The Unrevealed Truth (Suga x...

By AnimePlopPlop

9K 432 51

(Y/n) (L/n) is just an 'ordinary' girl who lives an ordinary life. She doesn't have many relatives and finds... More

Profile of (Y/n) (L/n)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note
Happy Ending
Sad Ending
Author's Note

Chapter 8

287 17 0
By AnimePlopPlop

(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day~

*yawn* Ah, that was a good sleep. Maybe I was just tired, but didn't realise it. My roommate, Yoona, still hadn't woken up yet so I used this time to get ready for the day.

"Oh, Yoona. You're awake?"
"I'm going to have a quick shower."

I headed into the bathroom. Seriously, how much money did uncle have? Was he some kind of millionaire? Maybe a billionaire? This school was way more luxurious than my home.

The windows had a silver/gold lining, with clear and opaque glass. The shower was clean and neat. The bath was big enough to be a spa. Coincidentally, it even had a button to change its original function into a spa-like bath. Geez...

Yoongi's POV

*sigh* I was in the middle of working on our new song and Dae Hyun just had to call me over. Jungkook was called as well, but why us? I mean, there were five other members in BTS. Did he seriously have to choose me?

"Why did you call us here?"
"There's a new transfer student coming here. Her name is Park Yuri, and she has the power of mind manipulation. But be very careful around her, I have a bad feeling about this."
"Then why did you accept her?"
"You know the saying, 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer'."
"Yeah, but are you sure this is a good idea?" Jungkook asked.
"I am worried but we need to accept her in order to investigate properly. Also, there is a very high chance that she is after (Y/n)."
"Why (Y/n)?-"

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation. Was Yuri here already? That was quicker than I expected.

She came in with a very big, but fake, smile on her face. Namjoon and Jimin looked extremely uncomfortable with her holding their hands.

"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Park Yuri."
"Ah, Yuri. Jungkook and Jimin can show you around," exclaimed Dae Hyun.

She left happily while clinging, mostly, onto Jungkook's arm. Did she seriously not understand the meaning of personal space?

(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey (Y/n)!" yelled a voice that was all too familiar.
"Omg, you had a special ability too?! I never knew!"
"Leave me alone."

She didn't reply. There was only a terrifyingly long silence that followed. Nobody said a word, no one dared to. The tension in the air was suffocating. Surprisingly, most people in the hallway had gathered to watch our little 'quarrel'.

"Fine, I'll stop being your friend. I hated you just like you hated me. Honestly, it was hard to put up an act like that."
"I'm glad you finally realised, now if you'll excuse me."
"You're not going anywhere. I want to get rid you."
"You mean fight me? Well, forget it. I'm not interested."

Suddenly, my body stopped moving. She just smirked and walked forward so that she was now in front of me.

"Kneel down."

My body moved by itself, completely against my mind. What was happening? Why did I listen to everything Yuri told me to do?

It took all my willpower and strength, but I looked up and glared at her.

"H-how can you...?"

I forced myself to stand up. Honestly, it felt like a big wave of water was pushing me down but this wasn't impossible. She hasn't trained with her power so it wasn't impossible. It wasn't impossible to move against her power.

"What did you do? How come you can resist my power?" she asked angrily.

Before I had the chance to reply, daggers made out of ice flew towards her and pinned her to the wall by her clothes.

"Y-Yoongi oppa..."
"Yuri, shut the hell up. I never liked you. You already showed your true colours," he said with an intimidating glare.
"But I didn't do anything wrong. She was the one that suggested we fight-"
"You think I'd believe that when I already saw what was happening? Seems like you only care about your looks. There's no brain in your head, is there?"
"Tch, fine. I don't need you. I have the other members of BTS."
"Who said?" Taehyung asked with a serious expression.
"Everyone, go back to your classes. I'll deal with this," exclaimed uncle.

Everyone hurriedly left, leaving the hallway silent. Yoongi and Taehyung stayed, and refused to leave.

"Yoongi, remove these ice daggers," said uncle.
"Yoongi, now's not the time to be stubborn."

He reluctantly made them disappear.

"I knew Yoongi oppa was a good person. I knew you'd find me innocent-"

He just glared at her with anger. I swear...if looks could kill, she would be dead right now.

"(Y/n), go with them back to class."

Yoongi simply turned into ice and disappeared into thin air. Taehyung quickly ushered me to class.

While walking back, I couldn't help but feel responsible for her being here. She was obviously here to torment me in some way. I don't understand why she would do something like that though.

"Hey (Y/n)."
"Yeah? What is it, Taehyung?"
"What is your relationship with Yuri?"
"...nothing much. We're just fake friends."

He stayed quiet, not even giving me a reply.

"So what happened to Yoongi?"
"Oh, you mean when he disappeared? He does that when he's really mad or annoyed. Only very few people with cyrokinesis can do that. He just teleported using ice."
"Don't worry about him. He'll get over it quickly...well, there are some times when he has held a grudge for a long time but it wasn't your fault."

I didn't answer him. How could it not be my fault that Yuri came here? The reason she transferred definitely had something to do with me. I had to deal with this myself. I needed to find out what my ability was...before it was too late.

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