attacked me, remember? - Khouta turned to the man after he finished talking to  Matsumoto. His eyes screamed violence and thirsted for blood.

- should I kill you? -

 The moment he said that the man pulled out a dagger and tried to stab the boy, but Yan slashed the guys hand with a kunai he pulled out of nowhere. Will screamed and grabbed his hand as it bled a waterfall of blood.

- Guess I should. - Matsumoto put his hand over his pocket as Yan licked the blood stained on the kunai. 

- Yan, I said stop. 

- Or what, old man? You're going to come here and stop me? 

- Son of a... how dare you cut my hand!!- will cried as loud as he could. 

- Oh, sorry are you a lefty? Don't worry, - Yan kneeled - I'll take away your pain. - He concluded with a smile full of hate.

Matsumoto pulled out a small black thing as Yan got his hand closer to the man's face. He aimed at the guy's eyes and that's when Matsumoto realized he didn't have  any other option.

- Yan! Stop. 

- Stop trying to get in my way....

The man pointed the small insignificant looking device at Yan and pressed a button. The boy let a scream of pain and fell of the man he was kneeling on; he put one hand on his head and the other one on the floor.

- Are you going to stop or not? 

- Ngh! No! ARGH!! 

- I can raise the amount of pain to my liking. Don't think that chip I implanted on your brain was placed only for GPS coordinates. 

- You bastard! - exclaimed will as he tried to stand up. -You never told me about this. 

- Of course not. I was supposed to hide him from you, why would I tell you I implanted a tracker to his brain? 

- Akira you--- - so you've had him controlled this way...

The boy was on the floor; the pain was too much for him, in the end he passed out.

- You can let go now. -Matsumoto said to the man that kept holding him back.

Will stood up and kicked Khouta in the face.

- That's the only way you're be able to put your hands on him? When he's unconscious? 

- The electric shock in his head is inhuman coming from you. 

- It doesn't damage the brain at a certain level so it's fine. 

- Monster. - The girl said while standing up. Both men turned around to see her - how could you do that to him? - the girl's eyes were covered in tears -  

He was always so loyal to you and then... you just... hurt him like that...- Maruko's voice was trembling; she grabbed the man's sleeve and rested her head on Matsumoto's  back.

- I had no choice Maruko-chan... he was really going to hurt Will. - He said while putting his other hand on her head. 

- He deserves it! 

- Eh? - Will exclaimed as he looked at the girl 

- After all! Khouta was just defending himself! He was the one that attacked him first! 

- Will... leave. 

- Not without the kid. - After hearing those words Matsumoto glared at him with the eyes of a demon.


- Open the door to your house Maruko. - said Matsumoto san as he exited the building's elevator. He was carrying Yan, , who made sounds of pain as he slept,  in a piggy back.

- Ok... is he...going to be alright? 

- Yes don't worry. 

- I can't believe you knocked that man down just like that! 

- What are you talking about? - said Matsumoto as he walked inside the apartment. - Who do you think trained Khouta to fight?  

- Um... if that's the case why didn't you fight him instead of electrocuting him? 

- Cause he's stronger than me now 

- 'Cause you're old? 

- I'm not old!

The man put him on the sofa he always slept in.

- Why is he so thin? 

- He hasn't eaten in two weeks... we gave him all kinds of his favorite foods but he didn't eat anything. Is that even possible? 

- Yeah, around the first week the liver starts producing more sugar to keep the body from eating itself, but the maximum would be 3 weeks. After that he would faint all the time and the blood sugar would be so low that he won't be able to move without suddenly collapsing. Has he been drinking anything? 

- Water and milk, mostly... but he doesn't even finish the cup anymore 

- Ok...look, I'm going to have to ask you for a favor. 

- Sure.

The man pulled out a paper bag from his bag and handed it to Maru.

- When he wakes up...No matter who he is when he opens his eyes, give him a bag of blood. He needs it. 

- What? What are you talking about? 

- His body... his body needs to nourish from animal blood...they messed him up... they messed him up so bad... 

- That's it! You're going to tell me everything! And don't even think about not telling me a single detail! Or you can just---  

- Alright! - Matsumoto put his hands on her mouth - I'll tell you... but calm down ok? And Maruko... don't tell your mother I came, don't tell her anything I'm  about to tell you. 

- But it's my mom... 

- I know, but the fewer the people that know the better. 

- Fine.  

- Khouta...- he said, sitting down on the couch while rubbing his hands against each other and facing the ground. - is an experiment for artificial mutation. 

- Wait, what?

"I was walking down a road during November, it was cold and windy; the rain was so heavy it pushed the floor down. I had an umbrella so I walked slowly while I read a book. I didn't have work and I had the day free the next couple of days, so I was taking my time to get home. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I suddenly  turned around with my eyes directed to the floor. I always thought God pointed in the direction he wanted me to look. And that's when I saw him, the little boy  sitting on the sidewalk. He seemed so miserable. I was ready to turn around and continue walking, but the second he looked up his eyes grabbed me. They wouldn't let me continue my path; I walked toward the little boy, around 5 years old, and bent down. Every step I took he would back off from me; he was so scared and had  bruises all over his body. I figured he'd run away from his family but now I think that's not the case. When I reached my hand to him; he seemed even more scared so I bent down more so his eyes would meet mine. "It's alright, I won't hurt you. Won't you trust me?" now that I think about it asking a scared kid to trust you is  like telling your enemy not to feel threatened by your presence. The kid shook his head and got even closer to the wall. I figured there was something about me that  made him consider me untrustworthy. I took my hand away and hugged my knees... I picked up my umbrella and put it over him protecting him from the rain. I think  that's when he started to realize I was just trying to help him. I took off my coat and covered him with it, after that he got closer to me and I just ended up  hugging him. I took him home as if I had found an abandoned kitten, as if he had belonged to me from the very beginning. When I took him home I prepared a bath for  him and made some soup. He was trembling even after he took a bad, and he disliked the soup! But he still drank it all, surprisingly. I registered him as my son which I think was a big mistake. Two years later work started to get bad. Research wasn't going anywhere and all the experiments failed, I don't know what made me do it... .but I took a blood sample from the kid and.... He had been the only human that was responding positively to the drug. The moment the cells merged as they should I  took more and more samples from him. Every result was perfect. Every DNA test matched. I wrote a report on my test results, that was my second mistake. I went to  the kid after that and asked where he came from but he didn't remember anything. I didn't pressure him so he wouldn't feel caged but I wanted to know what type of  blood was compatible with that serum. Turns out he has a special kind of adaptation system in his body that is capable of changing internal environment in the body. Only three people in the world have been found to have this mechanism. Khouta is one of them. Can you believe I never once asked for his name in a period of two years? Not even once... I always called him kid or chibi-tan but never by his name... after I submitted my report the higher-ups made a scandal, they wanted the kid  in the lab no matter what. However, they can't take a random kid in without making sure the parents will be unhappy. The moment I registered him as my son under a fake name... they had a reason to put him in, and I had no reason to object. My life's work had finally paid off and I wanted my research to go further, even so I  didn't see the kid for four years after intern. I was a fool; if I had been there to give him the parent support he needed maybe it wouldn't have turned out this  way. The pain of the injections was too much for him.... the physical and psychological wounds were hurting him so much he wasn't able to take them normally. In the  end his personalities spit and he became the Khouta you know today." 

- But then... why can't he speak? Is that why he's so violent? 

- Yes. Khouta was the original personality; Yan came after the injections. Yan takes the pain and suffering including combat fighting and Khouta takes care  of everyday life. 

- But ... 

- Khouta switched with Yan for years. He has seen so much pain and suffering he became a murder weapon. Yan grew up but Khouta... Khouta stayed with  the mind of a 5 year old. He can speak faintly but only in rare occasions. He was asleep while Yan was dyeing everyday a little. 

- I can't believe you experimented on a human being that was so dependent on you..... 

- I didn't think they would do so much to him. I'm at fault, I know, but this was beyond my expectations. 

- What exactly did they do to him ?

- They turned him into a weapon. 

- But how? 

- They mutated his DNA with the DNA of five other cats: lion, cougar, jaguar, and cheetah ... we needed him to be docile at some level so we also added a house 

cat DNA sample.  

- Why so many? 

- Each one gave him a different ability. 

- You just made him lazy. 

- Yeah... a little... 

- Can her roar? 'cause that would be kinda cool 

- Yeah, in three different ways... he can also chirp and purr. 

- Chirp?  

- Yes, cheetahs chirp. 

- That's actually pretty cute - The man stood up-  

- Alright, I should take my leave. Please take care of him. 

- Sure... - she said while looking at the sleeping boy.

The girl saw the man to the door and went to the kitchen.

- At least now I can drink this without it getting stolen. - She said to herself as she stared at the glass of milk.

After half an hour or so, Maruko went back into the living room. She looked around before focusing her eyes on the couch, and when she finally looked at it  she realized the boy wasn't there anymore.

- Khouta?

The girl walked towards her room slowly. She looked around insecure without knowing what she would have to deal with. When Maruko reached the door to her room, she peeked in.

- Khouta? 

- Yan. - A rough voice stated - My name is Yan. 

- S-sorry... - the girl finally found him with her eyes and got closer to him. Yan was holding a picture frame scrutinized it carefully. 

- Who's that? - He said while pointing at a boy. The girl gasped when she noticed it was the frame she hid under her bed. 

- N-no one! Give it back! - The girl attempted to take the picture away from him, but Yan snatched it away while taking a step back.

Yan looked at the picture again, touching his lip with his tongue.

- I said give it back! - She screamed as she punched and pushed him at the same time.

The boy just tuned his eyes to the picture quickly then turned to the girl.

- Why is it so bad for me to look at it? 

- It's not bad! I just don't want you to! 

- I'll give it back if you tell me who it is 

- Stop being such a jerk! Give it back! It doesn't concern you! 

- It does now. 

- Yan! - Her eyes got watery and Yan put his arm down without giving her back the frame. 

- You know me and Khouta switched once during the night. 

- Eh? 

- And in that night you woke up crying. 

- Stop it.... 

- The moment you rubbed your eyes you looked under your bed and pulled this out. The only way you could go back to sleep was when you hugged it. So I'm going to ask you again, who is this?

Maruko didn't answer; she just looked to the side and swallowed her tears. Yan made and angry expression; He threw the frame on her bed and walked out of the room in a hurry. The girl turned and looked at the picture resting on the bed, then looked down. After a while she suddenly looked up remembering the bag of blood and ran to the living room. She opened the bag where the blood samples where and took one out. Maruko found Khouta in the kitchen and extended it to him. The moment he saw the red mass on her hands he opened his eyes wide, ground his teeth and slapped if off Maru's hands. The bag, luckily, didn't burst.

- What are you doing?!  

- Don't be so stubborn! If you need it drink it! 

- No. 

- It's animal blood, so if you're worried about--- 

- That's not the reason. I just don't want it 

- Yan please understand... 

- Understand?! Understand what?!

Maruko walked closer to him. She put one hand on Yan's chest and the other one on his cheek.

- Please, you're very pale. Just... I just don't want you to die... -

Maru rested her head on his chest and lowered her hand to his shoulder. She could hear his heart beat, a very strong and powerful sound. Yan sighed and put his arm around her.

- I can't believe this... fine Maruko, I'll drink it. 

- Really? - She asked looking up at him. 

- But! Only if you drink half with me. - He said in a mean tone.

He poured blood in two glasses, while he covered his nose Maruko stared at the table with abhor. When he finished pouring, he balanced the bag with the napkin holder so the contents wouldn't flow on the table, and pushed one cup towards the girl. Maru took the cup and raised it up to her chest, Yan stared at her coldly. She took a deep breath and raised the glass to her lips, the blood started running towards her mouth until Khouta stopped her. He pushed the small glass down with his finger until it touched the table.

- Are you crazy? Put it down. 

- B-but 

- Fine, I'll drink it but don't ever do that again. 

- Yan? 

- Y-you...were seriously going to drink it? 

- What are you talking about? Of course I was going to! 

- Maru... go in your room and don't come out until I call you 

- He? Why? 

- I don't want you to see that...- he muttered 

- What was that?! Raise your voice! 

- I--- just go to your room and don't come out!!

Maruko stomped to her room, turned around and screamed "baka!" before slamming the door shut. Yan turned his yes to the blood sample; he picked it up and started to drink it, but he drank it like a beast devouring its prey. As if he had been lost in a dry burning dessert for days with no food or water. Some of the blood ran down his cheeks and some fell on his shirt. The moment the bag was empty he threw it on the floor and went back to the kitchen. He grabbed the first one and slowed every  drop he could. The moment he put the glass down, he immediately took the second cup and started drinking it. He drank half quickly, but eventually swallowed down after a few second and drank the blood that was left calmly. When he finished he put the glasses on the sink and threw away the bag. Yan made his way to the bathroom; the moment he looked up he found Maruko standing in the hallway with her eyes wide opened staring straight at him. After noticing that he seemed worried to realize the  girl saw him in that state she shook off her horrified expression.

- Are you better now? 

- I told you not to come out! 

- Yan, it's fine. 

- No it's not! 

- Yes, it is! I... I was just shocked. Go wash off ill get you a clean shirt. - Yan turned his eyes towards a paper bag.

Maruko stood in front of him to cover up the existence of more blood samples.

- Is there more? 

- N-no - Yan swallowed and breathe harder. 

- Yan... one. - the boy fixated his eyes on her neck "stop" he forced himself to look away, but it was about ten times harder to turn around than before. He 

walked to the bathroom and started washing his face. Maru walked to his bag where he kept all his clothes and pulled out a yellow-brown t- shirt. 

- This one's nice. - She turned to the paper back and sighed - I'm going to have to hide that.

Yan closed the water and opened the door to the bathroom.

- Yan? Do you want to take a shower instead of just washing your face? 

- And jump in water? Hell no! 

- Tsk! Khouta likes showers, how come you don't? 

- Don't throw me in with him! 

- Oh my... ok fine! It was just a suggestion.

After a while they were just sitting down in her room. Without saying anything for another thirty minutes until Maruko broke the silence. 

- They're cold 

- What? 

- Penguins... they...they can't fly 'cause they're too cold. 

- You serious?! 

- Yeah 

- Shit...

They were quiet for another while until Maruko spoke again.

- What's your favorite color? 

- Color? - Yan stopped reading the magazine and listened to whatever she was saying. 

- Yeah, you've been here for a really long time, but I don't know anything about you.  

- It was technically Khouta who was here all the time, how come you never asked him? 

- I already kinda know him, besides, Khouta can't speak. - Yan closed the magazine and sat up straight. 

- Is color important? 

- Yup, I seriously don't know anything about you. - Yan looked up with his eyes. 

- Um...black...since it's the only color I can see besides grey and white. 

- Huh? You're color blind? 

- Yeah. 

- Oh... Now you ask. - Yan thought about to for a moment while looking at the floor. 

- What's your favorite food? 

- Fried rice. 

- I hate that 

- What?! Why? 

- It's messy and it's too much work and then it suddenly... 

- Just like you - she said with a sarcastic tone. Yan rolled his eyes.- Ok! Next question! 

- Ok?  

- Do you have a crush on any--- 

- Another question- he interrupted. 

- Eh? You're so boring 

- I don't like that question. 

- Fine, then you ask, I'll answer any question 

- Any? 

- Any! 

- Who's the boy in the picture? 

- Another question 

- You said any... 

- Another question!

The next day arrived in the blink of an eye. Maruko walked toward the sofa and shook Yan slowly.

- Yan wake up we have to go, I'll be late.

The girl pulled Khouta causing him to lay on his back. She stared at his face for some seconds.

- "The wounds on his face are gone..."

She kept moving him slowly until she shook him as hard as every morning.

- Yan!! Yan!! Wake up Yan! I'm going to be late! Not you too... Why~? Ya~n!

The boy opened his eyes, and rubbed them.

- Maru... - he said and then sat up half a sleep 

- Khouta? - The boy rubbed his eyes again, but with both hands, and nodded.

Maruko sighed with a smile. She seemed relieved yet somewhat disappointed. Maru walked to the kitchen and purred milk on a glass. She placed it on the table and  washed the glasses stained with blood.

- I'm glad my mom didn't see them... I should get rid of the bag too... I already washed the shirt so it's fine...

Khouta sat down in the kitchen; he stared at the glass then tuned to Maruko over and over. When the girl realized after a minute she laughed.

- Don't worry, it's for you this time.

The boy smiled like he always did and drank all of it. The girl got an image of Yan drinking blood as she watched the boy so she turned away. After finishing his  'breakfast' he ran to the living room, changed his shirt, picked up his bag, his guitar case and ran to the door. Maruko didn't the same but when she stood at the  door she looked down at Khouta's feet.

- You really need to stop wearing your shoes in the house. Rude feline! - Khouta turned to his feet and jumped to the step where shoes were allowed.- Good boy-Khouta smiled with his eyes closed. 

They arrived to the classroom right before the teacher Maruko panted, but Khouta didn't get tired form the running. When the teacher came in he looked around with an  expression of confusion.

- Where is everybody?-he asked after walking to his desk - Khouta san, are you feeling alright? - Khouta nodded and went back to his usual spot, falling asleepright away.

- He looks better... is he eating? - asked Hinata. 

- Yeah, something like that. 

- Good! 

- Yup... 

- I can't believe there's school today. 

- Its fine, no one got hurt. Besides, the principal didn't find out until after that man left. That's how quiet things really were. 

- Yeah, but still... 

- You're just being lazy! How come you get to school before me? 

- 'Cause, I don't need to wake up the cat man. 

- Hmm... 

- Take a seat. - The sensei structured- we won't take a new lesson since there are so many absences, but remain quiet.

Hinata let out a scream of success along with the other students. Maruko just sighed hoping the incident didn't go on the news.

- Mom's going to freak out if she finds out... - Maruko said as she split the Popsicle and handed half to Khouta on their way back home. The walk seemed longer than usual, Maruko felt really tired for some reason. 

 -ne... Khouta, do you think I should tell my mom what happened? Khouta shrugged his shoulders. - I guess not, but I don't want to hide something like this from her. Well, maybe I can't tell her at least half of what happened? I don't have to tell her you got beaten up, right? - Khouta shook his head really fast as  in "no!" - Ha-ha! It's ok, I still think you're strong. - Khouta smile again, showing his teeth. Maruko noticed he had 'fangs' for the first time. - don't tell Yan, but I really like your smile.

They finally arrived home, when Maruko opened the door she found her mother sitting in the living room with the TV on. She was sitting showing all her anxiety; her  legs were apart, her arms where resting on her knees and the hands, holding the remote, were in front of her mouth.

- Mom? - The moment she spoke Maruko's mother stood up and ran towards her. 

- Maruko! - She said loudly as she approached her and gave her a hug. 

- Mom is everything alright? 

- What happened yesterday? Are you alright? Did they hurt Khouta? 

- Eh? N-no. Khouta's fine.  

- Why didn't you tell me about this? - She said while putting her hands on Maru's shoulders. - Don't ever hide anything like this from me! 

- I didn't! I just... didn't see you yesterday and... I really didn't know what to say... 

- Maru? - Khouta said after feeling her unease.  

- It's alright Khouta- said the mother. - I was just worried about you two.

- Mom... Khouta--- the boy grabbed Maruko's hand in an attempt to stop her. His expression was for once serious and his eyes where different. As if he was someone else...

Maruko's mother went back to work a couple of hours later. Khouta was acting like a kid again and Maruko started to change her uniform. She put on a tank top and  some shorts; folded her uniform and went to the living room.

- I'm going to put out the dirty clothes; you got any dirty T-shirts for my mom to wash tomorrow?

Khouta came out of the kitchen holding a glass of milk. He went into the living room and looked at Maru bending down to pick up the clothes he left on the floor.  The moment she stood up straight; Khouta saw her whole back, first he frowned, and then he turned his expression into one of horror.

- What's wrong? - She said after turning around and looking at his expression.

Khouta forced a smile and shook his head.  

- You're so weird... - When Maruko turned around he made that horrified expression again. - Oh, by the way, Hinata's coming over today. - After she said that

Khouta opened his mouth wide and turned pale. - w-what's the matter with you today?! Did you see a ghost or something?!- Khouta shook his head with a forced smile,  again. Maruko had started to lose her nerve until the door bell rang. - I'll get it... it's not like you will anyways.

- Maruko! Open up, it's me! - Khouta ran to the door and blocked the entrance. 

- What are you doing? Move away. - Khouta shook his head fast, with his eyes closed. 

- Maruko? 

- Coming! Khouta, I'm serious move!- she grabbed the door handle and attempted to open the door. 

- Maruko? Is everything alright? 

- Stupid Khouta won't let me open the door! - she said as she tried to open the door while Khouta blocked it. 

- Huh? 

- Khouta!! - Maruko let go of the door. - Ok, fine! What is it that you want?

Khouta grabbed Maruko's arm and pulled her to her room. 

- Hinata! Just give me a second I'll be right back! 

- Yeah ok... I'll just wait here....

Khouta ran through Maruko's closet and pulled out a small shirt that would cover up her whole back. 

- You did all this just so I would cover up? - Khouta extended the shirt in front of her. He just stared at her for a while after she said those words, looked  to the sides with his eyes and nodded. - fine, jeez!

After Maruko took the shirt and wore it, she ran to the door and let Hinata in. 

- What were you guys doing? 

- Nothing, Khouta just being Khouta. 

- Ha? Oh well, whatever. 

- You coming over tomorrow too, right?  

- Uh-huh! 

- Great. 

- The hell? That sounded sarcastic, hey Khouta. - Khouta forced a smile again but he seemed rather worried when he waved at her. - What's the matter with him? Did he see a ghost? 

- He probably did, come on let's go.


The next day appeared to be pretty normal... they arrived at the school almost in time that day. There was some noise coming from Maruko's class. When she opened the  door she found a quarrel between the guys in the classroom. All the girls were in the corner of the room, it was a very big fight. All guys screamed and threw things  in the air, but Maruko never found out why they were fighting. Khouta came in the class as if nothing had happened and made his way to his usual spot. Maruko looked  around. "Hinata's absent..." when she turned to look at Khouta she found him trying to climb to his spot without jumping. One of the guys tried to throw a book to another guy he was fighting with. This guy was able to dodge the book, but Khouta wasn't looking it ended up hitting him instead. It hit him right in the side of his head, and as if the book wasn't hard enough the boy ended up hitting his head against the wall as well.

- Khouta!!  

- Argh! - He complained as he stood up and put his hand on his head.- my head! - The whole class stopped quarreling and backed off. Yan turned his head slowly towards the crowd. He picked up the book with out removing his hand off his head. - You hit me in the head with an algebra book?! I knew math was a head ache, but  you don't have to take it so far! - He walked towards the people standing in front of him. - Who threw it?! Was it you? - He said as he pointed the book at a random kid. - Eh?! Was it? - Maruko ran towards Yan. 

- Yan, stop it, don't get violent! 

- An algebra book, Maruko! Algebra! 

- Look I know it must hurt but--- the principal opened the door in that moment and came in. 

- What's going on here?! Your teacher is late for fifteen minutes and this is what happens? I had ten teachers complaining about the noise you were making.  

Who started the fight?-no one in the class dared to speak up. The principal sighed. - at least tell me what all this is about.- one of the guys stepped forward. 

- Some people started o call Khouta a monster, when all he did was defend himself. 

- I am. - Yan stated. - I'm not a nice person, and Khouta isn't even human anymore. 

- What are you talking about? Maruko whispered to him as she got closer. 

- I'm telling the truth. 

- This is the first time I see you being serious about anything, Matsumoto-san. - Yan seemed annoyed to be called by that name for a second - I guess even the silliest person can be serious when needed. - The principal wasn't a very like-able person but she was very reasonable. - I will see what ill do about this  situation - the principal left the call room and left as the sensei walked ink, she didn't wish to interrupt the lesson. 

 - Khouta san will you be joining us today? - he asked as he always did. 

- No.- He replied and left the room to follow the principal. 

- Alright everyone sit, were starting a new lesson today - he seemed rather surprised to get an answer,but continued his lesson as usual.

Class whent on normally with no interruptions, and no distractions so of course it seemed to last forever.


- You jerk! You came back without me! I waited for you to come back for half an hour! - Maruko said as she took off her shoes. Khouta was standing right in front of the door with one hand in his pocket, reading one of Maruko's books. 

- Yeah sorry. Principal sent me home early. 

- What did you talk about? 

- Many things, you mostly. 

- What else? - Yan stared silent for about three seconds. 

- Khouta. 

- She knows? 

- No.  

- Yan, I don't understand what you talked about. 

- Forget it. It wasn't important. - Maruko shook her head. 

- Um... Hi-Hinata's coming over today. 

- Yeah? 

- Uh-huh 

- She's coming more frequently 

- Yeah, her parents are out of town. -

Maruko went into her room and closed the door. After a while, Yan walked to her room and knocked on the door.

- Hey Maruko, can I come in? 

- Just a second... ok, you can.

Yan opened the door slowly. Maruko's back was facing him; she wore a tank top with a lose shirt on top. Yan's eyes focused on her neck and, after some seconds of  staring while Maruko tied her hair in a braid, he made a horrified expression.

- What?! - she said as after she turned around 

- N- Nothing... - He replied forcing a smile. 

- You're...- the doorbell rang and Hinata called 

- Maruko! You in dere?*Achoo* 

- Hinata, just a sec I'll be right there. -When Maruko opened the door, she walked in.  

- you know Hina, if you're sick I could have gone to your house instead. 

- Dow, dow I'm fine. 

- Ok... come on in. 

- Hey Khouta!  

- Good afternoon Hinata - he said as he walked into the kitchen. 

- Eh? He actually... answered - she said pointing at him. 

- Sigh... yeah... come, let's go to my room.

Hinata made her way to the room before Maruko. Yan came out of the kitchen and stopped Maru by grabbing her shirt. He grabbed her shirt and covered her shoulder.

- Anything wrong? - She asked as she looked up at him. 

- No, nothing. Have fun. - Yan let go of Maru after covering her shoulder and pat her back. 

- Yan, can you get us some juice please? 

- Sure 

- Thanks

After an hour or so the weather got hotter. The girls were in her room looking at some baby pictures of Maruko.

- Hey Hina... do you mind if I take off the shirt I'm wearing on top? 

- Of course not, this is your house after all.

Maruko stood up and took of the shirt. The moment she turned around to put the shirt on the bed Hinata screamed. Yan was lying on the couch, when he heard the  scream he jumped, looked towards the room and bit his lips.

- W-what? What's wrong?! 

- Y-you have a bite mark on your shoulder! 

- What?! - The moment Maruko screamed after looking at her shoulder on a mirror, the door shutting was heard from the distance. - Yan!! - It was going to be a  long weekend.

At around one in the morning Yan walked back in the house as quietly as he could and made his way to the living room. Maruko's mother had a night shift at the clinic so she wasn't back yet.

- You bit me. - Yan turned around with terror and an expression of panic. 

- B-bit you?? No~ no biting ever happened.- his sarcasm was obvious 

- You. Bit. Me. - Maruko walked closer to Yan - Yan, you bit me! - Yan sighed. 

- Sorry, I honestly don't remember when it happened. I just wanted to check on you, that's all. Besides, it was your shoulder... it could've been your neck. 

- What? Yan for the love of god! I can't believe you bit me! Beast! Monster! 

- Maruko I ... 

- Werewolf! 

- Now! You don't have to get offensive! It was less than half a litter! It was just a little! 

- Just a little?! I've been tired for two days! - Maruko lost balance but luckily Yan was able to catch her. 

- Don't get angry, you'll get dizzy. 

- Yan.... 

- I'm sorry. This is why I didn't want to take it in the first place. I depend on it, and then I try to get it no matter where it's from. 

- But you were going to... 

- I know, but blood... blood is the reason I ... 

- Yan? 

- Come, I'll take you to bed. 

- No, Yan I ... I want to talk. 

- Fine; then let's make a deal. I'll tell you everything about my past and you tell me about the boy in the picture. Deal? - Maruko thought for a few seconds. 

- Ok, you got a deal. Start with you and Khouta. 

- Deal. Come on ill take you to your room to rest. We'll talk about this tomorrow, it's late. 

- But... 

- If I don't let him take over, he won't be able to. 

- Ok... good night - Yan sat her on the bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead. 

- Lock your door for tonight, just in case. - The boy left the room and closed the door behind him.

- Ok! - He said as he sat down crossed legged on the living room's carpet. - I need to stay as Yan. How do I do that? I never really cared. Fuck. No sleeping.  He usually takes over then. Stupid anemia, it's supposed to keep me awake! Argh! The hell! Why am I killing my head over this?! Shh! Not so loud. Maruko's sleeping.  Should I eat? No I'll gain weight. Watch TV? I think I'll go for a walk... no that's too much effort. - Yan yawned. - Ah fuck! I'm getting sleepy... no! No! gotta stay  awake... gotta... gotta stay awake...

- Yan? - The boy fell asleep on the floor. - Wake up its late. You're snoring real loud.  

- Aaaah!!! - Maruko backed off when he jumped and freaked her out. He ran his hands through his body, inspecting himself. - Yes!! - He screamed and raised his hands in the air after his great accomplishment 

- Good...morning... you ok? 

- Huh? Oh, Maruko... yeah, managed to stay.  

- That's great. Come on let's go have breakfast. Mom called, she won't be coming back 'till eight 

- Ok - Yan stood up. - Where are we going? 

- Same family restaurant as always. - Maruko threw a glare at the boy. 

- Ok, sure...what?  

- You're being awfully nice. 

- Huh?


- So, what do you want to eat? 

- Fish. 

- Why do I bother ask? 

- Like I know. 

- When we finish eating... 

- Yeah, I want to know who it is so don't think I forgot. 

- No, I meant that after we finish eating... can we go for a walk? 

- Why do you want to go for a walk? It's hot and people are sweaty and... 

- Come on please? 

- Sigh... fine, fine. Do as you like 

- Sorry for the wait. - The waitress put the food in front of them. 

- There's garlic in this. 

- Of course there is Khouta san, there always is. - The lady excused herself and went to take another tables order. 

- Damn him 

- You don't like garlic? 

- No, it burns my eyes... 

- Vampire.

After breakfast was over they went for a walk as promised. The day was nice, sun was shining but there was a fresh breeze blowing. Khouta pulled out some sunglasses  and wore them, that moment all eyes turned toward him. However; they weren't looking at him, but at a girl getting molested by a biker.

- Come on sweetheart! How about I give you a ride. 

- I already said no, please leave me alone. - She sounded angry enough, but Yan felt her anxiety. The guy's friends were standing around her, not giving her any chance to walk away. 

- Yan... should I call the police? Eh? Yan?! 

- Hey! What do you think you're doing? - Yan called out as he walked closer.  

- What's that bastard?! Why don't you mind your own business?! 

- I just did.  

- Look kid, why don't you let a real man handle this woman. 

- Ok... - Yan looked around. - Where is he? Cause all I can see... is dirt. - The man got of his bike and walked towards the boy. Yan put his hands in his pocket and stood with an arrogant pose. 

- There're lessons in this life you should learn, boy. One of them is to never interfere in a man's business.  

- I don't see a man in front of me, that's not something a real man would do. Look at you,the dump i took this morning is better looking than you. Think,she's  obviously not going to get a ride from a stranger just 'cause that person's got a bike.  

- Do you have a problem with the way I do things?!  

- You can't possibly be that stupid. 

- Listen you brat--- Yan lost his patience and slapped the guy with the back of his hand causing him to fly to the other side of the side walk, hitting his head against a wall. Two of the guys caging the girl ran to the man's aid. The remaining men closed the circle and backed off after every step Yan took towards them. 

- Move.  

- W- Who do you think you are?! Screamed one of the guys. 

- Did you not hear me? - Yan had a very violent aura around him. It cried for blood. - I said, move. -The men lost their courage and expressed their fear. 

- Y-you're no human! - Yan raised his head.  

- No. I'm not.

One of the guys took a wrench from the floor and threw a swing at Yan. He dodged it easily without removing his hands from his pockets. They guy attacked over and over until Yan stopped backing off and kicked the guy under the chin (without removing his hands from his pockets) the man dropped the wrench and let out a scream of pain. Yan, still standing in one leg, turned around and threw another kick to the chest; throwing the guy around seven meters away. The crowed started to make a lot of noise, making phone call and taking pictures. Pictures weren't important at the moment since the sunglasses where big enough to cover half his face. However; the crowd was being unexpectedly energetic about the quarrel, the police ended up having to interfere. They arrested the biker and the two men that were supposedly helping him, the other guys managed to get away.

- I really can't thank you enough - the girl bowed to Khouta as he spoke. 

- It's fine. His mere presence was annoying me anyways. - The girl hugged Maruko. 

- I'm really glad you and your boyfriend showed up! He was really getting ... 

- "Boyfriend??" 

- It's fine. You should go home. - Yan said in a rough tone. - the police showed up before it became a scandal so just forget about it. 

- Yeah, you're right. Thanks again, for everything.

Maruko was walking behind Khouta for the first time, watching him carefully.

- I honestly didn't expect that. 

- What...Why are you behind me Maruko? 

- Cause, I ... 

- No excuses. Walk in front. 

- If I walk in front, then I'll feel like you're my body guard. That's uncomfortable. 

- I have my reasons Maruko. If you don't want that, then walk next to me.

Maruko cached up to him, but she seemed rather tense. They didn't talk until they arrived to the apartment. It was  just a long walk, full of thoughts. Yan seemed tired and he was turning pale again.

"I seriously don't know anything about him... I want to know, otherwise... how am I supposed to support him?" 

- Maruko. 

- Huh? Yeah? 

- Your shoes. 

- Oh, yeah. 

- What time is it?-Maruko looked at her watch 

- A quarter to two. - she said as she took off her shoes. 

- It's early, come on let's sit down in your room. - The girl, unexpectedly, got nervous. She didn't know what he would tell her. Even less how to tell him about the picture.

They sat down in her room. The atmosphere suddenly became tense and Yan seemed a bit insecure. He was sitting crossed  legged rubbing his hands against each other. When he finally looked up Maruko seemed a little scared. Yan put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a couple of pictures. She had seen them stick out of his pocket before, but she never thought  they could be so important.

- Who are they? - She asked as he lined the four pictures in a row. 

- Did Akira tell you about my blood type? 

- You mean Matsumoto-san? he said only three people had that type in the whole world

- That's not true, we here five. Me shura, iason, Dante and... and Sakura. - He said as he pointed at the picture's of them. - Iason... He didn't take the  injections well, they took him away. Some people told us he died of a heart attack or something like that, but I still think he's alive. That they are just keeping him away from us. Even so now it's just me,Shura and that idiot Dante. Our names aren't real. We have tattoos that allow the staff members to know which type of  experimentation we were subjects to. - Yan stood up and took off his shirt. And as he turned around to show his to Maruko  he continued explaining. - Iason came from I-950. Dante from 0-973 Shura from S-029 and finally they came up with Khouta from K-079. - Yan sat down again without  putting his shirt back on. - It was actually funny with Shura because her number spells out "Sora" but Sora is a boy's name so I choose a different one that suits her better.

- But... 

- Sh! Don't interrupt. - Maruko rested her head on her hand and pouted. 

- Dante and I never got along well, we were... Well the complete opposites, but we always had each other's backs. Shura used to call us husbands or married couple 'cause we would fight all the time but if you messed with one of us you would messed with both of us. 

- Which one is Dante? 

- This guy. 

- He's cute! - Yan glared at her - umm.. I mean.. he ... 

- You would hate him, trust me. Not your type at all. 

- Anyways... 

- Right. Each of us had a different species' DNA mixed with ours. Dante (D) was mixed with the types of wolves, Shura .... She'll kill me if I say it so I won't, even if she isn't here. Iason has an "I" so... bear I think... and I'm k so I'm a cat. 

- So you have a different species according to the letter.  

- Exactly. In the registry we all have a C in front of the consonant meaning that C is listed for a group exposed to genetic mutation. 

- Is that why you developed a second personality? 

- No. 

- Huh? Then how do you develop a second one? 

- Well there's two: dissociative identity disorder and this other one I have no idea about. My symptom is an effect of severe trauma during my early childhood.  Some are by repetitive physical, and emotional abuse; I was just not able to undergo physical pain normally. It's more like a coping mechanism - I literally  dissociated myself from a situation that was too violent, traumatic, and painful to assimilate with my conscious self. 

- Amazing... so it was your way to adapt to the situation?  

- Well yeah, something like that. 

- But then what does the number after the consonant mean? 

- The number of the person. I'm 79 so there were 78 people before me to be tested on cat DNA. 

- Wait you mean there are more people getting experimented on beside you guys? - Yan paused for a second. -  

- How many students are there in you school, Maruko? 

- I don't know, around... two thousand maybe. 

- That's not even a quarter of the amount of people in there. 

- Oh my god... - Maruko looked at the pictures and counted in a very low voice. - Yan... you're missing a person... 

- What do you mean? 

- You said five... you haven't talked about Sakura san... you only talked about the three others. - Yan put his head down and sighed.  

- I ... Sakura is dead. - He said after a moment of silence. 

- What? - She sounded very sad and disappointed to hear it. - How did it happen? Did she have an accident? 

- Something like that.... It was actually me who had the accident. 

- What are you talking about? How did she died if it was you---- 

- I ... I killed her. 

- What? Wait, what are you... Saying? 

- I think it's better if I tell you from the very beginning. From when I was first found by Akira san... when I was just interned...

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